Chapter 106
At this time, the Lin Group has become a mess, with a shortage of funds. Many major projects in the company had to be suspended. Lin Yifei was extremely busy. These days, because of work, he didn't have time to find Bai Xiaoyou, but now, he But there is an urge to see her.The company's situation cannot be resolved in a day or two. Facing the persecution of shareholders, he feels that he should be calm and calm in order to truly solve the problem.

In fact, it wasn't the company's matter that gave him a headache, but since the company's accident, their queen mother did not agree with his marriage with Bai Xiaoyou. He really regretted that when he saw Bai Xiaoyou, he didn't directly marry She dragged her to the Civil Affairs Bureau and settled the affairs of the two of them.

Although he and Bai Xiaoyou had no further contact, her every frown and smile had been engraved in his heart.He admits that he is a very caring man, but since he met Bai Xiaoyou, he has never had sex again.Maybe, she wasn't the most beautiful woman, but in his heart, she was the one he wanted to cherish the most.

"Yifei, what are you thinking about?" Mrs. Lin suddenly appeared, startling the man sitting in the office chair who was thinking deeply, and his lazy face suddenly became serious.

Lin Yifei got up from the office chair, went up to meet her, and casually said, "Mom, why are you here? What's the matter?" The queen mother forced her to marry him, and there was nothing he could do.

Mrs. Lin sat gracefully on the VIP seat, with a look of tiredness on her graceful and luxurious face. It was obvious that she came to the company directly after finishing something.

"Meet Mu Yunchu tonight." In one sentence, he explained the purpose of his trip.

After the words fell, a little irritability appeared on that beautiful face, she frowned slightly, and refused without hesitation: "I'm very busy and don't have time."

"Are you busy? What is there to be busy with now? As long as you marry Mu Yunchu, everything will be settled." Mrs. Lin stood up excitedly, her chest trembling slightly because of his rejection.

Her son is full of peach blossoms because of his good looks.Back then, the Lin family owed Bai Yuchen a favor. If it wasn't for this reason, she would not have easily agreed to her son's marriage with Bai Xiaoyou.And at that time, she really wanted to break Lin Yifei's Yingying Yanyan outside and find a woman to marry, so that she could have a grandson as soon as possible.

Now, the company is in crisis, and no one except Mu's family has the ability to save Lin's.The eldest granddaughter of the Mu family happened to be interested in Lin Yifei, how could she let go of this opportunity.

"Mom, weren't you very satisfied with Xiaoyou before, why do you want to go back on your word now?" Lin Yifei just didn't understand. She was the one who urged him to get married at the beginning, but now she disagreed and asked him to change to another woman. She thought she would get married what is it
"I don't want to, but look at the current situation of the company, is there any other way?" Mrs. Lin explained helplessly, hoping that he would put the overall situation first.

She was really in a daze at the time, and even used her son's happiness to repay Bai Yuchen's favor. If she really married that Bai Xiaoyou, she might be ridiculed to death by the industry.That woman, she only realized now, is not Bai Yuchen's biological daughter at all.If you don't have a prominent status, how can you be her daughter-in-law!
Even now, it is possible for people like the Bai family to help them through the crisis, but Bai Yuchen has no intention of helping them at all, which is enough to show the status of Bai Xiaoyou in his heart.If it was really her daughter, how could Bai Xiaoyou endure the fact that Lin's company went bankrupt before she got married?

"I'll take care of this. Don't you doubt your son's ability?" Lin Yifei rebuffed irritably. His marriage is not a business. How could he sell it out for the benefit of the company?

(End of this chapter)

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