Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 128 Challenge, coma

Chapter 128 Challenge, coma

Five days passed quickly, and Ying Chenyu's injury was indeed not fully healed as expected, and his spiritual power was only half, but they all knew that they could not delay any longer. The five elders came to the temple early in the morning to meet Yu Shu, everyone knows that the young master will appear in front of everyone for the first time today. Although some people have heard of Ying Chenyu, most people have never seen him. Everyone knows that the elder has other plans, but there is no People say that, after all, the young master comes from Beichen, whom they look down on. Whether he can pass the test is really a question, and everyone is holding the attitude of watching the show.

Ying Chenyu and Zi Qianyue appeared behind Yushu. Even if they followed Yushu, the detached temperament was hard to ignore. Yushu was still in purple robes. After taking a look at the five elders, he sat on In the main seat, everyone's eyes are focused on Ying Chenyu and Zi Qianyue. The man is tall and tall under the pure white cloak. Blue clothes and a pure white cloak, but they couldn't hide the ethereal beauty. She was standing beside the man, and the people in Lingshan looked like dust, but no one dared to say that they were better than them at this moment!
Everyone in Lingshan came to their senses, knelt down one after another, and shouted in unison: "See Holy Master, see Young Master, Young Madam!"

"Get up!" Yu Shu said coldly. After everyone stood up, Yu Shu looked at the second elder and said majesticly: "Don't the elders always want to see Nian'er? Although Nian'er is injured now, since the elders If you have to test it, let's start!"

"Holy Master, I didn't intend to hurt the young master..." The Fourth Elder was a little worried and explained, but before he finished speaking, Yu Shu interrupted him and said, "There is no need to say any more, since Nian'er has already Here we go, let the elders start whatever test they want!"

"Yes, please, young master!" The fourth elder wanted to say something, but the second elder had already nodded in agreement. Seeing that Ying Chenyu's face was indeed a little bad, he was still happy in his heart. , Huo, and Lei triple tests, and then he will compete with Mo Xun, Mo Xu, and the others. At that time, even if he does not die, he will peel off his skin. At least, the position of the young master will definitely not be guaranteed.

Ying Chenyu followed the second elder to the so-called test place. Yushu told him that besides the holy land, Lingshan now has a forbidden area, which contains three calamities of ice, fire, and thunder, which are experienced by successive young masters. , but these are man-made, far inferior to the ten realms of the holy land or the sky thunder of the altar. The experience of the young masters of the past is just pretending, and it can't be true, but the elders will not make it too simple to deliberately trouble him. After hearing this, Ying Chenyu just smiled. Since it was man-made, it was done with spiritual power. His spiritual power is enough to break through the obstacles caused by these spiritual powers.

The second elder smiled gloomyly, Ying Chenyu didn't say much, and went straight in, Zi Qianyue knew that these would not cause him any harm, but she was still a little worried, Ying Chenyu gave her a playful look, Zi Qianyue Qianyue withdrew her gaze sullenly, and stopped looking at him. Everyone saw that Ying Chenyu seemed to be extremely weak, and they all began to regret this look of being a banished fairy. The burning incense in front of him said, "Holy Master, the young master only has one injection of incense time!"

"En!" Yu Shu glanced at him and nodded coldly.

But after a while, before the elder could be happy, Ying Chenyu came out, before the incense burnt halfway, Ying Chenyu waved and extinguished the incense stick, ignored the second elder, walked directly to Yu Shu, and said lightly: "The difficulty inside is too small. I only have half of my spiritual power now, but it should be almost there. After changing the things in it, in addition to the young master, all children of the Lingshan Elder's family will also need to pass this test!"

"Okay!" Seeing him talking like that, Yushu had the feeling of facing the ancestor Holy Lord for a while, resisting the urge to answer yes respectfully, nodded, and continued: "The young master said It makes sense, all the children of the elder family will come here to practice in the future, do you understand?"

"Yes, the young master is wise!" Everyone was frightened by what Ying Chenyu said. Not only did he pass the three levels very quickly, he even changed the three levels, and decided that the children of the elder family would also pass the test. The three levels were indeed shocking, and it was the elders who were even more shocked, but they couldn't say anything, as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly, so they had to follow everyone's agreement.

"Second elder, I don't know what this young master is going to do?" Ying Chenyu turned her head and looked at the second elder with a faint smile. The second elder was startled and said, "The young master defeated us and the other five subordinates. You can become the young master of Lingshan!"

"Oh?" Ying Chenyu raised his eyebrows, glanced at Yu Shu in confusion, and said lightly, "Don't I need to challenge the five elders first?"

