The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 1143 Master 6 Please Pay Attention to Prenatal Education

Chapter 1143 Sixth Lord Please Pay Attention to Prenatal Education (2)
"Where's the child, didn't you bring it here?" Bai Xiaoyou didn't answer the question after hearing this, put down the book in his hand, and looked straight at her.

Speaking of children, Cheng Peige's complexion quickly darkened, and he lost the excitement he had just arrived.

It was clear from this look that something was wrong, and Bai Xiaoyou's complexion became heavy as he looked at her carefully, "What's the matter?"

Cheng Peige pursed his lips and said in a low voice, "The child was taken away by Queen Mother Lin."

Bai Xiaoyou frowned, secretly guessing the meaning of Cheng Peige's words.

Did Queen Mother Lin accept Cheng Peige or have other motives for taking the child away? If it was the second point, Bai Xiaoyou would never agree.

Then Lin Yifei was too irresponsible, how could he let his wife suffer this kind of grievance.As a mother, of course she knows how important a child is to Cheng Peige. The Lin family doesn't like her very much. Her only bargaining chip is her child.

Bai Xiaoyou sighed, no wonder Cheng Peige came here so easily, it turned out that the child was not by her side.

"It's been a long time since I brought Xiao Xuxu here, and my family, Qingqing, is also reading hard."

These words are to make Cheng Peige feel at ease, no matter what, she will help Cheng Peige, if nothing else, Bai Xiaoyou can't sit idly by as far as the friendship between Xiao Qingqing and Xiao Xuxu is concerned.

Now, what Bai Xiaoyou wants to know most is Lin Yifei's attitude towards this matter, is he on his wife's side, or is he disarming and surrendering to Queen Mother Lin.

It can be seen that Lin Yifei is not an irresponsible man, he probably wouldn't...

It's useless to think about it, Cheng Peige is in a bad mood at the moment, and Bai Xiaoyou naturally won't continue that topic, glanced at the time, and said directly, "Let's stay and have lunch together."

Bai Xiaoyou also knew that Mu Changxuan must have ordered Cheng Peige to come over suddenly at this time, and she was not good at being a villain.This man just likes machismo and helps her make decisions about everything.

She couldn't refute Cheng Peige's face, but she was dissatisfied with Mu Changxuan's actions in her heart.

Cheng Peige nodded, "I'll go and see Xiao Qingqing, I'll come over later."

Bai Xiaoyou hummed, and continued the prenatal education.

Cheng Peige didn't leave until the evening, and during this time, Bai Xiaoyou didn't hear that she received a call, she couldn't help thinking, Lin Yifei didn't call at such a late hour, could it be that there was something wrong with the two of them?
Fearing that Cheng Peige would be under pressure, Bai Xiaoyou didn't dare to ask more questions, so he could only make a decision after Mu Changxuan came back.

Bai Xiaoyou also knew Cheng Peige's temperament. She always swallowed hardships and gave without complaint or regret. She couldn't bear to see Cheng Peige like this.

After chatting with Cheng Peige for a day, Bai Xiaoyou was very tired and went to bed very early at night. In the middle of the night, she couldn't distinguish reality from a dream, and always felt that someone was touching her face. Bai Xiaoyou hummed lightly, her words were vague, "Don't make trouble!"

The man couldn't help being amused, and his actions became more and more vulgar.

Bai Xiaoyou finally narrowed her eyes, and turned on the wall lamp with her hand. Suddenly, the man's handsome facial features were reflected in her clear pupils. She was slightly startled, and stared at the man almost suspended above her body without moving.

She was fascinated by the man she looked at with small eyes, with a smile on his brows and eyes, and was about to kiss her lips.

Realizing his movements, Bai Xiaoyou put her hands on his chest quickly, and snorted, "Didn't it mean you're coming back?"

The charming and confused voice made the man even more emotional.

"I miss you!" Mu Changxuan unequivocally lowered his head and continued to ask for kisses.

"Do you know about Cheng Peige?"

Mu Changxuan's face was a bit smelly, he stretched out his hand to pinch her cheek, kissed her on the tip of her nose, and said in a bad mood, "I just came back, can you not mention others?"

(End of this chapter)

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