Chapter 130

Mo Lingyu walked out of the palace, seeing that the weather was bad, the people all over the world were sympathetic to the emperor's painstaking efforts, and it was rumored that the king of Qijun and the king of Nanjun had been plotting for a long time, and the status of the fourth prince should have plummeted, but For some reason, everyone avoids talking about the fourth prince. Ying Chenqing is still the king of Qing in the hearts of the people, and has not even been affected in the slightest. Mo Lingyu sneered, whistled, and the inconspicuous crow landed on her hand all the time , she tied a letter to the crow, and threw it away with her plain hand. The crow screamed and left, black clouds overwhelmed the city, and war was coming!

Now there is no reason to send troops. King Qijun sent people to surround the west, north and east of the imperial city. King Nanjun also sent all his troops to surround the south of the city. The holy capital is in the north, a city facing south.Relatively speaking, the south is the most important place in the imperial city of the holy capital. Most of the troops of King Qin from all over the country come from the south, and the military supplies come from the south. 20 soldiers, and in Ying Chenhan's hands, including the Royal Guards, there are less than [-]. One is that although the holy capital is prosperous, it is not big enough. The guards, and Ying Chenhan came back from the frontier and brought not enough people, but [-] to [-] people. It's just that these soldiers entered the holy capital, which is enough to make people doubt their motives. The safety of the holy capital depends on Qi and the southern counties. King Qijun and King Nanjun actually recruited soldiers in private and increased their soldiers by at least half. Now the rebellion poses a greater threat.The second is that Ying Chenhan has more troops than the frontiers. Although the Three Kingdoms have been in harmony for a long time in recent years, there are still some forces besides the Three Kingdoms who are always harassing the Beichen border. Although Ying Chenhan has a large number of troops, these people can only stay in the frontiers .

Ying Chenhan was sitting in the imperial study, Eunuch An walked in, looked at Ying Chenhan and said with a smile: "The Fourth Princess wants His Majesty to handle this crisis personally, Your Majesty must not let the Fourth Princess down!"

"I will not let Fourth Sister down!" Ying Chenhan's young face was full of determination, he stood up, pointed to the map on the table, and said, "It's just the imperial city, if I can't keep it, I'm sorry for being in the frontier for seven years." !"

"Okay, then I'll wait for your Majesty's good news!" Eunuch An said with a smile, Ying Chenwei meant to let Ying Chenhan solve this matter by himself, after all, this matter is difficult or not, the key is to see Ying Chenhan's ability, a king who has never been on the battlefield and experienced dangers can hardly understand the difficulties of the people and the difficulty of defending the country, so Eunuch An will not help him, only himself, how to win more with less.

Eunuch An walked out, and a person appeared beside him immediately, and said something in a low voice, Eunuch An's face darkened instantly, and he said angrily, "Who did it?"

"It's Qin Qiu who brought the princess to Qing Palace!" The man was a little scared and said more respectfully.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Among the people around the princess is a traitor. It is Qin Qiu's people who sent us away. You said that you want to give the princess freedom!"

"Qin Qiu's people?" Eunuch An's voice was cold, it was An Yuan's voice, his eyes showed evil spirits: "Very good, Qin Qiu!"

"Master?" The man in black didn't know what An Yuan was thinking, and asked tentatively.

An Yuan sneered: "I'll bring the princess back first, don't tell Your Majesty about this, the Fourth Princess doesn't want him to be affected in any way!"

"Yes!" The man in black replied respectfully. An Yuan had already disappeared before his eyes. Ying Chenwei was lying quietly in Qing Palace. Tell her about Beichen's situation. She knows that Yingchenhan is already facing a situation where the soldiers are about to conquer him. It is supposed to be quite dangerous, but she believes that Yingchenhan can handle these things. After all, King Qijun and King Nanjun are not from the frontier. As long as King Qin's army arrives, the two of them will face the enemy, so they will definitely fight quickly. This battle is commanded by Mo Lingyu. For a woman who is dazzled by hatred, this battle is naturally extremely inferior. Ying Chenhan has many choices, go out of the city and destroy them, or defend the city and besiege them, or even use Mo Lingyu to drive them apart!
Ying Chenwei was thinking about it, when suddenly she was embraced on the bed by a hug, Ying Chenwei was startled, just about to cry out, a faint rosin passed over her nose, her mouth was instantly covered, Ying Chenwei already knew who it was, and No longer screaming, she stretched out her hand to cover her mouth, and said mockingly: "I didn't expect Mr. An's martial arts to be so good!"

"Princess, do you blame me for not coming to rescue you sooner?" An Yuan put down his hands, and sat down at the table naturally, took a sip of the tea that Ying Chenwei had just drank, right at the place where Ying Chenwei was drinking, Ying Chenwei blushed a little, but Still expressionless, he said, "What does it matter if the father-in-law saves me or not?"

