Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 131 The final result

Chapter 131 The final result
Ying Chenhan wanted to see Ying Chenwei very much, but he knew that there was one person he hadn't solved, and that person was the culprit of everything, and that was Mo Lingyu. He knew that when King Qijun and King Nanjun were finished, Mo Lingyu would It's time to come to him. He knows that Mo Lingyu has been in the Taiji Palace of the old emperor, the Taishanghuang, but he has no way to go to her directly. After all, even if he abdicates, his father is still the Taishanghuang. After entering the Taiji Palace with his consent, Mo Lingyu could not be found.

Sure enough, Mo Lingyu knew the news about King Qijun and King Nanjun, so he asked the old emperor to invite Ying Chenhan over. The old emperor said helplessly, "Yu'er, are you really going to destroy Beichen?"

"I won't destroy Beichen!" Mo Lingyu said angrily, "Why don't you believe me, I can make Beichen better!"

The old emperor sighed. He also came here in a bloody storm back then, and he has been on the throne for a long time. He has experienced far more than Mo Lingyu's self-willed: "Yu'er, Beichen can't be Lingshan's opponent. , you are actually no match for Ying Chenyu at all!"

"But I'm his mother!" Mo Lingyu said angrily, it was because she was his mother that she could always hurt him openly.

"Yu'er, he has already severed ties with you. How many times do you think his feelings can be ruined by you? After all, he still has Zi Qianyue and Yu Shu by his side!" How can such a woman who loves each other look like this, taking advantage of her mother's status to want the life of her own son!

"Stop talking!" Mo Lingyu seemed to wake up suddenly, remembering that when Ying Chenyu took out the blood-stained silver lock to her in Yungong that day, she said that she would never have anything to do with her again, she suddenly had a strange feeling in her heart , What was she doing this for? She killed her own son after a lot of hardships. After a while, she suddenly woke up. She couldn't back down, and there was no room for backing down. Ying Chenyu had to die.

She looked at the old emperor coldly: "Are you still willing to help me?"

"Yu'er, remember, even if you bet on the country, I'm willing to give it to you!" The old emperor sighed, and then raised his forehead: "But this is the last time!"

"Thank you!" Mo Lingyu looked at the old emperor and said seriously. The old emperor was suddenly in a trance. She still had such a beautiful face, but the last time I heard her talk to him so seriously was when she was pregnant. After Ying Chenyu, the irony is that she had never become a real husband and wife with him at that time, she let go of her pride, knelt down and begged him to keep her child, if the child was born safely, she would make a real relationship with him The husband and wife he agreed to, and thus had Ying Chenxue, the old emperor suddenly laughed at himself, she was the one who put down all her pride for that child, and now she is desperate and even cooperates with such a fool as King Qijun and King Nanjun to kill him. She was the one who killed that child, she really was cruel, she really loved her deeply, she hated her so much!
The old emperor sent the old eunuch by his side to call Ying Chenhan over. Ying Chenhan was naturally waiting for this moment, and even specially sent someone to call Ying Chenqing, and soon arrived at the old emperor's Taiji Palace, and the sight of Mo Lingyu, but it was the old emperor who spoke first. He looked at the people around Ying Chenqing and sneered, "Eunuch An, you really deserve to be my most trusted slave!"

"Taishanghuang congratulations!" Eunuch An said with a smile, he bit the word Taishanghuang very hard, remembering how the old emperor treated Ying Chenyu, he didn't want to be polite to the old emperor, Yu Gong, Yingchenyu is his master, Yu Personally, Ying Chenyu is his brother!
The old emperor was angry, but he didn't say anything anymore. He knew that he had no right to say anything now, and just looked at Mo Lingyu and Ying Chenhan quietly.

Mo Lingyu smiled and said, "I have seen His Majesty the new emperor!"

"Concubine Yu is back, it's really unbelievable!" Ying Chenhan smiled and said indifferently.