"No, the young master is injured, as long as you defeat our servant, you will be fine!" The second elder glanced at Ying Chenyu, and explained that even if he wins, it is just a victory over the elder's servant. If he loses, he can't even win with his subordinates, even if he abolishes the position of young master, it's nothing.

Ying Chenyu turned around and saw that Mo Xun and Mo Xu had appeared, and the masters around the other elders had also appeared. Ying Chenyu smiled lightly. He could feel that Mo Xun and their strength were extraordinary. Sure enough, the current elder family was far inferior Ordinary families, and one generation is not as good as the previous generation, really lost the five elders of the year, Ying Chenyu looked at a group of people with cold eyes, and smiled: "You guys go together! This young master doesn't want to waste time!"

This smile is obviously not aggressive, but it seems to be full of provocation and disdain. The second elder looked at Ying Chenyu with an unkind expression, and said in a deep voice: "The young master is injured, let's come one by one!"

"Thank you, elder, for your concern!" Ying Chenyu answered, looked at the second elder, and said, "Let's stay together, lest the second elder scold them!"

"Okay, you guys have a good fight with the young master, remember, don't hurt the young master!" The second elder said with a gloomy face and gritted his teeth.Ying Chenyu was extremely arrogant, he wanted to tell the Second Elder that one of them was not his opponent, even if all of them went together, they would not be his opponent, so the Second Elder didn't have to think that Mo Xun and the others were not strong enough.

Hearing the second elder's order, a total of ten people surrounded Ying Chenyu by the five elders, and the powerful spiritual power urged the surrounding snowflakes to fly. Zi Qianyue was a little worried, but Yu Shu was not worried at all, and said softly: "You Don't worry, Nian'er dares to say that because he can feel the spiritual power of these people!"

"En!" Zi Qianyue nodded, she believed in Ying Chenyu, but she was still a little worried.

Ying Chenyu stood there, independent of the world, as if the things here had nothing to do with him, the snowflakes fell on the boy's pure white cloak, staying for a while, unwilling to fall, the boy raised his lips, and the smile was a bit playful , a bit cold-blooded, Xue Huali, he hasn't used his spiritual power for many years!
Just in an instant, the snow condensed into a storm and hit the young man. The young man was surrounded by light blue spiritual power in white clothes. Yu Shu was a little surprised that what he used was not pure white Tianyuan spiritual power. In the blink of an eye, the blue spiritual power rolled After the blizzard, the boy seemed to be invisible in the pure white. In an instant, the snowflakes scattered, and the beautiful petals turned into sharp blades, stabbing the people around the boy. The elders were shocked, and no one could have imagined His spiritual power has reached that point, ten people backed up one after another, then raised their heads, the boy had disappeared in the wind and snow, just about to look for it, the boy appeared in front of him, just smiled evilly, and waved his hands, that person was already covered by snowflakes He took off out of the crowd, the young man was extremely fast, no one could tell when he appeared beside him, he had already flown out on the snowflakes, the snow was sprinkled with blood, he vomited blood from an internal injury, the young man sneered , there is no one around, only he is still standing in the snow in white, the snow falls lightly and falls on the young man's shoulders, just like that year, when the woman's cold sword pierced his heart, it was also such a heavy snow day, he Suddenly feeling a little dazed, Mo Xun and Moxu saw the right moment, and suddenly attacked him. Zi Qianyue saw Ying Chenyu's trance, and was just about to go to help him, but Ying Chenyu had disappeared before her eyes, and her cold eyes appeared in front of Mo Xun. After Xun and Moxu died, he was murderous!
Snowflakes entangled the two of them in an instant, Yushu saw his killing intent, stretched out his hand to interrupt Ying Chenyu's attack, looked at Ying Chenyu and said in a deep voice: "Enough, Nian'er!"

Ying Chenyu put down her hand, the snowflakes disappeared with everyone's horrified eyes, the heavy snow was no longer so violent, and fell lightly as usual, Zi Qianyue also saw that something was wrong, walked over and asked softly: "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine." Ying Chenyu hugged Ziqianyue lightly, feeling the emptiness that could never be held back then, and said softly, Ziqianyue didn't say anything anymore, Yushu knew that he couldn't It's okay, looking at the second elder, he said coldly: "Can Nian'er be the young master of Lingshan now?"

"See the young master!" Everyone in Lingshan knelt down respectfully and said when they saw Ying Chenyu's superb spiritual power.

Although the Second Elder was unwilling, but seeing that the general situation was over, Mo Xun and the others were seriously injured. If Yu Shu hadn't stopped them, they might have died at this time. The Second Elder knelt down respectfully: "See the young master!"

"See you young master!" Except for the first elder, several other elders knelt down respectfully, and the first elder said with a smile: "The young master is a talent of heaven, and he is indeed worthy of a great job in Lingshan!"

