Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 101 The Boy After 5 Years

Chapter 101

Before Emperor Nan Chu answered, Qing Yan had already left the main hall, and the gray shadow had brought Chu Li back to the East Palace. When Qing Yan passed by, the gray shadow was sending Chu Li the internal force to suppress the King Gu, his internal force It was extremely high, but after a short while, the King Gu in Chu Li's body was temporarily suppressed, Hui Ying got off the bed, and Chu Li turned around weakly: "Are you... the shadow of Ah Yu?"

"Yes, I am the shadow of the lord—the blood shadow." Gray Shadow's voice was cold, without emotion at all, but when he said the word "lord", he had some feelings that seemed to be respect.

"Why are you here?" Chu Li knew that he, as Ying Chenyu's shadow, had almost never left Ying Chenyu's side. His martial arts were extremely high, and he wanted to protect Ying Chenyu in times of crisis, and even died for him one day. Chu Li and the others knew that there was such a person by Ying Chenyu's side all along, but they had never seen him appear before, but now he didn't appear by Ying Chenyu's side, which made him feel strange.

"The lord knows that the Bai family has masters, so he specially asked me to come here." Xue Ying's voice was cold, saying that it was a shadow, but it was actually not at all like Ying Chenyu.

Chu Li frowned. This time, Nan Chu’s handling was really bad. If Ayu hadn’t sent Qing Yan and Xue Ying over, he might not be able to come back alive today. Ying said again: "Honorable Master said that the King Gu on your body has been forcibly activated twice, so you should hurry back to Beichen."

"Back to Beichen?" Chu Li was a little surprised. It should be easier to understand Gu in Nanchu!
Xueying didn't explain, and his voice was still cold: "Well, you should recover from your injuries now, and go back when you are healed."

"Yes." No matter what the reason was, since Ying Chenyu gave the order, he had to obey, and he lay down to rest after answering.

The Bai family's intention to rebel has been known to all the world, the city gate has been closed urgently, the people outside the city who tried to enter the city have left one after another, and the city has been raging with war. No matter how powerful the Bai family is, even if they have military power, they will not have an army. Prime Minister Bai originally only wanted to force the palace to control the Southern Chu Emperor, and killing Chu Li would be a matter of course, but now it is the second elder Guiming who was killed. With the advantage, the Bai family can only conspire in the end, not strategy.

Qingyan personally brought people to Bai's house. The young masters had a lot of martial arts skills, but most of them were self-defense skills of the rich kids. Everything seems to be like this.

The young masters of the Bai family were taken away by Qing Yan after a while, but these people did not move Bai Yimo, Qing Yan waved them away, looked at Bai Yimo with a smile, and said: "My young master asked me to come Ask Your Excellency for advice, Mr. Jianjue?"

"I've already retired from the world, so there's no need to call me Young Master Jianjue, but since he let you come, let's discuss each other, envoy Qingyun?"

Bai Yimo's voice was faint, and the last three words were softer and more meaningful, Qing Yan smiled slightly: "Young master Jianjue is really smart!"


"It's okay if you don't want to be smart if you don't want to face your son!" Bai Yimo said casually, the sword was out, and it was cold to the bone.

"That's true!" Qingyan chuckled, and dodged the stabbing sword sideways. After five years, he finally had a chance to face off against the old master Jianjue. Qingyan was actually a little excited.

The three sons of that year retired from each other 15 years ago. Unexpectedly, when Yungong was born five years ago, they happened to meet him in the Jianghu, but Yungong had no grievances or enmities with him, and there was nothing wrong with him. But unfortunately, for some reason, he knew that the owner of Wandu Mountain was the concubine Beichenyu who should have died in the fire, but he seemed to have a grudge against Mo Lingyu, and used his own reputation to fight against Wandu in the rivers and lakes. Mo Lingyu is about to kill Mo Lingyu. Mo Lingyu's identity is unknown, so naturally he dare not reveal it. If Emperor Beichen knew about it, he would definitely save Mo Lingyu. Getting Mo Lingyu is just around the corner, but unfortunately Ying Chenyu also got to know Mo Lingyu at that time, no matter how much she had treated him, he would never be able to watch others kill her, so Ying Chenyu stopped him. Under Bai Yimo, Ying Chenyu used his own name, no one knew that he was Yungong Yunzun, he brought Chu Li Qingyan and the other four, a total of five children, and swept away Bai Yimo and their righteous men, of course , because Ying Chenyu can't use his internal force too much, most of the time it's the people sent by the stinky old man to protect and monitor him.
Coincidentally, once Qingyan accidentally ran into Bai Yimo by himself. Qingyan was only 14 years old back then, and there was no one to rescue him around. , but it is also difficult to match Bai Yimo's decades of skill. It is not a disastrous defeat, but it is not glorious. It is not Ying Chenyu's opponent. Even if Ying Chenyu is only in his teens and younger than Qingyan, this is enough to shock Bai Yimo. With his martial arts, there is no way to fight back in the hands of this young man, even a child. But what was even more shocking was that Ying Chenyu didn't kill him, but just told him that Qingyan would defeat him with his own hands in at most five years.

