The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 125 Little Yoyo's Pain

Chapter 125 Little Yoyo's Pain (4)
She doesn't want to stop it anymore, as long as her daughter can be happy, everything in the Bai family has nothing to do with her.

"No, he just came to tell me about Bai Zhengyu's recent situation."

As soon as Chen Hui heard her son's name, she immediately regained her spirits and asked eagerly, "Zhengyu? How is he then? When will he be back?"

"Okay, he's fine, he'll probably be back by this time next year, Mom, don't worry." Seeing Chen Hui's nervousness, Bai Xiaoyou's heart tightened, and he spoke softly to comfort him.

She really couldn't help it. As soon as her mother heard Bai Zhengyu's name, she was so anxious. If she knew that Bai Yuchen threatened her with Bai Zhengyu, she would definitely have a heart attack. She couldn't afford it.

Bai Xiaoyou lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep no matter what.Suddenly thinking of the excuse of rejecting Mu Changxuan today, I couldn't help but startled, aunt?It seems that she hasn't come this month, it can't be...


The president's office gives people the feeling of being cold and serious, which matches Mu Changxuan's personality very well. No, a certain man always has a calm face when he is working. Even if the opposite is a stunning beauty, his tone is still as cold as before.

"Miss Ye, if you want to join the company, please go to the HR department." Mu Changxuan's words were considered polite. If it wasn't for the sake of the old man, he wouldn't even bother to talk to her, and just asked someone to send her The self-righteous woman was thrown away.

Ye Min didn't take it seriously, Mu Changxuan's cold appearance seemed to her to be a kind of masculine aura, something she couldn't see from many men, "Old Master Mu specifically asked me to come to you. "While speaking, she raised her hand lightly, fiddled with the bangs on her forehead, the charming energy revealed in her bones was enough to make people drunk to the core.

But she seemed to have forgotten that the man in front of her was Mu Changxuan, a man who was as cold as an ice sculpture, any action she made, or no matter how charming she was in the eyes of other men, in the eyes of Mu Changxuan , is nothing.

"This is a company, I don't like to talk about personal matters when I'm working." Mu Changxuan didn't intend to continue entangled with her, and his frown showed how upset he was at the moment.

"But I came to you just for business." Ye Min is not a fool, and he can see how much he dislikes her from his expression, but she doesn't want to give up. In her heart, only such a man is willing to make her pay. .

"This time..." Seeing that he didn't speak, she wanted to continue communicating with him.

"Secretary Bai, come in!" Mu Changxuan raised his hand impatiently and pressed the call button with a serious tone, not giving the woman opposite him a chance to speak.

He has never been patient with women, especially this kind of stalker, he hates them to the extreme.Last night, he felt that he was enough to give her face. When she introduced herself, he gave an 'um', which was regarded as an answer. Normally, he didn't bother to talk to her at all. At that time, it was all because of the presence of Mr. Mu, and he didn't want to make her too embarrassed. face.

Oh my god, our sixth master still thinks that he has given him enough face!Your old man is too much, what happened last night almost didn't make him cry!

The atmosphere was extremely cold, Ye Min stood there, watching his meticulous work, the domineering and decisiveness revealed in his bones really fascinated her.She has never been so useless before, but she just wants to!

In people's subconscious, the more you can't get, the more precious you are. This sentence is really true.

In fact, even though she didn't invite him to see her today, she felt that she had benefited a lot.A woman who is worthy of such a man must not only have a good appearance, but more importantly, have a shining inside. Just like her, she has good cultivation, strong work ability, and an enviable appearance, no matter from which aspect When she set off, she was full of confidence in herself.

(End of this chapter)

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