The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 1108 If you don’t have us, let’s make do

Chapter 1108 If you don’t have us, let’s make do (4)
Naturally, it is not so easy to get out after entering. Business people will not let any customer slip away easily, not to mention these two people are their targets. Someone ordered them to stay and try on no matter what.

The two of them didn't expect such a scene when they came in. The clerk's enthusiasm was a little too much, which made them hesitate and didn't know what to do.

"Mr. Mu, why don't you bring your fiancée over here to try it on. This wedding dress is a new creation by the famous designer Jamie. It's a limited edition! Wearing it on Mrs. Mu will definitely..."

Mu Ziqing patiently listened to the clerk's explanation, her eyes inadvertently moved away from the gauze skirt, and in an instant, her bland eyes tightened, and she gestured to the clerk behind her to stop talking.

He hasn't even decided who to marry. Does he care about what to wear?
But that wedding dress was really beautiful, even though he didn't know much about clothes, he was deeply attracted, just looking at the model's shape was amazing, wouldn't it be if it was worn on someone?

Think about it, that person is really in front of you!
The smile on Bai Lingxuan's face froze, she stared blankly at the person who suddenly appeared in the makeup mirror, her pink lips trembled, her heart was beating wildly.

Mu Ziqing?
Is he here to choose a dress?

Mu Ziqing didn't notice Bai Lingxuan at first, but was attracted by Bai Xiaoyou's figure. He thought that the gauze dress must be a perfect match for Bai Xiaoyou, and only a pure woman is worthy of wearing that wedding dress. But that woman doesn't belong to him after all.

He wanted to say hello to her, but his warm eyes inadvertently glanced at Bai Lingxuan who was beside Bai Xiaoyou. She was sitting in front of the makeup mirror choosing bridal accessories. He was shocked, and suddenly felt that the smile on her face was too dazzling.

Almost involuntarily, Mu Ziqing shifted his gaze, and his cold figure walked towards Bai Lingxuan. The closer he got, the more complicated the expression on his face became.

Bai Lingxuan also stood up, and the enthusiastic shop assistants around her were driven away by Bai Xiaoyou's eyes, leaving the three of them in the magnificent dressing room.

"You guys came to see the dress?" Mu Ziqing's first words were addressed to Bai Xiaoyou who was at the side, but his eyes stopped on another woman.

He himself was also in a trance, and he didn't know what happened. He rarely experienced that kind of dizziness in his life.

Bai Lingxuan was about to explain, but Bai Xiaoyou stepped forward to protect Bai Lingxuan behind her, looking at Mu Ziqing's inquisitive eyes with sharp eyes, and replied, "Yes, it's time for Xuanxuan to get married too. It’s always right for me to let her choose the dress in advance.”

Perhaps, she should do this, let Mu Changxuan find some good men for Bai Lingxuan, and if there are suitable ones, try to date them.

"Really? There is a suitable candidate, why didn't I see it..." Mu Ziqing's soft eyes gradually turned cold, facing Bai Xiaoyou's stubborn face, not letting go of any loopholes.

This made Bai Lingxuan feel guilty. She knew that Bai Xiaoyou was deliberately provoking Mu Ziqing, so after Mu Ziqing asked this, she pulled Bai Xiaoyou's skirt calmly, signaling her not to talk to her again. Mu Ziqing got serious.

Bai Xiaoyou was not willing to admit defeat, and prevaricated, "We did it in secret, and we will try it on together after the selection is made."

"How are you?" Obviously, Mu Ziqing didn't want to discuss this topic again.

He still cared about Bai Xiaoyou, but at the same time, he couldn't help being a little jealous of his sixth uncle, in short, his mood was very complicated.

"Well, it's a good year!" Bai Xiaoyou deliberately raised her voice to avoid embarrassment.

After that, I didn't want to continue talking nonsense with Mu Ziqing, so I turned around and suggested to Bai Lingxuan who was behind me, "Xuanxuan, why don't we come another day, Mr. Mu will definitely choose a dress for his fiancée, and we don't want others to pick the rest."

The women of their Bai family also have backbones. If Mu Ziqing abandoned Bai Lingxuan, would no one want her?
"Mrs. Mu, Mu Liuye called you." A soft voice interrupted the stiff atmosphere.

After hearing this, Bai Xiaoyou was overjoyed, then frowned with some doubts, and explained to Bai Lingxuan, "Wait here for me, I'll be over in a while."

The atmosphere was a bit cold, and something called embarrassment spread from the air.

Seen by the man in front of her, Bai Lingxuan felt a little guilty, she lowered her eyes and wanted to run away in a hurry, "That, that, I'll go first, you choose slowly, the dresses here are not bad."

After finishing speaking, she walked around him and walked out the door.

"I don't have anyone to marry yet. If you don't have any, why don't you... get together?" His uncomfortable voice came from behind.

These words struck Bai Lingxuan's heart again like a thunderbolt. If she had wanted nothing before, after experiencing abandonment, she would not let herself fall down in the same place a second time.

She admitted that she admired Ziqing, she was cute, and she couldn't let her lose her dignity.

Bai Lingxuan stopped in her tracks and remained silent for a long time before turning her back to him and opening her mouth, "Mr. Mu was joking, how can you make do with your status? Just like me, I don't like to make do with it!"

"What I said is true." He emphasized again, his usual gentle tone was a little anxious.

"I'm not joking." She refused in this way, very simply.


If she wanted to make do with it, why would she look for him? Thousands of men could make do with it.Maybe other men are not as good as him, nor can he make her heart flutter, but they won't be so badly hurt.

The point is, she suddenly remembered that she seemed to have forgotten an important thing today, and she didn't complete the task that Mu Changxuan gave her, what should she do?
This is what Bai Lingxuan is most worried about!Can she afford to offend that so-called brother-in-law?

I have tried my best to let her bring it here, and I haven't even started to choose the dress and accessories...

(End of this chapter)

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