Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 116 I am not enough for him

Chapter 116 I am not enough for him
"Mother, you broke the illusion that day with your spiritual power, so does Ying Chenyu's master also have spiritual power?" Zi Qianyue recalled what happened that day, and asked, "Mother, do you know what Ying Chenyu is doing?" Yu's life experience? His master doesn't allow him to know anything about Lingshan."

"Yue'er, you will know about Yu'er's life experience in the future, but don't mention it again, Yu'er will think about it." Yuqian held Ziqianyue's hand and said softly.

But Zi Qianyue withdrew her hand, looked at Yuqian seriously, and said, "Mother, do you know his life experience? You don't think that everyone knows but he doesn't. The truth is right in front of you. You are all his dearest people, but you are unwilling to tell him, don't you think it's unfair?"

"Yueer..." Yuqian was helpless, she wanted to pull Ziqianyue's hand but she took it away, Ziqianyue asked again: "Mother, do you think he will not be able to find out with Ying Chenyu's ability? It's just that he Master didn't let him investigate, even though he was curious, he didn't check at all, mother, why can't he tell? Why is his identity worth your efforts to hide?"

"Yue'er, you don't understand, Yu'er, he..." Yu Qian was about to explain, when Ying Chenyu's shallow voice came, with a bit of a sigh: "Stop talking, since mother and master won't let me know , I believe it's all for me."

"Ying Chenyu..." Seeing Ying Chenyu appearing, Zi Qianyue looked at him distressedly, Ying Chenyu glanced at Zi Qianyue, her smile spread slightly, her stunning face suddenly appeared, and she said softly: " Yueyue, let's go!"

Zi Qianyue glanced at Yu Qian, Yu Qian was still unwilling to speak, Zi Qianyue didn't say anything anymore, turned around and took Ying Chenyu's hand to leave, Ying Chenyu's hand was cold, Zi Qianyue seemed to be watching Feeling the coldness in his heart, as soon as he left the room, he hugged him suddenly, buried his head on his chest and said softly: "Ying Chenyu, don't feel bad, we will know the truth."

"Yeah." Ying Chenyu hugged her back, the girl nestled softly in front of him, suddenly he found a trace of warmth from the cold, and said with a shallow smile: "I'm fine, I'll always know. And, Even if master and mother have a big secret, at least they won't hurt me, that's enough!"

"Yeah." Zi Qianyue nodded: "I know Master really loves you, that's enough, just like my mother, I won't blame her."

Yuqian stood in front of the window and watched clearly the two people embracing each other outside the door. Although their voices were very low, Yuqian could still hear them if she wanted to. She sighed softly and asked the room: "Aren't you Do you regret it?"

"Why do I regret it? There is no room for regret!" The old man suddenly appeared from nowhere, glanced out the window, and sighed.

Yuqian closed the window gently, their spiritual power could cut off their words, and they were not afraid that Ying Chenyu and Ziqianyue would hear them. The old man reached out and poured a cup of tea for Yuqian. Yuqian glanced at him and said helplessly: "When will you bring Yu'er back to Lingshan?"

"Maybe after he gets sick this month!" The old man sighed softly and said.

"Yuxi will most likely attack Yu'er!" Yuqian sighed. No one knew Ying Chenyu's identity. She never thought that besides the old emperor, there was Ying Chenwei who was the first to know, and Ying Chenwei Extremely smart, he has never made a public announcement, but he can use this opportunity to cleverly get rid of Ying Chenyu.

The old man didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "Yuxi is not Yu'er's opponent!"

"Of course Yuxi is not, but what if the Second Elder behind him or even other elders also come?" Yu Qian said with a serious face: "You have to know that this is not impossible, on the contrary, it is very likely."

"I know!" The old man took a sip of tea, seeing that Yuqian was still frowning, he put down his cup and explained, "I'm going to take him back to Illusory Spirit Valley when he gets poisoned."

"Go back to the Illusory Spirit Valley?" Yuqian was a little confused. Although the conditions in the Illusory Spirit Valley were indeed good, it had an impact on the original plan.

The old man nodded and explained: "The reason for sending him back is to get the crystal back. He is to find Xueer. Now that Xueer has found it and the crystal is back, he no longer wants to destroy Beichen, so he can go back!"

"Just because of these?" Yuqian asked in disbelief.

The old man smiled wryly: "Xiao Qian, you are still as smart as ever. You went back because his body couldn't bear the toss. My identity... I'm afraid of hurting him!"

"You really decided to do that?" Yuqian looked at him angrily, as if looking for a negative answer, the old man smiled: "If this is the eighth catastrophe, it will be much lighter than that!"

"I don't think it will be lighter than that. Why bother? It's enough to save him, raise him, and teach him!" Yuqian sighed, a little helpless.

