Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 129 The Dark Cloud Wants to Overwhelm the City

Chapter 129 The Dark Cloud Wants to Overwhelm the City

After Ying Chenhan ascended the throne, the second prince was named King An, and the fourth prince was named King Qing. In fact, Ying Chenqing had no reason to want to see her, because Ying Chenqing knew that she was Ying Chenhan's military adviser, not the kind who only knew A boudoir girl of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, so Ying Chenqing must know that as long as she sees him, she will be able to guess his thoughts, which is of no benefit to him. Ying Chenwei suddenly understood that Ying Chenqing dared to Seeing her blatantly, she is ready for her to be unable to express her thoughts. Ying Chenwei frowned at Qin Qiu. She cannot be Ying Chenhan's weakness, but there seems to be no better way at the moment. Qin Qiu dared to come and take her away, which meant that he had the ability to control the people Ying Chenhan and Ying Chenyu sent to her side or to protect or monitor. , said gently: "His Royal Highness Qing sees me, what's the matter?"

"Don't you know that the fourth princess has gone?" Qin Qiu also became serious, putting away the tenderness towards Ying Chenwei in the past.

Ying Chenwei smiled and said: "The princess is not feeling well recently and cannot go out. Please forgive me, Your Highness Prince Qing!"

"The fourth princess doesn't want to go?" Qin Qiu knew she was just putting it off, so he said coldly.

Ying Chenwei smiled and said: "To be honest, this princess really doesn't want to go!"

"Why?" Qin Qiu did not expect Ying Chenwei to admit it so readily. This is not like Ying Chenwei's usual modest and low-key approach. Qin Qiu was a little dazed, and after a while, he said angrily: "His Royal Highness wants to see the fourth princess. , After all, they are compatriots, is it so difficult for the fourth princess to meet His Royal Highness King Qing?"

"Second son, Ming people don't speak dark words. You know best whether this princess can go to see King Qing. If so, why does this princess want to see you!" Ying Chenwei's voice was cold, and she and Qin Qiu finally stood completely together. On the opposite side.

Qin Qiu sneered, and there was no more emotion in his eyes: "Fourth princess, if you go today, you will go, if you don't go, you should go, it's better to be more sensible!"

"What if I'm not sensible?" Ying Chenwei sneered: "Is the second son going to tie me up?"

"Wei'er, you are so alert to everyone, why do you still have a little fantasy about me?" Qin Qiu looked at Ying Chenwei's cold face, and chuckled helplessly: "I once left someone here to protect you!"

"Okay, if that's the case, let's go meet King Qing!" Ying Chenwei still had a gentle smile. No matter what happened, she was always so calm and calm, even if she knew Qin Qiu's actions to protect her. Now all the people who are watching her have become people who monitor her!
"Fourth princess, please!"

Qin Qiu walked in front, Ying Chenwei followed behind, the two of them didn't say a word, Ying Chenwei suddenly smiled and sighed: "I have long thought that there will be such a day, you are the only gamble in my life."

"Wei'er, I'm sorry." Qin Qiu said softly.

"No, it's not your fault." Ying Chenwei smiled helplessly, a bit bitterly: "The two of us, you used your brains, and I used your emotions!"


"But Qin Qiu, remember, this is the only time I used my emotions when I should use my brains. No matter in the past or in the future, it will never be possible!"

Ying Chenwei stopped talking, the setting sun was shining on her soft face, she was a noble princess as always, even though she knew that what she was heading for now was a road of imprisonment, because she never told Ying Chenhan, Beside her, besides his people, there were some Qin Qiu's people, because she knew that there would be such a day, but she still didn't drive away Qin Qiu's people, and kept thinking about it in her heart.

When Ying Chenqing saw Ying Chenwei, he didn't say much. They were half-brothers and sisters, but they could be called fighting each other. They all knew that the royal family had a cold relationship, and they all knew that some things happened in the world. The royal family should never have extravagant hopes.

Ying Chenqing looked at Ying Chenwei, and said in a faint voice without any emotion: "Come here, take the fourth princess to rest first!"


Someone responded, Ying Chenwei didn't wait for that person to pull her, and after taking a look at Ying Chenqing, she followed that person and left. With just one glance, Ying Chenwei knew clearly that Ying Chenqing would not make a move, he would wait until Mo Ling Yu made a move, and she also knew that Mo Lingyu would do it soon.

