Chapter 24

"Okay, you guys play for a while, miss, let me catch up on sleep first!" Walking to the gate of the yard, Zi Qianyue said lazily.

"Yes, Miss." Qingyao and Huaping replied.

"Hi Miss!" Zi Qianyue was about to turn around when a red shadow flew by, and Li Shang appeared beside Zi Qianyue shaking her fan.

"Qingyao." Zi Qianyue was in a bad mood when her sleep was disturbed, so she called Qingyao coldly, signaling Qingyao to figure it out!

"Yes, Miss." Qing Yao nodded to Zi Qianyue, then looked at Li Shang with a sneer.

"What... what is this for? My son is here... is here..." Li Shang saw Qingyao's malicious smile and trembled all over. He just came to pass a message!

"Master Li Shang, my lady is busy, so let me greet you!" Qingyao smiled so hard that she couldn't see her teeth, she also moved her wrists, the picture screen she was looking at resentfully moved away, and Li Shang felt chills behind her.

"That...that is, my master asked the young lady to... talk to..., nothing... if there is nothing to do, my son..."

"Aha!" Before Li Shang finished speaking, Qingyao punched Li Shang in the chest. She knew that Li Shang belonged to the fifth prince, so she didn't use her internal strength. However, Qingyao practiced martial arts since she was a child, and she didn't need a punch with internal strength. It's not kidding either.

"Ah!" Li Shang screamed while clutching his chest, looking at Qingyao accusingly.

"What's your name! My aunt has been displeased with you, a rascal, for a long time!" Qingyao said, waving her fists and chasing after Li Shang.

"Miss, your maid... the maid has been murdered!" Li Shang yelled while hiding.

"You two, get out and fight!" Zi Qianyue was anxious to sleep, and shouted angrily at the two people in the courtyard.

"Yes, Miss." Qingyao replied, and at the same time grabbed Li Shang by the collar and jumped out of the fence.

"Hey, you... what are you doing?" Li Shang asked tremblingly.

"Hey hey..." Qingyao smiled and threw him out: "Come out and fight!"

"Hey, I don't want to be like a little girl... ahhhhh!"

"Hmph! Smelly rascal." Qingyao patted the ashes on her clothes lightly, and stopped the howling like a pig: "From now on, grandma will beat you once every time she sees you."

"You..." Li Shang, with a bruised nose and swollen face, watched Qingyao jump into the yard neatly, and finally got up to pat the dust on her clothes. After finding that the dust was too much to be patted off, she smiled helplessly, and suddenly said evilly: "Little girl, you have ruined my new clothes! It is said that women are like clothes, but I will never allow dirty clothes!"

"Qingyao, don't you know that the sound is loud even through a wall?" Zi Qianyue hadn't fallen asleep, looked up at Qingyao who was in good spirits and said speechlessly.

"Then I'll gag him next time?" Qing Yao blinked innocently, her playful look made Zi Qianyue speechless for a while.

"Ah, by the way, that stinky hooligan said that the Fifth Prince wants to see Miss, Miss, would you like to go?"

"See me? What is that fairy going to do?" Zi Qianyue said to herself, thinking that nothing will happen recently!And the auntie and the others might come to make trouble.

"Forget it, let's go and have a look at night, you and Huaping are dealing with Auntie's little trick."

"Yes, ma'am."

"You go to work first, I'll sleep for a while." After Zi Qianyue finished speaking, she fell asleep in a daze. She slept too late last night, and she was really anxious to fall asleep.

The eldest lady has just moved back to Meiyuanju from the ancestral hall. Since she moved out of Qinglianju, she has returned to Meiyuanju where she used to live. At this moment, she is viciously smashing the precious jewelry and porcelain on the dressing table. The non-stop cracking voice showed the anger in her heart at the moment.

"Auntie, what's the matter with you?" Ziyunrou's voice came, with a touch of worry, Ziyunrou rushed into the room quickly, trying to stop Auntie's behavior.

"Rou'er, it's all the little bitch Zi Qianyue. I was sure to regain the power of that bitch Yue Shuiyan today. I blame that bitch. It's all her. If I don't take revenge, it's hard to understand me." The hatred in my heart!" The auntie stopped, took Ziyunrou's hand and said.

"Auntie, Rou'er also wants to take revenge, but she is about to marry into Prince Yu's Mansion now, how can we take revenge?"