"How could it be?" An Yuan smiled, approaching Ying Chenwei, almost whispering into her ear: "Of course it has something to do, the princess is a golden branch and jade leaf!"

"Let me go!" Ying Chenwei was a little bit annoyed by his teasing, she didn't know what to say, she pushed him away with a blushing face, An Yuan laughed and moved a little away from her: "The princess still doesn't want to go back now?"

"Yeah!" Ying Chenwei nodded. Fortunately, An Yuan was not too much, and finally got down to business, and she also said seriously: "I said I would leave here in a month, and now a month is coming, I will take this opportunity to leave!"

"Princess, isn't she afraid that she will be self-defeating?" An Yuan said in a low voice.

"Naturally, I will know how to measure!" Ying Chenwei smiled confidently: "Besides, if Xiao Yu can cure my congenital illness, will he not be able to cure my injury?"

"I don't allow you to risk your life!" An Yuan suddenly became angry, stretched out his hand and took her hand involuntarily, and said angrily, "You leave with me now!"

"You let go!" Ying Chenwei didn't know what he was angry about, a little baffled, she tried her best to shake off his hand, but also a little angry: "I will die completely in front of Xiaohan like this, what's wrong!"

"Yingchenwei, you don't have martial arts!" An Yuan was even more angry, and wanted to grab her hand again, but she avoided him: "So what if I don't have martial arts, Xiaohan can only believe it if I don't have martial arts!"

"Are you ignoring everything for Ying Chenhan?" An Yuan said coldly. It is not the easiest thing to want to die in times of war. Ying Chenqing will always use Ying Chenwei to blackmail Ying Chenhan. As long as Ying Chen Wei was injured in the chaos, and by taking the fake death medicine, she could die completely in front of Ying Chenhan, but she must be seriously injured in this way to convince the battle-tested Ying Chenhan!

"Yes, Xiaohan is my only younger brother. You once asked me, and I will spare my life!" Ying Chenwei said coldly without showing any weakness.

An Yuan forcibly hugged her and left, Ying Chenwei wanted to struggle, An Yuan said coldly: "Xiao Wei, if you dare to do this, I will guarantee that Ying Chenhan will die without a burial place!"

"An Yuan!" Ying Chenwei said angrily, but she didn't struggle anymore: "What are you going to do!"

"Xiaowei, the first time you called me by my name was under such conditions, it really is not so good!" An Yuan sighed, feeling a little helpless.

Ying Chenwei finally softened her tone, she didn't know why she softened her tone, she seemed to believe that An Yuan would not really kill Ying Chenhan, and said: "Only in this way can Xiaohan really believe that I am dead, otherwise he won't Desperate!"

An Yuan didn't speak, Ying Chenwei continued to explain: "I don't need to be seriously injured, as long as a slight injury triggers a heart attack, Xiao Han has already begun to doubt me anyway!"

"Really?" Hearing what she said, An Yuan's complexion improved a little. Ying Chenwei left his arms and said with a rare joking smile: "What do you think? I'm not stupid. If you don't come back, it's over!"

"I'm not worried about you!" An Yuan said sullenly, and let go of Ying Chenwei, Ying Chenwei laughed: "Eunuch is so worried about me, I really can't bear it!"

"Don't call me father-in-law, call me Anyuan!" An Yuan always felt strange when she heard her calling her father-in-law, as if he was really father-in-law. This is especially true for a man, especially a man like him who is chasing the girl in his heart Saying that is absolutely insulting.

Ying Chenwei smiled indifferently: "Eunuch, why should you be so serious, it's just a title!"

"Does Xiaowei think I'm really the father-in-law?" An Yuan smiled evilly, approaching Ying Chenwei's face with an ambiguous smile: "Xiaowei, I really want you to know whether I am the father-in-law or not!"

"Stop messing around!" Ying Chenwei didn't know why he could always force her to get emotional, although most of the time she was angry, but she couldn't care so much at this time, she just pushed An Yuan away: "You go, Brother Four will be here in a while!"

"Okay then, I'm leaving!" An Yuan said with some regret, he knew he didn't dare to provoke her anymore, and Ying Chenqing was indeed coming over soon, and then flew away reluctantly. It was a lack of attention, and he avoided all the guards in an instant and left.

Ying Chenwei finally showed what a daughter in a boudoir should look like, stretched out her hand and patted her hot cheeks, inhaled deeply, exhaled, and repeated several times, her face was still burning badly, thinking of Anyuan's elegant voice With an old face, he cursed secretly: "Bastard! Don't let this princess see you again!"

