Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 111 A Princess Like a Rose

Chapter 111 A Princess Like a Rose

The Qiangwei Palace is the palace of the Fourth Princess. It is in a relatively remote part of the palace. At this time, Ying Chenhan is sitting in the Qiangwei Palace. He reached out to take Ying Chenwei's fruit and ate it. Only with the fourth princess, he can do whatever he wants without any scruples. Seeing his sullen look, Ying Chenwei asked with a smile: "What's the matter, Xiaohan?" ?”

Ying Chenhan put down the fruit, his face became a little gloomy, he had nothing to say to him as the fourth sister, besides, he knew that his fourth sister was not the daughter of those timid boudoirs, so he thought for a while and said: "Fourth sister, Now that Brother Five and Brother Two have become candidates for the throne, and they have always been favored, the situation seems a bit out of control!"

The fourth princess chuckled indifferently, and after hearing what Ying Chenhan had said, she picked up another fruit that had already been peeled, and said lightly: "Second brother is capable, but not thoughtful, as long as you don't provoke him, don't worry at all! "

Ying Chenhan nodded, and then asked: "What about Brother Wuhuang?"

Ying Chenwei's eyes suddenly became deep, and she said: "Your fifth brother is not simple, in my opinion, he is the same as your second brother, he has no ambitions for the throne, but you also know that fifth brother is unfathomable , he doesn’t want to be an emperor, so he doesn’t necessarily want you to be an emperor!”

"Why?" Ying Chenhan was a little puzzled.

Ying Chenwei carefully brewed this cup of tea, carefully blowing off the froth, then raised her head to look at Ying Chenhan, and said, "Xiaohan, it's been so long since I came back, let's play chess with Fourth Sister!"

"Yes." Although Ying Chenhan didn't know what Ying Chenwei meant, but the person he trusted most was Ying Chenwei, and he also knew that Ying Chenwei must have some deep meaning in telling him to play chess.

On the chessboard, Ying Chenwei holds the white pieces, and Ying Chenhan holds the black pieces, the two of them have never been up or down, Ying Chenhan's chess is always attacking, but Ying Chenwei has never been angry, but every move can be skillful. She seemed to be fully aware of Heizi's chess moves, and every time she took advantage of Heizi's half-piece, no more, no less, Ying Chenwei said quietly: "Xiaohan, with your character, if you become the king Emperor, will you let the fifth emperor brother go?"

"No." Ying Chenhan answered honestly, he would never hide anything from Ying Chenwei.

Ying Chenwei chuckled: "Yeah, almost everyone knows what you are thinking. Xiaoyu is Yun Zun and the only prince of Beichen. He is powerful, resourceful, and has status. He is a king. Who can bear to have someone around you?" Such a person exists?"

"So he is also observing who can be the king, and whether I can win him over?" Ying Chenhan asked, reaching out and dropping a hand.

Ying Chenwei smiled, and Baizi stopped Heizi again, she said: "Actually, whoever becomes king doesn't care about him, and you can't win him over, because even if you become king, you can't get rid of him, no matter who you are. "

"Then what does he mean?" Ying Chenhan asked a little annoyed.

Ying Chenwei looked at him, her face was still a bit immature, although she was very matured in front of outsiders by the border desert, but he was still a child after all, Ying Chenwei sighed: "He may have wanted a lot back then, But what you want now is a quiet, don't provoke him, and don't provoke the second brother, your opponent is actually only the fourth brother!"

"You said Brother Wuhuang doesn't necessarily want me to become emperor!" Ying Chenhan asked, a little surprised.

Ying Chenwei dropped the child, completely turning Heizi into a deadlock, Ying Chenhan was startled, Ying Chenwei had already smiled and said: "Xiaohan, you are too radical, people have things they want to protect, Xiaoyu doesn't necessarily think about anything A man ascends to the emperor, but there must be an emperor in Beichen. The reason why I said that is because I am afraid that you will not see the essence clearly. You just have to always remember that no matter what the court officials are or what the world is saying, there is only one opponent for you, and that is the fourth prince. "

"Yes." Ying Chenhan nodded modestly, Ying Chenwei stood up, and said: "You are still young, remember, strive for progress steadily, and never act impulsively, our father is still in good health! "

"Well, I understand!" Ying Chenhan nodded and said, he has always admired his elder sister the most, she knows the world's affairs in the deep palace, and has a very accurate grasp of people's hearts, so she has always been his mentor and military adviser.

Ying Chenwei also nodded, and poured a cup of tea for Ying Chenhan: "There has been no big change in Beichen for so many years, and the emperor has always been arbitrary. Nowadays, most of the ministers in the court are wind blowing grass on both sides, so you don't have to worry about them." , remember in the future, you only need one person to support you to sit on the throne, father, and also, father doesn't like forming cliques!"

