Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 112 The Way of Being a King

Chapter 112 The Way of Being a King
Ying Chenwei was taken aback, and smiled wryly: "I don't want to be this identity, but if it weren't for this identity, I would not have seen the scene of that day, let alone become what I am today!"

"That's true!" Zi Qianyue thought for a while, and said with a smile: "Finally, I would like to persuade the princess. It is better to let go of what you should not be attached to. A woman like the princess can live a splendid life alone. Rulian."

"Princess is you praising me?" Ying Chenwei smiled and said, "Thank you, Concubine, for your concern, but what about King Yu? Can the concubine let go?"

"I can't say it!" Zi Qianyue laughed and said, "Even if I say it, it's just a lie to myself."

"Yes, so do I!" Ying Chenwei smiled helplessly, then raised her head and said to Zi Qianyue: "Princess, go back quickly, I should go back too!"

"Okay, the princess can do it for herself!" Zi Qianyue nodded, and then glanced at the entrance of the dungeon lightly, after all, she still didn't have the courage to go in, after a glance, she silently retracted her gaze, and then flew away without looking at Ying Chenwei again.

After Zi Qianyue left, Ying Chenwei suddenly clutched her chest tightly, her face turned pale, she took a light breath for a moment, and murmured to herself: "Are you really, will you listen to the arrangement at home?"

No one answered, Ying Chenwei has always been very accurate in judging people, and has never missed a person in her life, so she clearly knows the answer, but she is still unwilling to believe it.

Zi Qianyue returned to the palace, and Ying Chenyu played chess in Yingyuan again. Recently, there were a lot of things and he was injured all the time. It was rare to see him playing chess. Plunging into Ying Chenyu's arms, and rubbing it comfortably twice, Ying Chenyu laughed, accepted the chess game played by one person, gently ran through Zi Qianyue's long hair with slender and fair fingers, and said, "What's the matter?" ? Where did you go wild again today?"

"What's wild?" Zi Qianyue took off his hand that was ravaging her hair in dissatisfaction, and complained, "I didn't mean to inquire about news for you!"

"Oh? What news did you find out?" Ying Chenyu raised her eyebrows and said with a smile.

Zi Qianyue remembered what Ying Chenwei said, and suddenly didn't know how to speak. It wasn't that she couldn't tell Ying Chenyu, but she didn't know how to say the part where he was pierced by the bone nail. Zi Qianyue thought about it and tried it out. Asked: "Do you know a person in purple clothes?"

"Purple clothes?" Ying Chenyu frowned, and said: "When I just came back, the old emperor forced me to use my internal strength to test me. I just got poisoned at that time, but I still felt that someone was following me. Later, Li Shang went to investigate. That man's martial arts skills are extremely high, and Li Shang can't get close to him, but he was wearing purple clothes and entered the Luoyu Palace, after that, the royal hermit who tried me died, I'm sure, I didn't kill him."

"Is that so?" Zi Qianyue frowned: "Have you never seen him before?"

"No." Ying Chenyu nodded affirmatively. He was also very strange that day. He had never seen that person before. Seeing Zi Qianyue's expression was wrong, he asked, "What's wrong? He appeared again?"

"No." Zi Qianyue felt more and more that the appearance of the man in purple was definitely not a coincidence. He definitely had some relationship with Ying Chenyu, but Ying Chenyu didn't know him at all. Zi Qianyue finally said: "When you were six years old..."

"What's the matter?" Seeing Zi Qianyue's hesitation, Ying Chenyu asked.

"Didn't you see him when you were six years old?" Zi Qianyue asked, but she still couldn't bear to say it.

Ying Chenyu shook his head: "I haven't seen it before."

Zi Qianyue felt pain in her heart, after thinking about it, she said softly: "Ying Chenwei went to that... dungeon, I followed."

"That dungeon?" Ying Chenyu smiled lightly, reaching out to hug Ziqianyue, she knew what she was worried about, although that place was indeed a nightmare for him, but now ten years have passed, and with her by his side, I will no longer be emotionally affected by that dungeon.

