Chapter 136
"Wait a minute." Just as Ying Chenyu was about to leave, Mo Lingyu's voice suddenly came. She seemed to have not spoken for a long time, her voice was a little hoarse, but it was still pleasant. Ying Chenyu was a little surprised, stopped in her tracks, and turned her head At that time, Mo Lingyu still didn't look at him, but said lightly: "Be careful!"

Ying Chenyu smiled wryly, and still answered her lightly. Maybe all mothers would say such words to their children, but Mo Lingyu never said it. It turned out that he had sworn to have nothing to do with her, but in his heart Li still looks forward to the day when she can let him be a child like an ordinary mother.

Mo Lingyu didn't say a word, as if she didn't want to see Ying Chenyu again, she left the place where she often sat, walked to the corner farthest from Ying Chenyu, turned her back to him, and remained silent , Ying Chenyu said lightly: "If you want to leave, just leave, no one will stop you!"

No one answered, Ying Chenyu sighed, his time was running out, he disappeared in Mo Lingyu's cell in an instant, and came to the Holy Land of Lingshan.

In a place where it snows all year round, the air is icy cold, Ying Chenyu gathered the cloak around her body, if she was alive...

"Ayu!" Ying Chenyu was about to walk in, when Li Shang's voice came, Ying Chenyu turned her head, and Li Shang said, "Ayu, don't go!"

"Li Shang, I once said that if I don't do some things, I can treat them as if they didn't happen, and it's the same now. I'm sure about this Yanxin Binglian!" Ying Chenyu just glanced at Li Shang, and said Turning his head away, Li Shang was about to speak, Ying Chenyu had already used spiritual power to open the door of the Holy Land, entered the Holy Land in an instant, leaving Li Shang outside, unable to enter again, Li Shang suddenly remembered to save him ten years ago That child, obviously just a kid who was not as old as him, yet dared to save him alone, he had endured too much, he had endured too much before, but now he knew too much, because of his identity, Regardless of past and present lives, everyone flocks to him, but what he brings is endless harm, but now, is it going to end? No matter life or death, it is going to end. Or choose to face it alone.

When Yushu just recovered an hour later, he came directly to the Holy Land, saw Li Shang standing there, knew that Ying Chenyu had already entered, and there was no response when using the crystal, the Holy Land said it was Yulan's place, Ying Chen Yu could seal the Holy Land, but even with a crystal, it couldn't be opened. Yushu sighed after trying a few times: "Nian'er is always so disobedient!"

"If he's obedient, he won't be Ah Yu!" Li Shang indifferently glanced at the Holy Land: "We can't get in at all, we should go back, no one can stop what Ah Yu wants to do!"

"Yeah." Yu Shu nodded, took another look at the Holy Land, and then turned and left together with Li Shang.

Among the ten realms of the Holy Land, the first realm is the cold realm. Even outside the Holy Land, it snows all year round because of the cold realm. The cold realm is extremely cold, and the snowflakes falling here are as sharp as knives. It is a strange place, he regards it as a holy place, because there is this unblooming flame heart ice lotus in the holy place, and the special environment of the holy place, even his spiritual power will be restricted, not to mention Yushu's spiritual power at all, Now the crystal in Yushu’s hand is only able to open the holy land because it contains the spiritual power he left behind in the past. If he doesn’t want to, the crystal is actually useless at all. Ying Chenyu doesn’t know whether to be lucky or despair. With such strength, he could completely destroy it when his spiritual power was at its peak, but he thought that if he destroyed the holy land, the ice lotus would cease to exist. The Holy Land is still left behind, but now, Binglian can save his life, but the Tenth Realm of the Holy Land is becoming more and more powerful, but his spiritual power is far from reaching its peak. In the simplest state, he didn't dare to use too much spiritual power. The spiritual power had to be reserved for use when it had to be used. He protected his body with internal power, and quickly jumped over the cold environment. Snowflakes flew with him, entwined around Chasing him together, even so, he didn't use his spiritual power, the chaotic snowflakes pierced his body like needles, he just frowned, still didn't dare to slack off in the cold environment quickly, and these chaotic snowflakes pierced his body like needles. of snowflakes compared to speed.

The ten realms are cold realm, flame realm, thunder realm, dream realm, illusion realm, wicked realm, extreme realm, desperate realm, death realm, and blood realm.One realm is more difficult than the other, Ying Chenyu left the cold realm and arrived at the flame realm in a blink of an eye, but he suddenly stopped, half kneeling on the ground, his body hurt badly, the snowflakes from the ice realm had entered his body, and he did not Rest more time, the temperature gradually rises, the tongue of flame is like a whip waving towards him, he has no strength to dodge at that moment, he turns sideways slightly, the tongue of flame lands on his back, his face turns pale, before the second tongue of flame arrives, he Suddenly he flew up and dodged the tongues of fire. There were more and more tongues of fire, and the temperature of the flames became higher and higher. He didn't dare to slack off, and began to use his spiritual power. Under the spiritual power, he relaxed a lot. He kept dodging the flames, had no time to rest, and had no time to recover from the injuries on his body. He was in the thunder state at the top of his flame state. No matter how difficult it was, he could only persevere.

