Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 115 I'm Happy For You

Chapter 115 I'm Happy For You

"Yes." The old man's eyes suddenly became a little deep, and he said with a bit of seriousness: "The young master disappeared a long time ago, but as far as I know, the young master should be in extremely poor health. He was seriously injured, so some people have always suspected that the young master of Lingshan, Yu Nian, is not missing, but the holy master is eager to love his son. He is afraid that the children of the elders will bully the young master, so he hides the young master and waits for the legendary immortal heart. Appearing, you can completely change the young master's physique."

"You mean, the one who most wants to get the heart of immortality is the Holy Lord of Lingshan?" Ying Chenyu asked, looking into the old man's eyes, and suddenly said, "Do you know the fourth princess Ying Chenwei?"

"I know, what's the matter?" The old man asked a little strangely.Ying Chenyu withdrew her gaze, and said calmly: "12 years ago, she saw with her own eyes a man in purple robe who saved me."

"Save you?" The old man seemed a little surprised, and asked, "Holy Lord of Lingshan? Why did he save you?"

"I don't know." Ying Chenyu's long eyelashes covered the emotions in his eyes, and explained: "At that time, he only bandaged me once, and left some medicine for me. There is nothing else, maybe It’s because I’m afraid that my heart of immortality hasn’t awakened yet!”

"You mean that he wants the old emperor to help him revive his immortal heart, and then he will reap the benefits?"

"Maybe!" Ying Chenyu sighed.

The old man frowned slightly, and said: "That's not the case. The Holy Lord of Lingshan doesn't know that only Lingshan can awaken your immortal heart, and the young master has been in very bad health since he was a child. If it was the Holy Lord of Lingshan, he would not be willing to wait for that. Long!"

"That is to say, the person Ying Chenwei saw was wearing purple clothes by coincidence, but isn't it necessarily the Holy Lord of Lingshan?" Zi Qianyue asked, frowning.

"Well, it's possible, after all, the Holy Lord of Lingshan is definitely not the only person wearing purple clothes in the world!" Ying Chenyu nodded and said casually.

Zi Qianyue took a look at him. Although there were many people wearing purple clothes, not many of them had extremely high martial arts skills. Moreover, the temperament could never be imitated. Although he hadn't seen that person when he was six years old, but later that person Following him, he felt that his martial arts were extremely superb. This person was probably the Holy Lord of Lingshan, but Ying Chenyu didn't tell the old man about it. No matter how unwilling it is, it has become his instinct.

In the Palace of Roses, Ying Chenyu's guess was correct, Yuxi personally gave Ying Chenwei a double-star chess game, at this moment, Ying Chenwei and Yuxi were playing another game of chess, before the game was finished, Ying Chenwei suddenly raised her head , asked: "Master Yuxi is surprised today?"

"What's the surprise?" Yuxi seemed to not understand Ying Chenwei's words, and asked with some doubts.

Ying Chenwei put down the chess piece and said: "This princess doesn't want to deal with Mr. Yuxi, but just wants to tell Mr. Yuxi that this princess once met a man who looks very similar to the fifth emperor. To be precise, the fifth emperor is six years old. At that time, that person was already a man!"

"What do you want to say?" Yuxi narrowed her eyes and asked.

Ying Chenwei glanced at him, and said: "I don't want to say anything, that's all I can say, if Mr. Yuxi doesn't understand, then I'm the princess and I didn't say anything!"

"Ying Chenwei..." Yuxi read Ying Chenwei's name in a low voice, and suddenly smiled after a while, and said to Ying Chenwei: "Thank you princess for your enlightenment, the emperor wants to see me before my son enters the palace. Just leave first!"

"It's easy to leave!" Ying Chenwei looked at the unfinished chess, and said lightly.

Yuxi laughed, then turned and left, Yingchenwei looked at the remnant chess pieces on the table, her eyes became deep, she stretched out her hand and dropped a chess piece, the black piece held by Yuxi quickly turned into a dead chess piece, overflowing with murderous aura, Yingchenwei suddenly The murderous aura dissipated, and he sighed softly: "Xiaoyu, I didn't want to touch you..."

The old emperor met Yuxi directly in the secret room where Mo Lingyu was placed. When Yuxi walked over, he didn't look at Yuxi until Yuxi came closer and said: "See the emperor!"

"Yuxi, come and see who she is?" The old emperor glanced at him and motioned for Yuxi to come over.

Yuxi saw Mo Lingyu when he entered the door, but he just smiled wickedly and asked the old emperor: "Does the emperor want to hear the truth?"

"What's the truth?" The old emperor looked up at Yuxi.

