The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 1125 Master 6 is too cold-blooded

Chapter 1125 The sixth master is too cold-blooded (1)
It is common for the Mu family to have frequent incidents at weddings. It is not at all surprising for celebrities from all walks of life to learn that the bride has fainted and the wedding has been postponed during the long wait. They seem to be used to such dramas.

In their hearts, it is not bad to regard this grand wedding of a wealthy family as an exchange banquet in the business world. They hope that the Mu family can hold a few more grand banquets, so that they can meet more celebrities in the business field and make profits for themselves.

People are always selfish, almost none of the guests present cared about the comfort of the bride, except for the Bai family, when the others left, they even skipped the most basic greetings.

After a while, the wedding scene, which had been painstakingly arranged, returned to desertion, and the pink ribbons hung listlessly, as if mourning the misfortune of the newlyweds.

"The wedding of the Mu family will not be held here in the future." Before leaving, Mu Ziqing stood on the podium and announced to everyone in the Mu family.

The relationship between him and Bai Xiaoyou was ruined here, which was the source of his heartache. If possible, Mu Ziqing would never set foot in this place for the rest of his life.

It was all two years ago, and he still clearly remembers that night as if it was deeply imprinted in his mind, often tormenting his body and mind.

I still remember that night when Mu Changxuan came back, he brought Bai Xiaoyou over to the celebration banquet. During the toasts, he accidentally ignored his woman and let the sixth uncle take the lead. Until now, Mu Ziqing still regrets that... Take Bai Xiaoyou out at night.

He should have acted before Mu Changxuan. He hated his indecision, and even more hated his tolerance.

If Bai Xiaoyou doesn't want to, doesn't he know how to use force?
Thinking of this, Mu Ziqing suddenly seemed to understand something.

He and Bai Xiaoyou had missed each other a long time ago. Perhaps, Bai Xiaoyou never had him in his heart. Sixth Uncle was her ex-husband. Many years ago, they were destined to be entangled for a lifetime.

Then, forget it, even if you can't forget it, you have to get rid of it, this is the only thing he can do for Bai Xiaoyou.

Don't let him attend the wedding here, he hopes that Uncle Six can give Bai Xiaoyou the wedding he wants in the future, at least worthy of her love for him over the years.


After hearing this, the Mu family all looked at Mu Ziqing with extremely surprised eyes, and some even challenged him on the rostrum, saying that he didn't take their elders seriously in the few days since he took office. , Mu Ziqing's seniority is considered the youngest, and he still needs to consult them for many things about the Mu family.

Naturally, they were not convinced that Mu Ziqing said these words without them going through them.

Although this is a trivial matter, it is enough to show that Mu Ziqing is arrogant and does not take them seriously.

"This place is not suitable for a wedding, it's too unlucky!" Facing the sharp eyes of everyone, Mu Ziqing showed no surprise on his gentle face, and explained calmly, hitting the point with one sentence.

Bai Xiaoyou chose his sixth uncle. He really hated him once, and even thought of destroying her. However, after going through so much, Mu Ziqing also thought that he couldn't compare with Mu Changxuan. Her, he probably won't be able to realize it in his life.

For example, Bai Xiaoyou doesn't like a restrained life, and as the president of Mu's Group, the new generation head of the Mu family, he must live in a big dye vat with everyone in the Mu family.

If Bai Xiaoyou was with him, he might be able to give up these things for her, but can he disobey his parents' orders?

Many things are beyond her control, but Mu Changxuan is different. He has the right to control everything and give her the life she wants.

He was not reconciled, but had to admit that he had indeed lost!
(End of this chapter)

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