"Although the new emperor is young, he can easily defeat King Qi and Nanjun. It is indeed very powerful!" Mo Lingyu said lightly.

Ying Chenhan smiled, noncommittal, and stopped being polite to each other: "Say it straight, what does Empress Yufei want to do?"

"I want the new emperor to conquer Yunshan!" Mo Lingyu didn't seem to know what he said, and smiled indifferently.

Yingchen smiled coldly: "Zhengyun Mountain? Is it possible that the Jade Concubine has really forgotten the situation in this world in the underworld all these years?"

"You!" Apart from Ziqianyue and Yushu, Mo Lingyu had never been so contemptuous by others, and suddenly became a little angry. Eunuch An interrupted her and looked at Mo Lingyu with disgust: "I really don't understand us It's really unlucky for the Lord to have a mother like you!"

"What do you know?" Mo Lingyu said angrily, "Do you know what I did for him back then?"

"What did you do for him back then?" Eunuch An sneered: "Isn't it because of your dirty thoughts that you protected his birth? But how did you treat him? worthy to be the mother of the lord?"

"Shut up!" Mo Lingyu became more and more angry. She used to know that she was cruel to Ying Chenyu, but she never cared about it, but since Ying Chenyu fell in a pool of blood in Yungong and severed ties with her, she did that again later. When Zi Qianyue was so weak that she let her go, Mo Lingyu suddenly had some strange feelings, but she knew that she should kill Ying Chenyu, Ying Chenyu was Yushu's child, and Yushu was her The person I love the most in this life, and even more so, the person I hate the most!
Thinking of this, Mo Lingyu attacked Ying Chenhan at dusk. She wanted to take Beichen and kill Yingchenyu. Without Beichen, it was impossible for her to kill Yingchenyu. Even seeing him was an extravagant hope.

Ying Chenhan has been on the battlefield all the year round, so his martial arts are naturally not low, and he and Mo Lingyu can get along with each other, but Ying Chenhan is young after all, and deep internal strength cannot be cultivated overnight, except for people like Ying Chenyu In addition to the internal force given by the most holy and poisonous things in her body, she can only rely on her own long-term cultivation. Mo Lingyu has at least ten years more internal force than Ying Chenhan. Although she is from Lingshan, she has learned it since she was a child. It has internal strength, so it still has some advantages over Ying Chenhan.

Eunuch An wanted to go up to help, but was stopped by Ying Chenhan. Eunuch An knew that he wanted to solve everything by himself and give Ying Chenwei an explanation, so he stopped intervening. Seeing that Ying Chenhan was slightly injured, he gradually felt a little uncomfortable. The enemy, but he did not give up at all, and he did not look like he wanted others to help. Mo Lingyu's moves have always been fierce. At this time, he was stimulated by Eunuch An and attacked Ying Chenhan mercilessly. The old emperor just watched like that. He watched his own son being attacked by a woman who didn't love him, but he didn't say a word, he didn't know what to say!
But after a while, both of them were injured, Ying Chenhan stretched out his hand to wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and just about to get up, he suddenly heard Ying Chenwei's voice, the gentle voice he would never mishear: "Xiaohan!"

