The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 1126 Master 6 is too cold-blooded

Chapter 1126 The sixth master is too cold-blooded (2)
As soon as Mu Ziqing said this, the people in the audience didn't have much objection, they seemed to acquiesce.

What he said was the truth, the wedding between him and Mu Changxuan was ruined here, the Mu family really should choose another banquet venue.

Five days later, for his wedding, although Bai Lingxuan didn't give him an answer, he had the mentality that he must win. Mu Ziqing didn't want to hold his wedding in this place, and he didn't want any accidents to happen to his wedding.

For the rest of his life, that's it. At least he won't get bored with Bai Lingxuan.


The moment Bai Xiaoyou fainted, Mu Changxuan called Li Boran. In order to avoid bumpy roads and traffic jams during the New Year, he asked Li Boran to send the best doctor to come to see him.

At this time, Mu Changxuan was like an angry beast. Those old guys in Shengtian were clever, knowing that it was not appropriate to show up at this time, and they hid away when they heard the news that Bai Xiaoyou had fainted, leaving only the old man as the representative After all, they are still a little bit jealous of Mu Changxuan as gunmen. Due to his grandfather's relationship, Mu Changxuan will give the old man a three point no matter what he does. If they don't leave, are they waiting to die here?
Today's wedding is definitely not going to happen. They can only wait for the angry wild horse to calm down and Bai Xiaoyou's body to fully recover before they come to attend the wedding. angry.

Wishful thinking is quite loud, is our sixth master such a foolish person?I forgot that you are all members of Shengtian, how can Mu Changxuan say you are all the president of Shengtian, if you collectively bully him, will he let you go secretly?

What Li Boran meant was that he wanted Mu Changxuan to send Bai Xiaoyou to the hospital, in case something happened, it would be convenient for rescue, but the man just refused, and even threatened not to send the best doctor, so he turned around and demolished their hospital.

Mu Changxuan naturally had his own considerations, he didn't want Bai Xiaoyou to be jolted, his pale little face was full of tiredness, his heart was broken from the pain, how could he let her go back and forth in the car again toss?

If anything, there is a hospital nearby, and the facilities are not bad. The only thing missing is an authoritative doctor.

He has considered everything for Bai Xiaoyou, she is his woman, so naturally he will give everything to her.

The old man saw all this in his eyes, and he didn't want to have a conflict with Mu Changxuan at this time, so he could only wait for the doctor to come out and make a diagnosis.

It was all unintentional, so why are you so nervous?

Thinking about it, Mu Changxuan loved Bai Xiaoyou very much, and didn't want to let that woman suffer even the slightest bit of bumps. How much did he love him?One just passed out, maybe it was frightened, there is no need to make people panic.

Of course, these words must never be said in front of Liu Ye, no one wants to court death on the cusp of the storm.

"A group of immortals, do you know they have escaped at this moment? Oh, won't I be able to find them if I escape?" After making the call, Mu Changxuan's tall figure stood in the cold corridor, exuding a frightening look. Then the thin lips curled up slightly, and the old man beside him drank coldly with his scarlet eyes.

These words are disrespectful to the elders, those people are the older generation, Mu Changxuan scolded them like this, the old man was very angry when he heard it.

"Changxuan, you have to calm down. To be honest, your woman is too delicate, so you don't want to be scared. You need to exercise more. Thrilling things happen to people like you from time to time."

After hearing Mu Changxuan's words, the old man who was quite satisfied with Bai Xiaoyou couldn't help but blame Bai Xiaoyou again in his heart.

Women are all disasters, this is absolutely true, isn't Mu Changxuan's mother, Su Rong, a living example?Mu Yichuan, who is so cruel and ruthless, fell into her hands, seeing how powerful that woman's seductive kung fu is.

(End of this chapter)

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