"Yeah." Ying Chenhan took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "The tea made by Fourth Sister is getting better and better!"

"Spoof!" Ying Chenwei yelled angrily, but her eyes were full of tenderness and joy. She and Ying Chenhan had the same mother, and because their mother passed away early, the two depended on each other. Sent to the border, she was reluctant but helpless, and then she was alone in the deep palace to guard against open guns and hidden arrows. Now there are actually only two princesses in the huge palace. The eldest princess killed many princesses, but she was in the palace. Strategizing and living until now, it is only because she is waiting for Ying Chenhan to come back. She is afraid that Ying Chenhan will not know what to do when he is young, and she is also afraid that Ying Chenhan will turn around and be unaccompanied. Fortunately, Ying Chenhan did not live up to her hope and returned home safely. , also quietly mature.

Ying Chenhan also laughed, only in front of the fourth princess did he smile without any scruples, and said: "I'll go first, fourth sister!"

"Yeah." Ying Chenwei nodded: "Be careful in everything from now on!"

"Understood!" Ying Chenhan replied that the person had already arrived at the door, Ying Chenwei sat down and sighed, looking at his back, in fact, I really don't want you to be the emperor, but now that you have reached the current stage, that's it Royal Father's wish, but, Royal Father, you won't be able to regret it when the time comes!
Ying Chenyu just smiled slightly when he received the news from Jianghu, these were really not that difficult for him, after all the old man told him that Lingshan was the biggest opponent, although the Jianghu and the court are undercurrents, but because of this There are too many people tempted, but a delicate balance is maintained. He knows nothing about Lingshan, but Lingshan must understand him. The most important thing is that Lingshan is the place where he most wants to get the heart of immortality. Yingchen Yuguan Suddenly, a man in black appeared in front of Ying Chenyu, knelt down on one knee respectfully, and said: "I have seen the lord, my subordinate Ghost Blade was ordered by the lord to build the Yungong in Lingshan, and now the Yungong is in Lingshan. Powerful, please show me the Lord!"

"You are my master's man?" Ying Chenyu said lightly, opened his eyes and looked at Ghost Blade calmly, but there was a sharp sense of oppression.

Ghost Blade was surprised, and said more respectfully: "Yes."

"Tell me about the current situation in Lingshan!" Ying Chenyu withdrew his gaze, Ghost Blade heaved a sigh of relief, and said: "The biggest difference between people in Lingshan and ordinary people is that they have spiritual power, but spiritual power is not for everyone. Both, spiritual power is actually similar to internal power, but it is more mysterious. Their spiritual power is innate and can be strengthened the day after tomorrow. The supreme ruler of Lingshan is the Holy Lord of Lingshan, but the Holy Lord of Lingshan has not appeared for a long time. The person with the strongest spiritual power in Lingshan, especially the current Holy Master, has a very weird personality. People know the identity of the young master and who the mother and concubine are, but no one dares to challenge the holy master on the Lingshan Mountain, and then there are five elders. He is a genius, the Fifth Elder only recognized the Holy Master back then, but after so many years, there are always some scum who want to replace the Holy Master, but although the Holy Master does not appear often, he also knows every move of Lingshan, and the Fifth Elder is quite safe!"

"Young Master of Lingshan Mountain?" Ying Chenyu asked, thoughtfully: "What else do you know about Lingshan Mountain?"

Ghost Blade nodded and continued: "The young master of Lingshan is called Yu Nian. The Holy Master got his name. Although he disappeared, he appeared once when he was very young. He is very similar to the Holy Master. The Holy Master... the Holy Master is very Mysterious, no one can see through."

"Is it very mysterious?" Ying Chenyu asked softly, and then said to Ghost Blade: "Continue to investigate, Holy Master of Lingshan Mountain!"

"Yes." Ghost Blade nodded and disappeared.

In the dark dungeon, although it is a dungeon, it is not an ordinary cell. There is only an independent claustrophobic space, in which there are all kinds of grotesque instruments of torture and crosses used to bind prisoners. It is a place where the sun does not shine all year round. There was a strange breath.

Yingchenwei Qianqianyu pointed across the torture tools and the black bloodstains on the cross. She closed her eyes, touched the black bloodstain carefully, and suddenly said very softly: "I have suffered a lot in the world, and I have also been in the world." Ji Zun, Xiao Yu, what exactly are you going to do?"

In fact, what Ziqianyue saw in the illusion was only the past of the person she wanted to see, including Ying Chenyu, Chu Xiyun, and Ying Chen'an, but no one had noticed, and Ying Chenwei , the person who knew Ying Chenyu was covered in injuries back then, and Ying Chenwei.

