The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 118 Bai Xiaoyou, You Like Me

Chapter 118 Bai Xiaoyou, You Like Me (4)
Bai Xiaoyou turned her head, the breeze picked up her hair, and occasionally fell on her beautiful face, looming as if in a lifetime, the atmosphere made the man in the car dazed, and Mu Changxuan stared at him motionlessly through the car. Looking at her, the eyes were as urgent as the longing and fascination in the eyes when seeing a woman for the first time.

He likes to have a woman with black hair, like Bai Xiaoyou, whose natural beauty fascinates him deeply.However, the roar that followed woke him up completely.

"What's wrong with you? You're sick!" Bai Xiaoyou didn't notice his fiery eyes. Seeing him, she wasn't too surprised. She even suspected that Mu Changxuan followed her all the way here.

Mu Changxuan felt that Bai Xiaoyou was a spoiler, and when he came back to his senses, his cold voice was mixed with anger, "I'll say it again, come up!"

Bai Xiaoyou glared at him angrily, a little imperceptible flame flashed in those beautiful eyes, she didn't feel the slightest fear of the warning from the man in the car, "I'm going home, I'll talk about it at work tomorrow if I have anything to do."

She doesn't need to be afraid of him now, anyway, she has already come out of the hotel, so she doesn't have to worry that he will threaten her again.She really wondered if she owed him something in her previous life, that's why she was eaten to death by him in this life.She won't never turn around, right?

For a moment, Mu Changxuan felt furious, and the burning sensation from the fire almost burned his heart to death.

He parked the black Bugatti on the side of the road, got out of the car, and slammed the door hard. The coldness emanating from his body was enough to shock a certain woman. Bai Xiaoyou stood there dumbfounded, looking at his tall figure Gradually approaching, I want to run, but my feet can't take a step like nails.

Mu Changxuan ignored the surprised eyes of passers-by, vigorously carried Bai Xiaoyou on his shoulders, and walked towards the car with vigorous steps. Bai Xiaoyou's strong resistance came from behind, "Hey, what are you doing, hurry up!" Put me down!" He ignored it and forced her into the car.

"Mu Changxuan, can you respect me?" Bai Xiaoyou roared angrily, using this trick every time, a man who never knew how to respect others really gave her a headache.

"Hmm..." Mu Changxuan covered her grinding lips with his mouth. This kiss was domineering and violent. His hands clasped the back of Bai Xiaoyou's head firmly, and he kissed frantically. It could be said that he was biting. , as long as he thinks of the intimate picture of her and Mu Ziqing, he will go crazy with jealousy.

Give up the kiss, due to lack of oxygen, Bai Xiaoyou covered her heaving chest with both hands, panting heavily, her watery eyes stared fiercely at the man beside her, the lips kissed by him felt even more intense at this moment. It's alluring.

He turned his head away, not wanting to be lost by her charming appearance, staring straight ahead with dark eyes, and said coldly: "Stay with me for two years, I will promise you anything you want, except marriage and love!"

Look, how confidently he said it, as if others would definitely agree to him!
Hearing this, Bai Xiaoyou was taken aback for a moment, then felt sad, disappointed and heartbroken for a moment.Then a smile appeared on that pale face, and it gradually bloomed. However, that smile was so sad that people couldn't help but feel distressed.After a long time, she turned her head slightly, looked at his handsome profile, and replied firmly: "Mu Changxuan, I don't want anything but marriage and love, so we are not suitable."

He said that he could give her nothing but marriage and love, but he didn't know that marriage and love were all of her future.So, in her heart, he just couldn't give her anything.In this case, why continue to entangle?
(End of this chapter)

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