Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 145 His Childishness

Chapter 145 His Childishness

"Evidence?" Zi Qianyue smiled and said nothing, looked at Chu Fan as if watching another joke, and asked with a low smile after a while: "Chu Fan, although you are the heir of Lingshan Great Elder, Concubine Li Xian treats you better. The Great Elder Family treats you well?"

"What do you mean?" Chu Fan was a little uneasy: "The widow is the mother's concubine's own son, and the mother concubine is naturally good to the widow. Where is the elder of Lingshan?"

Zi Qianyue smiled and said nothing, Chu Fan was a little irritable, and just about to speak, an old but resentful female voice came: "Chu Fan, I have been childless for many years, and I treat you as my own, but you Put a Gu on me with your own hands and want to kill me, how can you bear it!"

Everyone looked sideways at the woman who spoke. Concubine Li Xian had a son at the age of 35, and she was already very old. At that time, the emperor gave birth to the prince and the emperor held a big banquet to celebrate. Now it has been more than [-] years, and Concubine Li Xian is already a little old. Back then, Concubine Li Xian was famous for being kind and loving, so most people recognized her, but they didn't expect that she was still alive, and now she actually identified Chu Fan as not being of royal blood!
Chu Fan was shocked. He searched for Concubine Li Xian for many years but failed to find him when he disappeared, and he didn't even dare to tell the Great Elder. Now she is still intact and openly came forward to identify him. This is really unbelievable.Chu Fan only reacted for a moment and then said: "Princess Qingjue, I don't know where to get a woman to fool us, you think I'm Nanchu, where you are joking!"

"Of course not, the princess would not dare to just bring Concubine Li Xian over here. After all, since Emperor Nan Chu dared to kill his mother and concubine, it is normal for the six relatives to deny it!" Zi Qianyue said with a smile, but it made everyone think that Chu Fan's six relatives did not recognize him. He doubted Chu Fan's identity even more. It was strange that Concubine Li Xian died of illness at the time. Now, although she is old, her appearance still has charm, and she will not admit her mistake at all.

Before Chu Fan had time to speak, another person came out from Zi Qianyue suddenly, and the officials were even more shocked, completely ignoring Chu Fan's reaction standing there, including the Southern Chu Imperial Forest Army, and the troops guarding the imperial city knelt down one after another : "See the emperor, long live the emperor, long live, long live!"

"Get up!" Nan Chu Huang said coldly and majesticly: "Chu Fan, you are not a royal, but you are so rebellious, poisoned your father, mother and concubine, tampered with the imperial edict without authorization, and now you are still slandering and imprisoning the prince, what should you do? !"

"Who the hell are you?" Chu Fan knew that he could not escape the crime, and asked coldly, "You are not the emperor!"

"Of course I'm not your father, because you are the grandson of the Great Elder of Lingshan!" Nan Chuhuang sneered, and said majesticly: "But the widow is the real Nanchu Emperor!"

The emperor of Nanchu showed a token, and instantly the men in black surrounded their positions. Everyone was shocked. The royal family of Nanchu was a hidden guard. The royal family has been passed down from generation to generation. It has always only obeyed the orders of one person. But this is more secretive. The emperors of Southern Chu in the past generally would not show it, and it can save lives at critical moments. Therefore, no one doubted the hidden guards of the royal family when Chu Fan took over as the emperor of Southern Chu. After all, those people do not appear often, but now they appear. Undoubtedly showing the identity of the Emperor Nan Chu, the Emperor Nan Chu said coldly: "Chu Fan, did you not find the token of the hidden guard on the widow? Do you really think the widow is a fool for wanting to kill the widow in such a hurry? "

"Hehe, so what, because you still want to kill me?" Chu Fan suddenly laughed. He imprisoned Li Shang in the bedroom, as long as someone went to take a look, he would understand that now that Emperor Nan Chu was standing in front of him, he Killing the father and the king is naturally a crime. Unless it is a case of death, but with his strength, even if there are tens of thousands of people here, he will not be afraid, and there are many guards on the Lingshan Mountain.