Ying Chenwei sat quietly in the room Ying Chenqing had prepared for her, neither crying nor making noise, and the little girl outside the window was chattering, talking about the Fourth Princess Beichen, she was indeed a strange woman, beautiful and generous, calm in every way, but unfortunately It has been two decades and Hua still hasn't left the cabinet, and this time he was brought under house arrest by his own master, the Second Young Master Qin himself.

Ying Chenwei sneered, I don't know whether Ying Chenqing did it on purpose or not, there is actually a chess piece that Ying Chenwei is most familiar with in this room, every time she thinks about something, she plays chess habitually, Ying Chenwei holds the most commonly used white chess pieces, Just about to fall, there was a sunspot falling first, Ying Chenwei raised her head, the chirping of the little maid outside the window had disappeared, and an elegant and handsome man sat in front of her, Ying Chenwei smiled and said: "Brother Sihuang, you want to go down with the emperor sister?" chess?"

"I want to see the imperial sister's chess moves!" Ying Chen said calmly.

Ying Chenwei didn't care too much, she fell down, gentle, without sharpness, it was like a rivalry between brothers and sisters, but both of them knew that what they were discussing was the current situation of Beichen.

King Qijun's fiefdom is located to the west of the holy capital, and Nanjun king is located to the south of the holy capital. The two places are not far apart. As soon as Ying Chenhan came to power, he knew that the two of them would definitely not be peaceful. The king, and several other princes were kings, and they also sealed several county kings, and compressed their land and military power, and distributed them to other smaller county kings. There will be confrontation one day, and the imperial power will change, and Ying Chenhan will be so relaxed there!
The disaster caused Xiao Qiang, because the eldest princess disappeared. The reason why the eldest princess left was to ask for a divorce, but the royal family of Qijun did not agree. After all, the eldest princess is still the eldest concubine of Qijun. There is nothing wrong with such an important person like the current emperor, but Ying Chenhan knows that this is just an excuse. No one in the eldest princess knows better than King Qi Jun, but what King Qi Jun wants is just an excuse to send troops. And what Ying Chenhan wants is also an excuse to completely get rid of the title of the county king, although he can't come up with this excuse now, as Eunuch An said, the main defense is to attack from the back!

King Qi Jun asked people many times, but Ying Chenhan just dealt with them casually. Sure enough, King Qi thought that Ying Chenhan's reasons were just perfunctory. Chen Han demonstrated, and even ordinary people in Shengdu knew that Shengdu was about to change. The current emperor's throne is too easy. Even in peacetime, it is very difficult for a prince to become emperor without being canonized as a prince. After the previous emperor died, he had to meet his brothers in arms, but Ying Chenhan ascended the throne before the emperor died, and there were no brothers and vassals to make troubles. How should the current emperor deal with it? However, if there is any disturbance in the war, it is enough to make them leave their hometowns, but the people in the holy capital are different. Surrounding the holy capital, the other county kings are far away from the holy capital, and they don't want to care about such things. When the new king ascends the throne, there are far more people watching the excitement than the Qin king.

Hearing the news about Qi Jun Wang Chen Bing, Ying Chenhan's face was cold. He has been dealing with these matters in the imperial study room, because Ying Chenwei once said that he is not allowed to go to her often, and now he seldom goes to Rose Palace, but He believes that he will soon be able to give Ying Chenwei a quiet life, and protect Ying Chenwei without having to hide his edge carefully. Thinking of this, Ying Chenhan smiled confidently. He knew that Mo Lingyu was about to make a move, just wait for her to make a move , and you’re ready to catch everything!

The rumors in the holy capital were even more tense than ever, and the king of Nanjun couldn't bear it any longer. He said that the fact that he had committed adultery with the eldest princess at that time was wronged, and he begged Ying Chenhan for justice. Moreover, the evidence was sufficient at that time, but King Qijun still believed him and said he believed in the character of King Nanjun, and asked Ying Chenhan to give him justice. Naturally, Ying Chenhan was still perfunctory, and the last person did not appear, so he still stood still and waited for Mo Lingyu He knew that Mo Lingyu couldn't hold back any longer. The young master of Lingshan, Yu Nian, fought ten people around the five elders with injuries. Yu Nian now has enough prestige to be the young master of Lingshan, the future heir of Lingshan. Mo Lingyu hates him, so she will not let him recover from his injuries and become the Holy Lord of Lingshan. She will definitely get Beichen quickly. Lingshan fights each other, but once flustered, it is easy to make mistakes, Yingchen smiled coldly, she must have made a mistake!
At this time, almost all of Bei Chen's remarks were unfavorable to Ying Chenhan, but he remained indifferent. No matter whether it was the court officials or the common people in the market, no one could guess what the young new emperor was thinking.

