Chapter 100

Xingbu Shangshu is a senior official of the second grade, holding the right to judge and convict, many high-ranking officials' children are taking advantage of him, he took advantage of loopholes in the law, and sentenced many unjust, false and wrongly decided cases. His son was also arrested two days ago One of the people the prince asked to leave.

Although the rank of Minister of the Xing Department is higher than that of the Minister of the Ministry of War, because he is not a member of the Bai family, he does not have the courage of the Minister of the Ministry of War. Before the Chuli people arrived, he led a group of family members to greet him respectfully at the door.

"See Prince..."

"Forget it, take him away!" Chu Li didn't wait for him to finish, and ordered the Imperial Forest Army behind him. There were two Imperial Forest Army soldiers pulling him away. Chu Li glanced at the surrounding crowd seemingly indifferently, and saw a person running away in a panic, with an unclear smile on the corner of his lips.

Back in the East Palace, Chu Li just threw a few people into the cell and didn't care about them, let alone any interrogation, which made a few people confused and didn't understand what the vigorous and resolute Prince Highness meant. Of course, no one explained to them , they had no choice but to sigh or be aggrieved.

The Bai family is already a little panicked. After all, Chu Li is not just playing around this time. It is so obvious that everyone can see Chu Li's intention, which is to bring down the Bai family. No matter how powerful the Bai family is, it is not yet The opponent of the royal family, the Bai family urgently consulted with the previous generation of the Bai family to discuss countermeasures. However, although the previous generation of the Bai family were extraordinary, they were all proud of their talents because of their extraordinaryness. They rarely agreed, and even separated. Today The servant of the military department who was forcefully taken away by Chu Li in the morning was the son of the Bai family. He was also talented and good at martial arts. It is not uncommon for families to collude with each other and use power for personal gain. In fact, the previous generation of the Bai family was so troublesome. degradation.

The previous generations of the Bai family, except for the arrested Minister of the Ministry of War, are gathering together at this time, each talking about what happened to Chu Li this time. The Bai family has been rampant for a hundred years, with deep roots in Southern Chu, and even witnessed the changes of the royal family. , if they are wiped out, the consequences will be unimaginable, and it is a failure that the Bai family cannot bear.

"Patriarch, in my opinion, you might as well make the move you buried. My Bai family must not fail." The second son of the Bai family said. It's not low, and I still have some right to speak in the Bai family.

"That's right, Prince Chuli is very favored by the emperor, and he acts neatly and carefully. If we don't take the initiative to attack, we will be cleaned up by him sooner or later!" Another young master also agreed.

"Yes, I think so too." Another person said: "Patriarch, the Bai family actually has the strength to fight against Chu Li now, and now it is the opportunity to do it at the cusp..."

"Okay!" Patriarch Bai suddenly raised his hand to interrupt the words of the few people. Although they were dissatisfied, they didn't dare to say anything, so they had to stop and look at Patriarch Bai.Patriarch Bai looked at the man who had been sitting quietly, and asked, "Third brother, what do you think?"

Everyone's eyes also shifted to the eldest son Bai Yimo. Although he was not an official in the court, he was more famous than all of them. The third son of Jianjue Bai family was also the direct son of the Bai family, and his status was not to mention noble. , no matter in the Jianghu or in the hearts of the people in the world, they are synonymous with heroic and resourceful, and their status is even more extraordinary. If the princes of the Bai family are jealous of the head of the family, Prime Minister Bai, then people like him are not even jealous Those who are qualified are waiting for him to speak.

Bai Yimo raised his head and glanced at Patriarch Bai. He was clearly a brother, but the sarcasm and contempt in his eyes were so obvious. Bai Yimo glanced at the others again, stood up and turned to leave. Everyone was a little displeased. Jie, looking at him suspiciously, he said casually: "The Bai family should have been destroyed a long time ago!"

"Bai Yimo, what do you mean?" One of the bad-tempered sons stood up angrily, pointed at Bai Yimo's leaving back and said, but Bai Yimo didn't even stop at all, and left their room line of sight.

The head of the Bai family watched him leave with a deep expression. After the young masters were filled with righteous indignation and said that they had misjudged the person and scolded Bai Yimo for being a coward, he said in a deep voice, "The Bai family will definitely keep it!"

After listening to Patriarch Bai's words, several people also had deep eyes. The Bai family must be kept, but how to protect it? With the strong support of the Southern Chu Emperor, everyone wants to protect him, but it is not easy.

Patriarch Bai saw the silence of several people, and said in a low voice: "Chu Xi, I don't want to use it anymore!"