"Marrying into the palace? Isn't that just marrying a cripple? Hmph!" The aunt didn't think so.

"However, after all, King Yu is the most favored prince today. If she marries into the palace, we will always bow her head! My daughter is not reconciled." Zi Yunrou said jealously.

"Don't worry, Rou'er, if that's the case, then let her not even be able to marry a cripple." The aunt laughed sinisterly, and that smile would make everyone who saw her feel terrified.

"What does Auntie plan to do?" Zi Yunmeng was not frightened, but asked happily with a smile.

"Hmph, shouldn't that cripple come to hire me too?" asked the auntie.

"Yes, since the pre-marriage is relatively close, it's time for people from Prince Yu's Mansion to come and hire me tomorrow!"

"Hehe, since that cripple caused me to be humiliated, I will let him and that little bitch be ruined together." The auntie smiled even more strangely.

"Auntie, after all, the King of Yu is very favored. If there is a big trouble, this..." Zi Yunrou still has some brains at this time.

"Hmph! As long as there is no accident in the prime minister's mansion, no matter how favored he is, he won't take it for granted! Besides, does he dare to speak up?" The auntie took out a small blue bottle from under the bed, as if she was determined to get it.

"Auntie, this will definitely not be discovered." Zi Yunrou also laughed, unaware that she was hurting others.

Greedy enough to swallow like a snake, probably describes the aunt, mother and daughter at this time.

When night fell, Zi Qianyue arranged a painting screen to disguise herself as her, and then flew to the Cherry Garden of Yuwang Mansion. This time she was more familiar with the road than last time, so Zi Qianyue found the place very quickly.

The same place, the same scenery and people, a man with black hair and white clothes is drinking tea, holding the cup with his slender fingers, his simple movements are picturesque, Zi Qianyue shook his head, and couldn't bear to disturb this picture scroll , she suddenly felt that it would be quite a sight to grow old so leisurely.

Suddenly, Zi Qianyue sneered in her heart, how could she have such an idea, how could a person who never understood love think so, besides, such a beautiful person, anyone who is with him would be defiled!

Zi Qianyue didn't hesitate anymore, she walked forward, and when she saw the tea he was drinking at the moment, she suddenly felt annoyed for no reason. Condensing bitter dreams.

Ying Chenyu paused, and looked at her with a faint expression, slightly puzzled, but not angry.

"I'm sorry." Zi Qianyue was suddenly annoyed, what was she doing?The two of them just met each other. She even dropped the teapot because Bing Ning's bitter dream would affect his body. She was so restless. If she was an enemy, she would have died countless times.

"This teapot is made of purple sand by Master Hui Chan himself. The inscription is also a poem written by Master Hui Chan himself. It is priceless. Is the princess planning to just say sorry?" Ying Chenyu chuckled, raised her eyebrows and looked at Zi Qian Yue.

Seeing the undisguised banter in Ying Chenyu's eyes, Zi Qianyue was annoyed for a while, she knew that the things this person used must be worth a thousand gold, and when she thought that she had destroyed such things on a whim, she felt distressed: "I didn't want to care about you?" You don't know good people." Zi Qianyue said angrily.

"If you cared about me, you broke my valuable teapot. Yueyue's concern is quite...interesting."

"This miss is to prevent you from drinking Bingning Kumeng." Zi Qianyue was a little angry, and a little annoyed, and said angrily.

"Hehe." Ying Chenyu smiled inexplicably, seeing Zi Qianyue's eagerness to explain and her annoyed appearance, Ying Chenyu was in a good mood for no reason.

"It's just a drink, the tea is made for you." Seeing Zi Qianyue's face about to leave soon, Ying Chenyu explained helplessly.

"I don't like to drink this tea, and you don't want to drink it in the future." Zi Qianyue didn't know what to say, and said awkwardly, not daring to look into Ying Chenyu's eyes.

"Okay." Ying Chenyu smiled lightly: "Thank you for your concern."

 I heard a sentence before and found it very interesting: It is said that brothers are like brothers and women are like clothes. If you don’t have brothers and feet, you can still go out. If you don’t have clothes, would you dare to go out?

  Maomao himself added a sentence: Running without siblings is called inspiration, and running without clothes is called... .abnormal!
(End of this chapter)

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