"Great Elder, I haven't seen Yuzhi under your knee yet!" Ying Chenyu glanced at the Great Elder. Although the Great Elder smiled kindly, it always made people feel that it was not simple.

The Great Elder still smiled and said: "The young master is injured, let's go back to rest first, and I will definitely see Zhi'er someday!"

"Okay!" Ying Chenyu nodded, turned to leave, Zi Qianyue and Yu Shu were worried, and followed him to leave, the elders glanced at each other, turned and left.

Everyone had already left, Ying Chenyu had just walked for a while, and suddenly passed out without warning, Yu Shu hurriedly supported him, Zi Qianyue was shocked, and shouted: "Ying Chenyu!"

The boy suddenly turned pale, the snow hit him, his eyelashes covered his eyelids like butterfly wings, and the snow also fell on the eyelashes. Yushu and the others knew that he was not injured, and Mo Xun couldn't hurt him at all. In an instant, something was obviously wrong, without time to think, Yu Shu took him back to the palace, Zi Qianyue guarded him, and after a day, Ying Chenyu woke up slowly, his eyes were cold, Zi Qianyue was suddenly frightened He arrived, and asked softly: "Ying Chenyu, what's wrong with you?"

When Ying Chenyu saw the person in front of him, the woman's worry was obvious, he closed his eyes, and after a while, he returned to his usual appearance, looked at Zi Qianyue dotingly, and reached out to stroke her hair: "Don't worry about Yueyue, I'm fine. "

"Then why do you..." Zi Qianyue obviously didn't believe it, Ying Chenyu interrupted her: "I'm just a little tired."

"You've been in a coma all day!" Zi Qianyue said anxiously, she never believed that Ying Chenyu would faint and be in a coma all day just because she was tired.

Ying Chenyu was stunned for a moment, and looked up at the sky. He accepted the test of the second elder in the morning, and it was snowing heavily. Zi Qianyue said that he had been in a coma all day, which meant that it was already the afternoon of the second day. Chen Yu smiled wryly, hugged Zi Qianyue and comforted him, "It's really all right, if you don't believe me, you can see for yourself!"

Zi Qianyue was a little puzzled. She had seen it a long time ago. From the pulse condition, he did not have any problems, but he was indeed pale when he fainted, and he was in a coma for a whole day. This is not normal at all. Zi Qianyue asked: "Are you really okay?"

"I'm really fine." Ying Chenyu's sincere appearance was close to swearing, Zi Qianyue had no choice but to see that he didn't lie to her, so she had to say: "If you are tired, rest first, I will make medicine for you, master is here Take care of you!"

"No need, Yueyue, go and rest!" Ying Chenyu said with a smile: "Have you stayed here for another day?"

"Who told you not to stop?" Zi Qianyue frowned, looking angrily at his weak appearance.

Ying Chenyu laughed: "I'm sorry Yueyue, I was wrong, you should rest first, huh?"

"Okay, I'll just stay here and rest!" After all, Zi Qianyue was still worried about him, and directly kicked off her shoes and got into Ying Chenyu's body, stretched out her arms to hug his body, closed her eyes, and sighed in satisfaction. Tone, nestled in his arms, the movements are smooth and flowing, done in one go, almost to the point where Ying Chenyu had no time to speak, glanced at a certain place in the room, thinking that Yushu should also know that he woke up, so he didn't do anything anymore, turned around Hugging Zi Qianyue, watching her fall asleep peacefully, kissing her forehead lightly, and laughing at Zi Qianyue's sweet smile.

Sure enough, Yu Shu soon knew that he had woken up and didn't bother him. He didn't go to see Zi Qianyue until the next day when Zi Qianyue went out. , thoughtfully, seeing Yu Shu coming over, waving his hand to form an enchantment in the palace, he has already let everyone out, Yu Shu was a little strange, came over and sat opposite him, and asked with some concern: "Nian'er, what are you doing?" What's the matter?"

"I don't know." Ying Chenyu sighed softly, with some helplessness on his face: "But I don't think I just simply fell into a coma for a day!"

"You don't know?" Yu Shu was a little surprised, not understanding why Ying Chenyu didn't know, and said after a while: "What happened when you went to the altar to destroy your soul?"

"Are you saying that I died before I awakened my immortal heart?" Ying Chenyu chuckled, seeing Yu Shu nodded, and explained: "No, it is said that the soul is destroyed and reborn, but it is not completely destroyed. Although the body was weak at that time, the soul still survived until the awakening of the immortal heart."

"Why is that?" Yushu believed what he said, but was even more puzzled.

Ying Chenyu smiled wryly, and glanced at her hand: "I don't know, but my spiritual power has recovered by [-]% after being in a coma, but I don't think this coma will restore my spiritual power, although I don't have any problems now. wrong!"

