Chapter 146

But Ying Chenyu didn't respond, the woman stood up by herself and prepared to leave, but before she left, someone suddenly appeared, looked at Yushu and hesitated to speak, Yushu ordered coldly: "Say!"

The man looked at the woman, and then he said tremblingly: "Elder, the army has rebelled, and now it is coming to the young master's side!"

"Oh?" The woman smiled slightly, looking at Ying Chenyu who must have been unconscious again: "Now everyone dares to mess around on your territory!"

Naturally, Ying Chenyu didn't answer her, the woman looked at the guard indifferently, then at the pale Ying Chenyu, and said with a smile: "Elder Elder? For the sake of the person who will touch you later, I will replace you." You took care of him!"

After the woman finished speaking, she disappeared into the room without waiting for everyone's reaction. Yushu and the others hurriedly followed. The woman was already standing in front of the elder, and looked at the elder with a smile on the crowd: "Why? Come and find the one who is lying on the bed sick child?"

The Great Elder thought for a moment, he had lost Yuzhi, and had to go this way. Originally, he could have nothing to do with Yuzhi, but he didn't expect Li Shang to issue such an edict, making him only have this way, but if Ying Chen Yu lying on the bed is different now, he is no longer the kind old man who usually smiles, maybe this is his true face, he said coldly: "Who are you?"

The woman looked at her slender jade fingers and said with a smile: "The patriarch of the Wu clan, Shuimeng!"

"The patriarch of the Wu clan?" The great elder was surprised. The Wu clan hadn't been born for a hundred years, and at this time there was a new Wu clan patriarch. A woman's ability, either has no witch power at all, or has ridiculously high witch power. Obviously, it cannot be the former.

"In the Holy Land, I provoked my sick son, but you guys gave me a chance to coax him!" The woman chuckled indifferently, as if the group of masters led by the Great Elder were just toys for children to play with in the woman's eyes.

The great elder became angry, and before scolding the woman for her arrogance, the woman had already turned into an afterimage and shuttled among the people he led, as if there was a black thread floating by, but it didn't seem to be, some people just had time to draw their weapons, most of them didn't even have time In response, a bloodstain appeared on her neck, and the woman appeared in front of the Great Elder in an instant, still smiling slightly: "With such a small number of people, you dare to talk about fighting, how poor is your Lingshan?"

"You!...Ah!" The Great Elder pointed at the woman, but suddenly screamed. The woman's slender hand twisted the Great Elder's arm in an instant. How could this be possible without the ability to resist at all, but the woman was already bored, the guard made such a simple thing seem like a big deal, she yawned casually, and threw the elder who had broken her hand to Yushu said casually: "Don't kill him, his spiritual power and limbs will be abolished!"

The cruel words came out of this extremely beautiful woman's mouth so naturally, Yu Shu couldn't believe it, the woman had already turned to leave, but suddenly said: "Bring Yu Ling and Shui Mengxuan over after you've dealt with it!"

Before Yushu could answer, the woman had already disappeared in front of them. Yushu knew that the woman was going to do what she said that day, so he smiled helplessly. He still ordered someone to deal with the elder. The elder was already ashamed. He planned carefully After more than ten years, it ended in less than a quarter of an hour, because of an inexplicable woman who was so powerful that he defied the sky, but he was powerless, even unable to die, his eyes were full of sorrow, and he was beaten. Yushu's people dragged him away.

Yushu was about to go to Yuling after dealing with all this, but Yueling suddenly pulled him back, and said in a deep voice, "That woman has bad intentions!"

"I know." Yu Shu nodded with a wry smile.

"Then you still..." Yue Ling was puzzled and asked.

Yu Shu looked in the direction of the palace, and sighed: "At least she is really kind to Nian'er, I'm sorry for Nian'er, I should have thought of such a day long ago, in fact, I, myself, dreamed of this day..."

"Didn't Nian'er say that he would forgive you when he came out of the Holy Land?" Yue Ling asked worriedly knowing what Ying Chenyu said before leaving.

Yu Shu nodded with satisfaction: "But I can't forgive myself,"

"Yushu..." Yueling wanted to persuade him again, but Yushu raised his hand to stop his voice: "Don't persuade me, I can't escape, I don't want to, and I don't have the ability!"

Yueling was still in place, Yushu had disappeared before his eyes, but after a while Yushu, Yuling, Shui Mengxuan and Yueling all arrived at Yingchenyu's palace, the woman was taking Yingchenyu's pulse and found that his pulse was normal , but she was still in a coma. The woman didn't take a second look at them, and said coldly: "Continue to take care of him, we'll talk when he wakes up!"

Yu Shu was speechless. The woman seemed to be playing with them. For a while, people felt that they were going to die, and for a while, the knife on her head was taken off again. In fact, it was not that the woman wanted to play with them, but the woman was too lazy to take care of them and was afraid If he can't take care of him well, it's better to give it to these few people who can take care of him best.