Now that five years have passed, Qingyan has been busy with the affairs of Yungong these years, and rarely has the opportunity to come to him. Now, Ying Chenyu still remembers this incident, and specially sent Qingyan over, swords and swords, clothes and belts flying, Qingyan is no longer the young and flamboyant boy he was back then, he has the strength to rival Bai Yimo, and even more courage.

There were only a few hundred moves between the masters and the winner was decided. Bai Yimo knelt on the ground with blood on his white clothes. He looked at Qingyan. The sun was just right at this moment. Yimo laughed lightly and said: "I never thought he could really train you to be such a master within five years. That kid is really not easy."

Qingyan doesn't speak, he's not an expert, he's just willing to give more than others, he and Yueyi have been orphans from as long as they can remember, they depended on each other, they fought with children who were much older than them in order to get some food, and in order to win and steal. They ran to various sects to study secretly, and were bullied since they were young. They were not Chuli, they were born in the royal family, and they were well-clothed and well-fed since they were young. Everything they had was bought by themselves. It just so happened that Ying Chenyu was in his fancy.

Bai Yimo saw that Qingyan didn't speak, and smiled again, this time he was laughing at himself, he said: "Qingyan, the only thing I was happy about back then was that I didn't kill you, and I thank him for saving you, because you , Ben is a genius!"

Qingyan still didn't speak, turned around and left, leaving Bai Yimo alone in the empty Baijia, no one went back to catch him, and no one would kill him. Choose by yourself, no longer the son of the Bai family, no longer the son of Jianjue, and never... love someone who shouldn't be loved.

The Bai family only disappeared from the sight of the people in the capital overnight. Therefore, a large number of people related to the Bai family were involved in the case, and they were all dealt with by the Southern Chu Emperor with strong measures, including the third prince Chu Xi and Bai Guifei. What was left was Chu Xiyun who had just recovered from a serious illness for ten years. Because she had never had any relationship with the Bai family and was a child of the royal family, Emperor Nan Chu didn't touch her.Chu Li's injury has also healed a bit, but after all, the King Gu will attack every night, even if it is suppressed with medicine, his face is still a little pale.

Ying Chenyu and Zi Qianyue had already returned to Beichen, and Zi Qianyue was listening to Ying Chenyu telling her about Qingyan and the four of them at that time. Yue asked again and again and said: "It's really an accident, she is the daughter of a famous family, and she is also the daughter of the first wife. She was born with rich clothes and good food, and she is unruly and willful. It is impossible for me to have anything to do with each other, but I used to..."

Seeing Ying Chenyu paused, Zi Qianyue looked at him strangely. Ying Chenyu seemed a little embarrassed. Seeing that Zi Qianyue was interested, she said: "When I was younger, I just wanted to get rid of the smelly old man who watched me. They made a move, there were too many people, and they couldn't beat them, but they could still escape from them. Well, they got poisoned as soon as they left, and they happened to be seen by Xiangying. Standing there, they were afraid that people would call for help everywhere, so they threw me away just now. All the lost people called over, even the old man came in person. Not only did he take me back as soon as I left the valley, but he also asked Changying if he wanted to play with me. I was not allowed to go out of the valley for a whole year, and I was even kept looking at me every day."

After hearing this, Zi Qianyue burst out laughing, thinking that no matter when he met Chu Li, or Qing Yan and Yue Yi, he saved them when they were down and out, but Ying Ying was the one who watched him down and down, He was also arrested because of the failed resistance. Thinking about it, you know how angry Ying Chenyu was at that time. He has always been calm and calm, with a young and mature appearance. He was so angry that he even wanted to kill Xiangying, but the old man was protecting him, so there was nothing he could do.

Zi Qianyue was smiling without any image, when Yan Ying suddenly walked in and said, "What is the princess laughing at?"

"Laughing at you!" Zi Qianyue looked at her and smiled even more happily.

Xiang Ying was a little puzzled: "What's wrong with me?"

"You just met your lord..." Zi Qianyue said with a smile, Ying Chenyu frowned helplessly, and said, "Yueyue..."

