Respect the favored medical concubine

Chapter 25 See You, I Want to See You

Chapter 25 See You, I Want to See You

Ziqianyue blushed slightly, but the night was dark at the moment, no one could see clearly, Ziqianyue suppressed the strange emotions in her heart, regained her indifferent appearance, and then said:
"Did you call me here today?"

"No." Ying Chenyu replied.

"Then why did you call me? I'm still busy!" Zi Qianyue was a little annoyed when she heard his answer.

"I don't know. I always wanted to see Yueyue, so I called you here." Ying Chenyu said innocently, but he can't blame him. He has never considered any relationship between men and women for so many years. There are only subordinates and masters in the house, so I don't know anything about feelings, I only know that I want to see her and I will see her.

"..." Zi Qianyue was speechless, was that the reason?
"Uh... will you go to the prime minister's mansion to hire tomorrow?" Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Zi Qianyue picked up a topic at random.

"Well, why is Yueyue so anxious?" Ying Chenyu raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"It's a good idea." Zi Qianyue blushed slightly and said hastily.

"Well, tomorrow I will go to the Prime Minister's Mansion to make an appointment. What dowry gift does Yueyue want?" Ying Chenyu stopped teasing her and spoke seriously.

"Ah?" Zi Qianyue was taken aback by his sudden seriousness, and then smiled mockingly: "We are not real, what dowry do you want? Besides, I don't want my things to be given to the prime minister."

"Oh? If this is the case, I will explain that I will give you the dowry. Anyway, since I want to marry you, how can I wrong you?" Ying Chenyu didn't care, and said lightly.

"Okay! Then I will marry with a generous dowry, and I won't wrong my fairy husband." It would be meaningless for Zi Qianyue to push back, isn't it just an exchange of things, Zi Qianyue said Shrugged helplessly.

"You!" Ying Chenyu looked at Zi Qianyue's playful look, and lightly scratched her Qiong nose.

"'ll go first,'re not in good health, now!" Zi Qianyue always thought that the skin was unparalleled in the world, and she didn't know why it was so easy in front of this Blushing, she felt that her face had turned red suddenly, and her speech was unnatural, she stared blankly at Ying Chenyu uttering such a sentence for a long time, and then quickly left with light work.

Ying Chenyu slowly put down his hand, actually he didn't know why he did that, he had never been interested in a person before, wanted to see her, tease her, pet her, he didn't know what was going on, but I clearly feel that my emotions are not as self-controlled as before.

Zi Qianyue left King Yu's Mansion quickly, and looked at the palace from the attic next to King Yu's Mansion. There were very few rooms with lights on. As the most favored prince, there were actually not many people in King Yu's Mansion. Zi Qianyue Looking at the dark night sky, that man must be very lonely!

Suddenly there was that familiar string of pain in her heart, Zi Qianyue suddenly covered her chest with her hands, then turned around suddenly, didn't stay any longer, and flew towards Qinglianju.

When she was about to reach Qinglianju, Zi Qianyue suddenly saw a light on in the prime minister's mansion. At this moment, most people were going to turn off the light and go to sleep. The room of lights flew.

When she was about to reach Qinglianju, Zi Qianyue suddenly saw a light on in the prime minister's mansion. At this moment, most people were going to turn off the light and go to sleep. The room of lights flew.

"Meng'er, why does mother feel that you are deliberately targeting your eldest sister today?" Aunt Liu frowned, looking at Ziyunmeng with some disapproval.

"Auntie, my daughter did target her, but so what? She is useless, but she can marry the prince just because of her status as a direct descendant. Even if the prince retires, she can still marry the fifth prince. Why? My daughter has worked hard since she was a child. Why is it just because This is the difference in status." Zi Yunmeng was clearly aggrieved and angry, her voice raised slightly.

"Auntie, my daughter just wants to call you a mother in a bright and honest way! Besides, the eldest lady has been dominating you all year round. Now that she is down, my daughter doesn't want that prostitute Yue Shuiyan to get what you deserve." Zi Yunmeng was pitiful As he spoke, he held Aunt Liu's hand at the same time.

