Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 137 Love 1 Hardship

Chapter 137

Li Shang was not frightened by him either: "I never wanted to be the prince of Southern Chu. If it weren't for Ah Yu, I would have died back then, and now I have the opportunity to be hostile to him!"

"If Nian'er will let you go back!" Yu Shu stood up and said in a deep voice.

Li Shang was silent, Yu Shu glanced at him, turned around and said helplessly: "Li Shang, think about it for yourself, you still have these few days, Nian'er told me when he left, seven days later... life and death It's God's will. Now, it's the third day!"

Yu Shu turned and left, leaving Li Shang sitting there silently, Qing Yao walked to his side, hugged him carefully from behind, and said softly: "You are not allowed to leave me like a young master, where are you going? All follow!"

"Hmm~ what are you doing?" Li Shang stood up and kissed Qingyao, looked at Qingyao blushing and said with a smile: "I'm not as willing as Ah Yu to be willing to give up soft and fragrant jade!"

"Are you saying that I am incense or jade?" Qingyao also sat on Li Shang's lap, as if if she dared to say otherwise, she would strangle you to death.

Li Shang shrank his neck, stretched out his arms to hold Qingyao a little further away, and then said cautiously: "It's not."

"Stinky rascal, what are you talking about!" Qingyao was furious, she jumped up and grabbed Li Shang by the collar and started to fight, Li Shang dodged to dodge, Qingyao became even angrier, and the two of them immediately fisted and kicked each other, which is also the normal state of two people, After all, that's how they met in the first place.

Suddenly Li Shang pressed Qingyao on the bed, looking at the charming man in front of her, Qingyao suddenly felt a little dazed, Li Shang got closer and closer to Qingyao, Qingyao suddenly thought that this stinking rascal was really good-looking , Thinking about it, she was quite happy, and closed her eyes with a smirk, but after waiting for a long time, Li Shang did not kiss her, but said with a smile: "Qingyao, why did you close your eyes?"

"Get out!" Qingyao was annoyed, she kicked her out, and Li Shang immediately jumped three feet high, accusing Qingyao, "You... you murdered your husband!"

"Hmph!" Qingyao didn't bother to pay attention to him, she stood up from the bed, clapped her hands habitually, put down the sleeves she just rolled up to beat up Li Shang, Li Shang laughed, and pressed Qingyao again, Qingyao just When he was about to attack, Li Shang smiled and took out a necklace that he had prepared long ago, and said, "Little girl, marry me!"

"What are you doing!" Qingyao blushed a little, and pushed him away. The sweet deer in her heart bumped wildly, waiting for Li Shang to speak again, but Li Shang suddenly withdrew the necklace and said with a smile: "If you don't want to, it's fine." Already!"

"Li Shang!" Qingyao said angrily, suddenly feeling aggrieved, she turned around and slammed the door to leave, she flew away without waiting for Li Shang to chase after her, and went to the icy Lingshan Holy Land without a place to go, but suddenly found that the temperature of Lingshan Holy Land was already the same as that of other people. The place is not bad, and Qingyao didn't pay attention so much, she sat in the thick snow in a dull mood, thinking how that stinky hooligan could not even propose marriage so seriously, he was just perfunctory her, Qingyao grabbed her Throwing a handful of snow beside him, he muttered: "Smelly Lishang! Big bastard! Smelly rascal! This girl is not special!"

Bai Xue was in a vast expanse, no one answered her, Qingyao's eyes were red, she had never liked anyone before, why did she like such a hooligan, she glanced at the iceberg in the Holy Land, and remembered that Ying Chenyu should still be inside, suddenly Some sadly asked: "Uncle, how are you doing now?"

No one spoke, so Qingyao had no choice but to say: "I know you kept Miss to protect her, but do you know that Miss is living a bad life now?"

"You don't know..." Qingyao buried her head in her arms and said softly, "Miss is such a lively person. Ever since she met you, she has never been as lively as before. Uncle, miss owes you What? I know you're right, but sometimes I wish Miss never met you."

