Chapter 114

"Accompany you at any time!" Ying Chenwei smiled lightly, sitting opposite Yuxi, a servant sent a chess game, and the two began to play chess.

Ying Chenwei's chess moves are still weak and murderous, seemingly retreating step by step, but actually retreating as an advance, Yuxi was shocked, but when he realized that Ying Chenwei deliberately lured him into the bait, it was too late. Chen Wei has reversed her game of chess, from retreating to advancing, killing crazily. When Yuxi wanted to retreat, it was too late. A game of chess was played extremely fast. Even Yuxi hadn't played as long as Ying Chenhan and Ying Chenwei. Chen Wei dropped the last chess piece coldly and said, "You lost!"

The old emperor looked at Ying Chenwei in astonishment, Yuxi was powerless in her hands, now he had no idea when his daughter who had been kept in the deep palace without any care had become so powerful. When the eldest princess framed Zi Qianyue, she appeared once, which shocked him once. Now that she appeared again, it was indeed even more shocking. Chess is like life, Ying Chenwei, has been hiding her edge!

What the old emperor was thinking, the ministers didn't understand, but seeing Ying Chenwei win the grandson of the second elder of Lingshan so quickly was a very happy thing, especially the ministers who supported Ying Chenhan felt that they were in a relationship with Ying Chenhan. By the way, she immediately became elated, only Ying Chenwei turned around and returned to her seat without saying a word.

Yuxi's face was cold, and without saying a word, he began to make people prepare for the third match. He originally thought that even if Beichen's people were capable of fighting Lingshan, it would take a lot of time. He was ready for a protracted battle. Whether it was Yuyuan or himself, they were all cleaned up very quickly, and there was no chance of turning over.

In the painting and calligraphy competition, in front of Zi Qianyue was a special juan cloth and a brush. Yuhui was the woman among the four who hadn't spoken. She just sat quietly and started painting without even looking at Zi Qianyue. Jing looks like a beautiful fairy, quietly painting the scenery of the world, Zi Qianyue also started to paint, her painting skills are naturally excellent, but the strange thing is that the painting on the juan cloth disappears in an instant , only one stick of incense time, Zi Qianyue took a careful look at the canvas, then looked at the ink-stained brush, casually took the brush and drew on the table, the handwriting did not disappear, Zi Qianyue sneered, she couldn't try it openly Human martial arts use this method, it is really despicable, Yu Hui has already started to draw, Zi Qianyue saw the crux of the problem, and quickly wrote, drawing is easy for her, she stimulates her internal strength, the pen and ink are dry, and she can still draw. Controlling the smudging of the ink, within a short while, Zi Qianyue had already drawn a picture of the Peach Blossom Spring. Under the colorful fallen leaves was a secluded place. In front of the hut, a man was sitting on the grass playing the piano, and the woman was lazily resting her head. With the legs of the man, lying quietly listening to the music and basking in the sun, a bit lazy, a bit playful, and wrote Tang Bohu's "Song of Peach Blossom Temple":
Taohua Temple in Taohuawu, Taohua Temple under Taohua Fairy.

The Peach Blossom Immortal planted peach trees and picked flower branches for wine money.

If you are sober, you only sit in front of the flowers; when you are drunk, you have to sleep under the flowers.

Before and after flowers, day after day, drunk and sober year after year.

I don't want to bow before the chariots and horses, but I hope to die of old age in the flower wine room.

Cars, dust and horses are rich in interest, and wine cups and flowers are poor in fate.

If the rich is better than the poor, one is on the ground and the other is in the sky.

If the poor and the lowly are compared to a carriage and a horse, he has to drive me free.

The world laughed at me for being too crazy, and I laughed at the world's inability to see through.

I don't know the tombs of heroes in the five tombs, I have no wine and no flowers to hoe the fields.