"Meng'er, mother knows that you are a good boy, but if you hit the head, mother doesn't want anything to happen to you!" Aunt Liu said worriedly.

"Hehe, the young bird, the one who stands out the most now is probably my aunt! Today Cui Ran said that my aunt will deal with King Yu and Big Sister tomorrow!" Zi Yunmeng suddenly laughed somberly, She doesn't look like the first beauty and talented woman at all.

"How dare she be so bold? Cui Ran? The Cui Ran beside her belongs to you?" Aunt Liu asked worriedly.

"Yes, Cuiran was arranged by her daughter to serve her by her side." Zi Yunmeng didn't hide anything, she said frankly, she knew that her mother would never betray her.

"Meng'er, you've been smart since you were a child, and my aunt trusts you in doing things, but my aunt's mother's family is not as powerful as the Su family, so my aunt wants you to be more careful, do you understand?" Second aunt said worriedly.

"Aunt, Meng'er understands, Meng'er will never disgrace Auntie." Zi Yunmeng hugged Second Concubine, and gently patted Second Concubine's back to comfort her.

"If only that girl Qing'er was half as smart and sensible as you." Second Aunt sighed softly.

"Auntie, don't worry, my sister is pure and introverted by nature, maybe, this way I can spend my life more safely!" Zi Yunmeng comforted her.

"Yeah." The second aunt stopped talking, and Ziyun Meng also let go of the second aunt, saying: "Aunt, Meng'er has gone back to rest, mother, let's go to bed early!"

"Yes." Second Aunt nodded, watching Ziyunmeng leave with her maid.

After hearing what they said, Zi Qianyue sneered in her heart. She had to say that the auntie was really good at courting death, and it was not something she could afford to trouble her alone. Now he actually turned his attention to that fairy I really can't control myself, but in this way, I don't need to bother her to deal with her. Presumably that fairy will solve it once!

Zi Qianyue sneered, flew away without disturbing anyone, and returned to Qinglianju in an instant. However, at this time, two people who almost forgot about her came to Qinglianju.Zi Qianyue was sitting on the roof, only to hear an old voice say:

"Miss, I have important news for this old slave. I wonder if Miss can detoxify this old slave?" It is not difficult to hear that this person is the two old slaves who poisoned Zi Qianyue on the way back to Beijing. Mammy.

"Oh? What news?" The voice that resembled Zi Qianyue sounded. Of course, this person was Huaping pretending to be Zi Qianyue at this time.

"Miss detoxifies the old slave first, and the slave will naturally tell Miss."

"Hehe! Are you threatening Miss Ben?"

"The old slave dare not, but the old slave told the eldest lady this news is tantamount to betraying the eldest aunt, the old slave must at least guarantee the lives of the two old slaves, please learn from the eldest miss."

"Oh? That's it! Well, what news did you say first, and this lady will give you the antidote, how about it?" Huaping didn't want to give the antidote at first, but when she heard Zi Qianyue came back and asked her to give the two elders Mammy asked for the antidote, so she had no choice but to follow suit.

"Okay, the old servant believes in the eldest lady." The old nanny said as if resigning to her fate, and closed the door, even asking Qingyao who was beside Ziqianyue to leave before she was willing to say. Of course, this so-called secret was Ziqianyue's just I heard it on the second aunt's roof.

After the old mother finished speaking, Huaping gave them the antidote as promised, and then let them leave, and then, Zi Qianyue walked in.

"Miss, why did you give them the antidote?" Huaping asked suspiciously.

 This is the first time I write an article, and I will read the articles that are updated every day. Some of them will be a little redundant and not smooth enough, but Maomao is trying to revise it, because everyone’s life cannot be ups and downs every day, Maomao I will try my best to write the ordinary days as warmly as possible. I hope everyone has opinions and discuss them in the comments, so that the medical concubine can become a book that we all like, and a book that puts our efforts into it!come on!

  Conspiracies are coming soon, what do you hope it will be like?

(End of this chapter)

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