Yuxi circled around Mo Lingyu and said with a smile, "This person is not the Saintess of Yuling."

"Isn't it true? What about Yu'er?" The old emperor asked softly, as if he was extremely tired, remembering what Ying Chenyu said before.

"I don't know where the saint is, but this person is just a puppet that the saint made 20 years ago!" Yuxi smiled indifferently and said to the old emperor.

The old emperor looked even more decadent, and asked, "20 years ago? Did she decide to leave then?"

"It seems so." Yuxi nodded and explained: "This technique consumes a lot of spiritual power, and this person has to use Lingshan's bone-changing pill for a long time to maintain his current appearance. The saint only had the most spiritual power 20 years ago. You can do it when you are strong, but I still can't solve this technique, so I can't let the emperor see who this person is, I am really sorry!"

"Since what Yu'er is going to do, she will definitely do her best, and it's normal if you can't solve it." The old emperor stood up, expressing his understanding.

Yuxi nodded slightly, and the old emperor asked: "It is said that when a girl from Lingshan marries a foreigner, the girl born will get special blood, so that the man can inherit his spiritual power?"

"That's right." Yuxi nodded, because the old emperor knew that Mo Lingyu was actually Yuling, the saint of Lingshan, so he knew a lot about Lingshan.

Seeing him nodding, the old emperor's eyes became darker, and he asked again: "Then why doesn't Yu'er have spiritual power?"

"Heh!" Yuxi laughed, looking directly at the old emperor, "Don't tell me, Your Majesty, that you don't know his background!"

"I probably know!" The old emperor sighed, "That's why it's strange."

Yuxi sneered: "Since the emperor knows, why is he so surprised? What can that person not do? What's the point of sealing his spiritual power?"

"Sealing his spiritual power, he really doesn't care about his life!" The old emperor sneered when he thought of those years, he couldn't get Yu Ling, and Yu Ling couldn't get that person, the three of them went around Turn around a bad fate, and in this bad fate, that child bears all the sins and sufferings, but he will not be moved, he still wishes that the child died.

"Don't care about his life or death?" Yuxi laughed mockingly when he heard the old emperor's words: "If you don't care about his life and death, you won't seal his spiritual power, even if you seal his spiritual power, it will cause him serious injuries. You don't care at all. Knowing how to forcibly seal a person's spiritual power without hurting him, what price will he have to pay!"

"What's the matter?" The old emperor looked at the puppet made by Yuling, stroked her cheek with his old fingers, and sneered: "No matter how hard he still let me torture him for so long, didn't he?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Yuxi murmured softly, and suddenly became fiercely angry at the old emperor: "Why didn't you kill him earlier?"

"Why should I kill him?" The old emperor was not frightened by him at all, and asked with a smile: "I haven't awakened my immortal heart yet!"

"Stupid!" Yuxi sneered: "You don't even know that only Lingshan can awaken your immortal heart, what face do you have to be the king of a country!"

"What did you say?" The old emperor couldn't believe it.

Yuxi mocked coldly: "Only the thunder from the Lingshan altar can awaken the immortal heart, so everything you did back then was in vain, and if you tortured him to death, he would just be dead!"

"Tianlei?" The old emperor was still a little surprised and asked.

Yuxi nodded and explained: "The altar is the only place where the evil power is sealed up in the altar. Only there is the place where he offers his own blood to the demon, attracts the thunder from the sky, and kills the soul with the thunder. That kind of power can awaken the immortal heart."

"So that's the case." The old emperor nodded thoughtfully, "It's no wonder I haven't awakened the heart of immortality after exhausting the world's torture for so many years."

Yuxi glanced at him disdainfully, then said with a dark smile: "But now the emperor doesn't need immortality, and I don't want it either, why don't the emperor do me a favor?"

"What?" asked the old emperor.

"I want to get rid of him!" Yuxi said coldly. Originally, he was still interested in the heart of immortality, but he didn't need it for the time being. On the contrary, if Ying Chenyu went to Lingshan, he would lose everything. Not to mention the heart of immortality!

The old emperor looked at Yuxi and said with a smile: "Get rid of him? You said it simply, do you know how many people I lost because I wanted to get rid of him!"

"Because you didn't have the intention to kill him at that time!" Yuxi said angrily: "I know you must know his weakness, tell me, I will send someone to get rid of him, and I promise that I will not have any relationship with you."

"But it doesn't benefit me at all!" The old emperor said coldly.

Yuxi chuckled: "The Saintess of Yuling is not dead, if you want, I can help you find Her Highness the Saintess."

