Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 110 The world is in chaos

Chapter 110 The world is in chaos

Suddenly, everything in front of her eyes disappeared, Zi Qianyue was still holding her head, and someone was holding her. Yuqian hurried over at some point, waved her hand to break the illusion, and hugged Zi Qianyue who was curled up in a ball , distressed, asked: "Yue'er, what's wrong with you? Don't be afraid."

Ziqianyue raised her head, tears fell when she saw Yuqian, she stretched out her arms to hug Yuqian, and shouted: "Mother, mother..."

"Yue'er, it's okay, it's all over, it's okay!" Yuqian patted Ziqianyue's back lightly, she naturally knew what Ziqianyue had just gone through, she hugged Ziqianyue distressedly, let her be in her arms Weeping in my arms.

Ziqianyue let go of Yuqian suddenly, Yuqian was a little surprised, Ziqianyue looked into Yuqian's eyes, those eyes were full of worry, Ziqianyue asked softly: "Mother, is that all me?"

Yuqian looked at her and sighed softly: "Yue'er, no, you are just Yue'er now."

"Mother, am I the one who killed him?" Zi Qianyue asked again, she only saw that scene, she didn't know the woman, but she thought it was her.

Yuqian hugged her distressedly: "It's not like this, Yue'er, that's not you..."

"Why can't I remember?" Zi Qianyue interrupted her, and asked a little dullly: "Is that the previous life?"

Yuqian had no way to answer, but the old man suddenly stretched out his hand to pull Ziqianyue, Ziqianyue looked at the old man dully, the old man sighed, and said: "Yue'er, you really love Yu'er very much, since that's the case , don't think about anything else!"

"It was you who let me see this." Zi Qianyue questioned with a severe pain in her heart.

The old man sighed, and Yuqian explained: "Yue'er, this illusion changes according to your heart, because you want to see Yu'er's past, so you can see his past, which also shows that you really love him, and there is no love in your heart. You will never see the illusion, but what you see later is your own dream, and in this environment, your dream is only revealed."

"My dream?" Zi Qianyue asked suspiciously.

Yuqian nodded: "It's the reason why you've been afraid of losing Yu'er, the dream that you can't get rid of from your soul."

"Is that so?" Zi Qianyue lowered her head and said softly, "That means it actually happened?"

Yuqian was not talking, and neither was the old man, Zi Qianyue suddenly raised her head, smiled at Yuqian and the old man: "Yes, I am Zi Qianyue now, I am no longer anyone, I love Ying Chenyu, no matter what, So today I only see his past and nothing else."

"Yue'er..." Yuqian was a little worried. It's not that she didn't know what happened today, but she didn't expect that she would enter a dream and see things that she would never remember.

Zi Qianyue looked at Yuqian, she smiled playfully as before, and said, "I'm fine mother, I'll go back first, Ying Chenyu will be worried."

"En." Yuqian nodded, and Ziqianyue had already bowed slightly like an old man, and turned to leave.

Yuqian looked at the old man, and asked after a long time, "Will Yu'er remember?"

"He won't, unless..." The old man said firmly, but he seemed to think of something, and suddenly hesitated. Yuqian looked at him and asked, "Unless what?"

The old man looked up at the moon and sighed, "Unless he chooses the most difficult path."

"That's why you did all the things now, just so that he wouldn't suffer that much?" Yuqian said softly, with helplessness in her tone.

"Xiaoqian, this is the seventh catastrophe!" The old man said, "I don't want him to suffer from the past again!"

"Is it worth your life?" Yuqian asked.

The old man nodded: "No hesitation!"

Yuqian looked at the old man under the moonlight, she suddenly felt that she had never known him before, the man she knew was evil, arrogant, cold-blooded, cruel, but now this man put all his efforts on a child .Yuqian said: "Trust me, Yu'er won't let you do that!"

The old man sighed, Yuqian didn't say anything more, turned around and left, the old man looked at the moon for a while, then flew away, leaving a sigh in the air.

In Zi Qianyue's mind, she kept thinking about what she saw, such a small child covered in blood, the moment she saw Ying Chenyu, his gentle and doting smile, Zi Qianyue suddenly rushed over to hug him, Ying Chenyu Chen Yu knew that Zi Qianyue must know his past, and said with a smile: "It's okay, Yueyue, it's all over!"

"Yeah." Zi Qianyue nodded, still hugging him and not coming out, Ying Chenyu laughed and said: "Seeing that you still care about my past, now you have made yourself like this."

"I never knew that someone could be so cruel, and I never knew that you have suffered so much." Zi Qianyue said softly, and said with self-reproach: "You and I are far worse than Chu Xiyun treats you. "

"Chu Xiyun and I just haven't met each other before!" Ying Chenyu sighed softly: "We each have our own lives. At most, she and I are in the same sickness, but it is absolutely impossible to love each other. In fact, we both understand very well. .”