"Why? You raised him for more than ten years, isn't it just for today?" One person asked, and this is exactly what the others were puzzled about.

"It's not for today." Patriarch Bai glanced coldly at the person who asked the question. The person lowered his head. Patriarch Bai looked at the crowd again and said, "The Bai family can no longer live like this. We can change it!"

In the past few days, Chu Li has successively arrested a few small officials who are not members of the Bai family but have ties to the Bai family. He made it clear that he wanted to fight against the Bai family, and even started to open gambling shops to bet on the new crown prince. Can His Highness destroy the centuries-old Bai family? Ordinary people generally have little contact with politics. They only know that officials in the capital don't look at people, they only look at money.But Chu Li's fanfare this time made them understand a little bit. Of course, more people bought the Bai family that Chu Li could not destroy for a hundred years. Only one person bet 1000 taels until Chu Li won in the evening The casino situation quickly reversed.

The man in black knelt down in front of Chu Li respectfully, and said, "Emissary Li Yun, the lord and mistress have returned to Beijing!"

"What about the Lord's injury?" Chu Li was still worried and asked.

"Honorable Master is fine." Before the man in black could reply, Qingyan answered for him, motioned the man in black to leave, and said, "Don't forget that our mistress is a medical fairy!"

"I can't forget it!" Chu Li didn't bother to talk to him, he said casually, and after a while, he asked again: "Where did you go?"

"Me?" Qingyan asked back: "I went back to Yungong."

"Go back?" Chu Li frowned: "Why?"

"I'm here to help you. After we're done, we'll go to the Holy Capital together. Let the Yun Palace be handed over to Yue Yi first, and I'll go back and tell her a few words." Qing Yan said.

Chu Li didn't think too much, and said with a smile: "Yueyi still uses you to teach, she usually looks like a child, but she is much more stable than you when she is serious!"

"Cut!" Qingyan glared at him, and continued: "The Bai family should make a move soon, right?"

"Yeah." Chu Li nodded, even if this matter is over soon, he should make a complete decision with this place!

It was another morning court, this time the Emperor Nan Chu hadn't come yet, the officials were already chatting in full swing, until the Emperor Nan Chu came in, there was a sudden silence, everyone shouted long live, and then some people were afraid, some looked at the gloomy face of the Emperor Nan Chu expectantly , Emperor Nan Chu didn't let everyone get up, his eyes swept over the kneeling officials, the officials seemed to have felt that Emperor Nan Chu's eyes rested on Prime Minister Bai, after a while, Emperor Nan Chu didn't say anything, or Let the officials flatten out, and just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief and raised their clothes and were about to stand up, Emperor Nanchu suddenly said in a dark voice: "Prime Minister, kneel down!"

Prime Minister Bai was startled, and the officials were even more surprised when they looked at him. Emperor Nanchu had never failed to show off the face of the Bai family. This time, he blatantly asked Bai Cheng to kneel in front of the officials, which shows that Emperor Nanchu was determined. Punish the Bai family!
Prime Minister Bai knelt down according to his words, but he just asked respectfully: "I don't know, but there is a villain who arranges ministers again, so that the emperor is so displeased?"

"Small man?" Nan Chu Huang was furious: "Are you saying that the crown prince is a villain? Do you mean that the people in the world are villains?"

"I dare not." Prime Minister Bai kowtowed and said respectfully.

The old emperor looked at him with a gloomy face: "You really dare not, because your Bai family is the real villain!"

"The emperor has wronged the minister, but the minister dare not..."

"Enough!" Emperor Nan Chu waved his hand in disgust, and threw a stack of various letters in front of him: "I don't want to listen to your explanation anymore. You don't let Ru see these evidences yourself!"

As long as you are an official, you are not stupid. Everyone thinks that keeping these evidences can one day be used to threaten others, to protect themselves, or even to bite the enemy back, but they forget that sometimes these evidences can also be used as evidence. Crucial evidence killed him.

Prime Minister Bai picked up the papers, flipped through two of them casually, and said, "I don't know what these are!"

"You still dare to quibble!" Emperor Nan Chu was furious, and asked someone to bring the people who were caught by Chu Li a few days ago. When I saw Prime Minister Bai kneeling there with a pile of letter papers next to them, these people who didn't know why quickly collapsed their defenses, telling their relationship with Prime Minister Bai one by one, and even claimed their own letters.

"What else do you have to say?" Nan Chu Huang said angrily.

"I have nothing to say." After Prime Minister Bai finished speaking, he stood up and said, "My Bai family has lasted for a hundred years. I once helped the ancestors of the emperor to fight the country. The ancestors of the emperor Xu Bai's family used the power of the Qing emperor. Now the emperor is being raped." I deceived my eyes and ears, so I believed the words of these people. I want to punish my Bai family. The Bai family is responsible for assisting the monarch, so I will definitely..."