However, soon, Beichen and even the whole world spread rumors that were even more unfavorable to Ying Chenhan. It was rumored that the former empress personally said that the old emperor, who is now the Supreme Emperor, actually did not intend to pass on the throne to the sixth prince, but was forced to Reluctantly, as for who is really going to pass on the throne, outsiders have no way of knowing, but they can guess a little bit. The second prince became a monk, and the fifth prince became the young master of Lingshan. Now Beichen's older prince is only Qing Wang Yingchenqing. That is to say, the real successor of the former empress who hesitated to speak is either someone else or Ying Chenqing.

Everyone knows that since Her Highness the Crown Prince was demoted to a commoner, the former empress has been in a state of depression, and she has lived in seclusion since then, and has nothing to do with any princes and princes. On the contrary, the direction of the wind is changing, and even the former empress's natal family is also Supporting Ying Chenhan, the former queen's doing so is undoubtedly making things difficult for her family. If this is a lie, then the former empress is digging her own grave, because everyone understands this truth, and everyone thinks that Ying Chenhan is wrong. There were even multiple versions spread out among the people, how Ying Chenhan killed his father and king, with wolf ambitions, and some people found out that Ying Chenhan has not made any political achievements except the normal tax exemption for the new master since he ascended the throne. Now it is even more likely to trigger a war, and the people are extremely dissatisfied.When Ying Chenhan heard the news brought to him by his confidant, he just sneered, Mo Lingyu, you really made a move, but now, isn't it too early?

The next day, the trend of rumors in the entire holy capital changed completely. The so-called winning the hearts of the people wins the world. The most difficult thing to control in this world is the human heart, and the best thing to control is the human heart. Obviously, Mo Lingyu used to focus on getting Yushu , and then used it to kill Ying Chenyu. I never forgot to create rumors in Beichen Shengdu. Ten of them were not Ying Chenhan's opponent. Besides, Ying Chenhan's new emperor ascended the throne. , will also make people see hope, the most important thing is that because Ying Chenhan was once on the border of the desert, he was famous all over the world as the God of War, and his popularity is much higher than that of a harem who has been dead for ten years Madam, Mo Lingyu doesn't know that there is a kind of amnesty for emperors in this world. No matter what mistakes the emperor has made, he can have a chance to be forgiven. It is called "Guilty Edict"!
There are two imperial decrees hanging in the most eye-catching place in the holy city. One is the imperial decree from the former emperor who is now the Supreme Emperor. It is an imperial decree announcing his abdication and passing the throne to the sixth prince Ying Chenhan. The reward requested is genuine, as long as someone spreads it a little bit, it will quickly become a prairie fire, and the "crime edict" was written by the current emperor, and the writing is even more painstaking, always emphasizing that the eldest princess is missing The royal family is responsible, but more is to capture the traces of how aggressive King Qijun and Nanjun King are. Regarding political achievements, he can't do it for the time being just because the civil strife is not settled. In this world, the emperor is willing to have civil strife. , my emperor's seat is not secure yet, so I started to think about the people's livelihood. As for the queen who spread rumors about herself, although there is no wind, there is no wave, but this wind must be thought of by those who have evil intentions. Moreover, the emperor said that he absolutely believes in the queen mother. Everything is because someone is using the Queen Mother. If you find this person who has caused troubles in the country, you will never let him go, and you will definitely be punished severely!

King Qijun and Nanjun King including Mo Lingyu didn't expect the sudden change in the wind direction of the world. They knew that Ying Chenhan would definitely fight back. They would never believe how powerful they could be, but Ying Chenhan changed the entire holy capital and even the world drastically in just one night. Just wanting people's hearts, he is going to counterattack!"

"Yu'er, Han'er is not easy. I planned to pass the throne to him back then, so don't do this again!" The old emperor stood beside Mo Lingyu. Ever since Mo Lingyu came back, he has been thinking about how to win Beichen To take revenge on Ying Chenyu, but the old emperor is different. Although he loves Mo Lingyu very much, the country has been passed down from generation to generation. Although she was already thin and haggard because of Ying Chenwei's poisonous description, she still didn't want Mo Lingyu to ruin the country.

Mo Lingyu sneered: "Jiangshan to him? Are you so sure that I can't deal with Ying Chenyu?"