Everyone drew their swords one after another, Chu Fan disappeared in a blink of an eye, Zi Qianyue narrowed her eyes, and suddenly got off her horse, Chu Fan stood on the horse and failed to touch her, suddenly smiled wickedly, Zi Qianyue frowned, and left behind when she left. All the spiritual power was given to Ying Chenyu. Now she is not Chu Fan's opponent without spiritual power, but Chu Fan didn't give her time to think, and flew up to attack her again. Zi Qianyue didn't fight back, but just dodged blindly. But Fan pursued closely, suddenly, Zi Qianyue turned her head and chuckled, Chu Fan was startled, Zi Qianyue had already waved a palm, Chu Fan didn't move, stretched out his hand to catch the palm, looked at Zi Qianyue and said with a soft smile: "Young Madam, your martial arts skills are high, but you are still a bit short of me!"

"Oh? Really?" Zi Qianyue Yang raised her eyebrows: "Young Master Yuzhi, if you don't try, can you still hit me now?"

Chu Fan was startled, and suddenly realized that he could no longer swing his hands. He looked at Zi Qianyue angrily, and Zi Qianyue chuckled lightly: "Master Yu Zhi, don't you know? Don't use women's moves indiscriminately!"

"No, there is no poison in the palm just now!" Chu Fan looked at Zi Qianyue, and said coldly, as a person from Lingshan, he can still tell whether it is poisonous, so he dared to take the palm, he is arrogant , but not really stupid.

Zi Qianyue smiled, stretched out her hand to touch his acupoints, and explained kindly: "You are so smart, Mr. Yuzhi, if the princess didn't give you two different non-toxic medicines, how could you let you go? Fooled?"

"Have you put medicine on Li Shang long ago?" Chu Fanhan asked with a cold face. Based on this time calculation, the only people he met before were Li Shang and Qian Yan, and Li Shang was from Ying Chenyu, that is, Zi Qian For Yue's person, Ziqianyue can only put medicine on him.

"Yeah!" Zi Qianyue smiled slightly, and continued: "Master Yuzhi has stayed in Nanchu intact for more than ten years, how could he be an incompetent person, the princess still has to make two preparations!"

"Young Madam, what a trick!" Chu Fan sneered: "I don't know how such a Young Madam and Young Master are willing to let you out as a hostage?"

"Your young master's matter, the princess advises Mr. Yuzhi not to talk nonsense, it is easy to get angry!" Zi Qianyue said coldly, looking closely into his eyes, Chu Fan's eyes were full of banter, Zi Qianyue Yue sneered, and those who looked back at Chu Fan stopped when they saw that Chu Fan seemed to be controlled by Zi Qianyue. Nan Chuhuang ordered coldly: "Come here, take this traitor down, and choose another day to kill him!"

Immediately, an army stepped forward to grab Chu Fan, Zi Qianyue did approach him suddenly, and said with a smile: "It seems that the life of Mr. Yu Zhi is worthless in the eyes of the elder!"

"So what?" Chu Fan sneered, "How much is Young Madam worth to the Young Master? But it's all for profit, Young Madam should care about herself!"

Zi Qianyue was cold, Chu Fan was taken away, and there was no hopeless failure in his eyes, maybe he knew this day long ago, he was destined to be a tragic pawn, even if he worked hard and endured humiliation for many years, Lingshan should have changed a long time ago, He is greedy for profit, but he has no ability, so he can only use his blood to change. He could have threatened Ziqianyue with Li Shang and the others, but he knew it was unnecessary. Even if he could return to Lingshan, the Great Elder would have no scruples If you want to kill him, it is better to die in the hands of the enemy than to die in the hands of your own relatives!

Zi Qianyue stood there coldly, recalling Chu Fan's words in her mind, Chu Fan was abandoned by the Great Elder, even if he was a genius, even if he had superb spiritual power, what the Great Elder lacked most was superb spiritual power What is more, there is no shortage of smart people.But what about her, what does Yu Yingchenyu count as, she doesn't want to think about it, let alone dare to think about it.

