Chapter 107
Mrs. Lin was quite helpless, not to mention that there was a tense crisis in the company this time, even if it didn't happen, she wasn't going to agree to the marriage.

"It's not that I don't believe you. The company's crisis is too severe this time. I think someone did it on purpose." Mrs. Lin analyzed carefully, but she didn't know what went wrong and who offended someone who shouldn't be offended. .

"You put it this way, I suddenly remembered some things that happened these days, it's really weird." Lin Yifei also thought about his own unsatisfactory days, and the things were so weird that he had no way of finding out who was manipulating all this behind the scenes , What kind of deep hatred does he have with that person, and he insists on driving him to a dead end.

Really tough!

"Son, it's not that mother forced you. Now the only way to save the company's crisis is to marry the Mu Group." Madam Lin mentioned the emotional part, with a hint of pleading in her eyes.

No matter what, Lin Yifei always felt sorry for his mother. Seeing her working hard for the company these days, he felt sore, and said in a deep voice: "Mom, I'm very tired, let me take it easy."

This is a good answer. There is neither rejection nor objection. As long as there is still a glimmer of hope, Mrs. Lin believes that she will have a way to make her son accept his fate.She had met that Mu Yunchu just now, and she was really satisfied. After all, he was born in a noble family, no matter how he looked at it, he was extremely outstanding.

She didn't do it all for the company, she thought that only an excellent woman like Mu Yunchu was worthy of her equally excellent son.As the saying goes, the right family, only such a marriage can be happy.


Throughout the morning, Bai Xiaoyou was in no mood to work, but Mu Changxuan didn't arrange too many things for her.Because she hadn't recovered from her illness, he was afraid that her body would not be able to take it anymore, so this morning, Bai Xiaoyou was very idle, so idle that she couldn't help but think wildly.After finally getting off work, when he left the company, he saw Bai Lingxuan standing guard at the door of the company.

The mental state was not very good, and now such a plague god appeared, which made her even more sad and angry.

Sure enough, at a distance of only one meter from her, a loud shout came to her eardrums, almost shattering her eardrums: "Bai Xiaoyou!" After calling her name, Bai Lingxuan stepped forward excitedly, He reached out to give her a slap in the face.

Bai Xiaoyou's figure flickered, and she caught her extended hand at the right time, her clear face was full of anger: "What are you doing, are you crazy?"

It's okay for Bai Yuchen to beat her, after all, he has been kind to her in nurturing her, so she can bear it.But Bai Lingxuan, she would never allow it. When she was a child, she was fed up with her bullying, and she had no choice but to endure the humiliation for a living.But now, she felt that she didn't have to bear it anymore.

Bai Lingxuan obviously didn't expect that she would fight back to stop her, and her charming face was darkened at this moment, she withdrew her hand fiercely, and accused angrily: "You liar, didn't you say that if you give you 200 million, you will get out of here?" Mu's, why are you still patient and not leaving?"

She knew that Bai Xiaoyou was not that easy to talk to, and that she left the Mu's Group was all a lie she made up.Despite Liu Qin's strong opposition, Mu Ziqing still insisted on marrying this bastard, how could she be convinced?Since she was a child, she has lost everything to herself, but now, the man she likes has fallen in love with this bitch, and she will not let it go no matter what.

Bai Xiaoyou glanced at her coldly, a chill flashed in his eyes, and he scolded displeasedly: "Bai Lingxuan, don't go crazy here, I've already returned the 200 million to you, and you have no right to interfere where I am."

(End of this chapter)

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