Two days later, Ying Chenyu woke up again. When she opened her eyes, she saw the woman in red sitting lazily on the head of his bed. Yu Shu, Yue Ling, and Yu Ling were standing aside, but Shui Mengxuan was respectful. Kneeling, he thought of what the woman said to him in the Holy Land, frowned slightly, looked at the woman and said softly: "What are you doing?"

"I've already told you in the Holy Land!" The woman said indifferently, and at the same time remembered something and added with a smile: "By the way, I knew you would be upset, and even killed the Great Elder for you, It's your compensation!"

Even when Ying Chenyu woke up, she was very tired, but when she wanted to move, she hurt her wounds, and her frown deepened. Yu Shu hurriedly helped him up carefully, and said with a smile: "It's okay, just wake up!"

"Father..." Ying Chenyu glanced at him and called out softly, Yu Shu was taken aback for a moment, Ying Chenyu looked at him and said softly: "I forgive you!"

"Nian'er, you... are you really...willing to forgive me?" Yu Shu couldn't believe it, and asked tremblingly.

Ying Chenyu nodded slightly, but before he could speak again, the woman suddenly waved her hand at Yu Shu, Yu Shu couldn't dodge the woman's speed, blood overflowed from his lips, he half knelt on the ground and pressed his chest, but he was still smiling Looking at Ying Chenyu, the woman sneered: "Who allowed you to touch him?"

"Stop!" Ying Chenyu said suddenly, his voice was low but cold, he looked at the woman coldly: "Don't hurt him!"

"I said I would kill the three of them!" The woman also said coldly, thinking of Ying Chenyu's suffering, her heart suddenly burned with anger, and then she stopped looking at Yushu, walked in front of Yuling, and stretched out her hand to pinch her chin, and smiled coldly: "Yu Ling, Mo Lingyu, is still a beauty."

Yu Ling wanted to get rid of her, but she tapped her acupoints, and the woman pushed her away: "You dare to treat the person I protect like that, who gave you the courage?"

Yu Ling didn't speak, but stared at the woman fiercely, but the woman chuckled, knelt down and gestured with her fingers on her face, a bloody gash appeared on Yu Ling's face instantly, the woman smiled and said: "Such a beautiful face You want to let Yushu marry you, let Beichen's stupid emperor be used by you, who gave you the confidence?"

Yu Ling still didn't speak, let the blood flow on her face, the woman also felt bored, turned around to look at Shui Mengxuan, stood up and said coldly: "Shui Mengxuan, do you know your mistake?"

"This subordinate knows his mistake. This subordinate did not protect the young master well, so he is willing to die!" Shui Mengxuan glanced at Ying Chenyu, with no joy or sorrow in her eyes, and said coldly.

The woman casually threw a dagger at Shui Mengxuan's feet: "Since you know your mistake, you should know the rules of my Wu clan, and you should kill yourself!"

"Yes!" Shui Mengxuan nodded, stretched out her hand to pick up the dagger, closed her eyes, and remembered that she still had a pair of children, and Zi Muyun, but she would never have the chance to accompany them again. Tears were shed, she was not an evil fairy at this time, but an ordinary mother, but she could not disobey the words of the patriarch, picked up the dagger and slashed at her neck. On the ground, Shui Mengxuan opened her eyes, and the fragments of the water cup were also broken beside the dagger. Shui Mengxuan raised her head, and Ying Chenyu coughed a little uncomfortable. He had no strength but forcibly used a little spiritual power. , is already all his available spiritual power!

The woman also looked up at him, and sneered: "Don't let her do it herself because you want me to do it myself?"

"She still has two children, she did nothing wrong!" Ying Chenyu stopped coughing and said softly.

The woman smiled: "So what?"

Ying Chenyu remained silent, the woman turned around, and wrapped three thin black threads around the necks of the three of them with her wave. Yue Ling was shocked, and rushed to the woman but was injured by the woman's palm. Just about to use force, Ying Chenyu suddenly said: "Stop, let them go!"

"Nian'er!" Yue Ling glanced at Ying Chenyu and shouted, the dagger was sucked into his hand at some point, and there was a bloodstain on his neck at this time, the woman looked at him playfully: "You Do you think you can die if I don't let you die?"

"One day!" Ying Chenyu said coldly, the dagger was a little deeper, and the blood slid down the dagger, which was quite shocking.

The woman smiled, and relaxed her hands a little. Yu Shu just breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said angrily, "Nian'er, what are you doing!"

Ying Chenyu looked at the woman coldly, the woman suddenly withdrew her hand, the silk thread disappeared instantly, and even the dagger in Ying Chenyu's hand instantly turned into ashes and fell down, the woman smiled extremely coldly, colder than the usual sneer Ten times, Ying Chenyu knew that she was really angry, but he had no choice, the woman looked at him and said coldly: "Yulan, the more you live, the more you go back?"