"Yu'er, you are no longer the Holy Maiden of Lingshan!" The old emperor sighed: "But Ying Chenyu is still the young master of Lingshan, and his spiritual power is so high that no one in Beichen can deal with it at all!"

"So what?" Mo Lingyu was a little crazy: "If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have lost all my spiritual power. Even if he had heaven-defying spiritual power, so what? No!"

"Yu'er, have you forgotten that the ice soul and the red soul can be solved?" The old emperor sighed helplessly: "I only now know what he promised me for the crystal back then. The crystal is the key to the Holy Land of Lingshan. Xin Binglian."

"But the holy land has ten realms besides the Yanxin Binglian. Do you think that the sacred product of the Yanxin Binglian is so good?" Mo Lingyu looked at the old emperor, but sneered: "You have to get the Yanxin Binglian. How difficult it is to wash the scriptures and cut the marrow. Yushu feels sorry for him now, and is unwilling to let him suffer any more. He will definitely help him with spiritual power. At that time, both of them will be seriously injured. Now, she will follow to go through the ten realms, but how can they pass the ten realms if they think about it? Especially an ordinary woman without spiritual power!"

"Yu'er, why are you so determined to kill Ying Chenyu? He is your and Yushu's child!"

"Yes, it is Yushu and I's child that I want to kill him, because I want to make Yushu's life worse than death!" Mo Lingyu's eyes are dark, no matter whether she is in Lingshan or coming to Beichen, she has always been indifferent. I like Yushu, but when I was a child, Yushu just regarded him as his younger sister, but when he grew up, he didn't want to talk to her at all. She left Lingshan and married into Beichen. Let her marry a former prince in Beichen, she tried her best to meet him, and found an extremely precious drug to keep him, and got him, and then she had Ying Chenyu, even if Yushu woke up After leaving in a rage, even if the child began to consume her spiritual power in the womb, she has no complaints or regrets. She has been madly in love for many years. She only asks Yushu to accept her for the sake of the child, but she wants Wrong, she still doesn't know Yushu well enough, Yushu is cruel, let alone a child, even the king of heaven and I can't control him, Mo Lingyu protects this child of unknown origin with his life, until he is born, all motherly love and affection They were all entrusted to him, but for two years, Yushu had never come to see him, never, she saw that the child looked more and more like Yushu, her love began to turn into hate, she finally understood that Yushu was not Will come back, she no longer has feelings for the child, let alone protect him with her life, she often leaves him in a corner for a day or two, letting the child cry from hunger is just a mother Gui trying her best to make the child happy. Some food, although these things are not very good, but the child still survived strong. Later, she watched the old emperor kill him and torture him. She was never indifferent. She even taught him personally and beat him black and blue. That child, like Yushu, is extremely stubborn at all times and never begs for mercy. Because he is too similar, Mo Lingyu transfers her hatred for Yushu to him. She wants to make Yushu's life worse than death. Arrived, in another way, the way of torturing Yushu's only bloodline!

Looking at Mo Lingyu's gloomy and cold face, the old emperor sighed helplessly, turned around and went back to bed to rest, just as Mo Lingyu couldn't get into Yu Shu's heart, and he would never get into Mo Lingyu's heart. After the brother chased and killed him, he ran into that woman by mistake. She was as beautiful as a fairy descended from the earth. She was not like any woman he had ever seen. She was arrogant and never took him seriously, even though he was treated at that time. , but didn't ask for anything, turned around and left, he stretched out his hand and pulled her with difficulty, asking her to go back with him, she actually smiled slyly: "Okay!"

It's just this smile, because he no longer liked the princess at that time, because she violated his father's will for the first time, because she clearly knew that she was not carrying his own child, and he let her protect that child, She even warned herself that she must treat that child as her own son, just because she liked it.

But as time passed, they didn't get what they wanted, so gradually all their consciences turned into hatred, only Yu Shu, who finally blamed himself, tried everything to be good to Ying Chenyu, and even died for him.However, he and Mo Lingyu imposed all their hatred on others. What is Yushu's crime, and Ying Chenyu's crime is even more so. He was just born in a place that shouldn't be born, maybe he is about to die, the old emperor Knowing that he will not live long, although Ying Chenwei is soft-hearted and did not kill him, Jiangshan is his life, Mo Lingyu is his soul, these are gone, how can he still be alive, until now, thinking of those What Nian did to Ying Chenyu, I suddenly realized that he was really cruel, but he was powerless. In this life, he has never been sorry to Mo Lingyu, the most sorry is Ying Chenxue, Secondly, it is Ying Chenyu.

(End of this chapter)

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