"Is the traitor on the side of the king that Patriarch Bai said is the prince?" Before Prime Minister Bai finished his righteous words, Chu Li walked in. From the beginning, he was a little uneasy when he saw that Chu Li had not come. Seeing Chu Li appear, the feeling of uneasiness is even stronger, I'm afraid he still underestimated Chu Li.

As always, Chu Li did not wear the prince's court clothes. The bright red robes and extremely handsome and monstrous appearance stood out among a group of listless ministers wearing court clothes. He chuckled lightly: "Are you talking about the prince?"

"You are just brought back from Beichen by the emperor today, and now you are causing the capital to be full of storms and storms, and the government and the public are unstable. I suspect that you are a spy sent by Beichen!" He thought of a good rhetoric to attack Chu Li.

However, Chu Li just smiled softly, but there was obvious coldness in that smile. No one dared to speak. Chu Li slowly approached Prime Minister Bai, and said, "Is this prince the only son of Empress Yue? Isn't Prime Minister Bai the clearest? After all, the prime minister was very accurate when he assassinated the prince after he framed my mother all those years ago!"

"What did you say!" Prime Minister Bai was shocked, and the officials exploded in an instant. Prime Minister Bai glanced at Chu Li. Chu Li really came back to take revenge. Indeed, he knew better than anyone that Chu Li was Nan Chu. The only child of Empress Yue is also the crown prince of Nan Chu since he was born. Prime Minister Bai knew that Chu Li dared to say that with full confidence, and his eyes suddenly became gloomy: "Empress Yue was unknown at the time. The monk said, what does this have to do with my Bai family?"

"Saint Monk Xunyin?" Chu Li smiled softly: "The Holy Monk Xunyin back then was invited by Prime Minister Bai of your Bai family to send it?"

"Yes." Prime Minister Bai nodded, "It was the minister who personally invited the Holy Monk Xunyin, and he also said that the Moon Queen was unknown."

"Prime Minister Bai, why don't you think about it, is the person you invited really called Xun Yin?" Chu Li said with a half-smile.

Prime Minister Bai was taken aback for a moment, then nodded: "Of course."

"The Holy Monk Xunyin is this person?" Chu Li asked with his trademark evil smile, looking at Prime Minister Bai's slightly changed expression.

I saw a white-haired monk walking in the door. He looked kind and kind-eyed. He was best at divination and fortune-telling. He had never missed anyone's fate in his life. However, because of this, he had a very high status in the hearts of the people. The representative of the god, he walked in and looked at Prime Minister Bai, bent slightly, and said: "Prime Minister, the poor monk heard everything just now. The poor monk has never divination or fortune-telling for the Queen of the Moon. How can the poor monk say that the moon The queen is unknown?"

The officials were even more in an uproar. If the Bai family really had the guts to frame Queen Yue and murder the prince, it would not be an exaggeration to copy the Nine Clans.

Prime Minister Bai's face has completely changed since meeting the Holy Monk Xunyin. Xunyin Xunyin has been looking for a place where he can live in seclusion all his life. He doesn't care about world affairs. Unless he looks for others, few people will find him. He couldn't be found at all, so that Xun Yin was just someone he pretended to be, because few people have actually seen Xun Yin, so few people can see it.

"If you say you are Xunyin, will we believe it?" Prime Minister Bai said coldly.

Xun Yin smiled: "The poor monk never proves himself. Since the Prime Minister is unwilling to believe it, then continue to deceive yourself and others. However, you should not be able to deceive others now!"

After Xun Yin finished speaking, he turned around and left. Naturally, no one dared to stop him, and no one could stop him. When he reached the door, he suddenly turned around, as if remembering something, and said casually: "Oh, it was Prime Minister Bai The person who sent someone to assassinate the prince, coincidentally, the poor monk happened to pass by that year, and then rescued His Highness the prince together with King Beichen Yu, those who did the murders were the prime minister's hidden guards..."

Prime Minister Bai was taken aback, Xun Yin had already disappeared, this last move was not a proof, but it also proved his authenticity, it is rumored that the holy monk Xun Yin has extremely high martial arts skills, and can even disappear in front of people's eyes in an instant.The ministers were shocked by this incident, and they dared not speak for a while after being uproarious just now. That was a serious crime, and no one dared to show any limelight.

Prime Minister Bai finally gave up on finding an excuse for his behavior. He knew that Chu Li had come prepared to put the Bai family to death. Either the Bai family would be imprisoned and never live again, or they would fight to the death. , the winner and the loser.

