The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 1135 Mu Ziqing You Asked For It

Chapter 1135 Mu Ziqing You Asked For It (1)
Time passed bit by bit, and Mu Ziqing had been lingering in the Bai family's courtyard for several hours. Seeing that it was approaching midnight, the temperature also dropped sharply, and he was shivering from the cold.

From time to time, he raised his wrist to check the time. He looked anxiously at the dark surroundings. The bitter cold wind seemed to sweep ice skates towards his gentle face. Loo couldn't support it.

In the past few hours, he advised himself to turn around more than once, but those feet seemed to be filled with lead, and he couldn't move. After waiting for so long, wouldn't it be stupid to give up now?

Just when he was getting restless, a dazzling light suddenly shot in front of him, and after a while, an official female voice broke the tranquility of the night.

"Zhengyu, President Mu is here!" Gao Lan's voice was admirably calm and capable at all times.

Even if she and Bai Zhengyu were already boyfriend and girlfriend, she would never take a step further on many occasions. Of course, she was not so rigid in private, such as addressing.

When Bai Zhengyu got out of the car, Mu Ziqing's long figure was lurking in the night, and the dark street lights reflected on his elegant face. At this moment, he looked a little sad.

The corners of his lips curled up, and he stretched out his hand unscrupulously to hug the woman beside him into his arms, strode forward and teased Mu Ziqing unscrupulously, "Oh, President Mu is here at this time, could it be that there is something wrong with the bidding plan?" ?”

Mu Ziqing's whole face was a little stiff due to the cold wind blowing for a long time. After hearing his words, he coughed a few times uncomfortably to cover up the embarrassment on his face, and then pulled his numb lips before defending himself. "I'm looking for Bai Lingxuan. She is in charge of the plan. It's better to find the person involved!"

For the sake of the so-called face, he followed Bai Zhengyu's words, but he didn't notice the cunning flashing in the man's eyes.

Of course, if Mu Ziqing hadn't cared about her so-called face, she would have gone to Bai Zhengyu's company to find Bai Lingxuan a long time ago. Is there any need to suffer here?
"You've been standing here waiting for Xuanxuan?" Gao Lan said suddenly, the surprise in her eyes was obvious.

Before she had time to say the second sentence, Bai Zhengyu quietly pinched her waist, she frowned and looked sideways, meeting the man's malicious eyes, the meaning was already clear.

"It's freezing cold here. President Mu, should you go in and sit down for a while? Xuanxuan has been working overtime for the plan of Mu's Group these days. She is afraid of making mistakes. She probably won't be back until very late." The cold wind hit, and he hugged the woman in his arms vigorously.

"No, I'll just wait for her here."

If he wasn't afraid of being awkward, would he still have to stand here and wait? The old lady of the Bai family still had a brooding attitude towards him abandoning Bai Lingxuan at the wedding. If he went in now, it would be a waste of all his previous efforts. He endured so much hard work. I want to ask Bai Lingxuan what she means, but I don't want to be ruined by others like this.

"Then you can do whatever you want, we're going in!" Bai Zhengyu raised his mouth slightly, turned over the polite manners with Mu Ziqing, glanced at him thoughtfully, then walked past him into the compound with Gao Lan in his arms.

It's just that at the moment they turned around, the smirks on Bai Zhengyu and Gao Lan's faces looked awkward in the night.

Mu Ziqing, this is your punishment for hurting Bai Lingxuan!Why couldn't Bai Zhengyu see that he had been waiting for a long time, so let's wait, his sister is not so easy to bully.

Don't think that the daughter of the Bai family is easy to bully, and she wants to marry back after being abandoned so easily, dreaming!

(End of this chapter)

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