Seeing his smile, Zi Qianyue felt even more distressed, she didn't dare to look at him and said: "Ying Chenwei said that she once saw you suffer from the nail piercing through the bone with her own eyes, and she saw someone come to rescue you after you were unconscious, because she was still young , I just happened to be there and didn't dare to show up, so I only saw that the person was Ziyi."

Ying Chenyu hugged Zi Qianyue even tighter, and said with a smile: "So that's how it is!"

"What's wrong?" Zi Qianyue asked with some doubts.

Ying Chenyu looked at her and smiled: "When I woke up that day, the wound had been bandaged with medicine, and there was no scratch on my wrist!"

"You know?" Zi Qianyue was a little surprised. She never thought that Ying Chenyu would know that every time the old emperor tortured him into a coma, it was to drain his blood. With such a cruel method, she didn't know that Ying Chenyu At that time, Yu knew what the old emperor thought of torturing him just to bleed him, but she felt very distressed.

Ying Chenyu smiled and rubbed her hair: "Leave the wound there, there are scars from daggers on my wrist every time, how could I not know that someone drained my blood, although I didn't understand why it had to be that way at the time." He tortured me so much that I did not bleed until I was in a coma, but at least I knew that he would bleed me every time I was in a coma, so when I woke up and the wound was bandaged, it could be explained that it was done by Nanny Gui, but there was no blood on my wrist. The injury has puzzled me for a few days, the old emperor couldn’t suddenly find out with his conscience, besides, I can feel that those wound medicines are very good, not to mention Nanny Gui, the royal family may not have such medicine, and the bandage is not Nanny Gui The method should be performed by someone who is extremely skilled in medical skills."

"Then what does he mean?" Zi Qianyue frowned: "I wanted to save you but I only bandaged you once and didn't take you away completely. I didn't want to save you but broke into the dungeon and killed you when you entered Beijing Injured your royal hermit."

Ying Chenyu narrowed his eyes slightly, he suddenly thought of someone, but he didn't say anything, and smiled at Zi Qianyue: "Yueyue don't think about it anymore, let's rest for a while!"

"Okay!" Zi Qianyue nodded obediently, then hugged him coquettishly, and muttered: "You play the piano for me."

"Okay." Ying Chenyu pampered Ziqianyue's face, took the piano handed by Yin Wei, and was about to start, Ziqianyue suddenly said: "Don't tease me! Don't play the lullaby!"

Ying Chenyu laughed, remembering the strong consequences of hypnotizing her that time, then withdrew a hand on her face and said, "Don't worry, you will fall asleep if I don't play the lullaby now."

"Are you laughing at this girl?" Zi Qianyue muttered, Ying Chenyu didn't answer, the sound of the piano had already sounded, Zi Qianyue closed her eyes and enjoyed it quietly, she couldn't imagine, such slender and white hands at that time How was it pierced so hard by the bone-piercing nail? What kind of heart-wrenching pain should that be? Zi Qianyue put her arms around Ying Chenyu's waist. He has always been so thin, and the thin Zi Qianyue could easily wrap her arms around him. Because of Zi Qianyue's movements, the sound of the piano was slightly disturbed, Ying Chenyu smiled wryly, but immediately played the original rhythm again, Zi Qianyue muttered: "It sounds good if you play it wrong!"

"Understood!" Ying Chenyu nodded with a smile, and then Zi Qianyue rolled her eyes in exchange, and still muttered: "I don't know how to be modest!"

As the cherry blossoms fell quietly, Zi Qianyue finally fell asleep amidst the sound of Ying Chenyu's piano and the petals all over the sky. She nestled obediently in Ying Chenyu's arms, her beautiful face was very calm, still as beautiful as an elf Usually, Ying Chenyu put down the piano, and gently hugged her. He originally wanted to put her on the bed to rest, but as long as he moved a little, Zi Qianyue would tug at his clothes in dissatisfaction. Ying Chenyu had no choice but to hug her personally. Looking at him, looking at the picturesque flowers falling in front of the court, he remembered that day when he gradually lost the strength to tremble in that dark place, who was the person who saved him on that day, he suddenly remembered that his master was also there Not long after I found him and started to teach him martial arts, he suddenly sighed softly: "Master, don't lie to me!"