Ying Chenhan turned his head and saw Ying Chenqing walking beside Ying Chenwei, he knew that Ying Chenqing was his opponent, Ying Chenwei must have been controlled by him, only at the moment he was worried, Mo Lingyu suddenly Standing up, the deadly long sword stabbed straight at Ying Chenhan, Ying Chenhan had no time to dodge, and just wanted to dodge sideways without hurting his vitals, a figure had already arrived in front of him, and Ying Chenwei stuck a knife in his heart. Jian, with a pale smile, glanced at Ying Chenhan with relief, and slowly slid at his feet. Ying Chenhan couldn't react, and couldn't believe that the bloody and pale woman was his aloofness, arrogance, and unparalleled intelligence. Elder sister, Eunuch An was also shocked, but he calmed down in a moment. Ying Chenhan held Ying Chenwei in his arms, and slapped Mo Lingyu flying with his hand, his eyes turned red. Gently put Ying Chenwei on the ground next to her, and walked towards Mo Lingyu with the sword, the tip of the sword struck the ground, the sound was a bit strange, Mo Lingyu had exhausted all her strength when she hurt Ying Chenwei, Injured by Ying Chenhan's angry palm again, knowing that Ying Chenhan could not let her go like Ying Chenyu, thinking of these years, he smiled bleakly, and gently closed his eyes, but he didn't think about that. The sword energy stopped, Mo Lingyu suddenly opened her eyes, and saw the old emperor's bloody fingers stroking her cheek, one hand was still on the wound, the blood dripped continuously, Mo Lingyu's world suddenly completely disappeared. Collapsing, it turns out that the person who loves her the most can die for her. She stared at the old emperor's old face blankly. Speaking of which, she is not easy to age. The old emperor is really too old to be worthy of her, but he is The person who has always cared about her most wholeheartedly.

Ying Chenhan killed the old emperor, but he didn't have a trace of emotion. He was used to killing people and blood, and even just returned after killing many soldiers. Although the old emperor was his biological father, the only relative he recognized was Ying Chenwei. , he drew out his sword coldly, kicked away the old emperor who was protecting Mo Lingyu, and stabbed the sword again, but this time, the sword was blown away by the hidden weapon, and Ying Chenhan looked at the hidden weapon with a gloomy expression. Qingyan was standing there smiling awkwardly.

Eunuch An was a little surprised, Qingyan had just returned to Yun Palace, but at this time he suddenly appeared in Beichen Palace and rescued Mo Lingyu, Eunuch An looked at Qingyan and asked: "Qingyan, why are you back again? "

Qingyan pointed at Mo Lingyu helplessly: "I came back to save her."

"Qingyan, you..." Eunuch An really didn't understand what Qingyan meant, and was interrupted by Qingyan just as he was about to speak, Qingyan said helplessly: "You think I want to, if the lord wants me to come... ..." Qingyan glared at Mo Lingyu: "I want to kill her with my own hands!"

"Didn't the lord promise the mistress to ignore her?" Eunuch An frowned: "How can I explain to the mistress?"

Qingyan helplessly spread his hand and expressed that he didn't know what the lord thought. Although this woman had the gift of giving birth, it was enough to repay him by hurting him several times, and he had already severed ties with her. Now he came to save her It's really not a wise move, but since the lord has ordered, he can only do it.

Eunuch An was a little helpless, and just about to explain to Ying Chenhan, Ying Chenhan had already rushed towards Qingyan with a sword, Qingyan was extremely helpless, so he had to lift Mo Lingyu with one hand, and resist Ying Chenhan's attack with the other. Seemingly losing his mind, he rushed towards Qingyan crazily. Qingyan had no choice but to throw the Mo Lingyu in his hand like a cargo to Eunuch An. Chen Han turned around to attack Eunuch An, but before Eunuch An made a move, Ying Chenwei sat up with Ying Chenqing's support, and said weakly but somewhat sternly: "Xiaohan, stop!"

"Fourth Sister..." Ying Chenhan turned around, his cold expression dissipated, walked to Ying Chenwei, and carefully supported her, her blood had been stopped by Ying Chenqing, and the wound had been bandaged, Ying Chenhan I blamed myself: "I'm sorry Fourth Sister, I didn't know you were here!"

"Xiaohan, I don't blame you." Ying Chenwei stretched out her hand to caress Ying Chenhan's still immature outline, remembering that she would never have the chance to accompany him again, Ying Chenhan has grown up, and although her shoulders are immature, she can bear the burden Ying Chenwei actually didn't have any regrets when she took on the important task, she smiled gratifiedly, and said softly: "Xiaohan, it's actually my sister who got you down, but this is the last time!"

