Chapter 12

"How to deal with these people?" One of the men pointed at the man in black on the ground, looked at Ying Chenyu and asked.

"Get rid of those who have seen you, and the others..." Ying Chenyu closed her eyes, then opened them gently: "Let's keep it for now!" The wheelchair had already left, and a faint voice drifted in the wind.

"My lord, there is an old man at the door, and I want to bring you a message." Ying Chenyu, Li Shang who stayed behind, and Mo, who was pushing the wheelchair, had just walked out of Yingyuan, when a guard appeared and knelt on the ground respectfully.

"Say." Ying Chenyu said a word coldly, without any emotion.

"This..." The guard hesitated.

"Quickly say, the prince doesn't want to repeat the second meeting." Li Shang knew that this was the person arranged by the old emperor for the sake of appearance, so he said coldly.

"Yes." The guard nodded: "He said that if the prince gets angry again because of a small matter and uses his internal force again, he doesn't mind..." The guard looked up at Ying Chenyu, and seeing that his expression did not change, he continued: "He I don't mind sealing your internal strength personally." After the guard finished speaking, he glanced at Ying Chenyu fearfully, although he was the guard of King Yu's Mansion, the strange thing was that he had never seen the so-called King Yu who was so favored. In other words, he was also a little apprehensive.

"Haha, Ah Yu, it seems that the stinky old man really understands you! He even came here without worrying!" Li Shang looked at Ying Chenyu jokingly. When doing things with a temper, he often uses his internal strength to hurt himself. The stinky old man's move is cruel enough, but he likes it!

"Is it funny?" Ying Chenyu's cold voice floated by, Li Shang immediately closed his mouth, and quickly waved his hands to explain:
"Of course not! Ah Yu, although I have always hated the stinky old man pestering you, but this time I have to admit that the stinky old man is all for you! Who told you to use your internal energy indiscriminately!" Li Shang looked at Ying Chenyu had a flattering look on his face.

Ying Chenyu ignored him, Mo pushed the wheelchair away slowly, Li Shang touched his nose in embarrassment, and finally stepped up to keep up with Ying Chenyu.

In Sakura's room,

Ying Chenyu didn't wear a mask. After creating Yungong, the old man forced him not to show his appearance in front of anyone except Yungong, even the old man himself. He took off his mask at that time, so he also knows his appearance.When Ying Chenyu was alone, he didn't have the habit of wearing a mask. At this moment, he sat quietly in front of the window, opened a book casually, and flipped the pages lightly. On the body, the god-like face became more and more white and holy under the sunshine, and the only sound in the room was the sound of turning the pages of the book, and the years were quiet.

"I won't be like this again, you don't have to follow me!" Suddenly, Ying Chenyu put down the book, her face remained unchanged, and she spoke lightly.

"Ahem, I was spotted by you!" An old man suddenly appeared in the room, but he couldn't tell where he came from. This person was Ying Chenyu's master, and he was smiling awkwardly at this moment.

"I'm not worried about you!" Seeing Ying Chenyu ignoring him, the old man smiled embarrassingly.

"I've already promised you." Ying Chenyu's faint voice was mixed with sighs.

"Hmph! You still know you promised me, who just couldn't control his emotions because of a little thing!" The old man laughed and disappeared, and said angrily.

"This time, for the last time, just this one time." Ying Chenyu's voice was mixed with helplessness and bitterness.

"Silly boy, hey..." The old man shook his head, but he knew in his heart how could he not care at all!

"Stop talking, stretch out your hand, and I'll show you." The old man stretched out his hand, signaling Ying Chenyu to take it out.

Ying Chenyu didn't speak, just closed her eyes gently, and stretched out her hand obediently.

"I didn't use much internal energy just now, so it's not a serious problem, but don't use it again in the future. Your body is too weak, so let me take care of it in the future!" Every time the old man felt Ying Chenyu's pulse, he couldn't help it. To say a few words, every time it's nothing more than too empty or something, Ying Chenyu is annoyed to hear it.

"Mmm," Ying Chenyu responded perfunctorily.

"Don't always take it seriously. You know what your body looks like. You have always been weak. You could rest and recuperate in the Magic Spirit Valley before. Now the saints don't have such good recuperation conditions. You have to pay attention to yourself. "When the old man saw his perfunctory appearance, he immediately blew his hair. What did he work so hard for? The Lord didn't appreciate it.

"You also know that now in the holy capital, do you think those people can let me rest at ease?" Ying Chenyu asked back, with a touch of self-mockery.

The old man suddenly lost his voice, yes, those people hope that he is dead!No matter how strong he is, he will still be tired!It's a pity that he can't help him here.

"Hey! In fact, here, you will meet that person..." The old man's voice was as light as he could hear. The destined person, the reason why Ying Chenyu had to come back to him, that person, I hope it can be true. Change Yu'er's fate.

"Yeah." Ying Chenyu replied lightly, since he firmly believed, he just waited quietly.

"I'm leaving, take care of yourself!" The old man suddenly jumped up, swept away his emotions just now, and walked out happily.

"Yeah." Nodding lightly, he reached out to pick up the book he had just put down and looked at it seriously, without looking at the old man.

"Hey, I'm gone and you're just like this!" The old man looked at Ying Chenyu resentfully, as if he was an abandoned child, and said innocently, "Is it my dear apprentice?"

"..." Hearing the old man's grievances, Ying Chenyu knew him too well, so she knew that he would not just leave like this. She raised her hand lightly, and a small jade pendant flew by. With a beaming smile: "Boy, Yungong's shop in Tianxia, ​​you are the only old man who knows me best. Yes, you are really my most caring apprentice." There are even countless brothels, this is a must-have weapon for you to be free and easy in the world in the future!The more the old man watched, the more excited he was, he almost fell on Ying Chenyu. Ying Chenyu gave him a disgusted look, and said coldly: "If you don't get lost, bring it back to me!"

"Go away, I'm going to go now, bye!" The old man was not angry, and disappeared in an instant holding the jade pendant.

Ying Chenyu looked at the old man who disappeared in a flash, then smiled helplessly, picked up the book and read it again, as if nothing happened just now.

 This chapter is a little short...

(End of this chapter)

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