"Sister, I didn't see you playing chess today!" Ying Chen's light voice came, Ying Chenwei had completely recovered her expression, and smiled gently: "It's meaningless not to play chess. After that, Bei Chen and I Nothing to do!"

"The imperial sister won't help His Majesty anymore?" Ying Chenqing raised her eyebrows and smiled lightly.

"Now I don't help is the biggest help, Xiaohan should grow up!" Ying Chenwei didn't care, and said indifferently.

Ying Chenqing said with a smile: "The imperial sister is really good to His Majesty, and she really trusts His Majesty the most!"

"Yes!" Thinking of Ying Chenhan, Ying Chenwei's smile was gentle: "If I don't even believe in Xiaohan, I have nothing to believe in!"

"That's true!" Ying Chenqing smiled: "It's a pity that I don't have the blessing of His Majesty to have such a good sister as the princess!"

"Brother Huang is joking!" Ying Chenwei said indifferently.

As the soldiers approached the city, Ying Chenhan did think of the three methods Ying Chenwei said, but what he wanted was the complete disappearance of the military power system of the county king. What he wanted was to control everything Bei Chen had. On the tower, looking at all this coldly, he doesn't pay attention to these people at all, King Qijun and King Nanjun are just the county kings who defend the holy capital, the holy capital is peaceful, they have never experienced war, they just keep soldiers for nothing , good at talking on paper.

The imperial city is a relatively regular city. After all, wars always start outside, and the imperial city is rarely hit. King Qijun attacked the north gate first. There were about [-] troops in the north gate, but King Qijun built at least [-] soldiers. The posture of the troops, Yingchen smiled coldly, obviously attacking east and west. It can only be said that King Qi really doesn't understand war. He just read two military books and thought that attacking east and west is really so easy to use. The north gate has never been the focus. There are still many obstacles to enter, and there is a distance from the north gate to the south gate, which is not of any benefit to them.

But Ying Chenhan personally took people to the north gate, and what was left behind at the south gate. The general he brought back from the frontier was called Lin Zhong, and he was also his confidant. Lin Zhong knew Ying Chenhan's plan, and he knew Ying Chenhan's best The style of marching, either don't kill, if you want to kill, you must die, and death is better than death!
Sure enough, just after Ying Chenhan left for a while, Nanjun King became happy. Everything was as Mo Lingyu described. There will never be a chance to go further, and even one day he will be killed by Ying Chenhan. Although the king of Nanjun is overjoyed, he also knows that Mo Lingyu will not do things that are not beneficial. He is just a county king with a different surname. Cheng also had no chance to sit on the throne. Before sending out troops, he didn't know whether he was too stupid or too smart, but he did a little trick. He used the title of King of Qing, and vowed to eradicate the rebellious sons of the late emperor and avenge justice for the king of Qing!

Ying Chenhan and Ying Chenqing knew about this almost at the same time, Ying Chenhan smiled coldly, Ying Chenqing worked so hard to make a profit, and worked so hard to keep the rumors of him from spreading all over the world, but in a blink of an eye, He was sold by a teammate who was like a pig. I don't know what Ying Chenqing was thinking at this time.

Sure enough, Ying Chenqing threw down the chess piece in his hand angrily, and before he could speak, Ying Chenwei said flatly: "It's hard for the king of Nanjun!"

"Huh!" Ying Chen snorted coldly: "How could I not know that the King of Nanjun can't do anything, but I didn't expect him to be worthless!"

"Brother Emperor, why do you have to fight with Xiaohan?" Ying Chenwei looked at Ying Chenqing, Qingjun's face was full of anger, she knew that Ying Chenqing was also a prodigy in governing the country, she once told the old emperor that Ying Chenqing It's not suitable to be a king, but she also knows that Ying Chenhan is not as steady as Ying Chenqing, nor is he as loving as Ying Chenqing. Ying Chenqing, because he has feelings, is a natural talent!
Ying Chenqing regained his emotions in a moment: "Is the imperial sister wanting me to rein in the precipice?"

"Is there anything wrong?" Ying Chenwei got up and saluted lightly: "I beg the emperor to help Xiaohan!"

"Sister, do you know who wins and loses?" Ying Chenqing sighed, and stretched out her hand to support Ying Chenwei.

Ying Chenwei also stood up: "I know."

"Now that I know..."

"Brother Huang, if Xiaohan can solve these matters satisfactorily this time, including Mo Lingyu and your plan, are you willing to assist Xiaohan?" Ying Chenwei interrupted him and asked.

Ying Chenqing sighed: "Do you think Ying Chenhan's temperament will let me go, or even reuse me?"

"He won't, I will!" Ying Chenwei said firmly: "Brother Huang, Xiaohan is not someone who doesn't understand everything, he is very clear about your ability, but there is only one reason missing, and I am that reason."