"What you said is true?" The old emperor suddenly became excited. In this world, only Jade Spirit is his obsession, an obsession that he can never let go of.

Yuxi nodded: "I don't know why Her Majesty's spiritual power is extremely weak, but she must not be dead. I can't solve her spell, but if there is her breath in this spell, I can find her."

"If what you said is true, I can tell you his most fatal weakness." The old emperor calmed down and said to Yuxi: "He has ice soul and red soul at the same time, and every fifteenth day, he will be poisoned. , life is worse than death, definitely not your opponent!"

"Is that so?" Yuxi nodded thoughtfully, and said with a smile, "Then it's easy to handle!"

"But you can't get close to him on the fifteenth day!" The old emperor sneered and said disdainfully.

"Then what should I do?" Yuxi knew that the old emperor must have a way, and asked, the old emperor smiled sullenly: "Besides himself, you can start with the people around him, Gui Nanny is in the cloud palace, you move Without her, other than that, it's Zi Qianyue, his only weakness."

"Ziqianyue..." Yuxi muttered softly, and then smiled at the old emperor: "Don't worry, your majesty, I will help you find His Royal Highness soon."

"You'd better find it, otherwise, I don't mind telling that person what you did. I think he should treat you well." The old emperor threatened coldly. Although Yuxi made a promise, the old emperor After all, after sitting on the throne for decades, it is impossible to trust him based on his empty words. Since he dared to tell him everything, he naturally has a bargaining chip to threaten him. That person is the Holy Lord of Lingshan!

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for reminding me, I will leave first!" Yuxi gritted his teeth a bit, but there was really nothing he could do. If the old emperor told what he had done, that person would definitely make him even more miserable than him. In his hands, he might not be able to do it even if he wanted to die.

"Young Master Yuxi, go slowly." The old emperor said coldly, Yuxi turned and left.

In Yingyuan, Zi Qianyue stared at Ying Chenyu who was sitting opposite, and asked coldly: "Tell me, what does Master mean?"

"What do you mean?" Ying Chenyu smiled wryly, and stretched out her hand to pull Ziqianyue, but Ziqianyue shook off his hand, and said coldly: "Please explain clearly to me, when Master first came, when I went out, you What have you done?"

"I didn't do anything, you trust me, Yueyue." Ying Chenyu said a little aggrieved, but in her heart she scolded him as a master who cheated on his apprentice, and swore that he would never let him see what he did in the future!
"Believe you?" Zi Qianyue sneered: "Believe you and I'm a pig!"

"Yueyue, you don't have to scold yourself like that!" Ying Chenyu suppressed a smile and said.

"Ying Chenyu!" Ziqianyue was furious, but before she finished her anger, Yuqian suddenly appeared and stopped her. Ziqianyue turned around and glanced at Yuqian, who said, "Yue'er, you and mother Come kiss me!"

"Mother, I..." Zi Qianyue glanced at Ying Chenyu, seeing that he was smiling at this moment and wished she would leave quickly, with a look of anger on her face, Yuqian frowned, looked at Ying Chenyu and said: "Yu'er, I know everything about you, I will teach you when I come back!"

"Mother!" Ying Chenyu was even more aggrieved, he obviously did nothing, in the end it seemed that everyone blamed him, Yuqian ignored him, Zi Qianyue gave him a cold look, turned and left, even Li Shang who just appeared next to him remembered that day he actually wanted to forcibly introduce the king Gu into his body to help him relieve the Gu, so he glanced at him coldly and muttered, "It's what you deserve!"

"You deserve to die!" Ying Chenyu turned her head to look at Li Shang, and said coldly, "I haven't settled with you since I came back so late last time!"

"Ayu, that was really an accident." Thinking of this incident, Li Shang immediately put on a smiling face. There was a bit of a dog's leg in his stunning face, and there was a bit of self-blame in the depths. Seeing Ying Chenyu Seemingly a little disbelieving, he stretched out four fingers and said, "I swear, it was definitely an accident!"

"Have you memorized the things Qingyan asked you to memorize last time?" Ying Chenyu knew that Li Shang's pity was mostly feigned, and she didn't follow his tricks, so she asked casually.

Li Shang suddenly laughed awkwardly, and stammered a bit: "That Ah Yu, doesn't he need to deal with Chu Xiyun now?"

"Well, but Chu Xiyun is not the only one who knows Gu, and not everyone is like Chu Xiyun who won't take your life." Ying Chenyu said coldly.

"Well, not everyone loves you as much as Chu Xiyun..." Chu Li muttered dissatisfied.

