The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 1142 Master 6 Please Pay Attention to Prenatal Education

Chapter 1142 Sixth Lord Please Pay Attention to Prenatal Education (1)
Bai Xiaoyou seldom got out of bed since she was pregnant, this is the tragedy of having a baby.

It's also fortunate that Bai Xiaoyou can endure hardships, otherwise Master Liu will definitely be in vain when he is on a business trip.The two have gone through so much to be together, Bai Xiaoyou doesn't want to put pressure on Mu Changxuan anymore.

Just because, for the sake of her body, Mu Changxuan did not approve of having this child. If she couldn't bear it, the child might have been strangled by Mu Changxuan.

Every time she feels sad and bitter, she can only swallow it in her stomach.Occasionally, she couldn't take it any longer, Bai Xiaoyou thought that she had suffered so much before, and that she was with Ye Shangwei for a year, that was the real life that would be worse than death.

This kind of suffering is also a kind of happiness for Bai Xiaoyou, now she has Mu Changxuan, Xiao Qingqing, and relatives by her side, so what are she afraid of.

It's just that no matter how you control the emotions of pregnant women, there are times when they are abnormal.

To say that Bai Xiaoyou was pregnant, Liu Ye was the one who suffered the most.

He travels back and forth between the company and home all day long, and occasionally has to go to other places, but he dare not go.

But our sixth master is willing, as long as Xiaoyou is good, it doesn't matter what he does.But even so, life always has unsatisfactory times.

Let's just say that once, a man went on a business trip and agreed to come back at night, but was dragged away by the client for a while and couldn't make it back in time. Bai Xiaoyou was in a bad mood and would occasionally have convulsions, so she answered one call after another. The phone calls made Liu Ye feel uneasy about doing things.

As a last resort, Mu Changxuan had no choice but to ask the most trusted person around him to accompany the client, and he naturally took the latest flight to fly to Bai Xiaoyou's side.

That's not to mention, Bai Xiaoyou lay on the bed all day long, and had already slept soundly during the day, sometimes she couldn't fall asleep in the middle of the night, and Fei Lamu Changxuan got up to talk with her.

Thinking about this, Bai Xiaoyou felt that he was quite capable of tossing around.

She also wanted to keep Mu Changxuan from making a fuss, but sometimes she just couldn't help it.But fortunately, Liu Ye never complained, and usually responded to every request, like a baby.

People worked so hard to give birth to him, and almost lost their lives, so what is it for him to suffer a little?Sometimes, seeing Bai Xiaoyou suffering, Mu Changxuan wished he could bear the pain of having a child for her.

During this business trip, Mu Changxuan naturally can't rest assured that Bai Xiaoyou is alone at home. The pregnant woman's mood is unstable. She is fine now, but it may change in the next second. He also understands that feeling very much. Xiaoyou was bored at home, so Mu Changxuan specially called Cheng Peige to accompany her.

Cheng Peige didn't say a word, when he came over, he passed by Mu Ziqing's car, and the two didn't say hello, Cheng Peige couldn't help feeling weird.

"I saw Mu Ziqing." Cheng Peige questioned Bai Xiaoyou first.

She has been bored for a long time, gossip occasionally can relieve the pressure of life, there is nothing wrong with it.Moreover, she saw Mu Ziqing leaving with a smile just now, could it be something tricky?
Nima, is she going to report this kind of thing in front of Mu Changxuan?

Bai Xiaoyou raised his eyes to look at her, and continued to flip through the pages in his hands, as if he was not going to explain.This kind of thing, the more you explain, the worse it is, it's better not to say it.

She and Mu Ziqing had been together for so many years, and they wanted to be together a long time ago. This way she also wanted to make peace, and was afraid that the tongue-in-cheek servant would make a fuss in front of Mu Changxuan.

At the very least, Bai Xiaoyou saw the gossip on Cheng Peige's face. Presumably, most people should be like Cheng Peige, wanting to see the gossip between her, Mu Changxuan and Mu Ziqing.

Seeing her indifferent look, Cheng Peige sat down beside her and continued to ask, "Hey, you woman, I'm asking you something!"

(End of this chapter)

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