"Fourth sister, what are you talking about, don't talk nonsense, your injury is not serious..." Ying Chenhan comforted Ying Chenwei, seeing Ying Chenwei's pale appearance, feeling a little uneasy in her heart, and anxiously hugged Yingchen Wei, wanting to take her away, Ying Chenwei gently tugged on her sleeve, her voice was weak: "Xiaohan, in fact, you already know that I have a congenital heart disease."

"Fourth sister, stop talking, I will cure you..." Ying Chenhan's voice trembled a little. Ying Chenwei was the person he swore to protect and his only relative, but he didn't find out until a long time after returning to Beijing. Ying Chenwei has a congenital heart disease, but he secretly searched for famous doctors, but no one can cure this disease, so when Mo Lingyu hurt her, he would only want Mo Lingyu to pay for his life.

Ying Chenwei looked at Ying Chenhan with relief, and smiled lightly: "Xiao Han, my sister will not live to be 20 years old, because you haven't won the throne and have been stealing your life for the past few months, now you are able to take charge of the world by yourself, my sister is very pleased , but there is one more thing, you must promise your sister!"

"What's the matter?" Ying Chenhan hugged Ying Chenwei, and asked with trembling fingers: "I can do whatever Fourth Sister asks me to do!"

"Reuse the Four Emperor Brothers, as the Prime Minister of the country!" Ying Chenwei glanced at Ying Chenqing, and said to Ying Chenhan, with firmness in her tone.

Ying Chenhan glanced at Ying Chenqing, he knew that Ying Chenwei was taken away by him, but at this time he was not in the mood to hate him, he only knew that he would listen to what Ying Chenwei said, and replied to Ying Chenwei: "Yes, Fourth Sister!"

"Xiao Han, hand me over to Eunuch An. He has helped me a lot. I have nothing to repay in this life. I want him to take me away to a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters..." Ying Chenwei smiled in satisfaction, and turned her head to take a look Eunuch An, he still looks like an old man, but his voice is elegant, Ying Chenhan knows that Eunuch An is definitely not what he sees on the surface, but he can't do it if he asks him to hand her over to others, even though he is a man , also shed tears: "Fourth sister, you will not die, I will cure you..."

"Xiaohan, don't cry." Ying Chenwei was indifferent, looking at Eunuch An, and Eunuch An's eyes were equally warm. Ying Chenwei looked at Ying Chenhan, and stretched out her hand to wipe away his tears with difficulty: "Xiaohan, I calculated carefully After more than ten years, now, I want to do my own thing."

"Okay..." Ying Chenhan looked at the weak Ying Chenwei, then at the old Eunuch An, reached out and handed Ying Chenwei to Eunuch An, and Eunuch An reached out to catch her, with uncontrollable tenderness and tenderness in his eyes. Worried, Yingchen said in a cold voice: "You go, take my fourth sister to a place with beautiful mountains and rivers!"

"Your Majesty..." Eunuch An was about to say something, but Ying Chenhan interrupted him by raising his hand, the murderous aura kept overflowing, it was the killing from the battlefield: "Mo Lingyu, you must die!"

For some reason, Ying Chenhan's skill suddenly doubled, and he appeared in front of Mo Lingyu in an instant, with the long sword in his hand attacking her, Qingyan was shocked, although he could not understand Mo Lingyu, but it was Ying Chenhan after all The person Chen Yu asked to save, he still flew over a hidden weapon and cut off his sword. Facing Ying Chenhan's cold eyes, he felt a little helpless: "I don't want to save her, but she must be punished by our lord, I..."

Before Qingyan finished speaking, Ying Chenhan's sword energy had already howled over. Qingyan avoided it sideways, and at the same time reached out to grab Mo Lingyu. Mo Lingyu was seriously injured, and the pulling back and forth made her feel even more uncomfortable. Qingyan took Ying Chenhan, who was a bit too burdensome to resist, and ran away violently, but suddenly a man in black made a move, and flew away with Mo Lingyu. Turning around, he looked at Qingyan with a cold look, and instantly several men in black besieged Qingyan, Qingyan wanted to fight back, but that look was very familiar to him, it was Zi Qianyue, her cold look.