Zi Qianyue's news was indeed correct. Not long after, a great event happened in Shengdu. The second young master of General Wuyi's mansion and the third lady of Taishi's mansion got engaged. Ordinary people in Shengdu didn't know much about court battles. But there is no lack of understanding of Fenghua Xueyue. Everyone knows that the relationship between Qin Qiu, the second young master of General Wuyi's mansion, and the fourth princess of the royal family is not simple, because Qin Qiu once entered the palace to accompany the sixth prince, and the sixth prince was brought up by the fourth princess herself. Therefore, Qin Qiu and the fourth princess have a very close relationship. In addition, the fourth princess was murdered by the harem concubine and fell into the lake. It was Qin Qiu who jumped down to save her regardless of his young age. The so-called hero saves the beauty. Secretly promised, Qin Qiu put all his heart on the gentle and pleasant fourth princess.However, the identities of the two are a gap that cannot be bridged. The General's Mansion will not support a prince who does not have the influence of his mother's clan, and the old emperor will not allow Ying Chenhan to have the power of the General's Mansion. Can not be together.

Qin Qiu finally came to the Palace of Roses, he came in secretly, Ying Chenwei saw him and had no choice but to say nothing, she was still making tea in that light, as gentle as if nothing happened, she was still the beautiful and generous princess Your Highness, Qin Qiu couldn't help feeling a little guilty, and asked cautiously, "Wei Er, do you still miss me?"

"Is there any use for me to read?" Ying Chenwei finally raised her head, it turned out that she was not so gentle, her eyes were as cold as water.

Qin Qiu was startled, and was unable to speak to Ying Chenwei's cool eyes. After a long time, he said, "Wei'er, our identities are destined not to be together in an open and aboveboard manner?"

"So?" Ying Chenwei mocked coldly: "So you want me to be sneaky with you."

"Wei'er..." Qin Qiu sighed helplessly. He is the son of the General's Mansion, and he was born for the benefit of the General's Mansion. He couldn't ignore the General's Mansion. Help me let you in, Lin Jingyan is just a cover, I will treat you well."

Ying Chenwei sneered, she knew Qin Qiu's difficulties, but her aloofness absolutely did not allow her to do such sneaky things, let alone condescend to be a concubine. In a sense, Bei Chen was the number one beauty and the number one It's really unfair for a talented girl to give Ziyun's dream, at least two girls are much better than her, Chu Xiyun pretends to be Ziyunqing, and the fourth princess Yingchenwei.

Seeing that Ying Chenwei was silent, Qin Qiu called out tentatively, "Wei'er, you..."

"Second young master don't need to talk anymore!" Ying Chenwei suddenly interrupted him, sighed and said: "How innocent is Lin Jingyan? Since you married her, treat her well. From now on, you and I will have no relationship at all. !"

"Wei'er, how can you say such a thing?" Qin Qiu was a little shocked. He didn't believe that Ying Chenwei, who has always been gentle, would say such cold and heartless words. He couldn't believe that Ying Chenwei was unwilling to understand him like this, just because of Qin Qiu said, "Wei'er, do you care about a title so much? I can give you everything except the title!"

"Qin Qiu, do you think I care about status?" Ying Chenwei said coldly: "Let me tell you, what I care about is a couple for a lifetime. If you can marry me, don't say you are a general. My son, even if you are a commoner, I will marry you without hesitation, but if I and another woman serve a person, even if you are my father, I will not give you a second look."

Ying Chenwei lived in the palace since she was a child, and she clearly watched those kind and beautiful women fight to the death to win someone's favor, and turned into demons one by one. She didn't want to fight like this, even if those people didn't fight her at all. The ability to fight each other, but at least that person is qualified.

