The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 124 Little Yoyo's Pain

Chapter 124 Little Yoyo's Pain (3)
But, she couldn't stand Bai Yuchen sacrificing her for Bai Lingxuan. Is this a child without father's love?She is also the daughter he has raised for more than twenty years, so it's fine for him to force her verbally, but he really didn't care about any kindness and forced her to a dead end.

Bai Xiaoyou took a deep breath, her eyes were filled with pain and sadness, as if she had made a big decision, "Okay, I promise you, I promise you everything, as long as you treat him well, let him have nothing to worry about It's easy to talk about anything." In the end, her voice became more and more trembling, and even choked up a bit, but Bai Yuchen could still hear it clearly.

She never thought of marrying Mu Ziqing, because she didn't love her, and even if he didn't tell her, she wouldn't marry.However, it really hurts her to force her in this way.

"You're so good, it's not in vain that I've raised you for more than twenty years." Bai Yuchen curled his lips coldly, indifferent to her tears, and his words were full of irony.

That means clearly that a dog will have feelings if it has been raised for more than ten years. He has raised Bai Xiaoyou and Bai Zhengyu for more than [-] years, and it is time to repay his kindness.

"Actually, I don't want to marry Mu Ziqing at all." She said in a nasty voice, expressing her thoughts in one sentence, but she just wanted to let Bai Yuchen stop thinking wildly, let alone threaten her with Bai Zhengyu.

Bai Yuchen's eyes were as sharp as an eagle's, and he glanced at her, unmoved by her words: "It's not important, the key is that Mu Ziqing loves you, so you have to leave. I'll give you a week to prepare , leave City A."

Bai Xiaoyou looked at him in horror, as if looking at a demon, he actually wanted to drive them out of City A?
"City A? Where do you want us to go?" Bai Xiaoyou bit her lips with red eyes, and asked uncertainly. She really wondered if she heard it wrong.

They have lived here for so many years and have never left. Don't say she is unwilling, even if she is willing, her mother will definitely not leave.

"I will make arrangements. It may be far away from City A. I hope that you will never show up again." The heartless words spilled from the corners of Bai Yuchen's lips, making people feel cold all over his body.

"No, I can't promise you this. Mom is not in good health. You should know that she can't stand running around for a long time." Bai Xiaoyou refused, and the pleading in her eyes deepened, and she almost knelt in front of him. Beg him.

She couldn't beat Bai Yuchen, just because she was too small, with limited ability, unable to protect her family.

"I said, I will make arrangements, and I won't embarrass you in life." Bai Yuchen said lightly, in his heart, he was kind enough to the mother and child.

It was Chen Hui who was sorry for him back then. After his elder brother died, he took in their mother and son regardless of past suspicions.But now, his precious daughter is being bullied by this dead girl, how could he let her continue to be crazy?

"Dad, I beg you, no, absolutely not." Bai Xiaoyou got excited, reached out and grabbed Bai Yuchen's cuff, calling the most intimate name, just wanting to arouse the man's sympathy.

Bai Yuchen glanced at her in disgust, withdrew his hand fiercely, and warned in a cold voice, "Bai Xiaoyou, I've been kind enough to you, don't be ignorant of good and evil."


"Xiaoyou, have you seen your father?" Chen Hui saw Bai Xiaoyou, who had lost his mind, and scanned the entire living room to make sure there was no sign of Bai Yuchen, so she asked her.

Bai Xiaoyou's eyes were dull, and he replied weakly, "He just left!"

"He came to you because of Mu Ziqing's affairs. Don't worry, Mom will support you this time." Chen Hui was very distressed when she saw her distraught appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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