Ying Chenwei came here only by accident. She knows it better than Chu Xiyun, because she once watched the old eunuch who followed the old emperor put all kinds of bone-piercing nails on the six-year-old child. Without hesitation, the old eunuch nailed the child's muscles and bones in, from the knuckles of his fingers to his collarbone, from small bone nails to bone nails as thick as little fingers, the old eunuch just slowly and forcefully broke the child's tightly held hands , as if making a great work of art, obviously so cruel, but still wanting to coax a child, saying: "Hey, let go of your hands, don't move around, if you move again, the nails will burn red!" Oh!"

Ying Chenwei was only eight years old at that time, her concubine mother had just passed away, and Ying Chenhan was still by her side. She was so frightened that she wanted to scream when she saw this scene, but she knew that if she screamed out, she would be tied there and tortured She was the one who was crucified, she still had Ying Chenhan, she couldn't die, she was biting her lip, watching the child's blood dripping from the cross with her own eyes, and listening to the heavy knocking sound, the three-inch The long iron nails were knocked into the crevices of his bones, not to die, but to live rather than die.

Ying Chenwei opened her eyes violently, and every time she thought about that scene, she would be awakened with a start. It was because of that that she finally knew how dark the palace was, she knew how favored Concubine Yu was, and finally knew why her five The emperor never takes it seriously when he is plotted against by the concubine in the harem. She thought, her father has no heart for everyone except for one woman. In his eyes, there has never been a child. Ying Chenwei I finally know that in this palace, she is not strong, and one day she will be like what she sees, maybe even worse than him.

Ying Chenwei calmed down and continued to walk and watch. She suddenly remembered something. At that time, although she was hiding in the dark and didn't dare to look, she was afraid to make a sound and didn't dare to leave. She kept hiding in the There, after a long time, she seemed to hear a strange sound, she couldn't stand the curiosity, she glanced quietly, and found a man in purple robe who broke in from nowhere, and beat the old eunuch to the ground with a wave of his hand, At the same time, he swung his palm and sucked out all the bone-piercing nails. The boy was like a fallen leaf dyed red, and fell down on his body in such a dilapidated manner. In an instant, his clothes were also stained with blood. The eunuch who was still on the ground kicked open the door of the dungeon. Ying Chenwei quickly retracted her head and even held her breath. She opened her eyes and ran away while the old eunuch was unconscious until the man left. Going out, she thought that Ying Chenyu would never come back after being taken away by someone, but she didn't expect that she could still see him suffering there after she quietly went there, Ying Chenwei lowered her eyes, who is that person?The purple robe was extremely flamboyant, but he was cautious when holding the child, but he obviously cared so much, why did he send him back to continue to suffer torture?He couldn't possibly be incapable of taking him away.

Ying Chenwei closed her eyes and thought carefully, the bright red dripping blood, the indifferent eyes, the flamboyant purple clothes, the fire that dyed the sky red, and the face that looked like an exile, she suddenly remembered, That purple-clothed man's worry and anger were so obvious at that time, but his powerlessness and self-blame were also so obvious, but his astonishing appearance was so similar to that extremely pale boy!
Ying Chenwei seemed to fully understand why Concubine Yu didn't like Ying Chenyu, why the old emperor tortured Ying Chenyu in different ways, why the man in purple didn't appear until Ying Chenyu was in a coma, and why the man in purple could go to bed without hindrance. Appearing in the dungeon, it turned out that she suddenly realized it was too late.

Ying Chenwei walked out of the dungeon. No one has been here for ten years. Of the two people who were here back then, one finally became a supreme person after suffering so much, but the other disappeared for no apparent reason. Ying Chenwei sneered, missing?She should have known that he would disappear there, but she didn't think there was anything wrong. Although she was not a good person, she couldn't stand that a person could torture such a young child like that. For such a person, it would be too cheap for him to die.Ying Chenwei walked through the desolate alley alone, and was about to return to the palace, but seemed to find something wrong, restrained her emotions and said coldly: "Come out, it's meaningless to follow this princess!"

"The fourth princess is really brave!" Zi Qianyue smiled and walked in front of Ying Chenwei. She had noticed her when she was framed a long time ago, but although the fourth princess has no martial arts, she is extremely vigilant and extremely smart. The maids and maids around her have never been close to anyone, even if the maids are not close to each other, they will be replaced in less than two months, and no one has ever stayed by her side for two months.

When Ying Chenwei saw Zi Qianyue, her originally cold expression returned to normal. The faint smile was the generosity and gentleness that a real princess should have. Delicacy and elegance are actually a kind of ability, Ying Chenwei saluted Zi Qianyue slightly: "I have seen Princess Yu."

"Fourth princess, why not go for a walk together." Zi Qianyue smiled.

Ying Chenwei also laughed, walked half a step behind Zi Qianyue modestly, and said with a smile: "Being obedient is worse than being respectful."

"The fourth princess doesn't have to walk behind this concubine, we just relax together!" Zi Qianyue looked at Ying Chenwei with a smile, and said lightly.