"But Chu Xiyun is dead." Zi Qianyue said, Chu Xiyun was not killed by Ying Chenyu, but it had something to do with him. Zi Qianyue knew that Chu Xiyun was in Ying Chenyu's heart. Status, now also has a small wound, she is not blaming Ying Chenyu, but a little distressed, he did not do anything wrong, and should not leave a wound for her death.

"Yueyue, you have to remember that I only love you, no matter who has appeared in my life!" Ying Chenyu lowered her head and kissed Ziqianyue, and said softly, all this time, only she can make him fall in love Move, this is love, regardless of time, regardless of what you get.

"Yeah!" Zi Qianyue nodded, looked up at him with a smile, and said with a smile: "I'm getting better at talking!"

"Yeah." Ying Chenyu nodded sincerely: "I also feel that I am getting better at talking!"

"Give you a pole and you will go to heaven!" Zi Qianyue smiled, all the troubles were swept away.

Ying Chenyu fondled Zi Qianyue's hair, and said with a smile: "So, give me more poles in the future!"

"Okay." Zi Qianyue rushed over and kissed Ying Chenyu. At this moment, Zi Qianyue suddenly thought of a poem, which was also her favorite:
How about Lingnan?
But said: This peace of mind is my hometown.

The old emperor left Ying Chen'an in the palace. Ying Chen'an had already left once in spite of the obstruction, but he was kind after all. Although he was dissatisfied with the old emperor's behavior of torturing Ying Chenyu, the old emperor was his biological father after all. The old emperor already looked much older than when he left, and with the blow this time, he was even older for more than ten years. Ying Chen'an had no way to refuse his request again, so she had to say: "Father, You promise that I will not hurt Xiao Wu again, so I will stay here for now."

"Why? Yu'er is still lying there." The old emperor was a little dissatisfied.

Ying Chenan shook her head, and said: "It is impossible for me to attack Xiao Wu. If Father insists on doing this, I can only leave."

"An'er!" The old emperor had no choice but to see that Ying Chen'an did not hesitate at all and was determined to leave, and said: "An'er, don't leave, I will stop embarrassing him!"

Ying Chenan stopped and turned to look at the old emperor: "Father, this is for the whole Beichen."

"I see, you stay here first!" The old emperor nodded helplessly, but his eyes were full of predation. He couldn't touch him. There would always be people who would touch him. Brave man, within a day, the news of the immortal heart spread, he did not believe that Jianghu and Lingshan would remain indifferent, when the time came, he would just sit back and reap the benefits of being a fisherman.

"Yes." Ying Chenan nodded and stayed.

Sure enough, within a day, the world has changed drastically. No one thought that the Fifth Prince would be the most mysterious Yun Zun in the Jianghu, and what is even more shocking is that the immortal heart that only appears in legends is really true. The existence of Yun Zun, but it is on Yun Zun. Although everyone has the intention of snatching, if they want to face Yun Zun, they have to think carefully.The third thing is that the second prince Ying Chen'an, who became a monk back then, returned to the royal family, and won the respect of the old emperor. Originally, there were three princes in the court, and the fifth prince was considered the most hopeless, but now his status has changed drastically, and he has also been fighting for the throne. Strength, coupled with Ying Chen'an's return, Beichen's battle for the reserve position has turned from two to four.

Zi Muyun brought Shui Mengxuan to Yuwang Mansion early in the morning. Naturally, Zi Muyun didn't know the identity of Yingchen Yu Yunzun before, but as Shui Mengxuan, as an evil fairy, Zi Qianyue always felt that she still knew something. Sure enough, as soon as Shui Mengxuan saw Ying Chenyu's true face, she immediately stepped forward and said, "I said we should have met, but you just said no, Yun Zun, I have admired your name for a long time!"

"You're welcome, don't look up for a long time!" Ying Chenyu didn't care, and returned lightly.

Shui Mengxuan knew Ying Chenyu's temper, and it was because of Zi Qianyue that she was able to answer her a word, but she was not someone who would accept as soon as she saw a deal, as if she couldn't hear the perfunctory in Ying Chenyu's tone, she looked him up and down After a while, he smiled and said, "Yo, Yun Zun is seriously injured, right?"

"So what if you're seriously injured?" Ying Chenyu raised her eyebrows and looked at her, Shui Mengxuan was speechless, yes, so what if she was seriously injured, she still couldn't beat him, Shui Mengxuan seemed extremely disappointed, sighed, Suddenly remembered something, smiled and said: "No, but Tangtang Yunzun is actually my son-in-law now, hurry up and shout...!"

Before Shui Mengxuan finished speaking, Ying Chenyu glanced at her coldly, Shui Mengxuan swallowed back what she wanted to say, and said with a smile: "I'm just joking."