Qin Qiu was stunned. He knew Ying Chenwei's arrogance and aloofness, and he also knew that his words hurt Ying Chenwei. Just as he was about to explain, Ying Chenwei suddenly asked, "Qin Qiu, if I can make you and Lin Jingyan Dissolve the engagement, are you willing to agree?"

"Wei'er?" Qin Qiu was completely shocked. He knew that Ying Chenwei was extremely smart, but he couldn't imagine what she would do, but he knew that no matter what, if he broke the engagement, the relationship between the General's Mansion and the Grand Master's Mansion would definitely be broken. , his father would not allow it, he stretched out his hand to hug Ying Chenwei, but Ying Chenwei turned sideways and said, "You don't want to?"

"Wei'er, my identity..." Qin Qiu hesitated, he couldn't lose his family interests, but he couldn't lose Ying Chenwei either.

Ying Chenwei sneered: "In this case, you can go, we may have a relationship in the future, that is the enemy of life and death, I can't give up Xiaohan!"

"Is this what you really think?" Qin Qiu suddenly became angry: "You say that you are a couple for a lifetime, but you are not willing to give up Ying Chenhan, so you have the right to blame me for sacrificing for the family's interests?"

"Xiaohan is my only younger brother, and you, besides you, there are three young masters in the General's Mansion, but Xiaohan only has me, why do you ask me to abandon him?" Ying Chenwei asked back, her tone sharp.

Qin Qiu suddenly grabbed her hand and said angrily, "Then I should give up everything in the General's Mansion for you?"

"You can choose to give up on me!" Ying Chenwei couldn't break free from his hand, and was also a little angry.

Qin Qiu squeezed Ying Chenwei's wrist even tighter, and a red mark appeared on her white wrist. Qin Qiu was angry: "Wei'er, don't force me!"

"Qin Qiu, put down your hand!" Ying Chenwei hadn't spoken yet, but Ying Chenhan suddenly appeared, pointing the cold long sword at Qin Qiu's back, her voice was cold and full of murderous intent.

Qin Qiu shook off Ying Chenwei's hand, turned around and said with a cold smile, "Wei'er, it really is the brother you don't want to give up, and he even brought a weapon in the harem!"

"Xiaohan, put down your sword!" Ying Chenwei said angrily to Ying Chenhan, not caring about rubbing her bleeding hand.

"Fourth Sister!" Ying Chenhan felt unwilling. To be honest, Ying Chenwei was Ying Chenhan's only weakness. He had been at the border for so many years, and all his hope of living was to live in the deep palace and worry about him every day. The fourth sister, seeing Ying Chenwei being bullied, was helpless. If he hadn't been in the palace, he would have killed Qin Qiu long ago, but now he could only put down the sword in his hand unwillingly.

"The sixth prince is threatening the young master with a sword in the harem. Is it okay to just put down the sword?" Qin Qiu was in a rage at this time. Ying Chenwei was unwilling to marry him because of the person in front of him. To harm Ying Chenhan's heart.

Ying Chenhan didn't speak, but Ying Chenwei said coldly: "What do you want?"

"It's not good." Qin Qiu turned around and smiled at Ying Chenwei, "I want Ying Chenhan to kneel down and apologize!"

"You!" Ying Chenhan was about to speak, but Ying Chenwei stopped him, and actually knelt down in front of Qin Qiu in front of Ying Chenhan, bowed his head and apologized: "A man has gold under his knees. Let my elder sister kneel down to the Second Young Master on his behalf, I wonder if the Second Young Master will be satisfied?"

"Wei'er, why are you doing this?" Qin Qiu stretched out his hand to pull Ying Chenwei up, but Ying Chenwei avoided his hand and did not get up, and continued: "The second young master and I both know that the emperor is now targeting Xiaohan, so the second young master dared to Such a fearless force to force Xiaohan, but since I kneel down, I hope to ask the second young master to say something, and forget about it from now on!"

