The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 119 Bai Xiaoyou, You Like Me

Chapter 119 Bai Xiaoyou, You Like Me (5)
Mu Changxuan was not angry either, as if her answer was within his expectation, he turned his head, met her clear eyes, reached out to lift her chin, and whispered in her ear charmingly: "Are you sure it's not suitable? Huh?" He procrastinated on the last word, which contained countless meanings, and the woman beside him couldn't help but blush and heartbeat.

Every time he lingers with her, he is like crazy, demanding her body tirelessly.And she enjoyed it very much at the beginning, but in the end she was so tired that she begged for mercy every time due to lack of energy.In his opinion, they are the most suitable.

Feeling that his eyes were getting more and more blurred, and his words were still full of explicit emotion, her body also became hot. She was really afraid, what would she do if this beast took her into the car? ?
"How about it, do you want to try to see if we are compatible?" His breath became more and more overflowing, as if as long as he faced her, he would be involuntarily bewitched by her.

Bai Xiaoyou knew that this man would not let her go so easily, suddenly she was clever, swallowed, and stammered, "I...don't aunt is here, so I can't serve you! "

She should have used this trick a long time ago, and she was really upset when he was eaten up so easily every time!Why, what he says is whatever, and she can refuse, okay? Don't be so unambitious and fall into his gentle trap every time.

As soon as these words came out, a certain man's face turned ashen, and his deep eyes were full of dumbfounding expressions.How did my aunt come so timely?Could it be that this little girl deliberately lied to him? !
If it is true, how will he put out the fire?Damn, why didn't I tell him sooner?This woman is really ruthless, she first seduced him, and then poured a basin of cold water down, making him at a loss what to do.

Uh... Sixth Master, are you confused, old man?Does the aunt want to notify you in advance when someone comes?
Finally, Bai Xiaoyou couldn't bear his suspicious eyes, and explained awkwardly: "Ahem, that, that, I said that our personalities are not suitable." The best way now is not to get entangled in this issue, otherwise she I was really afraid that this animal-like man would run a red light.

Although she lied to him, she is still not sure what this man will do next. If he really took off her pants in the car without any scruples and found out that he lied to him, then she will die up!

Mu Changxuan felt that his body had never been so uncomfortable. The hotness in his body made him upset. He resisted the pain in his heart and tried to keep a distance from the little fairy next to him, pretending to be relaxed and teasing her : "It's up to you to say, you're so naive, of course it's not suitable for me."

"You're so naive!" Bai Xiaoyou couldn't help nagging, feeling aggrieved in her heart.

Mu Changxuan's eyes suddenly darkened, and his deep and hoarse voice made people think, "Leave Mu Ziqing!" However, he said these words very seriously. He didn't know whether it was a threat to her or too much love for her. Anyway, he couldn't stand her kissing me with Mu Ziqing together.

"Why, who are you to me, why should I listen to you."

Heh, what does he think of himself as being with him for two years?It seemed that she was acting affectionate, and thought that he had a little affection for her, but at this moment, she felt that her heart was already cold, and she could no longer raise the slightest heat.Does he want to get married and maintain this underground relationship with her?
Men, are they all like this?
"Don't answer me so early, three days, I'll give you three days to think about it." Mu Changxuan curled his lips coldly, and his deep eyes were full of confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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