The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 121 Bai Xiaoyou, You Like Me

Chapter 121 Bai Xiaoyou, You Like Me (7)
She didn't know. Could it be that Bai Yuchen didn't know that, and allowed Bai Lingxuan to mess around like this?
"Dad..." Bai Lingxuan looked at Bai Yuchen aggrievedly, her beautiful eyes were full of tears, and she looked adorable.

Bai Yuchen stepped forward, his face was full of tenderness, he patted her on the back lovingly, and comforted her: "Don't be sad, baby, Dad will do whatever you want!"

"I just want you to come forward and tell her to go to the Mu family and leave Mu Ziqing. I must marry Mu Ziqing." Bai Lingxuan pouted and said coquettishly.

Hearing her firm determination, Bai Yuchen couldn't help but feel a little headache. He also knew that Mu Ziqing didn't love Bai Lingxuan at all. If she hadn't insisted on marrying Mu Ziqing, he would not have agreed to this marriage. In his heart, he hoped that there would be a man who would love his precious daughter for him in the future.If she really forced herself to marry Mu Ziqing, Mu Ziqing would definitely not be able to give Bai Lingxuan happiness if she didn't love her.

But what to do, his daughter is so stubborn, that's all, as long as she feels happy, he doesn't bother to think about it.

"Xuanxuan, Mu Ziqing is not the only good man, why do you insist on him?" Bai Yuchen still hoped that she could give up the man who did not belong to her.

Unexpectedly, these words made Bai Lingxuan even more sad. She looked at Bai Yuchen with tears in her eyes, and twitched the corners of her lips, "Dad, don't you love me anymore?"

This expression, tsk tsk, is really cutting his heart with a knife. Where has my precious daughter ever suffered such resentment? That dead girl Bai Xiaoyou, did he indulge her too much?It's time to give her some color, otherwise every time she thinks that she is just purely scaring her.

"Why, don't think about it, it's late, go to bed, and leave this to me." Bai Yuchen's heart aches for this daughter, as long as she has the slightest problem, he will be worried. Terrible.

It can be said that he was lonely all his life, except for his daughter, there was nothing else that could shake his calm mood for a long time, Bai Lingxuan was everything to him!

A smile appeared on Bai Lingxuan's face, and hooked her hands on Bai Yuchen's neck, coquettishly flattering her: "Thank you, Dad, that's great!"

"How old are you, and you're still like a child. From now on, calm down your temper." Seeing her finally smile, Bai Yuchen gradually let go of his strained heart.

"En!" Before leaving, Bai Lingxuan glanced arrogantly at the old lady, her eyes were full of sarcasm.

grandmother?Oh, she doesn't have such a grandma!

"You, just get used to her! Let me tell you, Xiaoyou is also my granddaughter, and even your own niece. You can't favor your daughter like this." The old lady was extremely dissatisfied with Bai Yuchen's attitude, expressing her own position.

With a cold face, Bai Yuchen curled his lips slightly, "You always meddle too much!"

"You..." The old lady choked when she heard his distant tone.

"If it weren't for you back then, I wouldn't be in such pain today. The source of all this pain is your favoritism. Do you regard me as your son in your heart?" Bai Yuchen's face became more and more serious. When it came to what happened back then, his heart felt as if someone had trampled on it, and the pain in his heart was unbearable.


"As long as it's what Xuanxuan wants, I don't care if it's right or wrong, or if she is unreasonable in the eyes of outsiders, but I'm just her daughter, and I will fight for her with all my might." Bai Yuchen also expressed his position, meaning He said that as long as it was something Bai Lingxuan wanted to do, even if it was to sacrifice Bai Xiaoyou, he would not hesitate.

(End of this chapter)

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