A stick of incense had just been burned, and the two stopped writing at the same time. Eunuch An, who was beside Beichenhuang, picked up Ziqianyue's work for others to see, while Yuxi picked up Yuhui's work in person. I have to say that Yuhui's painting The level of painting is extremely high. If Ziqianyue hadn't lived two lifetimes and loved painting in both lifetimes, she might not be able to compare with her. The control of spiritual power is just right. A picture of mountains and rivers is vivid on the paper. Beauty is beauty. But it lacks a bit of emotion, and people have emotions, especially the poems inscribed by Ziqianyue. The poems are gorgeous and elegant, the style is elegant and handsome, and the rhythm is back to the wind and dancing snow. The meaning is mellow and profound. The words are too strong, there are poems in paintings, there are paintings in poems, it is not endless, but calligraphy and painting have always been inconclusive, and everyone is hesitating, but Yuhui spoke softly, her voice was as light as clouds, and said: " I lost!"

"Yu Hui!" Yu Hao was obviously anxious, losing three times in a row, Lingshan couldn't afford to lose such a person, but Yu Hui didn't say anything, casually took back her painting from Yuxi, walked to Ziqianyue He said softly in front of him, "I lost."

Zi Qianyue nodded, but Yuhui glanced at Ying Chenyu again, and said softly to Zi Qianyue: "I am very envious of the life of the princess!"

Zi Qianyue did not respond, and took back her own painting, and sat beside Ying Chenyu, Ying Chenyu reached out and took the words in Zi Qianyue's hand, glanced at the poem, and said with a smile: "Others laugh at me Too insane, I laugh at others for not being able to see through, not knowing the tombs of heroes in the five tombs, hoeing without flowers and wine?"

"What's wrong?" Ziqianyue felt a little nervous, no, he could tell that the poem was not made by her, Ziqianyue took a sip of water to cover up her embarrassment, but she was always afraid of something, Ziqianyue didn't After drinking, Ying Chenyu seemed to be smiling and asked very gently: "I know Yueyue might think so, but Yueyue didn't write this poem, did she?"

"Don't tell me if you see through, we are still good friends!" Zi Qianyue said in a low voice, her voice was a bit threatening.

Ying Chenyu laughed, stretched out his arms to embrace her in the public, and whispered in a voice that only two people could hear: "We are not good friends!"

"Ying Chenyu!" Zi Qianyue gritted her teeth and stretched out her hand to pinch his leg, but in the end she was not willing to use force and put down her hand sullenly. Ying Chenyu smiled dotingly: "We are husband and wife."

"He will lie to me with good words!" Zi Qianyue snorted coldly in disdain. Ying Chenyu was about to explain when suddenly a strange thing flew towards them. Ying Chenyu reached out and easily grabbed the small silver wine glass in her hand. Qianyue was also surprised, looked up, and saw that Shui Mengxuan and Yu Hao had already started a martial arts competition, and was obviously thrown out by Shui Mengxuan, and saw Ying Chenyu and Zi Qianyue looking over, Shui Mengxuan was fighting Jian smiled innocently: "Sorry, my hand slipped!"

