The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 1109 Surprise Marriage and Forced Marriage

Chapter 1109 Surprise Marriage and Forced Marriage (1)
Here, in the VIP reception room, a woman who has been restless all day is holding the phone, full of questions while delighted.

"Mu Changxuan, how do you know I'm here?"

With Mu Changxuan's ability, it's not surprising for Bai Xiaoyou to know that she is here, the key is that she can still call the landline here shortly after she comes in, Bai Xiaoyou really doubts whether the man installed a surveillance camera on her body.

The man on the other end of the phone was stunned, ignored her irrelevant question, and asked in a deep voice, "What did Mu Ziqing say to you?"

Someone fell into the vinegar vat again!
Damn it, Mu Changxuan cursed in his heart, he miscalculated again, he didn't expect to bump into Mu Ziqing's plague god at this time, it seems that Mu Ziqing's wedding is inevitable, it's time for him to move out of his identity as the patriarch It's up to you.

Bai Xiaoyou was just about to take this opportunity to talk about Bai Lingxuan and Mu Ziqing's affairs, when she suddenly realized that someone was thinking wrong, she felt aggrieved for a moment, and he left in a hurry, her mood hadn't changed from gloomy for a while After adjusting, he raised his eyebrows and deliberately whetted his appetite, "I won't tell you."

The man narrowed his gloomy eyes slightly, and tightened his grip on the phone. His handsome face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth, "Go back to the courtyard right now, Xiao Qingqing should cry when she can't find you."

"You haven't answered me yet, how do you know I'm here." She followed her stubbornly, always feeling as if he was staring at her, and felt uncomfortable all over her body.

Once her temper becomes stubborn, there is no limit. Regarding this, Mu Changxuan suffered a lot from her before, and the best way is to coax her.

"No matter where you are, I know, do you believe it?" The soft voice melted people's hearts, like a softener injected into Bai Xiaoyou's heart, making her heart flutter.

She believed that he had that ability!

Even so, Bai Xiaoyou didn't intend to let him go, "It's not fair, I want to know where you are."

He didn't tell her where he was going on a business trip, leaving her with nowhere to miss.

This attitude is obviously relaxed, this trick really works!

She is a master who eats soft but not hard!
Mu Changxuan had already figured out her personality thoroughly, when to use coaxing, when to use a little force, or what degree to hold, maybe Bai Xiaoyou didn't have a thorough understanding of her.

"Be obedient, be good, I'll be back soon, I can't do things with peace of mind, and it will delay my schedule, don't you want me to go back early to accompany you?" No.

In any case, he had to find a way to coax her to go back. As for the wedding dress, he had already prepared it, and there was no need for her to come out and try it on.

I really regret it, now that he is not around, what does Mu Ziqing want to do?
He has always been very possessive, and he really doesn't like male animals approaching her, let alone Mu Ziqing who loves her with all his heart and soul. At this moment, Liu Ye hates her so much.

Letting Bai Lingxuan trick her into coming to the bridal shop, he just wanted to know her reaction, whether she had fantasized about their wedding, after the experience, someone would naturally tell him this.

"If you..." If you break your promise this time, I will never forgive you.

Her tough attitude had long been captured by his good-tempered coaxing, half of what she said got stuck in her throat, and she felt that it was inappropriate, so she changed her method.

"Okay, I'll go back right away and remember what you said."

She meant that he would come back sooner.

This time, he must not let him break his promise again, not only her urging, but also Xiao Qingqing's help at the critical moment!

"Hehe... yes, ma'am!" His deep laughter came from next to his ear, and Bai Xiaoyou's mind flickered when he heard the word 'madam', as if it was a dream!
(End of this chapter)

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