However, Ying Chenwei didn't seem to understand her meaning, she lowered her head respectfully but said generously: "It's better to observe the royal etiquette."

"That's fine." Zi Qianyue narrowed her eyes slightly, but still said with a smile: "The fourth princess is indeed a model royal woman."

"The princess is ridiculous!" Ying Chenwei said lightly: "There are not many women in the royal family!"

Zi Qianyue smiled noncommittal, and asked, "I don't know why the princess is here today?"

"Is it true that I happened to be here with the princess?" Ying Chenwei looked at Zi Qianyue and said with a smile.

Zi Qianyue also looked at her: "Do you think this concubine believes it or not?"

"Princess doesn't believe it!" Ying Chenwei seemed to rub her forehead helplessly, and sighed: "But I really came here by chance!"

"The princess can say whatever she wants, after all, this concubine can't do anything to you." Zi Qianyue smiled and continued: "This concubine knows that the princess is to protect the people she wants to protect, and this concubine also has people who want to protect , but princess, does the person you want to protect know that the princess is here?"

"So what if you don't know?" Ying Chenwei felt a little cold in her heart, but said on the face without showing a trace: "If you give up, you will get something, and if you have something, you must give up!"

"But you don't necessarily get something if you give up!" Zi Qianyue said, her tone was smiling, and her eyes were really looking at Ying Chenwei seriously.

Ying Chenwei smiled wryly: "Whether you get it or not, you must give it up at this time, right? Who knows the result?"

Zi Qianyue nodded, thinking it was true, Ying Chenwei thought she would not ask any more questions, but Zi Qianyue suddenly turned her head and asked sharply, "What does the princess know?"

Ying Chenwei was taken aback for a moment, although she reacted very quickly, Zi Qianyue still saw her stunned look, Zi Qianyue smiled and said, "Princess hesitated!"

"Concubine Yu is indeed extremely smart." Ying Chenwei no longer pretended, and said with a smile, her conversation and demeanor were all the nobleness and elegance accumulated by the royal family. At this time, she was a little more wise and cunning, Ying Chenwei Suddenly he became serious: "If Princess Yu must know, it's not that I can't say it, but I'm afraid that Princess Yu will be sad when she hears it!"

"Oh? What is it?" Zi Qianyue asked.

Ying Chenwei smiled, and said: "I saw with my own eyes that King Yu suffered from bone nails in this dungeon when he was six years old. Princess Yu can go and see for herself. down."

Zi Qianyue felt a sharp pain in her heart, but she didn't show anything, she continued to laugh and said, "What else? Princess, don't tell me that I came here to miss you, I will be jealous!"

"Hehe, Princess Yu is really stingy!" Ying Chenwei said with a smile: "This place is really worth remembering, because I decided to become what I am today on that day, but I came because I remembered that there was a day after King Yu fainted. Personally saved him, I don't know if King Yu knew about it?"

"What kind of person?" Zi Qianyue asked.

Ying Chenwei shrugged helplessly, and said with a smile: "I really don't know, I was only eight years old, how dare I see who that person is?"

Zi Qianyue looked at Ying Chenwei seriously, her eyes were full of faint smiles, covering her entire expression just right, Ren Ziqianyue couldn't see anything, Ying Chenwei suddenly said with a smile: "Yes Yes, I remembered that person, in purple clothes."

"Thank you fourth princess for telling me this!" Zi Qianyue looked away and said with a smile: "But this concubine can't go too far, just exchange this news with one message!"

"All ears!" Ying Chenwei looked at Zi Qianyue with a smile, lowered her head and said.

"General Wuyi's Mansion seems to intend to get the second young master Qin Qiu and Miss Lin Jingyan, the third lady of the Taishi Mansion, to get engaged. The princess should know that the Taishi Mansion belongs to the fourth prince." Zi Qianyue said with a smile. It's a small matter, but she knows that this matter is definitely not a small matter for Ying Chenwei, Ying Chenwei has been in her [-]th year!

Sure enough, Ying Chenwei's face was slightly pale, but she returned to normal in a moment, and said with a smile: "The princess really knows a lot!"

Zi Qianyue smiled and said: "I don't know if this news will be useful to the fourth princess, but I will go back first if I have something to do. Fourth princess, please go ahead!"

"Go slowly!" Ying Chenwei reacted from the momentary absence, bowed to Zi Qianyue's back, and said with a slight smile.

Zi Qianyue sighed softly. In fact, she still admires Ying Chenwei very much. To be honest, Ying Chenwei is more than 01:30 points stronger than Lin Jingyan from Taishifu, but just because of this identity, she is destined to be with that There was no one, Zi Qianyue suddenly turned her head, and sighed to Ying Chenwei: "Princess, my concubine actually admires you very much. If it's not because of our status, it must be because of our friendship."

(End of this chapter)

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