Zi Qianyue turned around and walked towards the bedroom, seeing Li Shang and Qian Yan still trapped inside, she looked around, the mechanism was still obvious from the outside, reached out to press the mechanism and walked in, looked at Li Shang and asked with a frown Said: "Are you injured?"

"The injury is not serious!" Li Shang also took a look at Zi Qianyue, and said indifferently, but Zi Qianyue's face was cold: "The sharp sword pierced through your left shoulder and the injury is not serious, it is only when it passes through your heart." Seriously hurt!"

Li Shang remained silent, and asked after a while: "Mistress, why did you come here in person?"

"I guessed that Chu Fan must not be simple, and I was afraid that you would not be able to follow the original plan, so I prepared in advance." Zi Qianyue helped Li Shang up coldly, and said angrily: "If your arm is crippled, don't think about it anymore." Marry my little Qingyao!"

"It won't be broken." Li Shang said with a smile, raised his hand to move his arm, but grinned his teeth in pain, Zi Qianyue laughed: "Be virtuous with your lord!"

Li Shang was taken aback, and Ziqianyue was also taken aback. A moment later, Ziqianyue smiled wryly: "Why did I mention him again? Nobody wants me!"

"Mistress..." Just as Li Shang was about to speak, Zi Qianyue interrupted him: "Stop talking about Li Shang, I know what you want to say, I have reasons to leave, and he... also has to send me off." reason to go."

"Then will the mistress go back?" Li Shang asked cautiously. He knew that Ying Chenyu liked Zi Qianyue very much, and Zi Qianyue also loved Ying Chenyu. Yu he is still childish, stubborn, willful, and determined to go his own way.

Zi Qianyue was silent for a while, Li Shang thought she would not answer, but she suddenly said: "I can't go back..."

"Then Ayu..." Li Shang was a little worried, and Zi Qianyue said in a low voice: "This time I hit him right, I don't want him to be sad, this way, he can feel less uncomfortable, Li Shang, even if you will be Nanchu's in the future Emperor, you must also remember that if I can help you become emperor, I can destroy everything for you, and Nanchu can never be an enemy of Lingshan!"

"I know." Li Shang nodded: "Ayu is my brother, master, and my savior."

"But Ayu still doesn't know if he has left the Holy Land, mistress, you really don't want to go back and have a look at him?" Li Shang looked at Zi Qianyue, he still couldn't bear it, the two people who clearly loved each other finally separated, Even when they separated, it was all for the sake of each other.

Zi Qianyue looked up at the sky outside, the sky was very high and very cold, her eyes were sore from the cold, she sighed softly after a while: "Someone will take care of him, I... just want him to be safe."

Li Shang stopped talking, Zi Qianyue withdrew her gaze, and chuckled: "I really hope he will always be so childish, no woman will like her in the future, if I still have a chance, if I have an afterlife, I will continue to come back and deal with him!"

"Mistress, what's the matter with you?" Li Shang asked anxiously after hearing Zi Qianyue's words.

Zi Qianyue just smiled: "I'm fine, I have to go back to Dongling first!"

"Okay, then I will marry Qingyao, will the mistress come over?" Li Shang nodded, and then asked again.

Zi Qianyue glanced at him, and immediately someone took out a small box to Zi Qianyue, Zi Qianyue gave the box to Li Shang, and said with a smile: "This is my family's Qingyao's dowry, you have to take good care of my family's Qingyao." Yao, swear that you will only marry Qingyao in this life, if you can't do it, then don't marry us Qingyao."

"I swear, I will only marry one wife in this life, and I will be the empress of the country, and there will be no concubines in the six palaces. If I break this oath, I hope that my soul will be gone, and I will never come back to life!" Li Shang looked at Zi Qianyue seriously and swore.

Zi Qianyue smiled, stretched out her hand and took out a purple pill, and said, "I don't believe it, I swear, after taking this medicine, your life is in Qingyao's hands, and if you betray her, you will suffer every day." The pain of thousands of arrows piercing the heart, and the pain of the tarsal bones of thousands of insects every night, you can't live, you can't die!"

