The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 1134 Master 6 said, why is it always me who suffers so much

Chapter 1134 Liu Ye said, why is it always me who suffers so much (3)
He actually uttered the word 'get rid of' so coldly, as if the child in her belly had nothing to do with him.

"If the child will threaten your life, even if you know it, I will ask a doctor to help." He didn't explain anything to her, but just said his most sincere thoughts in cold blood, and there was no trace of pain in his dark eyes , like an emotionless demon.

Only Bai Xiaoyou knew that he was afraid, or she should understand his thoughts, but could not support his approach.

Could it be that he was sentenced to death in this way, can't he think of other ways? How did he become a father?They went through a lot of hardships to be together. In order to live a good life in the future, she forced him to undergo artificial insemination. During this time, she worried a lot. Isn't it ridiculous that he wants to get rid of her now that she can give birth?

She can't let him do this even if she dies!
Bai Xiaoyou also knew that there was no good fruit for being serious with Mu Changxuan at this time, so it's better to soften up and talk to him, trying to ease his excessive worry and tension.

The two of them froze all night over this matter, and it was Xiao Youyou who surrendered in the end. Once Mu Changxuan made a decision, it was difficult to change it. Although he was thinking of her, as a mother, it was impossible for her to let people Killing your own children at will.

In the warm bedroom, Bai Xiaoyou was lying halfway on the bed, her eyes glanced at the man reading the newspaper next to her from time to time, secretly observing his movements, seeing that the face of a certain man softened a little, and his light-colored lips moved, The appearance of hesitating to speak is unbearable.

It's fine if there are other things, but there is no need to discuss this matter, Bai Xiaoyou chose to shut up again under his cold eyes.

Bai Xiaoyou couldn't help snorting coldly in her heart, not reconciled to her cowardice in front of him, why should she be so afraid of him, isn't it just a look, anyway, he often stares at her.

In order to keep the child, she went all out!During her pregnancy, she didn't want to have any trouble with Mu Changxuan. Don't look at this man who is mature and stable in front of outsiders. Sometimes, he can be childish, but he is even more difficult to coax than Xiao Qingqing.

Bai Xiaoyou cleared her throat, deliberately moved her body closer to him, and while he wasn't paying attention, her little head got into his broad chest, and she said flatteringly, "My husband, actually having a baby is not as scary as you imagined. Pregnancy is like this, it’s not hard at all.”

In the end, he wasn't afraid that her body wouldn't be able to bear it. She believed that Mu Changxuan himself knew that having a baby would not be fatal. The main problem was her body. As long as she was able to fight for her health during pregnancy, she would be fine. He can rest assured.

She took the initiative to show her favor, so how can he remain indifferent? In fact, Mu Changxuan is more sad than anyone else. How can his own child not be distressed? His heart is bleeding when he makes such a decision, but he He has always been good at hiding his inner emotions, and he is indifferent in the eyes of others.

No one else can see his pain, and only this woman understands him.

This kind of heart is hard to come by, the more she is like this, the more afraid he is, afraid of losing, afraid of what happens!

He put down the newspaper in his hand and put his arms around her. His black eyes were full of melancholy, and there were faint dark circles around the corners of his eyes, which made her feel distressed. He didn't close his eyes to take care of her these two days.

"It's better not to, anyway, they don't dare to embarrass us anymore, it doesn't matter whether we have a son or not." He said this, and it was true.

"But the child is already here, you can't be so cruel, and you have no right to deprive him of his life!" How could Bai Xiaoyou agree, persuading him with nice words, with a hint of coquettishness, she didn't believe that she couldn't soften him.

Before, she was afraid that the identity between them would be questioned by the outside world, coupled with the fact that she was unable to bear children, she was afraid of causing trouble to him, what a great opportunity now, she really wants to have another child.

"Husband, husband..." Seeing that he didn't speak, Bai Xiaoyou put her arms around his waist, purposely shouting emotionally in his ear.

The man was silent, and the sound of her husband was like a spell to seduce people's hearts. His cold heart gradually softened, and he couldn't agree to it.

Seeing that his attitude softened, Bai Xiaoyou continued to strike while the iron was hot, "Don't underestimate me, I was imprisoned by Ye Shangwei at that time, so I was pregnant with Xiao Qingqing, it's okay."

After saying those words, the man's complexion suddenly sank, he gave her a hard look, and with a cold snort, he ignored her.

It was Ye Shangwei again, even if he was chopped off, it would be hard to get rid of Liu Ye's hatred and jealousy.

Bai Xiaoyou stuck out her tongue, knowing that she said something wrong, she lowered her head and started self-criticism, her eyes turned, and she changed the topic to the point, "Oh, now you are by my side, and there are professional doctors to take care of you. Thinking, what are you afraid of, having a baby is the most common thing, and every woman has to go through it."

"Let's talk about it later, it will depend on your physical condition in a few days." Mu Changxuan turned over and fell asleep after leaving these words.

It seems that he is angry again. This man is really stingy. She is still a pregnant woman, so why can't she be more tolerant?

"No, you can't touch him." It was hard to make him relax, and Bai Xiaoyou couldn't give up at this time.

A certain man turned his back to her and said lightly, "It's getting late, go to bed."

"You first promise me that you won't touch him." Obviously, she got into a fight with him, and there was a posture that she wouldn't sleep with him if he didn't agree.

Mu Changxuan had a way to take her, and warned coldly, "If you don't obey me again, I'll have the doctor kill him right away."

"There is no father like you." She roared, and the circles of her eyes began to turn red.

The man turned over to face her with a big head, his eyes were cold, and his tone did not waver at all, "Whatever you think, in short, the child is between you, I can only choose you."


The persuasion failed, Xiao Youyou could only use the last trick, crying hard!
"Okay, okay, if you want to keep it, you can keep it." Obviously, Master Liu has no choice.

"Not like you."

"Okay, I was wrong, can I sleep now?"

Mu Changxuan summed up an experience, if they quarreled and got awkward, he was the one who had the upper hand, but he was also the one who suffered in the end, you see, in order to make Bai Xiaoyou happy, now he is massaging his beloved wife!
(End of this chapter)

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