The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 120 Bai Xiaoyou, You Like Me

Chapter 120 Bai Xiaoyou, You Like Me (6)
Bai Xiaoyou hardly hesitated, endured the pain in her heart, and said nana: "Don't think about it, I can't accompany you to do such a nasty thing. Since you want to get married, you should cherish her."

He's going to get married, he's going to get married... This is the only thought left in Bai Xiaoyou's brain, and the sourness in his heart is even worse, his beautiful eyes are now hazy.

If he really wanted to get married, then it was time for the relationship between them to come to an end. Although it was a story without an end, the process was enough to make her unforgettable all her life.In a person's life, he will always meet someone who is unforgettable, and that person is not his other half, but a kind of sustenance for his soul.She and Mu Changxuan were probably in this situation.

"Who told you that I'm getting married?" Mu Changxuan frowned slightly, his eyes fixed on her intoxicating little face, so cute and natural.No matter when, he has endless enthusiasm for her.

"Isn't that Ye Min your fiancée?" Bai Xiaoyou asked calmly, but the air still smelled of acetic acid.

No, her unwilling expression fell into the eyes of our sixth master, and his heart trembled when he saw it, and then he understood, and asked arrogantly, "Bai Xiaoyou, do you like me?!"

Although it was a question, it became a statement when he said it.He was very sure of this little girl's feelings for him, the look in her eyes had already betrayed her dishonesty.

Bai Xiaoyou didn't expect him to say such a sentence at all, so she couldn't help but feel a little guilty, and she was so shocked that her brain short-circuited, and she said a word dullly, "Uh... how is it possible, you are really thick-skinned!" Afterwards, she reflected When she came over, she immediately vetoed the words of Changxuan.

Mu Changxuan looked at her little face that was gradually turning red due to nervousness with a funny face, and he became more certain of his thoughts, and continued to seduce: "Since there is nothing you are afraid of, it is only two years, and you are too young now, Do you find it interesting to marry too early?"

"At least it's better than this kind of boring game!" No matter what, she would not agree to his unreasonable request.

"After three days, if you don't agree, I won't force it. But if you think about it later, it's useless to kneel down and beg me!" Mu Changxuan sneered, as if everything was under his control, and this woman Also, there is no escape from his clutches.


After hearing this, Bai Xiaoyou was almost so angry at his words, she regretted it, would she regret it?
Ah!It's ridiculous, this person is too arrogant, wouldn't she kneel down and beg him to be his lover?

"Dad, you don't even know, that Bai Xiaoyou is getting more and more arrogant, and today she actually laughed at me." Bai Lingxuan entered the door and saw Bai Yuchen and the old lady talking about something in the living room, holding back a sigh of relief Resentful, she couldn't wait to complain to Bai Yuchen, regardless of the old lady still beside her.

Seeing that she was not polite at all, the old lady felt dissatisfied, and said what she had been holding back for a long time: "Xuanxuan, you can't force yourself to do things with affection, even if you really marry Mu Ziqing, so what, in his heart Only Bai Xiaoyou, are you sure you will be happy?"

Both of them are her descendants, seeing them fighting all day long, she felt really panicked in her heart.

Bai Lingxuan was already very angry, but now that she heard the old lady protecting Bai Xiaoyou, her anger surged up and rushed to her chest, "Grandma, I am your own granddaughter, why have you only helped their family outsiders since you were young?" ?”

"Shut up, it's alright if you usually mess around, but you even went to Xiaoyou's company to find her troubles over and over again. Is this what a rich lady did, huh?" The old lady heard the 'outsider' two Words, her tone became severe, her wrinkled face was cloudy and rainy at this moment, and she, who was always not minding her own business, turned purple with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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