Chapter 13 Discrimination
Not long after, Ying Chenyu seemed to suddenly think of something, put down the book in her hand, her lips curled up slightly, thinking of the girl in the prime minister's mansion today, she suddenly became in a good mood, today she openly made the prime minister make a fool of herself outside the door, Presumably the prime minister should not forget it easily:
"Mo, take this to Miss Zi." Ying Chenyu stretched out her hand and threw out a jade pendant with the word "Feather" written on it: "Don't cause trouble for her."

"Yes." Mo's cold voice sounded, and he left in an instant.

"Cough cough." Standing outside the door, Li Shang saw his great lord laughing again, completely ignoring his existence, and coughed twice in displeasure.

"Ayu, do you know that you laughed more this day than in the past ten years combined?" Li Shang leaned on the door frame, looking at Ying Chenyu resentfully.

"Is there something wrong?" Ying Chenyu continued to ignore him, and said lightly.

"He wants to see you." Thinking about his coming, Li Shang had a rare expression of coldness.

"I'm too tired today, don't see me." Ying Chenyu closed her eyes, her tone didn't fluctuate at all.

"Ayu..." Li Shang looked at Ying Chenyu's pale face, and couldn't see any emotion in him.

"Shang, one disappointment is enough!" Ying Chenyu said.

"Yes." Li Shang nodded and left.

After Li Shang left, Ying Chenyu picked up the book again and read it seriously.

Prime Minister's Mansion

Just as Ying Chenyu thought, Zi Qianyue is not like Ying Chenyu being enshrined by others like a master. At this moment, in the hall of the Prime Minister's Mansion, Prime Minister Zi is sitting at the head, three aunts and several girls are sitting in turn. Below, Zi Qianyue, Qingyao and others stood in the middle of the hall without saying a word. Although the aunts and daughters in the mansion are usually spoiled, they are actually very afraid of Prime Minister Zi. , everyone saw that Prime Minister Zi was angry, but they didn't dare to say a word. Most of the people here were waiting to see Zi Qianyue's jokes!
Prime Minister Zi's face was ashen, and suddenly he patted the table heavily, everyone trembled, Zi Qianyue frowned slightly, but she didn't say a word, she gently grasped the jade pendant she just gave her in her hand, originally thinking that she was pretending to be a humble girl She is not a person who likes trouble, but now, she realizes that the so-called prime minister is so excessive, even if she has been humble and low-key, I am afraid that these No one will let her live in peace.

"Ni Nu, don't kneel down yet!" Prime Minister Zi said fiercely with a livid face.

Zi Qianyue didn't speak, just stood quietly, even Qingyao and Huaping didn't kneel down, jokes, they only kneel down to young ladies, how could they kneel down to a prime minister who made trouble out of no reason.

"Zi Qianyue, you still don't kneel down, and you still don't listen to what Dad says!" Zi Yunrou said in a pretentious manner, pointing at Zi Qianyue.

Zi Qianyue glanced at her coldly, and didn't bother to pay attention to her, but she didn't like someone pointing at her, so she said lightly:
"I don't like people pointing fingers at me."

"You!" Ziyun was very soft, but looking at Ziqianyue's cold eyes, she felt scared in her heart, but she thought, Ziqianyue's cowardly appearance was just seen with her own eyes, so there is nothing to be afraid of, So he still pointed at her, even more aggressively.

"Liu Ying, cripple her index finger for me!" Zi Qianyue's cold voice sounded, as if she was saying something ordinary, but her expression remained unchanged.

"Yes, miss." Liuying nodded.

"Ah!" The moment Liuying nodded, before everyone in the hall could react, Ziyunrou's screams had already been heard. This is Ziqianyue. She deliberately told Liu Ying to cripple her fingers, which were already light. Qingyao and Huaping's martial arts were better than Liu Ying's. Most importantly, Liu Ying was careful and knew how to master the strength. Although Zi Qianyue crippled her fingers, she just wanted to Teach her a lesson, it won't make her never recover, Liuying's strength will not be completely abolished, but it will make her suffer more.

