Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 405 The Sky God Appears

Chapter 405 The Sky God Appears
"Okay, since your experience is different from mine, then I have nothing more to ask you, and you have resisted my blue lantern, so you can leave the Wuxin Temple according to the agreement."

Wuxin didn't embarrass Lin Chen any more. After all, Wuxin didn't have any real attack tactics. If Qingdeng couldn't do anything to the opponent, Wuxin would have no way to stop him even if he wanted to.

"I'm leaving."

Lin Chen saw that the other party agreed so readily, so he didn't say anything more. Regarding the matter of not having a heart, Lin Chen also knew that it would be impossible to know why for a while. The most important thing right now is to get the star of the gods!

Lin Chen continued to walk towards the front of Wuxin Temple, and when he was about to leave, Wuxin's voice rang in Lin Chen's ears again.

"Before you leave, I would like to advise you that the main temple is now resisting the attack of the god of the sky. Going to the main temple at this time is tantamount to death."


Wuxin's words confirmed Lin Chen's guess, but these are not important to Lin Chen, he only wants the star of the gods, and Lin Chen will eliminate anyone who tries to stop him.

After Lin Chen left the Wuxin Temple, a temple comparable to a mountain appeared in front of him. It was so huge that people standing under it could not see its whole picture clearly, and the divine power contained in it could only be said in time.

Above Lin Chen's head, the sky showed a fiery red appearance, and many faceless people appeared above the main temple surrounded by clouds. Among these people, there was an old man in a blue robe floating.

The old man held a sapphire blue cane in his hand. He was seven meters tall. Such a height made the faceless people around him look very small.

"God of the sky?"

Although Lin Chen has never met the Sky God, but seeing the opponent's posture, there will be no one else except the Sky God.

"Fan Yu! I am the god of the sky in the realm of the gods. Now all the temples in the realm of the gods are under the control of my realm of the gods, so you should stop stubbornly resisting."

The voice of the God of the Sky pierced through the nine heavens like thunder, and the main temple in front of him seemed to tremble because of it.

Lin Chen felt that his eardrums were about to be shattered by the god of the sky, and his head was a little dizzy.

"Fan Yu hasn't appeared yet?"

Lin Chen found it very strange. It stands to reason that even the god of the sky has come to the door. It is impossible for Fanyu not to appear. Besides, Fanyu is the emperor of the gods. Except for the legendary god, Fanyu is the whole world. The most powerful existence in the God Realm will never back down from the Sky God of the God Realm.

When Lin Chen looked at the main temple, he found that there were still many gods kneeling in front of the God of the Sky. These people were all from the God Realm, and if Lin Chen guessed correctly, they should be the gods of Fanyu.

"What about these gods?"

Lin Chen felt very strange, the people from the God Realm were scared before the fight started?Besides, they are still the gods of the main temple.

Just when Lin Chen was very puzzled, a calm voice appeared in the main temple. Although the voice was not loud, everyone present heard it clearly.

"Is that the god of the sky? This is the main shrine of my Fanyu, why don't you just stay in your own homes and come to my God Realm to shout!? You really don't take me, Fanyu seriously!"

That's right, the owner of this voice is Fan Yu, the most powerful Supreme God in the God Realm!

After Fan Yu's words, there was a loud bang, and the door of the main temple opened, and a young man appeared.

The man was wearing a dragon robe similar to the ancient emperor's robe, but the dragon on his robe was lifelike. This man was Fanyu!
Fan Yu's complexion is stern, his facial features are as if carved out, if placed in the mortal world, he is definitely an idol in the idol school.

When Fanyu appeared, those gods who were kneeling on the ground kept prostrating and worshiping Fanyu. Only then did Lin Chen realize that it turned out that these gods kneeling were not the gods of the sky, but Fanyu!

"Fan Yu! You are finally willing to show up!"

Seeing Fanyu's appearance, the god of the sky didn't change his expression, and still looked down at everything below with a detached attitude.

"Oh ~ before I ask you a question, I have to teach you what respect is!"

As soon as Fan Yu finished speaking, his body remained motionless, and the golden dragon on his clothes suddenly pierced the sky and rushed towards the sky god. The golden dragon let out a terrifying roar, and the next moment, the golden dragon wagged its tail It hit the sky god hard on the head.

"How dare you underestimate me?"

Facing the golden dragon, the god of the sky waved his hand calmly without any panic, and the golden dragon stopped in front of him.

Seeing the golden dragon stop, the god of the sky set his eyes on Fan Yu: "The power of the gods is in front of me, and it is not worth mentioning at all."


Fan Yu seemed to have expected this situation long ago, his eyes narrowed slightly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, all of a sudden!
Fan Yu raised his hands violently, and then a pair of huge hands extended infinitely and touched the corner of the sky god's clothes.

"Get off me!"

Fan Yu yelled loudly, and those huge hands grabbed the corner of the sky god's clothes forcibly. The sky god wanted to resist, but Fan Yu still pulled him down from the air.

"The Sky God of God's Domain has to kneel before me!!!"

Fan Yu's seemingly arrogant words were like the top of Mount Tai. Lin Chen noticed that the legs of the Sky God began to weaken, and the nearly seven-meter-high Sky God had already half-kneeled in front of Fan Yu.

"What a powerful divine power."

It was the first time for Lin Chen to see such a powerful power. This kind of power was not comparable to that of the Emperor of the Underworld. Lin Chen even doubted whether the power of the God of Chaos was stronger than that of Fan Yu.

But this thought just flashed through Lin Chen's mind, just kidding, how could the God of Chaos not be Fan Yu's opponent?

The sky god's whole face turned red, he never thought that the god emperor of the god world could be so strong, even he felt a little weak.

"Kneel down for me!!!"

Fan Yu also exerted all the divine power in his body, and that monstrous power pressed hard on the head of the God of the Sky, and saw——


The sky god's knee suddenly went limp, and he knelt down in front of Fan Yu.


Lin Chen's pupils suddenly dilated, isn't this too scary?Didn't it say that the power of the God Realm cannot hurt the people in the God Realm?
It would be a different matter if the other party was one of the sons of the Sky God, but this is the legendary Sky God.

"Hmph! Want to control my God Realm? You have to see if you have the ability!"

Fan Yu clapped his hands in satisfaction after seeing the sky god kneeling down, and then the golden dragon hanging in the air returned to Fan Yu's body again.

(End of this chapter)

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