The corners of Zi Qianyue's mouth twitched, this trick Ying Chenyu had already used, but Shui Mengxuan used it again at this time, just wanted to see how Ying Chenyu would fight back, but Zi Muyun was cold Liang glanced over, Zi Qianyue had to stop seeing Ying Chenyu's slightly moving fingers, she felt a little funny, but she didn't dare to do anything, after all, Zi Muyun was her half father, Ying Chenyu Yu can be scruples because of her, but she is still very happy?
Shui Mengxuan glanced at Ying Chenyu provocatively, Ying Chenyu ignored her, but Zi Qianyue could see that he seemed a little bored, thinking that if it wasn't because Zi Muyun was here with Ying Chenyu's temperament, he would have been here sooner rather than later. So I cleaned up Shui Mengxuan, it was too much for him to endure now, so she patted his hand lightly to express comfort.When Shui Mengxuan stimulated her inner strength, a manjusawa flower quickly appeared on her forehead. It was evil but dazzlingly beautiful. Zi Qianyue suddenly discovered that when she and Shui Mengxuan met, Shui Mengxuan was just Playing with her, not revealing her true strength, but now is her true strength, even if Yu Hao has spiritual power, she is still losing ground, spiritual power seems to be far inferior to the internal power of ordinary people that Lingshan thinks, Shui Mengxuan is not in the mood Teased this arrogant Yu Hao to come and play, and soon the competition ended, and the result was that Shui Mengxuan won completely. Shui Mengxuan glanced at Yuxi proudly before walking to Zi Muyun to claim credit, and Zi Muyun pampered her. Touching her back was considered a compliment, and Shui Mengxuan immediately nestled in Zi Muyun's arms like a well-behaved kitten. No mercy, for an arrogant person like Yu Hao, if she wasn't afraid that Lingshan would cause trouble, she would have abandoned him. Yuxi looked at Shui Mengxuan coldly, supported the seriously injured Yu Hao, and said angrily: "It's just a martial arts competition. , Xie Xian doesn't need to be so cruel, right?"

"Ruthless?" Shui Mengxuan seemed innocent, glanced at Yuxi, and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't do it hard!"

" are too much!" Yu Hao pointed at Shui Mengxuan and said intermittently.

Shui Mengxuan glanced at him jokingly, unexpectedly she could still talk like this, Shui Mengxuan admired him a bit, and said sincerely: "My lord, you can go to the rivers and lakes to inquire about it, if I beat you cruelly, you will be helped now." I can't even get up."

"Is it time to announce the result?" Zi Muyun looked at Yuxi and said coldly.

Yuxi gritted his teeth, his face was livid, Lingshan lost so thoroughly, these geniuses in rumors were so ignorant of a blow, but he could only say: "Beichen defeated Lingshan, Lingshan admits defeat, I will send someone to give gifts In the past, His Royal Highness Yu Wang could choose another day to leave with us!"

"Go with you?" Ying Chenyu chuckled: "This king never said to go with you!"

"Your Highness, this is a rule. Do you want to break the contract and put His Majesty Beichen's face in shame?" Yuxi said with a gloomy face.

Ying Chenyu said lightly: "This king seems to have said from the very beginning that even if Lingshan is lost, this king will not go to Lingshan. Is Mr. Yuxi so forgetful?"

"Does Your Highness have to force the elder to come here in person?" Yuxi looked at Ying Chenyu coldly with a gloomy expression.

Ying Chenyu smiled indifferently: "If the four of you have the ability to take me back, you can take me back!"

"Okay, please wait at ease, King Yu. Lingshan, you've got to go!" Yuxi finished speaking sullenly, and helped Yuhao to leave, and Yuhui also followed him to support Yuyuan.

The banquet broke up unhappy. Everyone knew that Lingshan was deliberately looking for trouble, and they didn't think it was rude, but the old emperor gave Ying Chenyu a dark look, and then turned away regardless of the crowd. The officials didn't care when they saw the emperor leaving. I would like to stay longer and say goodbye to each other.

Ying Chenyu sat in the carriage and leaned against the carriage with her eyes closed, when Zi Qianyue suddenly asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Ying Chenyu opened his eyes, and said with a faint smile: "Now the whole world is against me!"

"How can there be the whole world?" Zi Qianyue muttered dissatisfiedly, Ying Chenyu raised her eyebrows and looked at her, and Zi Qianyue said, "So what if it's the whole world? You still have me, my parents, Qingyao, and Yun." Gong, and your master, Xueer, Shui Mengxuan and the others, so what if we turn against the whole world?"

Ying Chenyu laughed: "Unconsciously, there are so many people around me?"

"Of course, who made you look good!" Zi Qianyue looked at him and smiled, then remembered Ying Chenwei after a while, and suddenly asked: "Why did Ying Chenwei help you out today?"

"Help me out?" Ying Chenyu sneered: "She didn't help me out, she just wanted to meet Yuxi alone!"

