The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 101 It's all because of him being too tender

Chapter 101 It's all because of him being too tender (4)
This kind of her really made him overwhelmed, she was so dreamy and lovable that he couldn't bear to let go, but in order not to let himself continue to sink into her tenderness, he had no choice but to stay away and hug her soft body tightly. into his arms, laughing until his chest trembled slightly: "Hehe, rest well, and come to see you after I finish my business." He loves her very much at this moment.

Then he kissed her lightly on the lips without daring to go deeper, and reluctantly left the bedroom.

He said he would visit her after he finished his official business, but he couldn't help the throbbing in his heart after all. He had only worked in the study for an hour before he pushed open the bedroom door uncontrollably.Afraid of disturbing her rest, he didn't dare to turn on the light, and sneaked in with the light of the mobile phone, and her petite sleeping face came into view, which made him inexplicably at ease.

Is it because he was too lonely for all these years to have the feeling at this moment?Or her body was so intoxicating to him that he didn't want to let her go.

In this way, our sixth master went back and forth countless times, and it was already twelve o'clock in the middle of the night when he finally finished his work.He raised his hand and rubbed the center of his eyebrows, and walked towards the bedroom again with an expectant heart.

This time, he turned on the light and just unbuttoned the first button of his shirt collar when he realized that something was wrong with the person on the bed. He stopped what he was doing and walked to the edge of the bed. Already covered with dense sweat, her frowning eyebrows showed that she had slept extremely restlessly.Only then did he realize the seriousness of the matter, and reached out to touch her forehead, only to find that she had a fever.

He gently patted her blushing face with his big hand, while calling softly: "Xiaoyou, Xiaoyou, wake up..."

"Hmm... I feel bad, I want to drink water..." Bai Xiaoyou vaguely heard the shout, and said a few words from his mouth without opening his eyes.

"Okay, wait, I'll pour it for you." Mu Changxuan glanced at her worriedly, got up to pour water for her, then patiently helped her up, and handed the cup to her lips , Watching her suck one mouthful at a time, as patient as serving a baby.

After Bai Xiaoyou drank the water, her consciousness was still not clear, and she muttered silently: "But, I'm so hot..."

Mu Changxuan laid her body flat again, then found some emergency antipyretic medicine in the medicine box, and coaxed her to take it: "Be obedient, take some antipyretic medicine first, and you will feel better later."

Even so, he was still not at ease, and called Dr. Li in the middle of the night.

"How is she?" Mu Changxuan asked impatiently after Dr. Li finished his examination.

Dr. Li glanced at the woman lying on the bed, and explained professionally: "Excessive fatigue, coupled with the previous stimulation, caused the fever."

"Oh, is that serious?"

"Take good care of her. There shouldn't be much problem. The most important thing is to have a good rest."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome! Xuan... Is she your other half?" Finally, Dr. Li couldn't control his curiosity and asked the question in his heart.

He saw worry and nervousness in Mu Changxuan's eyes, and that was clearly the expression of love!

Unexpectedly, Mu Changxuan immediately denied after hearing this: "No, it's just a woman."

He didn't continue to ask any more questions. There are some things that are clear to the bystanders. If he wants to admit it himself, he probably needs some facts to prove it.

For Mu Changxuan, this was another sleepless night. He took good care of Bai Xiaoyou, monitored her body temperature all the time, and scrubbed her body tirelessly. He only hoped that she would get better as soon as possible.Looking at her haggard face, his heart was also tightly tangled up, making it impossible for him to fall asleep peacefully.

(End of this chapter)

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