The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 102 It's all because of him being too tender

Chapter 102 It's all because of him being too tender (5)

"Mom, Xiaoyou hasn't come back for three days. I only found out when I went to the company today. She didn't go to other places for business at all, and I don't know what this girl is doing recently." Chen Hui really had nothing to do, so she ran to Bai's house to find The old lady, I hope she can use the power of the Bai family to help find it.

These days, she found that something was wrong with Bai Xiaoyou, but she didn't investigate it further.Since she was a child, she has never made her worry too much, but this time, she really panicked.Mu Ziqing has come to her house countless times. If Mu Ziqing hadn't appeared frequently these two days, she would not have doubted that Bai Xiaoyou would lie to her.

At this moment, her concern is not because Bai Xiaoyou lied to her, but where her daughter is now, is it safe?Will something happen?Maybe she really shouldn't stop her and Mu Ziqing, the emotional matters can't be forced, she can't ruin her daughter's happiness just because of Bai Zhengyu.

If something happened to Bai Xiaoyou, how would she live?
After hearing this, the old lady was taken aback for a moment, obviously it was hard to accept the news that the always obedient Bai Xiaoyou hadn't returned for three days, after thinking about it for a while, she comforted her: "Xiaohui, don't worry, I'll send someone to find Look for it, maybe she really went somewhere else."

"I went to the company today, and it was her colleague who told me that she was still at work yesterday, so why didn't she go home?" Chen Hui was also in a panic. At this moment, she had completely forgotten how she was kicked out of Bai's house three years ago. of.

"Don't worry, they are all my grandsons, and I won't let them go." Once the old lady said this, Chen Hui was relieved a lot, and she stopped crying, and waited for the old lady to send someone to look for it.

Although the power of the Bai family cannot be compared with that of the Mu family, it is considered one of the best in City A.I heard that the Bai family's status today is due to the dead young master of the Bai family - Bai Yufeng.

The old lady has only two sons, one is the second eldest, Bai Yuchen, and the other is the eldest, Bai Yufeng.Back then, Bai Yuchen and Chen Hui were in love with each other, and their love was fixed for a lifetime.Just when Bai Yuchen wanted to tell the old lady what he wanted, he unexpectedly heard that the old lady wanted to betroth Chen Hui to Bai Yufeng, and Bai Yufeng also happened to have feelings for Chen Hui, so he happily accepted the marriage.

Bai Yufeng has always been favored and respected more than Bai Yuchen, so when the old lady wanted to give her beloved woman to that elder brother, he was really not convinced, but he didn't have the courage to admit that he and Chen Hui affair.In the end, he could only get drunk with alcohol all day long and grieve alone.

As long as there is Bai Yu's style, he is a trash in the eyes of his parents. If he is asked to ask his mother to promise Chen Hui to him, he believes that his mother will definitely not agree.Moreover, Bai Yufeng was better than himself, thinking that Chen Hui didn't refuse, he felt that he didn't need to explain everything to his mother.

At that moment, he hated Chen Hui. He had agreed to grow old together, so why did he fly alone when faced with difficulties?

If Bai Yuchen had been brave enough to face his feelings at that time, perhaps the tragedy that followed would not have happened.This is also the biggest pain in Mrs. Bai's heart.

In that era, marriages were all based on the orders of the parents and the words of the matchmaker. Chen Hui was born in a famous family. Although she wanted to regret the marriage, her power was too weak to allow her to resist.Just like that, she became Bai Yufeng's wife by accident.

However, on the second day of their wedding, Bai Yufeng died strangely, and the cause of death has not yet been ascertained.

Chen Hui became a widow overnight.After Bai Yufeng's death, Bai Yuchen also mentioned to the old lady that he wanted to marry Chen Hui, but the old lady was a hundred obstacles.What are these things? How can a daughter-in-law marry into the door, her husband has just died, and she is going to marry her brother-in-law? Isn't this a joke for outsiders?Besides, the old lady was also immersed in the grief of losing her beloved son at that time, and when she heard Bai Yuchen's suggestion, she almost drove him out of the Bai family.

(End of this chapter)

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