"Okay." Li Shang stretched out his hand and took the medicine without hesitation, Zi Qianyue smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid that Qingyao will kill you if you lose?"

"Qingyao will not betray me, I believe in her, if she wants to kill me, I am willing to suffer all this!" Li Shang looked at Zi Qianyue and said firmly.

Zi Qianyue smiled and nodded: "I wish you and Qingyao happiness!"

"Thank you!" Li Shang said sincerely, and Zi Qianyue smiled and said, "Then I'll go!"

"Mistress, be careful!" Li Shang looked at Zi Qianyue and said, Zi Qianyue glanced at the palace again, she believed that Li Shang would treat Qingyao well, the medicine she gave Li Shang was not real poison, but The medicine for his wounds, if it is really poison, that silly girl Qingyao will definitely ask her to help him solve it, instead of trouble, it is better not to do it, she knows, at least she and Qingyao, one of them will be happy !
Ziqianyue returned to Dongling soon, and news came from Nanchu soon. The emperor of Nanchu announced his abdication, and the crown prince Chu Li became the new king. The new king succeeded, and the courtiers came to congratulate him. Even the prince Ye Su of Dongling also went Well, the first thing the new emperor of Southern Chu did was to issue an edict, saying that the Great Elder Lingshan interfered in the affairs of the world, that Lingshan could severely punish the Great Elder, and that Nanchu would like to have a good relationship with Lingshan forever.

Zi Qianyue smiled when she heard the edict. Li Shang's meaning was very clear. The Great Elder interfered in the affairs of the world. He could give Lingshan a reason to get rid of the Great Elder. Zi Qianyue knew that she would not go to Lingshan, so she could This is all that has been done, Nanchu will never be an enemy of Lingshan again, Dongling will not be an enemy of Lingshan because of Yuqian and Yueling, Beichen is too isolated, and Yingchenhan is very It is clear that the elder sister he cares most about is in Yungong, and Yungong is the territory of the young master of Lingshan. He will not touch Lingshan either. Fighting alone, Zi Qianyue thought, she can only do this, he is the young master of Lingshan, in the future, he can be the young master of Lingshan with peace of mind, and his body will get better when he comes out of the Holy Land of Lingshan, Then there is nothing to worry about!

Lingshan, in Ying Chenyu's palace, Ying Chenyu had been in a coma for ten days. He stayed in the Holy Land for ten days without a drop of water, and then remained in a coma. He couldn't even feed the medicine. It is difficult to cure the strength, and some are even bleeding at this time. Yu Shu is very worried, but the alluring woman in red is not worried at all. She leans lazily on the door frame and said casually: "His physique is inherently It's special, back then, he would have been in a coma for at least a month with such an injury, but now it is considered good!"

Yushu remained silent, the woman felt bored, and just about to turn around to leave, Ying Chenyu moved her finger suddenly, Yushu had been staying by his side, although his movements were very light, Yushu still saw it clearly, and immediately called out in surprise Said: "Nian'er, Nian'er, are you awake?"

"Yueyue..." Ying Chenyu called out in a very soft voice, but the woman suddenly walked up to her, ignoring Yushu's dissatisfied eyes, reached out and forcibly lifted him up, causing his wound to hurt, and took the The water was poured into his mouth, and then the witch power was transmitted to him, and he said with a smile: "I just woke up and didn't think of water, but I thought of Zi Qianyue, you are quite romantic!"

After Ying Chenyu woke up, she could absorb her witchcraft power. After regaining some strength, she slowly opened her eyes, saw the woman sitting next to him, and remembered everything. She smiled wryly. It turned out that Yueyue had left a long time ago. .

The woman gave him a disgusted look: "If Zi Qianyue isn't here, you don't have to just act like you're dying!"

Ying Chenyu didn't speak, and even though the wound still hurt after drinking saliva, he lay back on the bed by himself, closed his eyes and rested again, when Yueling heard that Ying Chenyu woke up and came back, Ying Chenyu had already fallen asleep again In the past, the woman was speechless and murmured: "Yulan didn't sleep so well back then!"

(End of this chapter)

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