"Oh, when I first met the Lord?" Before Ying Chenyu could stop Zi Qianyue, Tan Ying had already struck up a conversation. That was definitely something she could be proud of for the rest of her life. She completely ignored Ying Chenyu's gradual sinking With a downcast face, he said with a smile: "Princess, you don't know, when the Lord was taken away by that old man, he was obviously in pain and pushed the old man desperately to prevent the old man from touching him, but he still got acupuncture points from the old man. He took it away forcefully, the lord was like a tsundere ghost at the time, and he was more beautiful and exquisite than everyone I had ever seen, especially cute, so the old man asked me if I would like to..."

"Xianying..." Ying Chenyu's complexion completely sank, and she called out in a low voice, "You've been too free lately, haven't you?"

"No, no!" Danying was so happy that she completely forgot that the current lord is no longer the tsundere and cute child. She quickly waved her hand, turned around and rushed towards the door, only the voice echoed in the room: "Li Shang said nothing!" The house is gone, he will come back soon, then I will leave if nothing happens!"

"Ying Chenyu, you still have such a time?" As soon as Qin Ying left, Zi Qianyue was already out of breath from laughing, and she was lying on the table and burst into tears.

There seemed to be a tinge of pink on Ying Chenyu's fair face, and she grabbed Zi Qianyue angrily and kissed her lips at the same time. The injury is still not completely healed..."

Zi Qianyue quickly didn't dare to make any more moves, and could only let him ask for it. In fact, she was still a little jealous. They had known him for so many years before her, and had so many stories. Thinking of these, Zi Qianyue Yue felt a little unfair, but instead took the initiative and kissed Ying Chenyu.

In the Eastern Palace of Southern Chu, Chu Li was resting, when suddenly a woman's voice came, and the woman's soft voice said: "I am Sun Ruolan, the daughter of Taifu Sun, the emperor asked me to come and see His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"His Royal Highness is resting, you should go back first!" Qingyan stood up and glanced at Sun Ruolan. This girl is beautiful. Apart from Bai Ziqi, the young lady of the Bai family who is now in prison, Nan Chushu is the most famous, but look at her Seeing her hypocritical smile, Qing Yan felt uncomfortable.

Sun Ruolan gave a shallow salute, and continued: "Ruolan will not disturb His Highness, just look at His Highness and leave."

"His Royal Highness doesn't want to see you, please go back!" Qing Yan said bluntly, he really didn't know much about sympathy, especially for hypocritical and clingy women.

Sun Ruolan was a little embarrassed when she heard Qingyan say this, but she still didn't leave, and said, "Ruolan didn't know where to offend Qing's staff, why did you stop Ruolan like this?"

Seeing her crying, Qing Yan said with a playful smile: "It's not that I'm stopping you, I'm just an aide. If His Royal Highness doesn't speak, do I dare to make my own decisions? Huh?"

"You..." Sun Ruolan pointed at Qingyan, she didn't know how such a gentle and refined person could say such words, she was speechless for a while.

Qingyan continued to say indifferently: "Girl, let's go home and rest, it's really not a good thing to humiliate yourself."

"Why do you say that about our lady, our lady is sincere to His Royal Highness..." The maid beside Sun Ruolan couldn't stand it, and opened her mouth to defend.

Qingyan smiled coldly: "One piece of sincerity? One piece of sincerity doesn't let the prince rest?"

"You..." The maid refused, and said angrily that she wanted to speak, but Sun Ruolan stopped her words with her hand, and said, "Okay, let's go back first!"

"Miss, you..." The maid was a little dissatisfied.

"His Royal Highness needs to rest." Sun Ruolan said lightly, stopped the maidservant, looked at Qingyan again, and said: "Since His Royal Highness is resting, Ruolan will not bother you, but this chicken soup is still given to His Royal Highness. A little thought from Lan."

Sun Ruolan didn't care that Qingyao didn't pick up her chicken soup, she just put the chicken soup on the ground and left.

Qingyan took a meaningful look at Sun Ruolan's leaving back, then looked at the chicken soup on the ground, smiled playfully, reached out to pick up the chicken soup and walked in.


"Give it to you to drink!" Chu Li gave him a cold look, and said, "After all, no one has given you chicken soup yet."

"Li Shang, don't go too far!" Qing Yan gritted his teeth, it's not that no women like him, it's just that he has high vision.

Chu Li smiled slightly: "How about I go too far?"

"You!" Qingyan was extremely angry, suddenly, as if he had thought of something, he laughed, looked at the chicken soup in his hand, and said with a smile: "Well, if you don't want to drink the little girl I gave it to you, drink it. It still smells good."