Qingyan was startled, and quickly got away from a group of men in black. Naturally, Zi Qianyue's people didn't really want to kill him, but just let him leave, and then disappeared quickly. Although Ying Chenhan was angry, the man in black had already Disappeared, he had no way of chasing after him, he just looked coldly at the direction the man in black left, and walked back after a while, Eunuch An had already left with Ying Chenwei, Ying Chenhan sat wearily on the ground of the palace, Ying Chenqing Feeling unbearable, she stretched out her hand to help him, Ying Chenhan shook his hand, and stood up tremblingly, with a cold voice, following his walking steps: "Mo Lingyu, you must die!"

Lingshan, Ying Chenyu sat quietly in the palace, thinking about what Shui Mengxuan said to him a few days ago, Shui Mengxuan rarely spoke to him so seriously, when Shui Mengxuan saw him, she didn't laugh at him jokingly, It's not like the usual son-in-law is long and son-in-law is short, but kneels respectfully to him and tells him that the children of the witch clan are born to protect the owner of the immortal heart, so she will know that he is the queen of the immortal heart. Helping him again and again is not because he is her son-in-law, but because that is her mission.

Shui Mengxuan said to him: "The reason why he fainted is because the Tianyuan spiritual power was obtained by the Wu Clan patriarch and the devil through trading, and the patriarch put a love spell on the Tianyuan spiritual power!"

Ying Chenyu knew that the patriarch of the Wu Clan was that flower back then, and asked lightly, "What love spell?"

"It's the curse that you can never be with Yue'er!" Shui Mengxuan looked down. She didn't know what the relationship between the Wu Clan patriarch and Ying Chenyu was, but she did tell the Wu Clan's child Tianyuan Lingli Regarding the love spell, he can be with everyone, only Zi Qianyue can't.

Ying Chenyu frowned slightly: "Why?"

"How do I know why?" Shui Mengxuan returned to her normal look: "What is the relationship between you and our patriarch?"

"Where is your patriarch?" Ying Chenyu asked anxiously, too lazy to answer her.

Shui Mengxuan said: "The patriarch left a message that she will not see you unless you swear to never see Yue'er again!"

"Impossible!" Ying Chenyu refused without hesitation, and Shui Mengxuan shrugged: "Otherwise, you will break the curse, and if you still want to see her at that time, she will naturally come to see you!"

"You don't know how to break the curse?" Ying Chenyu asked.

Shui Mengxuan shook her head: "We don't know, we only know that this is a love spell. Whenever you use Tianyuan's spiritual power, you will remember what happened back then. Now you are only in a coma for a day, and the time will be longer and longer in the future." , you will want to kill more and more, and one day, you will kill Yue'er yourself, and every time you want to kill, you will lose your memory for a short time."

"That is to say, I can't use Tianyuan spiritual power in the future?" Ying Chenyu was a little helpless, in fact, he knew why the flower cast a curse on him, and he ignored the flower's dissuasion before again and again Being close to Yu Ninglian, she will die in the end. She is afraid that she will forcibly separate them. She has protected him for a long time, and she doesn't want his life to be the same as the last one. But in this life, he still fell in love with Zi Qianyue.

"No, except for the first time, as long as you use it by Yue'er's side, you won't be unconscious, but you will have a murderous intent, and it will become more and more serious. One day you may kill Yue'er, but if you are not by Yue'er's side, Whenever you use your internal force, you will go into a coma, which is very dangerous for you." Shui Mengxuan was actually a little bit upset about Ziqianyue, this kind of rule seems to be just to use Ziqianyue, after all, in a sense, she is also Ziqianyue Yue's mother.

(End of this chapter)

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