Ying Chenyu didn't know the time at all in the Holy Land, and there was no day or night, and it had been two days since Lingshan. Zi Qianyue didn't say a word after waking up, and she didn't ask where Ying Chenyu went, let alone being surprised. Because of the disappearance of the bracelet on her hand, she sat quietly, like a puppet without a soul when she was not talking, although she was beautiful, she didn't have any aura, Qingyao felt very uncomfortable seeing Zi Qianyue like this, The meal in her hand didn't know whether she should put it down, Zi Qianyue turned around, ignored her, and returned to the big carved bed. She was wrapped in a quilt and curled up in a corner of such a big bed, looking very weird. However, there is a touch of loneliness, which makes people feel distressed.

It's not that Qingyao doesn't want to persuade Zi Qianyue, it's just that she has said everything that should be said and shouldn't be said in the past two days, but Zi Qianyue has never said a word, only when Qingyao mentioned Ying Chenyu going to the Holy Land At that time, she said lightly not to mention him again. Although Qingyao was helpless, she knew best when Ziqianyue was really angry. At that time, she clearly saw the coldness in Ziqianyue's eyes. She didn't have any duplicity, she really didn't want Qingyao to mention him again, Qingyao was taken aback, but she still behaved obediently and didn't mention anything about Ying Chenyu again, but she suddenly realized that the past few months Come on, apart from Ying Chenyu, there is really nothing to say!
Qingyao put down the bowls and chopsticks and left. Zi Qianyue was wrapped in the quilt and did not fall asleep. He heard Qingyao close the door before she let go of the quilt, biting her lips to resist the liquid that was about to flow out of her eyes. After a while, She left the bed in the cold, ate two mouthfuls of food in the cold, then turned around and went back to rest, still not saying a word the whole time.

Zi Qianyue fell asleep inexplicably, but Ying Chenyu also entered the dreamland. In the dreamland, the pain in his body disappeared completely. He played well and returned to the Luoyu Palace where he lived back then. Ying Chenyu didn't know if the boy was himself or he was a boy. He saw Mo Lingyu walking out. Mo Lingyu was extremely beautiful at that time, and she was three points like the boy. She saw that the boy didn't study hard, and her delicate brows frowned. , like all the mothers outside, although she was angry, she couldn't bear to say anything serious. The little boy was even more mischievous, and jumped on Mo Lingyu's body, making Mo Lingyu stagger slightly, Mo Lingyu Hugging that small body with a wry smile, her eyes full of doting, Ying Chenyu felt that she should be smiling, but is it that little boy?
The little boy was not happy for a long time when his father walked over and brought his younger sister. The little girl was only two years old and she looked at her beautiful brother with big eyes, but his Father looked at the homework he didn't write well, and said coldly: "Stretch out your hand!"

The little boy is a little afraid of his father, probably because his father likes to punish him like this, Ying Chenyu has completely become that little boy at this time, Mo Lingyu is his mother, a mother who cares about the child, the old emperor is His father was a strict father. His father took the small whip from the eunuch and beat him on the palm. There were red marks on the palm of his hand. He felt a little pain. He closed his eyes in fear, but Mo Lingyu was She threw herself on him, ignoring that his father was still teaching him how to do his homework well, picked him up and left, his father was so angry that he blew his beard and stared behind him, but there was nothing he could do.

Ying Chenyu laughed, growing up indulging in a dream, the fifth prince of the royal family, there are four brothers above him, especially the second brother who loves him the most, his younger sister Ying Chenxue grew up slowly, following him like a little follower Behind him, until a long, long time later, Ying Chenyu suddenly remembered whether he had met one less person or whether the journey was too smooth. He asked Mo Lingyu, and Mo Lingyu touched his head with a smile. Tell him that he is still young, Ying Chenyu suddenly wakes up, he is still young, these words are somewhat familiar, and he remembered that someone seemed to have said that he likes him, but Mo Lingyu smiled and told him, what are you thinking, why don't you Small too!

Ying Chenyu thought hard, yes, someone said that she liked him, Ying Chenyu stretched out her hand to untie some clothes in front of her, there was a clear tooth mark, Ying Chenyu thought about it, her head hurt a little, asked Mo Mo Lingyu, did he forget something? Mo Lingyu just laughed, but Ying Chenyu was a little strange, and suddenly asked: "Mother, how can you laugh?"