Ying Chenyu stopped looking at her, Shui Mengxuan breathed a sigh of relief and stuck out her tongue in dissatisfaction, Zi Muyun laughed when she saw Shui Mengxuan's behavior, but he was still very calm, sitting opposite Ying Chenyu and asked Said: "His Royal Highness, what happened to you?"

"You are Yue'er's father, just call me Yu'er." Ying Chenyu said lightly, ignoring the dissatisfied eyes of Shui Mengxuan next to him, and continued to explain to Zi Muyun: "Actually, nothing happened, just Suffered some injuries, as for the rumors outside, it is true."

"Then how did you get injured, and how did you have the heart of immortality?" Zi Muyun asked worriedly. The rumors about the heart of immortality outside have attracted the attention of many forces in the world and the court. Although Ying Chenyu It is Yun Zun, but after all, he is only one person, and he cannot deal with the people of the world.

Talking about the business, Shui Mengxuan also calmed down, her gentle and beautiful face became a little dark, and said: "Msg. There are people in the villa who want to win your heart, this temptation is too great, you have to guard against it."

"Yungong came out of the mountain for the convenience of my future actions. At that time, I didn't know about the heart of immortality, which made Yungong suddenly a target of public criticism." Ying Chenyu's eyes were deep. Yungong was about to be born, but at that time He really didn't know the existence of the immortal heart, that's why Yungong became a little passive.

Shui Mengxuan nodded, and said in a cold voice: "The status of Yungong is certainly high, but you have rarely appeared in the past five years. Many people in the world only regard you as a legend, and almost forgot the lesson of five years ago!"

"If you forget, teach me a lesson again!" Ying Chenyu said indifferently: "Since you retired, the rivers and lakes are now scattered, and the remarkable places are nothing more than one palace, two pavilions, three towers and four floors!"

Zi Muyun didn't know much about Jianghu, so he thought of the key to the problem and asked, "Yu'er, why do you have the desire to be immortal?"

"I don't know." Ying Chenyu lowered her head, then raised her head after a while and said, "But I'm sure I really have the heart of immortality!"

"Every man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade!" Zi Muyun sighed.

Ying Chenyu smiled lightly, and said: "I'm not a common man, and the heart of immortality is not an insignificant jade!"

"But if this happens, you will definitely not be at peace, Yue'er..." Zi Muyun sighed, a little worried.

"No matter what, I will accompany him!" Knowing Zi Muyun's worry, Zi Qianyue was a little moved, but she still said firmly that she is not someone who hides behind others to seek peace.

Ying Chenyu embraced Zi Qianyue, and said with a smile, "We don't need to make a move yet."

"Huh?" Zi Qianyue was a little surprised and looked up at him, but Ying Chenyu looked at Shui Mengxuan, the power that came to her door was useless.

Shui Mengxuan was a little terrified by his gaze, and asked stammeringly, "You...what do you want to do?"

"Shuimeng Villa, let's get out of the mountain!" Ying Chenyu said indifferently: "The rivers and lakes should be in chaos!"

"No, I'm retiring." Shui Mengxuan looked defensive towards Ying Chenyu, and said, "I haven't been the prime minister's wife for a few days!"

"Your status as an evil fairy is no lower than that of the prime minister's wife." Zi Qianyue naturally turned to her husband and said dissatisfiedly: "Besides, it's not that you are not allowed to be the prime minister's wife!"

"Zi Qianyue!" Shui Mengxuan pointed at Zi Qianyue angrily, and Zi Qianyue took off her finger with a smile, and said innocently: "If you want a son-in-law, at least you have to give him a meeting gift?"

"You!" Shui Mengxuan pointed at her angrily, then smiled after a while, and looked at Ying Chenyu provocatively: "Okay, I will go out of the mountain today, and I will send someone to grab the heart of immortality immediately!"

"You have the guts to try it!" Ying Chenyu raised her eyebrows, and looked at her with disdain: "Yungong can clean up Shuimeng Villa first, I don't know if other people will be more peaceful."

Ying Chenyu seemed to have really started to consider the feasibility of this plan, Shui Mengxuan was so annoyed that she almost slapped the table and left, Zi Muyun was heartbroken, and quickly pulled Shui Mengxuan and said to Ying Chenyu: "Okay, Yu Don't make trouble, Shui'er is your elder!"

Ying Chenyu glanced at Shui Mengxuan, and didn't want to recognize this elder, but it was to give Zi Muyun face, so she didn't say anything else, Shui Mengxuan raised her eyebrows proudly, Zi Muyun looked at Shui Mengxuan again and said: "Shui Mengxuan Son, haven't you always wanted to go back to Jianghu?"

"I didn't..." Shui Mengxuan was worried when she saw Zi Muyun's chuckle, and blurted out an explanation, but Zi Muyun just smiled and rubbed her head. ..."