"Why?" Zi Qianyue was a little surprised.

Ying Chenyu said: "The prizes won by the four of them will be delivered by the four of them in person. Yuxi, of course I will go to see Ying Chenwei, otherwise, do you think that Ying Chenwei has a chance to get close to the people in Lingshan?"

"Then what does she want to see him say?" Zi Qianyue was a little strange, Ying Chenwei had never had anything to do with Lingshan, and seeing him, nothing happened.

Ying Chenyu closed her eyes, and said softly: "Yueyue, Master's people have said that the Lord of Lingshan is wearing a purple robe!"

"Holy Lord?" Zi Qianyue was a little shocked: "You mean that when Ying Chenwei saw that person, the person who saved you was the Holy Lord of Lingshan?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen him after all, and, the Holy Lord of Lingshan, there is no reason to save me." Ying Chenyu didn't open her eyes, her expression was a little gloomy.

Zi Qianyue thought for a while and said, "But how could Ying Chenwei know that he is the Holy Lord of Lingshan?"

"Yueyue, you don't understand Lingshan?" Ying Chenyu opened her eyes and asked suddenly after hearing Ziqianyue's words.

"Yeah!" Zi Qianyue nodded, and said honestly: "My mother told me not to inquire about Lingshan since I was a child. Although I was curious, she only asked me for one thing. I thought Lingshan must be there. The things my mother doesn't want to think about, in that case, I haven't checked Lingshan, and I can even avoid all news about Lingshan."

"Yueyue, do you think there are so many coincidences in the world?" Ying Chenyu asked, seeing Ziqianyue's doubts, explained: "When Master took me away, in addition to not allowing me to use my internal strength and not allowing me to go down the mountain I am not allowed to know any news about Lingshan, what I know is not even as much as ordinary people know."

"How did this happen?" Zi Qianyue was surprised. Lingshan was nothing to them. Why did the two people who were so coincidental not know about Lingshan, especially Ying Chenyu, who was forced not to know about Lingshan. Anything, everything about Lingshan was blocked by the old man, and he was not allowed to know a little bit.

Ying Chenyu shook her head lightly, as if a little tired: "I don't know either."

Zi Qianyue seemed to have thought of something, and asked with some concern: "Will Master..."

"Stop talking!" Before Zi Qianyue finished speaking, Ying Chenyu suddenly interrupted her, reached out to hug her, and said softly: "I'm sorry, Yueyue, Master won't lie to me, at most he only has something to do with Lingshan. It has nothing to do with him."

"Okay, it doesn't matter." Zi Qianyue couldn't help but feel distressed, and hugged him tightly back, feeling the coolness on his body, angrily: "Why is it so cold again?"

"It's okay." Ying Chenyu said in a low voice, Zi Qianyue obviously didn't believe it, took his hand to check his pulse, and frowned after a while: "Did Bingyu hurt you last time?"

"En." Ying Chenyu nodded.

Zi Qianyue frowned: "Why, with your internal strength, even if you were poisoned at the time, you wouldn't be hurt so deeply by Bingyu?"

Ying Chenyu didn't let go of Ziqianyue's hug, she seemed to be aggrieved, and said sullenly: "It's just that every time he cuts my wrist to bleed, I will naturally be afraid, from the inside out, I don't know why, Then I will involuntarily lose my internal strength, which is regarded as one of my weaknesses, but no one knows."

"Is it because of childhood?" Zi Qianyue asked cautiously as she held him in her arms to warm his cold body.

"Maybe!" Ying Chenyu said aggrievedly: "I will be afraid of blood flowing from my wrist, and I don't know when it started, but I was unconscious when he bled me back then."

"It's okay, as long as you take good care of yourself, you'll be fine!" Zi Qianyue couldn't help but took out the cloak in the carriage and put it on him personally, tied him carefully, and hugged him carefully, trying to take the warmth from her body Pass it on to him.

