The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 117 Bai Xiaoyou, You Like Me

Chapter 117 Bai Xiaoyou, You Like Me (3)
Hearing what Mu Ziqing said, Bai Xiaoyou's high-hanging heart finally let go, "Well, I'll take a casual walk first, and then go home, you go first."

Mu Ziqing gazed at her soft face affectionately, and under the illumination of the street lamps, it added a touch of charming color to her pale face. Seeing it made his heart move, and he wanted to reach out and hug her into his arms for the last hug. However, Bai Xiaoyou's cell phone ringtone interrupted all this beautiful life.

As soon as she heard the ringtone, a certain girl panicked after she finally relaxed, and the smile on her face froze. The melodious singing sounded like a death talisman, and it made people tremble all over.

"What's the matter, whose call, why didn't you answer it?" Seeing her flustered expression, Mu Ziqing couldn't help becoming anxious, thinking that she had something important to do.

Bai Xiaoyou's eyes swept around, but he didn't find Mu Changxuan. His panicked heart gradually returned to calm, but there was tension in his voice: " one, maybe my mother urged me Woolen cloth!"

In order not to make Mu Ziqing suspicious, she pretended to be calm and took out her phone from her bag, quickly pressed the call button, and before the person on the other end could make a sound, she said eagerly: "Hey, right away I'll be right back." Then, hang up.As if it was really just an ordinary phone call.

If this continues, she is really afraid that one day she will suffer from a heart attack by Mu Changxuan.

"Your mother is urging you, so you don't want to wander around, you know?" Although Mu Ziqing was a little suspicious, she didn't show it, she just told her with concern.

He had long thought she was strange, but he didn't know what it was, after all, he didn't want to get farther and farther away from her.Sometimes, giving lovers a little private space is good for each other!He believed that one day, Bai Xiaoyou would rely on his strong shoulders.

"Okay, got it, let's go!" Bai Xiaoyou replied anxiously. Although she answered Mu Changxuan's call, she had a strong premonition that Mu Changxuan must be watching her every move nearby.

Seeing her anxious look, Mu Ziqing gently covered her soft blue hair, and lovingly stroked her: "My little fool, if there is anything, you must tell me, you know, don't bear it alone."

He really felt sorry for her, and seeing her haggard face these days, his heart was also sad.But he didn't dare to get too close, fearing that the relationship he had finally established with her would be ruined by the damn distance.

"I know."

"Okay, good night!" Mu Ziqing slowly retracted her hand, the infatuation and reluctance in her eyes were intertwined.

After Mu Ziqing left, Bai Xiaoyou stood by the street, but she couldn't find Mu Changxuan, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

The night in the city is always so bright and exciting. In a noisy city, this moment is the beginning of nightlife and the best moment to release passion.Bai Xiaoyou walked slowly, walking silently along the sidewalk alone. She didn't like the noise of the city, and she didn't yearn for a luxurious life. Occasionally, she passed by a few couples, which made her very envious.Should she also have a good relationship?

Yes, she just wants to marry a man who loves herself and herself, and then they commute to get off work together every day, discuss what to eat tomorrow, and when to travel...

The evening wind blew slowly, her petite body trembled slightly, and then she remembered that it was already autumn and the temperature was gradually dropping.She folded her arms around her chest, street lights occasionally reflected on her face, she couldn't tell what kind of emotion she was, but that lonely figure made people feel distressed.

"Bai Xiaoyou, come up to me!" An extremely cold voice interrupted the tranquility of the night, and caused another ripple in her calm heart.

(End of this chapter)

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