Ying Chenyu gave him a slanted glance, and Li Shang shuddered suddenly with his indifferent gaze, just about to explain, Ying Chenyu had already said: "In this case, you should give me all you have memorized now." Write it down!"

"No, Ah Yu, I was wrong!" Li Shang begged for mercy. If he had known that he shouldn't talk too much, there are so many things, and he was able to memorize them all because he was born with a photographic memory. He had just memorized something, and now he was asked to write it, so much that he could use up his hands.

Ying Chenyu didn't bother to pay attention to him, and said: "You first talk about what you have to do when you come here, and then you can write it. Remember, I will give you three days."

"Three days?" Li Shang jumped up angrily, seeing that Ying Chenyu was indifferent, he could only continue to say in a dull voice: "Yuxi went to see the old emperor, Mo... Yuxi must be able to see the matter of Concubine Yu. I feel that the two of them may deal with you together!"

"Treat me?" Ying Chenyu pursed her lips, smiled evilly, and then said to Li Shang as if she didn't care at all: "I see, you go and write your "Word Gu"!"

"Ayu, the old emperor will definitely tell Yuxi about your poisoning, shouldn't I protect you?" Li Shang asked pitifully.

"I don't need your protection." Ying Chenyu gave him a cold look, and Li Shang had to leave with his head drooping. Just as he reached the door, Ying Chenyu suddenly called him: "Li Shang."

"What's the matter?" Li Shang turned around quickly, smiling brightly, thinking that the lord of his family is still human, before he was happy, Ying Chenyu said with a smile: "Well, I just want to tell you, your Nan I’ve read Chu’s "Words Gu", and you know I can’t forget it, if you miss a single word, you will go back to Nanchu!"

"Ah?" Li Shang frowned, he had read it and asked him to write, but seeing Ying Chenyu's magnificent smile, he said sullenly: "Understood, I won't drop a single word, my lord rest assured!"

"Then I will barely believe you!" Ying Chenyu laughed and said casually.

Li Shang no longer believed that Ying Chenyu would change his nature and not bully him. This miracle happened. Although he was dissatisfied in his heart, he thought that he was late that day after all, which caused him to be drained of so much blood. Is it self-blame, or obediently ran to write a book, and suddenly remembered that Ying Chenyu said that he had read that book a long time ago, that is to say, Emperor Nanchu also confessed that he was not allowed to tell others, it was just a joke, he was rushing to contribute Everyone is not rare.

In Yinyue Juli, Yuqian pulled Zi Qianyue to sit down, her expression was a little serious, Zi Qianyue felt strange, and asked, "What's the matter, mother?"

"Yue'er, you should know who your mother is!" Yu Qian said seriously.

Zi Qianyue frowned: "What identity?"

Yuqian didn't speak, the light purple mist floated between her raised hands, the water cup on the table didn't move, but the water in it flew out, Zi Qianyue looked at it in surprise, the water was covered by the light purple mist in Yuqian's hand Slowly condensed, and finally turned into an ice crystal, Yuqian put the ice crystal in Ziqianyue's hand, and said to her: "Have you seen it Yue'er, mother is from Lingshan, one of the two saints of Lingshan, mother What you use is spiritual power."

"So mother never showed martial arts in front of me in those years?" Zi Qianyue asked, a little unwilling to believe, how could Yuqian hide it from her, she always thought that Yuqian had no martial arts, suddenly, she remembered In the illusion made by Master Ying Chenyu that day, in the end because she had a headache, she didn't even notice who was the one who shattered the illusion at that time. Now, that person is probably her mother.

Yuqian's face was stained with apology, and she said softly: "Yue'er, mother is forced to do so. Mother's body was not suitable for using force, and since mother is married to your father, she will no longer have any relationship with Lingshan. Therefore, mother has never wanted you to know about Lingshan, and she is worried that Lingshan will hurt you if she finds out about your existence, do you understand?"

"I understand." Zi Qianyue nodded, and smiled wryly: "Mother, did you see the illusion that day? How my mother in the previous life treated me, so no matter what you do, as long as you treat me as a daughter, I will let you go!" I won't blame you!"

"Yue'er, I'm sorry." Yuqian felt apologetic. She knew that Ziqianyue had worried about her all these years. She learned martial arts and medical skills for her at the beginning, but she kept a big secret from her. For Zi Qianyue, it is impossible to have no feeling at all.

Ziqianyue reached out to hold Yuqian's hand, and said softly, "It's okay, mother, you have spiritual power, and your illness is cured, I'm very happy."

"I am also very happy." Yu said with a smile, "Yue'er, I am very happy that you are my daughter."

(End of this chapter)

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