"By the way, why did you want to kill Mo Xun and Mo Xu at that time?" Yu Shu asked as if thinking of something.Although Mo Xun and Mo Xu are competing with him, even if they compete, they can't hurt people's lives. It's not that Yu Shu is kind, but if the second elder grasps this point, he will definitely not let Ying Chenyu go, and Ying Chenyu must know this Reasonable, but he still did that, which made Yushu extremely puzzled.

"I didn't intend to kill them!" Yu Shu guessed right, Ying Chenyu knew exactly what Mo Xun and the others meant, so naturally she wouldn't do such a thing.

"But you obviously have the intention to kill, if I hadn't stopped you, you would have killed them!" Yu Shu said in a deep voice.

Ying Chenyu raised her eyebrows, raised her head after a while, and said seriously: "I said I don't remember that I'm going to kill them, do you believe it?"

"What?" Yu Shu didn't look like he was lying, and Ying Chenyu didn't need to lie to him about this matter, but after only one day, even he and Zi Qianyue could see his obvious killing intent, he couldn't possibly He didn't intend to kill them, but he didn't remember it at all. Yu Shu couldn't believe it: "How could this happen? By the way, the spiritual power you use is light blue, isn't it Tianyuan spiritual power?"

"I'm using Tianyuan spiritual power, but I don't want to expose Tianyuan spiritual power to cause trouble, so I just changed the shape, it's nothing!" Ying Chenyu said lightly, also a little strange, things seem to be getting more and more difficult .

Yushu thought for a moment, then looked up: "Nian'er, what did you think of yesterday?"

"I thought of it..." Ying Chenyu paused for a moment, then said lightly: "I thought of a hundred years ago, Yueyue, to be precise, the scene where Lian'er killed me was also a snowy day!"

"Are you blaming Yue'er?" Yu Shu looked at him and asked.

Ying Chenyu shook her head: "I don't blame her, from before to now, I have never blamed her."

"Nian'er, are you still feeling unwell?" Yu Shu nodded, seeing that his face was not looking well, and asked worriedly.

Ying Chenyu shook her head: "No, I'm just a little tired."

"Then you rest first, let's talk about other things later!" Yu Shu didn't understand what was going on, but Ying Chenyu was obviously still a little weak. Since this matter didn't cause any harm to his body, let's forget it for now .

Ying Chenyu nodded, and said wearily: "Okay, you can go back and rest too! Don't tell Yueyue about this in advance, I'm afraid she will worry!"

"I know, you want to call me Father!" Yu Shu still tried his best to hope that he could accept him, but Ying Chenyu just gave him a lazy glance, turned around to rest, Yu Shu had no choice but to feel depressed Go away and stop talking about it.

After Yu Shu left, Ying Chenyu opened her eyes, and Li Shang had brought Qingyao back, Ying Chenyu said in a deep voice, "Li Shang, go back and find Shui Mengxuan!"

"Shui Mengxuan?" Li Shang was a little puzzled.

"Yes." Ying Chenyu affirmed: "Don't let people know that you are looking for her, or, you don't leave, let Qingyan look for it, just say that I want to see her!"

"Yes, Lord!" Li Shang also knew the seriousness of this matter, said respectfully, then turned and left, only thinking of telling Qing Yan first, let him go to Shui Mengxuan, if he leaves by himself, The mistress and the old man will surely find out.

In the Beichen Palace, Ying Chenwei always felt that something was wrong, King Qijun was impatient, and King Nanjun was even more powerful because of the soldiers in his hands, but they didn't make any moves, which made people suspicious, but she couldn't think of the reason. Mo Lingyu has always been proud, and she definitely disdains to be with the two of them, but the quieter she is now, the more worried she is, she knows that her time is running out, she only has one month, and in one month she will be with Eunuch An It has been more than half a month since she left, and she is indeed a little anxious.

Ying Chenwei was still thinking about countermeasures, but Qin Qiu suddenly appeared in the Qiangwei Palace, because Qin Qiu often came to the Qiangwei Palace, and everyone outside the door knew her relationship with Qin Qiu, so they would not stop Qin Qiu under normal circumstances. He just entered the Rose Palace without any scruples, and Ying Chenwei got up, saying gently and generously, "Second Young Master Qin."

"Wei'er..." Qin Qiu yelled, just as he was about to get close to Ying Chenwei, Ying Chenwei stretched out her hand and pushed him away, and said flatly, "Second Young Master, you should call me Fourth Princess!"

"Okay." Qin Qiu glanced at her, she was always so aloof and aloof, he sighed and said, "Fourth Princess, His Royal Highness Prince Qing wants to see you!"

(End of this chapter)

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