"But you are so lonely!" Qingyao continued: "Grandpa, I really don't understand who you are, you are so powerful, but you will always be injured, the injury is so serious that the lady will never be able to do anything , Miss told us from the very beginning that she is not worthy of you, and now, Miss..."

"Little girl, the mistress is not unworthy of the lord, and the lord is not unworthy of the mistress." Li Shang's voice was very calm, not at all flamboyant or evil like his usual.

Qingyao turned her head, Li Shang sat down and hugged her, and said with a soft smile: "Little girl, you are so kind, you were angry just now, and now you start to care about Ayu?"

"Get out of the way, don't touch me!" Qingyao thought that she was still angry with this person, so she turned around and ignored her.

Li Shang couldn't help laughing, remembering how Zi Qianyue told him how to propose marriage, suddenly knelt down on one knee, and said seriously: "Qingyao, I owe you a grand wedding, but, are you willing to marry me?"

Qingyao turned around, the man in the red clothes was shining in the snow, and the necklace in his hand was inlaid with a perfect and rare purple diamond. Qingyao asked softly, "Will you bully me?"

Li Shang looked at her and smiled: "I will bully."

The word "bullying" was particularly meaningful. Qingyao blushed, coughed lightly, and continued to speak seriously: "Miss said that every woman deserves a man to treat her wholeheartedly. Li Shang, whether you are If you are not the prince of Southern Chu, if you marry me, you will never be able to marry someone else!"

"Qingyao, I've only ever loved you, and I only love you!" Li Shang stood up, looked at Qingyao, Qingyao suddenly shed tears, wiped her tears while laughing, and reached out to take the cup in Li Shang's hand. Necklace, said: "I marry you!"

"Little girl, I love you!" Li Shang suddenly hugged Qingyao and said softly, Qingyao said with a smile: "Smelly rascal, I love you too!"

The two wandered around in the snow and ice of the Holy Land, almost forgetting that their master was still suffering in the Holy Land. Ying Chenyu was already very weak, and her spiritual power was originally restricted, but now she lost more. After going through dreams and illusions , the longer he stays, the more spiritual power disappears, and it is good in the dream, but the illusion is different, the injuries suffered in the illusion are real, he did not leave the illusion, not only lost the spiritual power, but also suffered Injured and weak, he stopped at the edge of the illusion. When he left the illusion, he would naturally enter the evil realm. What appeared in front of his eyes was all the suffering he had suffered. He glanced at it, and all the scenes were exactly the same. This is... to let Does he walk again?

Suddenly, a child's cry came, and he clearly saw the little child dripping with blood from the beating. He was still very young at that time, about three or four years old, so young, he suddenly felt very distressed, It's useless to try to stop it, and spiritual power is completely useless, so you want to go through it all?He was a little scared, and he rarely felt scared, but at this moment he was extremely scared, all the darkness flooded into his mind, he should have collapsed long ago, he seemed to have turned into that little boy, and kept backing away, However, he couldn't resist the old eunuch's obscenity, his consciousness was completely confused at this time, he forgot who he was, he just knew that he was the child who was taken away, and said no in a crying voice, but it was useless, cold The dungeon, all kinds of torture instruments, he has forgotten everything, as if returning to those terrible times, the pain... the endless pain...

He will never get out of the dark dungeon, he will taste all the punishments over and over again, whips, chains, hooks, irons, bone piercing nails, suddenly he seemed to think of something, his voice was extremely weak, and he said softly: " not like this……"

No, there were other people besides him at that time. A purple-robed man saved him, and he suddenly lost his fear. He seemed to have regained some consciousness. These were all fantasies, what he had seen in the evil environment. Suffering, he didn't have the strength to raise his hand, but gradually remembered who he was, Ying Chenyu, no, it was Yu Nian, the young master of Lingshan, he was no longer that little boy, nor was he the fifth prince Yuwang, He is the young master of Lingshan Mountain, the former holy master of the first ancestor, and his immortal heart has been awakened. Although he has no strength at this time, his life is not in danger. Ying Chenyu tried to slowly recover some spiritual power, using his own blood as the The matchmaker suddenly broke the evil realm. He was covered in wounds, and his white clothes were dyed red. He really had no strength at all. He suddenly remembered Zi Qianyue. When he left, he knew this In the end, everything was already planned, Ye Su would take her away, give her the supreme status and endless love, something he would never be able to do... peace of mind.