"Sister, in fact, if you are not a daughter, you are more suitable to be a king!" Ying Chenqing said with a smile: "Okay, I promise you, if Ying Chenhan can do all these well, I will spend my whole life assisting with all my heart! "

"Thank you, brother!" Ying Chenwei got up, and thanked her respectfully. Ying Chenqing was really not bad for her. Chess talk, plus Ying Chenqing is really capable, so as long as possible, Ying Chenwei is still willing that Ying Chenqing can help Ying Chenhan. After all, although Ying Chenwei is helping Ying Chenhan win the throne, but Yes or kindness.

At this time, Ying Chenhan didn't know about Ying Chenwei's stay in Qing Palace. Eunuch An knew about Ying Chenwei's plan, so he also blocked Ying Chenwei's news. Ying Chenhan stood on the wall of the north gate of the imperial city, Wearing armor, his eyes were firm and cold, which is rare for young people. Looking at the [-] troops below the city, he sneered: "Don't go out of the city, wait for them to attack the city!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Ying Chenhan's generals only recognize him, and the duty of a soldier is to obey orders!

Yingchen smiled coldly, his eyes seemed to be looking at a group of dead people, what he wanted was the collapse of the military power of the entire county king!

Sure enough, the king of Qijun saw that Ying Chenhan refused to leave the city, and the king of Nanjun also saw that he was attacking the south gate smoothly. , since ancient times, winners and losers!

Like all the siege troops, King Qi's army carried ladders, bows and arrows to climb the wall, but suddenly it was difficult to see a figure on the wall, and the archer lost his direction for a while, but after a while, a man suddenly appeared, but before the astonished Qi The army of the king of the county reacted, and suddenly a huge monster appeared in the sky. The quilts with fire flew down and fell from the heads of the soldiers who climbed the wall. They screamed for a while, but this was not over. The archery army was about to shoot arrows , suddenly there was a loud noise, and many broken limbs and bones were blown away in an instant. The scene was very terrifying. These soldiers who had never seen a real war were naturally even more frightened, and they all backed away in an instant. Ma Ben stood in front of the formation, and was frightened by the loud noises, but he was the leader of the army after all, so he dared not retreat. He pointed his sword at the retreating army and roared: "Don't retreat, and those who retreat will be cut!"

The people who retreated paused, Yingchen smiled coldly, and there were several loud noises between waving hands, this time it was real gunpowder, it was no longer wrapped in a quilt, but fired directly with a cannon, bombs bloomed everywhere at the gate of the city, screaming Sounds, explosions mingled together, and the army was even more panic-stricken. No longer caring about King Qi Jun's order, they retreated one after another, but Ying Chenhan did not allow them to retreat. He wanted anyone who dared to violate the royal power to pay the price this time. !

The south gate is more tragic than the north gate, but this tragedy is one-sided. Lin Zhong is older than Ying Chenhan in the battlefield, and it is more than enough to fight the king of Nanjun. Even though the king of Nanjun has three times as many troops as him, but Still completely defeated, Nanjun King was shocked. Just as he was about to retreat, he suddenly found a group of people behind him. The leaders of these people were not like ordinary soldiers. Killing, like a dark phantom, killed a few people in an instant. The king of Nanjun was richer than King Qi, and the soldiers were even more lazy. They were washed away in an instant, and most of the birds and beasts dispersed, but Lin Zhong didn't like to be with them like Ying Chenhan. Playing, he pays attention to quickness, precision and ruthlessness, and he also believes in cutting grass and roots. The gates of the city are wide open, and the soldiers of the King of Nanjun have been scattered before they are surprised. This war cannot be called a war, but a one-sided killing. The soldiers brought by the martial arts masters were in front of the veterans led by the veterans galloping on the battlefield. The army of the King of Nanjun was defeated. Lin Zhong remembered Ying Chenhan's instructions and rushed repeatedly. He knew that there was a sea of ​​corpses under the city. The door failed, I just wanted to join in the fun, but it was a matter of life after all, the general didn't think about it at all, and led the people to retreat in an instant, but Ying Chenhan had the idea of ​​killing them all, even if they ran away, they would send people to chase them Come back until the kill is gone.

A battle between an army of nearly 20 and an army of [-] ended in just one day, or even less than a day, but only a few won. King Qijun and King Nanjun were arrested, implicating the nine clans. The family of the county king who had power over the government and the public became prisoners in a blink of an eye, but the people all over the world condemned him for what he deserved.

Ying Chenhan stood quietly in the palace. This battle was too simple for him. King Qijun and King Nanjun didn't know how to lead troops at all, and his generals were even more greedy for life and afraid of death. For Ying Chenhan, it was really not difficult, but he knew that after going through all this, he could be considered a real king!

(End of this chapter)

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