"Do you think that's enough?" The old man asked softly, "Xiao Qian, you haven't seen what kind of suffering he suffered when he was so young. When I brought him back to Lingshan, his whole body was covered with wounds and his blood was wet. Through my clothes, no one thought he could survive. Everyone persuaded me to keep him, but I couldn't. I could only send him back. I watched him suffer for another year and a half, and even got shot again. Without Ice Soul and Red Soul, he is just a child, you can never imagine!"

"This is what he is destined to bear, and it's not your fault!" Yuqian also felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, and comforted her softly.

The old man shook his head: "It's because of me. Sometimes I think that if it wasn't for me, the catastrophe would have happened at least after he was a little older, but because of me it started when he was two and a half years old. The most terrifying thing is that he The nearly four years of torture were not his calamity, but my selfishness, Xiaoqian, I am far from enough for him!"

"Will Yu'er go back?" Yu Qian knew that no one could change what he decided, so she could only sigh.

The old man nodded, with a bit of firmness in his eyes, and a bit of unbearable: "He will go back. Before the poison occurs, I will let him go back."

Yuqian knew what he wanted to do, and asked with a frown, "Why are you forcing him so hard? As long as you say it, he will definitely promise you to go back."

"Xiaoqian, with my current status, he can't hate me no matter what!" The old man sighed, but he was a little relieved. Just as Yuqian was about to speak, the old man interrupted him and said, "Don't you I said Xiaoqian, I have already made a decision, and it is impossible to change it."

Yuqian had no choice but to stop talking, she knew all the truth, but also because she knew all the truth, seeing the old man willing to pay the price of life or even more than life for him, she was helpless, also because of the truth.

The news that Lingshan lost the game quickly spread throughout the Three Kingdoms, and Beichen’s position was indeed strengthened because of this, but these were just appearances. Even if the people in Lingshan lost, they didn’t have the slightest intention of leaving. Beichen still had good food and drink. For several people, it may be because of the embarrassment of losing the game. Lingshan did not mention Ying Chenyu again, but everyone knew clearly that this matter would happen sooner or later, but everyone waited and watched without saying anything That's all.

The old man always sees the beginning and the end of the dragon, and has disappeared again since he appeared that day. Yuqian also went back to Dongling because of Yueling Tiantian's letter. Chess, Ziqianyue is sleeping in his arms, Qingyao and Lishang are still fighting and fighting, all the beauty is tranquility, but all tranquility hides storms.

When Shui Mengxuan came in, she saw Ying Chenyu playing chess, she casually walked over and sat opposite him, reached out to hold the chess piece and dropped it, Ying Chenyu raised her head, her eyes were calm and unwavering, he knew that Shui Mengxuan was fine look for him.

Shui Mengxuan took a look at Zi Qianyue, Zi Qianyue had already opened her eyes, and she didn't feel sleepy, Shui Mengxuan said coldly: "Lingshan has entered the rivers and lakes!"

"How do you get involved?" Ying Chenyu asked, dropping a chess piece carelessly.

"Since I went to Yungong that time, few people in Jianghu have dared to talk about immortality, but recently Jianghu has been restless, and some of my subordinates have died. Not many people, not some What kind of expert, it is difficult to attract attention, but they were all sent by me to kill those who had ambitions for immortality, and I have personally seen, what killed them was not internal force, but spiritual power!" Shui Meng Xuan's voice was cold, and at the same time she made a move. She looked very much like the evil fairy who was powerful in the Jianghu years ago, and seemed to have nothing to do with the gentle and pleasant wife of the prime minister. Zi Qianyue looked at the two of them. Playing chess, he said lazily: "Are they trying to give you a warning and at the same time give confidence to others?"

"Don't warn me. These people are just ordinary people in Shuimeng Villa. If I didn't meet them that day, I wouldn't have noticed these people at all, but the possibility of uniting with other people is extremely great." Shui Mengxuan thought for a while and said.

Ying Chenyu fell down and said with a smile: "It's not possible, it's certain. Lingshan has made a move, and wants to take me away when I get poisoned."

"Are you poisonous?" Shui Mengxuan was a little surprised. She knew that Ying Chenyu was extremely weak, but she had never heard of any poison in Ying Chenyu. Sometimes she even thought that it was not true that he was extremely weak. After all, he Where is Yun Zun's identity, how does his frailty gain a foothold in the Jianghu? It wasn't until seeing Ying Chenyu a lot later that he believed that he was really extremely weak.

Ying Chenyu nodded, and said lightly: "I have ice soul and red soul in me!"

"What?" Shui Mengxuan couldn't believe her ears. It was almost impossible for him to live if he was hit by the ice soul and the red soul at the same time, but he was not only alive, but he was also the famous Yun Zun in the Jianghu, which had to be hard to bear. confidence.