Ying Chenyu closed her eyes lightly, her heart ached so badly, Yueyue, Yueyue, in the past and present, she was destined to never get it, he really thought he could do it at one point, and hugged her desperately, at that time he I don't know my identity, I don't know my destiny, I only know that girl, she defended him at the first meeting, then she was even more eccentric, then she told him that she liked him, then fell in love with him, and then she shed blood for him ,after that……

There is her blood in his body, and his blood in her body. It turned out that the love was so hard, not the hardship of love, but the two of them, who should not have existed in this world, fell in love. ...

As expected, Li Shang did not go back, but Nan Chu changed greatly. Li Shang went back one day later, but Chu Fan, who was trusted by Emperor Nan Chu most, rebelled. The medicine given by the Emperor Chu was even simpler than what Ying Chenwei did back then, but he was more ruthless than what Ying Chenwei did, and the Emperor Nan Chu fell ill and died!
Li Shang held the letter tightly in his hand, it was the letter that asked him to go back a day ago, it was only a day, and this letter has become a final letter, it is true that he and Nan Chu Huang have little relationship, but Nan Chu Huang is his own The father is also true. It is a fact that Emperor Nan Chu killed Empress Yue, but it is also true that Emperor Nan Chu loved Empress Yue very much. Li Shang couldn't accept it for a while, right? If he went back one day earlier, it would be different, but Now everything has completely changed, his father is dead, no one will force him to go back, the new emperor of Nanchu has succeeded, and all the opponents have been eliminated in just one day, the court suddenly became hell , the loyal officials were killed, the crown prince was abolished, and the military power was concentrated in one man with one hand. What that man had to do was to unite Dongling and Beichen to attack Lingshan. No one dared to stop him. As long as those who stopped him died, Chu Fan, the eldest prince who was praised by everyone for his humility and reason back then, suddenly became a life-and-death executioner!

Qingyao walked to Li Shang's side, opened his bleeding fingers, and cried out worriedly: "Li Shang..."

"Little girl, is it because I listened to the stinky old man that if I go back one day earlier, my father won't die?" Li Shang leaned against Qingyao wearily, his voice broken.

Qingyao was heartbroken but didn't know what to say, she didn't know how to speak, she just hugged Li Shang all the time, Li Shang said softly: "Little girl, am I being too selfish, Nanchu is my responsibility, but I but……"

"It's not your fault..." Qingyao couldn't help comforting her, "Li Shang, it's not your fault, really..."

"Little girl, are you willing to go back to Nanchu with me?" Li Shang suddenly raised his head and asked. In fact, he didn't really want Qingyao to go back with him, but he had left Qingyao before, and he had seen Ying Chenyu alone. People go to risk and leave Zi Qianyue, Zi Qianyue is no better than him, he doesn't want Qingyao to be like this, so he still respects Qingyao's meaning.

Qingyao glanced at him, still hugging her, her voice was soft but firm: "I'll go back with you!"

"You all don't go back!" Ziqianyue's cold voice came, and both of them were shocked. Ziqianyue hadn't spoken for a long time, and Qingyao and Lishang suddenly appeared at this moment. They were surprised at first, and then became happy. At least, It's much better for her to be willing to talk than to be like a beautiful puppet without talking all the time.

Qingyao hugged her arm joyfully, and said, "Miss, you are finally healed, I... want to go back to Nanchu with Li Shang!"

"Back to Nanchu?" Zi Qianyue sneered, looking at Li Shang: "Is there still room for you in Nanchu?"