Prime Minister Bai suddenly smiled strangely, as if he was saying to the officials, and he seemed to be saying to Chu Li: "The Bai family is full of wings, and now it has spread all over the capital. Your Royal Highness, you just came to Nanchu. You can move!" Are you in the Bai family?"

"Try it!" Chu Li didn't care at all, and chuckled lightly.

Like all the rebels in the past, Prime Minister Bai also called out someone to come, and the ending of history is often surprisingly similar. People have been completely controlled by Chu Li. Chu Li smiled and said: "Master Prime Minister, Haven’t you read the storybook? This kind of scene is written like this!”

"Chu Li!" Prime Minister Bai was furious. He arranged it quietly for a long time. He knew that he was actually at a disadvantage against the royal family. Even if Chu Huang is a newcomer Chu Li, it is impossible for him to call too much. He only has this advantage, so he wants to fight to the death, but he is still controlled by Chu Li!He laughed strangely: "Even so, you can't keep me, Chu Li!"

The two elders, Guiming, suddenly appeared, floated and landed beside Prime Minister Bai, protected him, and looked at Chu Li with a murderous look.

Seeing that Chu Li had finally put away his playful smile, Prime Minister Bai said excitedly, "You two, kill them!"

The two elders flew up, gusts of wind blew up where the powerful internal force swept through, and the officials were shaken to the side, especially the civil servants who had no internal force, were almost seriously injured, so they had no choice but to hold on.

The two rushed straight to Chu Li, Chu Li squinted his eyes slightly, he knew that the Yulin Army guarding Nan Chuhuang behind him was nothing in front of this kind of martial arts master, so he couldn't avoid it, so he had to wave his hand to face theirs attack.The two internal forces collided, and both sides took a few steps back. Gui Lao glanced at Chu Li and seemed to have a smile of admiration: "You little doll actually hid martial arts that day. Take you as an apprentice."

Chu Li was more seriously injured than the two of them, and the blood flowed upwards. Chu Li pursed his lips and suppressed the discomfort forcibly, and the two elders had already killed him again. The Emperor Nan Chu had already moved away from Chu Li under the mutual escort of the Imperial Forest Army. , Chu Li and the two faced each other, with silver threads flying non-stop in their hands. In fact, tricks between masters, poison and other petty tricks are really not worth mentioning, and there is no chance at all, so they can only rely on hard work.

Even though Chu Li's skill is much worse than that of the two elders, he can still maintain a balanced state for a short time. The moment the two sides stopped, Ming Lao suddenly turned his hand to attack Nan Chu Huang. Chu Li was entangled by Gui Lao, and it was too late to stop. Flying forward, he wanted to catch the palm with his whole body, but his heart suddenly felt a sharp pain. Chu Li's face turned pale in an instant, and he withdrew his light work and half knelt on the ground. Ming Lao's target was him, and when he found something wrong with him, he quickly waved his hand and slashed out. Palm, the sound of the flute came into his mind, Wang Gu was suddenly awakened, Chu Li had no ability to resist at all, with severe pain in his heart, he could only forcefully use his lightness kung fu to retreat.

"Li'er!" Nan Chuhuang suddenly called out.However, before he could finish his sentence, a green robe floated past, and before Emperor Nan Chu could react, the green robe had already received Ming Lao's palm with a wave.After taking a few steps back, seeing Chu Li's pained face pale, eyes full of murderous intent, he asked softly, "Is it Chu Xiyun again?"

"Yeah." Chu Li nodded with difficulty, and said very lightly: "It's not more than half an hour, it's okay."

"Yeah." Qingyan nodded, stood up at the same time, looked at Guiming and Guiming, his voice was full of coldness: "You want to die!"

"Just because of you, you also want to kill us?" Gui Lao seemed to have heard the big joke, and looked at Qingyan jokingly.

Qingyan also said with a smile: "May I know right away!"

While Qingyan was speaking, a gray shadow floated into the hall, and before everyone could react, he circled around the Guiming Erlao, who suddenly vomited blood and fell to the ground, pointing at the gray shadow , Shocked and said: " are?"

That gray shadow ignored them, walked up to hug Chu Li and was about to leave, when Nan Chuhuang saw him taking Chu Li away, he immediately called out: "Li'er!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, Chu Li will be fine!" Qing Yan stopped Emperor Nan Chu, and said with a smile: "Let the Emperor take care of this, I'll go back and see Chu Li go!"

 ~Off-topic sharing:

  By accident, the upload was a bit late.

(End of this chapter)

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