"I'm sorry..." Ying Chenyu said weakly. The most important thing the woman told him back then was never to take his own life seriously, let alone threaten others with his own life. This is the performance of the weak, but he has already Once this happens, it is normal for a woman to be angry.

"You love courting death very much!" The woman said coldly, the silk thread wrapped around his neck and wrist in an instant, just cut at the wound on his neck, he frowned slightly, but Yu Shu was shocked, stood up and wanted to go over to Sakura Chen Yu said coldly: "Don't come over!"

Yu Shu stopped and looked at him worriedly, but he looked at the woman stubbornly, the woman suddenly withdrew the silk thread around his neck, but a fine wound suddenly appeared on his wrist, not much blood was shed, but it was very painful. The woman withdrew all the silk threads, and asked coldly: "Do you still remember what I told you about belittling your own life and what would happen if I found out?"

"Leave with you, and you will not be allowed to step into the mortal world for a lifetime..." Ying Chenyu said weakly, looking at the woman.

The woman also looked at him and asked: "I'll give you another chance. After they die, you can stay in Lingshan safely in the future. I won't interfere in any of your affairs. You still have a chance to find Ziqian after the love spell is released." Yue!"

Ying Chenyu glanced at Yu Shu weakly, Yu Shu's worry was obvious, then looked back at the woman, and said in a low voice: "I am go with you..."

"Never see Ziqianyue again?" the woman asked coldly.

Ying Chenyu smiled bitterly, he personally forced Ziqianyue away, it doesn't matter if he doesn't see her, if Ziqianyue is gone, it doesn't matter if she doesn't enter this world.He nodded: "Never...see you!"

"Nian'er!" Yushu shouted, Yueling also looked at him in surprise, but Ying Chenyu didn't look at them, he looked at the woman, the woman sneered, and suddenly stretched out her hand, Ying Chenyu suddenly felt the scorching pain on her collarbone, He gritted his teeth, watching the woman use witch power to forcibly suck away the poison that Ziqianyue had cast on him when she first liked him, the wound that would not heal, Ying Chenyu really wanted to ask her to leave this scar, but he Knowing that he can't speak, if he speaks, the woman will definitely kill Yushu and the others. She watched the little poison being sucked into the woman's hand and thrown out at will. There were two more cuts on the wound Yue left him. He knew that the only mark Zi Qianyue left him was gone, and the wound would heal within two days. The woman would give him the best medicine and would not leave With a little scar, he closed his eyes, but the woman said coldly: "Where is Zi Qianyue's bracelet?"

"I don't know." Ying Chenyu's faint voice was very weak. The bracelet was destroyed in the Holy Land. Although he tried his best to protect it, he really didn't know where he went after he fell into a coma.

The woman suddenly laughed and said, "By the way, I forgot about it with me!"

Ying Chenyu didn't speak, the woman stretched out her hand and destroyed the bracelet in front of him. He knew that the bracelet had turned into ashes, but he didn't open his eyes. After a while, he suddenly had a severe headache and felt that something was slowly being lost. Suddenly realizing something, although extremely weak, he still said in pain: "Don't..."

The woman stopped: "Since you are leaving, don't keep these memories!"

"No, I want to remember..." Ying Chenyu said with difficulty, everything can be lost, he only has these memories left, just a few months of memories, if he doesn't even have these, then he dare not imagine What will he look like, a walking dead, or a blank space with no feelings, no desires, nothing...

The woman frowned, unmoved, and continued to reach out to erase his memory. Ying Chenyu had a headache, desperately unwilling to lose those memories, and used all her spiritual power to resist the woman's witchcraft that made him lose his memory. His spiritual power is weak, but because of his strong will, he has been resisting the woman's witch power. The pull of the two forces in his mind is like a hacksaw pulling back and forth. His face is pale, and sweat is mixed with the blood on his lips, which is a bit thrilling. Yushu and Yueling felt distressed, they knelt beside Shui Mengxuan and begged the woman not to take his memory away.

Even proud people like Yu Shu and Yue Ling knelt down to the woman, and the woman suddenly felt a little boring. She has always been hard-hearted, and would never let someone go just because someone begged for mercy, but she clearly knew Ying Chenyu's temper If this continues, Ying Chenyu will definitely die. She withdraws her hand, Ying Chenyu completely loses strength and leans on the bed, the pain gradually disappears, and he can still recall all the things between Zi Qianyue and him, although he is weak At the extreme, she still smiled lightly, and the woman finally sighed helplessly: "Why do you want to leave these memories to torture yourself if you want to leave with me?"

"I...can't...forget her." Ying Chenyu said very lightly, the woman hadn't said anything yet, he had already passed out, and he had just woken up from a serious injury. When will she wake up, the woman glanced at several people, raised her hands, and suddenly many shadow figures appeared around the palace, Yu Shu was shocked, the woman said coldly: "Go back, no one is allowed to approach this palace, When he wakes up, I will take him away!"

(End of this chapter)

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