Ying Chenyu and Shui Mengxuan are now their own people, and then she explained: "I was hit by Ice Soul and Red Soul ten years ago, but Xueer's blood is the medicine spirit, which saved my life at that time. After that, my master took me away and taught me martial arts to suppress the two poisons, and then Yueyue replaced my internal force with water jade to control the poison, so now I will be fine on weekdays, but the poison will flare up on the [-]th of every month, and wait until it is fully attacked , I will not be Yuxi's opponent."

"I don't even know about this, how did Yuxi know about it?" Shui Mengxuan frowned. He has such a special status in the Jianghu, so the poisoning will naturally not be known, but Yuxi is only from Lingshan, but he knows this. thing.

"Because the current emperor gave him this poison!" Before Ying Chenyu could speak, Zi Qianyue remembered her cold voice, her eyes were filled with ice-cold, thinking of the poison given to him by the old emperor and Mo Lingyu, she There will never be a way to forgive.

Shui Mengxuan was even more shocked. With her ability, she certainly knew that the relationship between Ying Chenyu and the old emperor was not as honorable as it appeared on the surface, but she didn't expect that the old emperor would be so cruel to him ten years ago. Vicious and poisonous, Shui Mengxuan was called an evil fairy. She has never been a soft-hearted person, but she has never laid such a cruel hand on a child. It sounded a little creepy. After a while, she calmed down and said with some hesitation : "The last time you were seriously injured, it was because..."

"He did my serious injury. At that time, I wanted to know the truth. He won't have such an opportunity in the future." Ying Chenyu said lightly, with only pampering for Zi Qianyue in his voice, as if he was fond of the old emperor. He didn't care about seriously hurting him.

Seeing his casual but confident appearance, Shui Mengxuan couldn't help laughing and said: "You are really arrogant, now tell me your fatal weakness, don't be afraid that I will help them poach your heart instead!"

"Do you dare?" Ying Chenyu asked back, her voice was as light as flying snow, but Shui Mengxuan shrank her shoulders slightly, and said with an apologetic smile: "Don't dare, dare not, Great son-in-law!"

Ziqianyue burst into laughter when she heard her address. It wasn't that they didn't want to be called Shui Mengxuan, it was just that Shui Mengxuan was smaller than Yuqian in the first place, and Shui Mengxuan had been in the rivers and lakes, even though she had retired for 15 years It can't wipe out the Jianghu aura and the iconic evil aura on her body, which makes people unable to say it out, especially Ying Chenyu has always been an uncompromising figure in the Jianghu, and it is even more acceptable for such a mother to appear suddenly. No, so Ying Chenyu has always respected Zi Muyun, but he is more casual with Shui Mengxuan, saying that it is about the same as Li Shang and the others.

The rare thing is that Ying Chenyu didn't refute, Shui Mengxuan was flattered and at the same time only heard Ying Chenyu's faint voice talk about the business: "Yuxi and the others probably won't move the Cloud Palace at this time, what do you think he will do?"

"Moyan Pavilion? Xuege, he probably doesn't know that Xue'er is your own sister, besides, Xue'er is Dongling's most favored princess, he probably doesn't want to mess with Dongling again?" Shui Mengxuan became serious, thinking I want to say.

Ying Chenyu suddenly laughed, Shui Mengxuan looked a little strange, Ying Chenyu hadn't spoken yet, Zi Qianyue glanced at Shui Mengxuan, said with a smile: "He will move Shuimeng Villa!"

"Why?" Shui Mengxuan was a little surprised, she just came out of the mountain, so she couldn't be so unlucky!
But Zi Qianyue just used the facts to tell her how unlucky she was, and said with a smile: "You forgot that I am also the princess of Dongling?"

"I really forgot..." Shui Mengxuan raised her forehead, it seems that her status as the prime minister's wife is not easy to use at all, everything should be done by herself, Zi Qianyue looked at her upset, and smiled viciously : "Besides, my mother is the Saintess of Lingshan!"

"Why didn't he move Yungong directly!" Shui Mengxuan was speechless, thinking about having a peaceful life in a few days!Knowing that Ying Chenyu didn't refute him just now, he was abnormal, thinking that he had changed his gender, Ying Chenyu smiled, and continued: "You have not challenged anyone in the Jianghu this time, which is against the rules, of course because you The reputation in the past is not too much, but I sent people to spread rumors in the Jianghu that you dismissed many people back then, and now Shuimeng Villa is actually strong on the outside and on the inside!"

"Ying Chenyu!" Shui Mengxuan stood up, angry: "Don't you think it's too much? My old lady worked so hard to help you solve the affairs in the world, do you know how many people you suppressed?"