Ying Chenyu looked at Ziqianyue's bustle and laughed, and said, "I'm fine, don't worry!"

"Why am I not worried?" Zi Qianyue said angrily, "Your body can't stand a little bit of trouble now, thanks to the fact that you pretended nothing happened at the time!"

"I didn't pretend to have nothing at all!" Ying Chenyu looked aggrieved like a girl who had been bullied, and Zi Qianyue, who knew he did it on purpose, was still heartbroken, thinking that he was indeed in the old emperor's house at that time. When he was bleeding, his complexion suddenly turned sour, even the old emperor could see that he was uncomfortable, Zi Qianyue's heart tightened, and she said angrily with a sullen face, "Are you still reasonable?"

"Okay, I didn't care, I was wrong, okay?" Ying Chenyu hugged her dotingly, and sighed contentedly: "Yueyue, you are so kind!"

"It's good that you know!" Zi Qianyue said with a smile without humility, Ying Chenyu laughed, and the two arrived at the palace laughing and arguing, and just got off the car, the old man broke in, Zi Qianyue was a little surprised, the old man It has not appeared for several days, but at this time it appeared again inexplicably. He glanced at Zi Qianyue, then stretched out his hand and pulled Ying Chenyu's sleeve mercilessly, and Zi Qianyue pulled his sleeve away. Hand, a little annoyed: "Master, let go, he is not in good health!"

"Hey, Yue'er doesn't need to spoil him so much. I have taken care of him for more than ten years and I still don't know what his body looks like?" The old man put down Ying Chenyu's sleeves and looked at Zi Qianyue playfully. It became red, and she actually forgot about it under concern, Ying Chenyu also laughed, and said to the old man: "What's the matter?"

The old man also put away his smile and said, "You come in with me first!"

"Yueyue, too?" Ying Chenyu said casually, Ziqianyue was not an outsider, so he took Ziqianyue's hand and left.

"Okay." The old man nodded, followed them to Ying Chenyu's room, and asked, "Did Yuyuan use her spiritual power on you today?"

"En." Ying Chenyu nodded, disapproving.

The old man glanced at him, and stretched out his hand to take his pulse. Ying Chenyu originally wanted to avoid it, but when he saw the old man glaring at him, he had no choice but to stretch out his hand resentfully. After a while, the old man frowned slightly, and looked at Ying Chenyu: "Your body Why is it so cold?"

Ying Chenyu was helpless and a little embarrassed, so Zi Qianyue had no choice but to repeat the words on the carriage to him. After hearing this, the old man immediately became angry: "Why didn't you tell me earlier that you can't do bloodletting?"

"You didn't ask either!" Naturally, Zi Qianyue couldn't see that the old man was angry with Ying Chenyu, so she answered Ying Chenyu's dissatisfaction.

The old man looked at Zi Qianyue angrily, and said angrily: "You still speak for him, last time when he just got angry..."

"Okay, stop talking, let's get down to business!" Ying Chenyu knew what the old man was going to say, and was afraid that Zi Qianyue would interrupt him immediately when she was angry. At the same time, she gave the old man a warning look, but Zi Qianyue was obviously already a little confused He glanced at Ying Chenyu slantingly, and said nothing. Although the old man was angry, he didn't really blame him because of this matter, and then he stopped talking about it, and said seriously: "Yuyuan used it for you. Do you have no response to Lingli?"

"No." Ying Chenyu shook his head, the old man had just felt his pulse and knew he was telling the truth, so he sighed and asked, "Have you guys gotten to know the Holy Lord of Lingshan?"

"Ghost Blade said that he was very mysterious, they didn't know much about him, and later said that the Holy Master always only wore purple robes, he was domineering and ruthless." Ying Chenyu repeated what Ghost Blade said to the old man.

"That's right." The old man nodded, and then continued: "Ghost Blade should have told you that there is a young master in Lingshan, right?"

"Say it." Ying Chenyu nodded: "Isn't the young master missing?"

(End of this chapter)

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