"I..." Li Shang was a little hesitant, indeed, there is indeed no room for him in Nanchu now!

"One emperor and one courtier!" Zi Qianyue sighed softly: "Li Shang, you should stay here first, I understand Ye Su, he must have other purposes in attacking Lingshan rashly, we just wait!"

"But Southern Chu..." Li Shang was a little worried. Chu Fan was not a talent for being a king at all. I don't know if it was because he pretended to be too much like him before, or because he really had that kind of character before, gentle as jade, humble and respectful. , even Li Shang has never seen that he has such a cruel side. Li Shang has never wanted to fight for the crown prince or even the throne, but in the hands of Chu Fan, one day it will destroy the century-old foundation of Southern Chu. After all, Li Shang is the pure blood of the Nan Chu royal family, and the blood of the Nan Chu royal family flows in his bones, how could he watch Nan Chu being tossed away by Chu Fan!
Zi Qianyue understood his feelings, but there was nothing she could do. That person left, and she couldn't let his people, something happened to his Lingshan, and explained to Li Shang: "Chu Fan doesn't dare to make any big moves against Nanchu's internal affairs now. But now he listed you as the three major crimes of being disloyal to the country, disregarding the people, and being unfilial to your father and brother. Now that you go back, you will be wanted by the whole country, even the whole world. One brick per person!"

"What about the father, the father died in vain..." Thinking of the letter Li Shang written by Emperor Nan Chu a day ago, he blamed himself endlessly.

"Li Shang, as far as I know, Emperor Nan Chu may not have died..."

"What!" Li Shang interrupted her and asked in surprise.

Zi Qianyue expected his reaction, glanced at him and continued, "Because there is no body of Emperor Nan Chu in the palace!"

Li Shang remained silent, quietly digesting Zi Qianyue's words, and after a while whispered softly: "Is he not dead?"

Zi Qianyue raised her eyebrows, "Isn't it impossible that the people in Yungong didn't find out?"

"When I left, I promised my father that I would not send anyone to monitor the palace..." Li Shang said softly, if he had known this earlier, it would be better to have someone monitor him, maybe he could be saved at a critical moment.

Zi Qianyue said with a sneer: "Li Shang, you still don't understand him. If you are not allowed to send someone to watch, will he not send someone to watch?"

Li Shang was taken aback for a moment, he naturally knew who Zi Qianyue was talking about, and after a while he shouted: "Come here!"

The man in black knelt down on one knee, and Li Shang asked coldly, "What's going on?"

"Return to Liyun Envoy, when you left, the lord had already sent Yueyun Envoy to monitor Nanchu, but he told no one to tell you until you asked, it's not like you monitored Nanchu Palace!" Hei The man in clothes explained respectfully.

"Then my father..." Li Shang couldn't believe it, and asked cautiously.

The man in black continued: "It is true that there is no body of Emperor Nan Chu in the imperial palace. Emperor Nan Chu suddenly suffered a sudden illness, and we couldn't save him even if we tried, but it seems that someone really saved Emperor Nan Chu, because Emperor Nan Chu disappeared!"

"Disappeared?" Li Shang asked, the man in black nodded, and continued: "We found that Chu Fan's identity is not simple, the lord has sent someone to investigate, and asked Li Yunshi to wait for the evidence before leaving Lingshan. Put Chu Fan to death!"

"Ayu..." Li Shang smiled self-deprecatingly: "Ayu is really counting three times at one step!"

"Li Yunshi?" The man in black glanced at Li Shang, and Li Shang smiled: "Go down first!"

"Yes!" The man in black nodded and disappeared instantly.

Zi Qianyue said: "Li Shang, if you stay here, you can stay here. Since he said it, Chu Fan must not be simple, or maybe... has something to do with Lingshan, you can figure it out!"

"Yes, Mistress!" Li Shang nodded and watched Zi Qianyue go out. As soon as Zi Qianyue went out, her face darkened: "It's a good one step and three calculations!"

(End of this chapter)

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