"How dare you!" Chu Li suddenly made a move to destroy the bowl of chicken soup. The chicken soup fell to the ground, but Qing Yan didn't pick it up. Seeing the chicken soup splashed all over the floor, he shrugged helplessly: "You still have such a big temper after being injured? Aren't you afraid that the injury won't heal?"

"Don't worry about it!" Chu Li said coldly.

Qingyan was helpless, he really felt once again that he must have gone out of his mind and ran to help others, but in the end, they didn't need it at all, and even beat him up severely, Qingyan complained speechlessly: " You think I want to control you, but it’s not because I’m worried about your dog’s life!"

Chu Li ignored him, turned around to rest, and Qing Yan continued: "When are you leaving here? I don't think it will be so easy for Emperor Nan Chu to let you leave, right?"

"He won't let me leave!" Chu Li turned his head, his face was a little dark, he knew the Emperor Nan Chu too well, and the country and society were more important than everything else, since he came back, he couldn't let him go, so he just left It's not that Ren Chuli can't do it, but Emperor Nanchu will definitely not give up. He doesn't want to face a large group of pursuers every day, although he is not afraid.

Qingyan's face also sank: "Then what are you going to do?"

"I don't know." Chu Li closed his eyes and asked him how to deal with his father. Even if he didn't want to stay and be the prince, he couldn't sever ties with his father: "I will find a chance to tell him , and then... just watch him!"

"Okay." Qingyan nodded. He is an orphan, and he has never experienced the love of a father and a mother since he was a child, but he has seen other children being doted on and envied, so he still understands Chu Li's feelings. I don't want to force him, but the King Gu on him can't be slowed down anymore, so he has to go back to Beichen.

When the sky was getting dark, Emperor Nan Chu came to the East Palace, Qingyan naturally did not dare to stop Emperor Nan Chu, and Emperor Nan Chu walked in, seeing Chu Li's still pale face, knowing that he was hurt because of his injury. The injury of Shang Wang Gu was a little serious, and he asked with some distress: "Li'er, how is it now?"

"I'm fine." Chu Li's voice was very soft.

There was a trace of bitterness in Nan Chuhuang's eyes, he suppressed it, and continued: "Li'er, who was the person who saved you that day?"

"It's the people around King Yu who sent me to protect me." Chu Li said casually, he didn't need to hide these at all.

Nan Chuhuang and his family were bitter. His son couldn't protect himself, but let someone else specially send someone to protect him. He looked at Chu Li, knowing that he could only feel sorry for him, so he put away his emotions and said lightly: "Li'er, you are alright!" Get ready to start studying political affairs, Father is going to hand over Nanchu to you!"

"I don't want to stay in Nanchu. I came back this time just to avenge my mother. Now that my mother has avenged her, I should go back too!" Chu Li looked at Emperor Nanchu and said seriously.

Nan Chuhuang's face turned cold: "Go back? Where are you going back? Nan Chu is your home!"

"Father, I..." Chu Li didn't want to become an enemy of his father one day, so he had to persuade him. However, before he started to persuade, the blood shadow suddenly appeared. Nan Chuhuang was shocked, and Chu Li was even more shocked. Surprised, the appearance of the blood shadow is always nothing good, but this time it was just that the blood shadow said in a cold voice: "I am ordered by the prince to take Mr. Shang back. I hope Nanchu will not stop it."

"Are you the one who saved Li'er?" Nan Chu Huang came to his senses, looked at the blood shadow carefully, secretly surprised that there was such a person, and said after a while: "The widow is very grateful to you for saving Li'er." , but Li'er is the crown prince of Nanchu, how could he be taken to Beichen by you at will?"

"The emperor of Nanchu doesn't need to thank me, Mr. Shang is the one you want to protect." Xue Ying's icy voice did not fluctuate, and he continued: "As for why Mr. Shang wants to go back, the lord said, the king Gu on Mr. Shang's body, Only he can understand the world."

"What?" Emperor Nan Chu and Chu Li asked in surprise at the same time. Chu Li looked at the blood shadow and asked, "Ah Yu can undo the King Gu, why didn't I know?"

"The King Gu has no solution, King Yu?" Nan Chuhuang was also very uncertain, and asked.

Xue Ying said: "My lord has his own way, but Mr. Shang's King Gu has been forcibly activated twice. If you don't get rid of Mr. Shang soon, you will lose your life. My lord asked, do you want Mr. Shang's life? Or do you want an heir?"

(End of this chapter)

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