Qin Qiu was originally soft-hearted, but when he saw Ying Chenwei avoiding his hand, he couldn't help but angrily said: "Yes, unless you marry me as a concubine!"

"Fourth Sister..." Ying Chenhan couldn't help regretting his impulsiveness, but Ying Chenwei smiled coldly, interrupted Ying Chenhan's words, took Ying Chenhan's hand and stood up, Qin Qiu was startled, Ying Chenwei Chen Wei said, "It's wrong for Xiaohan to bring weapons into the harem, but did the Second Young Master consider the consequences when he entered the harem privately?"

"Ying Chenwei!" Qin Qiu found that Ying Chenwei was determined to stand on the opposite side of him, and couldn't help becoming angry. Ying Chenwei ignored him and continued: "I have already knelt down for Xiaohan, and it is best for the second young master to see you." Accept it, otherwise, I promise, the entire General's Mansion will be responsible for the second young master's impulsiveness!"

"You!" Knowing that Ying Chenwei never spoke empty words, Qin Qiu couldn't help being a little scared, but Ying Chenwei sneered: "Second Young Master, tell me, who does the emperor want to suppress more?"

"Wei'er, do you really want to be my enemy?" Qin Qiu suddenly softened his breath, and his voice was full of sadness.

Ying Chenwei turned her head and said calmly: "You go, kneeling just now is repaying the love for saving me back then."

"Wei'er, can you really be so heartless?" Qin Qiu asked in disbelief, but Ying Chenwei didn't speak, or even turned around. Qin Qiu suddenly broke into laughter and said, "Okay, Wei'er, from now on we It is the enemy!"

Qin Qiu turned and left, the robe picked up a few fallen leaves at the entrance of the Rose Palace, Ying Chenwei turned around, and watched the fallen leaves blown by the autumn wind outside the door and followed that person away, no one could see that she was at this moment look.

Knowing Ying Chenwei's feelings for Qin Qiu, Ying Chenhan asked worriedly, "Fourth Sister, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Knowing that the person walked away and disappeared from Ying Chenwei's sight, she paced back to the room, looked at Ying Chenhan who was following her with worry, and smiled softly: "Xiaohan, do you want Remember, absolute interests are always higher than absolute feelings!"

"Yeah." Ying Chenhan nodded, he knew that his sister had paid a lot for him, thinking of what happened just now, his handsome face showed guilt, and said, "I'm sorry Fourth Sister, I just caused you trouble!"

Ying Chenwei stretched out her hand to signal him to sit down, and said with a smile: "No, I'm very happy to see that my younger brother puts his affection for me above his own interests."

"But I..." Ying Chenhan still blamed himself, deeply feeling that he had failed Ying Chenwei's teaching.

"Xiaohan, my sister doesn't believe that you don't understand the rules in the palace. My sister also knows that you have never acted impulsively. You are like this today because you have a sister in your heart." Ying Chenwei smiled and comforted Ying Chenhan: " Xiaohan, interests help you to be a king, and feelings help you to be a wise king, I don't want you to become insensitive because of the throne, my younger brother, to be a wise king of the previous generation!"

"Yes, thank you Fourth Sister!" Ying Chenhan nodded, Ying Chenwei knew him well, knew that he had been through so many years of experience, and he was no longer the young and childish child back then, he understood the priorities of all things, He has never influenced his decision because of one person, but only Ying Chenwei, he absolutely cannot tolerate anything that hurts her.

Seeing Ying Chenhan's resolute appearance, Ying Chenwei frowned slightly, and said to Ying Chenhan: "Xiaohan, don't come here often in the future, I am your biggest weakness."

"But I..." Ying Chenhan knew about this, but he couldn't do anything about it.

Ying Chenwei shook her head and said, "Xiaohan, sister actually doesn't want you to be a king, but now that you have reached this point, you have to be a king first before you can be affectionate, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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