The scene suddenly changed completely. It was no longer the tender Luoyu Palace and the gentle Mo Lingyu. It was the corner where he was lying on the bed covered in blood. Nanny Gui carefully treated the various wounds on his body. He didn't even have any better wound medicine. He remembered that a girl had told him that one day she would definitely heal him, really.The girl's eyes were very firm, and he couldn't help doubting, and he never doubted, and the person who said he was still young, that was his biological father, although he would not forgive him, Ying Chenyu had a splitting headache, he suddenly Thinking of him at this time, he should be in a dream. Everything in front of him is just a dream he has been chasing so hard. The scene changed very quickly. Mo Lingyu looked at him with a gentle smile. Although the old emperor was strict with him, he was even more What's more is kindness, brotherhood and brotherhood. One day he will marry a gentle and generous lady from a family as a royal prince. This is the life that an ordinary person should have, and it is also the life in his dream. However, gentle and generous , Ying Chenyu suddenly chuckled, how could she be considered gentle and generous?
The spiritual power swept over and mercilessly destroyed the life in his dream when he had no memory of his previous life, but he had the memory of his previous life, he had Zi Qianyue, and he didn't want to fall into such a false beauty. He knew the cruelty of reality. In the real world, he suffered nine catastrophes and all kinds of sufferings, but he was unwilling, unwilling to leave the people in reality, whether it was Ziqianyue, Yushu, or Lishang. He will never meet them, he will never abandon them!
Tianyuan's spiritual power turned into raging fire and dyed the sky red, Ying Chenyu sneered under the reflection of the fire, and within a moment, he burned his dream with his own hands, and lost a lot of spiritual power. In the dream, he had a severe headache, The same is true in reality, the moment the dream was destroyed, he suddenly vomited blood, pressed his heart to rest for a while, not knowing what would happen outside, everything he had done before should have happened soon.

Three days later, Dongling Kingdom suddenly declared war on Lingshan, and the world was in an uproar. However, before their shock was over, Beichen uttered a voice to unite with Dongling to fight against Lingshan. Although Nanchu hadn't done anything, Li Shang still received Nanchu. According to the letter from Emperor Chu, Southern Chu is located between Dongling and Beichen, and it is not as powerful as Dongling. Since the removal of the Bai clan, although it is true for the country, the Bai clan is too implicated, and it is difficult for Nanchu to relax for a while. Coming here, Dong Ling suddenly asked for an alliance, and Nan Chu might not be able to bear the pressure. If Li Shang doesn't come back, Nan Chu will soon form an alliance with Dong Ling. At that time, even if Li Shang returns, it will be useless!
After reading Li Shang's letter, Qing Yao frowned and asked, "Do you want to go back?"

"I don't know." Li Shangyao nodded, and Dong Ling suddenly asked for an alliance. He knew that Nan Chu's strength and position were somewhat disadvantageous, and he had to go back. After getting rid of the four elder families, the strength of Lingshan has actually been greatly weakened. The first elder has always been smiling, but everyone understands that he is not simple. His grandson Yuzhi has not yet appeared, and Li Shang will never believe in Yuzhi. He would be a simple person. Lingshan seemed to be a rare sight and precarious. Ye Su must have known the current situation of Lingshan and ordered the world.

Yu Shu walked in, saw the paper in Li Shang's hand, frowned, and said, "Li Shang, go back to Nanchu!"

"But Ah Yu..." Li Shang retorted directly, but Yu Shu raised his hand to stop him from continuing, saying, "Nian'er is the young master of Lingshan, and you are the prince of Nanchu, you each have your own responsibilities! "

"But even if I go back, I will be forced to deal with Lingshan. Now Ayu doesn't know what's going on, Lingshan is now...!" Li Shang said worriedly.

"Li Shang, Nian'er was right to save you back then!" Yu Shu laughed, seeing Li Shang cast a disdainful glance at him, and continued: "No matter how the Lingshan declines, they dare not do it lightly without uniting with everyone. If you come back from the Holy Land, even if you don't die, it won't be any better, you have to go back and wait, at least... wait until Nian'er can come out of the Holy Land alive, then you can unite with Lingshan!"

"Why can't I unite with Lingshan as soon as I go back?" Li Shang asked a little strangely. If he went back and let Nanchu unite with Lingshan, it should be more suitable for Lingshan!

"Lingshan doesn't want to be in chaos now, and after you go back, whether you can smoothly decide on the matter of Nanchu has to be discussed separately!" Yu Shu smiled meaningfully. Seeing Li Shang's doubts, he explained: "According to me Look, your father never thought of cooperating with Lingshan, just to let you go back!"

"Why!" Li Shang was puzzled: "Father will never fail to see the strength of Lingshan!"

"Of course he can't see it." Yushu smiled helplessly: "Because Lingshan is not strong in the first place!"

Without waiting for Li Shang to refute, Yu Shu went on to say: "When your father asked you to come here because Nian'er can relieve the Gu on you, and your father is very clear about Nian'er's personal ability, but now it's different, Nian'er What matters is the entire Lingshan. Everyone knows that Lingshan is small and weak, and they also know that the four elders were killed. Then there is the biggest disadvantage of Lingshan. There are few people in Lingshan. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, if they don't take the opportunity to destroy Lingshan, they will never be able to turn around."

"If that's the case, what's the use of me going back?" Li Shang was cold. It's good that the trees on the Lingshan Mountain attract the wind, but Lingshan won't fall at all, but the people of the Three Kingdoms can't see the situation clearly. The so-called wall is falling and everyone pushes it, so they will naturally Follow the trend to attack Lingshan.

"Li Shang, you are the Crown Prince of Nanchu!" Yu Shu said coldly with his face darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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