"Silly Shui'er, I don't blame you. What I like is your Jianghu atmosphere. I want to make you happy." Zi Muyun pampered Shui Mengxuan's head and said softly: "You are really not suitable for me. Madam Prime Minister, I still like you as an evil fairy!"

"Really?" Shui Mengxuan couldn't believe it, didn't they say that scholars like ladies most?

Zi Muyun nodded: "Of course it's true, you see Yue'er is so wild, doesn't Yu'er still like her?"

"What does this have to do with me?" Zi Qianyue lay on the gun, feeling speechless for a while: "You are all old couples, so you shouldn't be kissing me in front of the juniors!"

Shui Mengxuan couldn't help but feel relieved, and said to Ying Chenyu: "Okay, for the sake of my son-in-law, the owner of this village will come out again!"

"Don't say it's for this deity, this deity can't bear the great favor of the owner!" Ying Chenyu said lightly, his tone full of disgust.

Shui Mengxuan was speechless. When she met him back then, she felt that he was really a child with a bright future. She even admired him a lot, but she never thought that he would look like this now. He said sullenly: "Okay, I can't do it for myself, but I want to tell you that although the three towers and the four floors are scattered, they have always been united. You should also know that there is royal power among them. After all, I am now carrying the reputation of the prime minister's wife." , and will not be an enemy of the royal family unless it is absolutely necessary."

"I know." Ying Chenyu nodded, put away his jokes, and said, "I just want you to stand by Yungong's side and attack those who want to fish in troubled waters!"

"That's good." Shui Mengxuan nodded: "Shuimeng Villa will be born again in these two days, I will go to Yungong personally, after all, our relationship is public!"

"En." Ying Chenyu nodded and stopped talking.

Zi Qianyue watched the two discuss it, and remembered what Ying Chenqing said before, and asked: "Ying Chenyu, do you have any interest in the throne?"

Ying Chenyu raised his eyebrows and didn't answer, Zi Muyun also frowned, and said: "Yes, Yu'er, the court is also uneasy now, your identity has changed, whether it is the heart of immortality or the position of the crown prince, you are on the cusp .”

"Why am I interesting? What if I'm not?" Ying Chenyu didn't care, took a sip of tea lightly, and said with a smile: "Is it Ying Chenqing who wants to test me?"

Zi Qianyue looked at his casual look, and said with a smile: "If you are interested, you are the only one in the world. If you are not, then we will leave it alone!"

"Does Yue Yue want me to be interesting?" Ying Chenyu asked, with a bit of seriousness.

Zi Qianyue shrugged: "I don't want it."

"Okay." Ying Chenyu nodded and chuckled, "Then I'm not interested in the throne."

Zi Qianyue was speechless, whether she should be so casual, she said that she didn't want him to be interested in the throne, Zi Qianyue was moved in her heart, and she really felt disgusted on her face.

Ying Chenyu smiled lightly, and Zi Muyun was also very happy to see, then he took Shui Mengxuan and left, leaving the place for the two of them.

Within two days, the news of Shuimeng Villa's comeback spread across the rivers and lakes, and everyone in the world was shocked. Before there was no Yungong, the world of Shuimeng Villa was considered to be in the world, but later Shuimengxuan retired, and Shuimeng Villa unexpectedly reappeared for more than ten years A comeback, what is even more unexpected is that as soon as Shuimeng Villa came back, it killed a person who was persuaded to unite against Yungong and got the heart of immortality. In Yungong, everyone knows that Yunzun is the fifth prince Yuwang of Beichen, so although Shui Mengxuan did not see Yunzun, she was received by the current head of Yungong, Yueyun Envoy. Everyone knows her identity, Yun Zun is her son-in-law according to seniority, Shuimeng Villa will always stand by Yungong's side, and those who refuse to accept will die!
The rivers and lakes were in an uproar immediately, and those with clear thoughts quickly understood the relationship. Apart from Shuimeng Villa, the biggest forces in the rivers and lakes today are nothing more than one palace, two pavilions, three towers and four floors. Yun Zun once said silently that the owner of the pavilion is the Lord Yun Mother, that is to say, Princess Yu, Zi Qianyue, even if she is a doctor, silently speaks to the master of the pavilion, and the master of Xuege Pavilion is Yunzun's younger sister. Now, with the addition of Shuimeng Villa, which is extremely qualified in the Jianghu, people in the Jianghu have begun to prepare for themselves. The decision to attack Yungong began to regret, and gradually fell silent. After all, although the temptation of immortality is great, the risk is even greater. Not to mention that Yun Zun was said to be a god, now there is no chance to see Yun Zun. "That's good." Shui Mengxuan nodded: "Shuimeng Villa will be born again in these two days, I will go to Yungong personally, after all, our relationship is public!"

(End of this chapter)

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