The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 126 Little Yoyo's Pain

Chapter 126 Little Yoyo's Pain (5)
She believed that one day, this man would find her good.

When Bai Xiaoyou came in with two cups of coffee, a certain man's already gloomy face darkened a bit, she politely handed one of the cups to Ye Min, and then put the other cup on Mu Changxuan's desk, Professionally asked: "President, do you have any orders?"

When Mu Changxuan saw her work hard and her nonchalant expression, it could be said that he was furious, and faced her stern reprimand in front of Ye Min: "Who told you to let people in casually, don't you know Can't just let anyone in without my permission, huh?" The last word was almost roared out, with an expression as if she had made an unforgivable mistake.

Bai Xiaoyou stood in front of him with folded hands, lowered her head, and endured his cold scolding, not knowing how to explain, "I, I see..."

Ms. Ye reported Mr. Mu's name, can she stop it? Besides, she could see Mr. Mu's love for Ye Min last night, so they probably have the same relationship.

"President Mu should stop bullying his little secretary, I'm just..." Ye Min didn't expect Mu Changxuan to get so angry, and felt a little bit sorry.

It's really selfless. Being so harsh on her future niece and daughter-in-law really opened her eyes.

"Get out!" A loud shout made the two women tremble.

Ye Min has seen how ruthless this man is, but this is the only way to arouse her interest.Such a handsome and indifferent man has no emotion in the face of female sex, and even has a kind of disgust. She believes that this is the man she is looking for.Usually such a man is the most infatuated, once he is emotional, he can't control it, he can only hold a woman in his eyes or in his heart.

Can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, let's call it a day, man, he can bear it for a while, but he can't bear it forever, after all, he still wants to find a woman!
"Secretary Bai, stop!" Seeing the backs of the two of them leaving, a certain man suddenly called out.

Ye Min took a sneak peek at Mu Changxuan, and found that his face was gloomy and terrifying. He couldn't help but pray for Bai Xiaoyou in his heart. Having such a boss who is so uncertain is really difficult for her, and she is still Mu Ziqing's. Girlfriend, it stands to reason that she and Mu Changxuan are also related, how can you be so harsh?
"Do you have any other orders?" When Bai Xiaoyou asked this, Ye Min had already left.

She really couldn't figure it out, but she didn't lose anything by letting Miss Ye come in to see him. What's the matter with him being so angry?
Mu Changxuan suddenly regretted calling her back, what should he say, could it be that he got angry because of her indifference?He was just dissatisfied with her attitude, knowing that this woman was given to him by Mr. Mu, but she still behaved politely to others like nothing happened, and what made him even more angry was that she even made coffee for her family , really generous.

Hey, Sixth Master, is it possible that you want to let two women fight, so that your old man is satisfied?
Not wanting to expose his emotions, Mu Changxuan suppressed the anger in his heart, and said softly, "Don't let these messy people in in the future." Although the roar before was gone, his face was still tense, Tightly pursing his thin lips, it made people fully realize that he was extremely unhappy at the moment.

Bai Xiaoyou didn't raise her eyes, she looked very cute, "Yes, I see."

"Have you figured it out?" he said suddenly.

Bai Xiaoyou was startled, knowing that he was referring to what happened last night.She was surprised only because he, who has always been strict with his work, would actually discuss private matters at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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