"I don't think so." The people and animals that Ying Chenyu smiled were harmless, extremely pure, and Zi Qianyue curled her lips. Ying Chenyu usually looks like a banished fairy who doesn't care about the world, and people worship him, but she is not serious when she is not serious. He can be evil, pure, cold-blooded, and innocent, but no matter what, he is extremely pure, making people look angry but unable to move him, Zi Qianyue smiled and said: "Are you just Do you like the way others can't understand you and can't kill you?"

"Yes!" Ying Chenyu smiled purely, rubbed Ziqianyue's head, and said, "Yueyue is so smart!"

"Cut!" Zi Qianyue snorted coldly, but after looking at it, she couldn't beat him, so she turned her head sullenly, ignoring him.

Shui Mengxuan looked at her with a toothache, and gave Ying Chenyu a cold look: "I've never seen a son-in-law like you, and if you're like this, I won't serve you!"

Seeing Shui Mengxuan, Ying Chenyu was really angry, knowing that Shui Mengxuan was not Li Shang and the others after all, and she did occupy the title of Ziqianyue's mother in name, so it was not easy to squeeze too much, so she waved her hand lightly, and someone immediately Putting the thick book in front of Shui Mengxuan, she said with a smile, "I'll give you the reward!"

"What?" Shui Mengxuan's complexion was still not good, but she stretched out her hand to open the book, and when she saw the word "Word Gu", she couldn't believe it. She raised her head and glanced at Ying Chenyu, her questioning gaze was obvious.

Ying Chenyu helped his forehead helplessly, he had almost no credibility in front of Shui Mengxuan, so he could only smile and said: "This is Nanchu's "Word Gu", the prince of Nanchu wrote it for you personally, didn't you Do you want to see these, I made them specially for you."

"You will be so good?" Shui Mengxuan looked at him in disbelief, thought for a while and said: "Isn't it for me to write a fake one, trying to trick me into being backlashed by Gu insects?"

"No, it was really written by Chu Li, and Ying Chenyu checked it personally." Zi Qianyue smiled at Ying Chenyu's helpless look, but seeing that Shui Mengxuan still seemed a little unbelieving, she explained: "You Don't worry, Ying Chenyu will never make fun of you with this!"

"I really don't believe him!" Shui Mengxuan glanced at him, extremely disdainful, Ying Chenyu was speechless, and didn't say much, reaching out to take back the book, Zi Qianyue suddenly held down the other corner of the book , took a look at Zi Qianyue and said, "I still believe in my obedient daughter."

Zi Qianyue felt a chill, shaking the goosebumps on her body, Shui Mengxuan walked out proudly, and said as she walked, "Don't worry, I will take care of the four people from Lingshan for you."

"Can Shui Mengxuan beat Yuxi and the others?" Zi Qianyue asked worriedly. After all, not everyone can reach Ying Chenyu's martial arts level. Ying Chenyu's internal strength is also given to him by ice soul and red soul Yes, coupled with his own talent, it is indeed rare to find an opponent in the world, but Shui Mengxuan is different. She is just an ordinary person. Those people who unite in the arena may indeed be a little difficult to deal with.

Ying Chenyu glanced at the direction where Shui Mengxuan left, and smiled at Zi Qianyue: "Yueyue, have you heard about Shui Mengxuan's origin?"

"What's the origin?" Zi Qianyue was puzzled, and suddenly felt that she seemed to have spent the past two years in the arena for nothing, and had never heard of anything. Thinking of Shui Mengxuan's life experience, indeed, whether it is Beichen, Nanchu, Dongling , even Lingshan has no surname Shui Meng, but everyone seems to ignore this issue. No one has ever studied who Shui Mengxuan is.

Ying Chenyu saw what Zi Qianyue was thinking, and said with a smile: "It's not that you don't know, almost everyone doesn't know, there is a magical place outside Lingshan, there is a clan, it is the Shuimeng clan of the Wu clan. , the population of the Wu Clan is much smaller than that of Lingshan, but everyone knows witchcraft. However, hundreds of years ago, the Wu Clan disappeared. Originally, there were very few Wu Clans. Believe in the Yellow Spring on the other side, the women of the Wu tribe will have manjusawa flowers on their foreheads, and the men will have water patterns from the Yellow Springs!"

"Shui Mengxuan is from the Wu Clan?" Thinking of the blood-red Manzhushahua on Shui Mengxuan's forehead, Zi Qianyue frowned: "Why haven't I heard of this clan?"

"It's normal if you don't know." Ying Chenyu smiled, seeing Zi Qianyue's dissatisfaction, explained: "I saw this from a scrap of paper by chance. The witch clan has not appeared for a hundred years, and many people don't know it at all." Knowing the existence of this race, and the Wu Clan people don't easily reveal their forehead marks, and no one knows this secret, I have only seen Shui Mengxuan who is from the Wu Clan in all these years!"

(End of this chapter)

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