"Rouer, Rouer, are you alright?" Aunt Su Feining immediately ran to Ziyunrou's side, saw Ziyunrou's red and swollen fingers, and immediately started crying, pointing at Ziqianyue while crying: "Zi Qianyue, you are going too far!"

"Aunt Su, I said I don't like people pointing fingers at me, so the second sister learned her habit from you!" Zi Qianyue said coldly.

"Master..." Su Feining was extremely angry, but because of Zi Qianyue's ruthlessness just now, she withdrew her hand embarrassingly, and looked at Prime Minister Zi with tears in her eyes.

"Zi Qianyue, you..." Prime Minister Zi looked very angry, and slapped the table fiercely: "Come on, let's go home!" Prime Minister Zi was too angry to express. He was not alone at all, he just wanted to restrain her as soon as possible and restore his dignity.

"Hehe! The prime minister of a country is narrow-minded and short-sighted. He abandons his married wife and first-line daughter and only cares about fame and pleasure. With you, are you worthy of being a prime minister? Also worthy of my mother?" Zi Qianyue smiled slightly, bringing With a faint sarcasm, a child who was raised in a mountain village has just returned home, and she is as panicked as she was before. If the family really had to send her away back then, they should have embraced her by now. Doubly love and pity when you enter the house!Ziqianyue knew that these so-called aunts would definitely find ways to trouble her, but she just wanted to test her biological father's reaction, hehe, I really didn't expect it!I'm afraid that the prime minister must have ordered them to leave back then!However, such a smart woman as my mother actually misjudged the person, but no matter what, she, Zi Qianyue, is not someone who will be bullied.

"Big sister, how can you say that about father!" Zi Yunmeng's soft voice sounded, her pitiful appearance made people feel pity, but Zi Qianyue didn't like Bai Lianhua.

"Father? Hehe!" Zi Qianyue didn't look at Zi Yunmeng, but looked at Prime Minister Zi with cold eyes, and said in a faint voice with sarcasm: "You deserve it too?"

"Come on, let's go to the family law!" Prime Minister Zi was furious, eager to teach Zi Qianyue a lesson.

"Can I go?" Zi Qianyue said suddenly, holding the jade pendant that Ying Chenyu gave to represent Yu Wang's status in her hand, thinking in her heart, this jade pendant is really useful, without it, although she can solve these troubles by herself, But after all, it takes some effort. You must know that in any era, it is always "a high-ranking official crushes people to death".

"Big sister, you have a marriage contract with His Highness the Crown Prince, how can you take His Highness Yu Wang's jade pendant, this...isn't appropriate!" Zi Yunmeng's soft voice seemed to be really thinking of Zi Qianyue.

"It doesn't matter how I have the jade pendant, the third sister, as long as the third sister knows the rights represented by the jade pendant." Zi Qianyue didn't care, said lightly, and turned to leave.

Who would have known that Yu Wang had received all the favors, and the power represented by his jade pendant could almost be called the supreme power below the emperor. Of course Zi Yunmeng knew this, so at this moment, although she was already gnashing her teeth angrily, she still appeared Maintaining everyone's ladylike smile, gentle and generous.

"Zi Qianyue, you rebellious girl!" Prime Minister Zi slapped the table angrily, but there was nothing he could do. King Yu was favored so much that even the crown prince didn't pay attention to him, and he didn't listen to what the emperor did to him. , but absolutely dare not challenge the emperor's son!
"I forgot to say, within an hour, I will live in my mother's Qinglianju, so I will give you an hour to clean up." Zi Qianyue said with a light smile, not caring about the prime minister's increasingly gloomy face, The king is not something that a prime minister can offend, at least not when he is in favor, so Zi Qianyue is not worried that he will not agree.

Sure enough, Prime Minister Zi restrained his emotions, and pretended to be kind and said: "Qianyue, you can live anywhere you want, but now Qinglianju is already lived by your aunt, so it's inappropriate for you to go again!"

"Oh? Is Aunt Su living? Then there must be no dust in the house, so it can be cleaned up in half an hour?" Zi Qianyue said lightly, not caring.

(End of this chapter)

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