The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 127 Little Yoyo's Pain

Chapter 127 Little Yoyo's Pain (6)
"I gave you a very clear answer yesterday." She answered quickly, without any hesitation.

Mu Changxuan curled his lips coldly, with an attitude that he must win, "Oh, is that so, I advise you to think again, do you really have nothing embarrassing and need me to support you?"

He didn't believe that she would find a way to deal with Bai Yuchen.He is clear about their family's affairs, and he also understands her troubles. Bai Yuchen's every move is under his control.Now only he can help Bai Xiaoyou solve all this, as long as she nods, he will help her at any cost.

"President, it's working time now, I have no obligation to answer your personal questions."

"Get out!" Mu Changxuan knew that this woman would not give in so easily, and his anger suddenly broke down, causing his calm and steady temperament to collapse instantly.

Only she can make him lose control like this.

"By the way, I want to ask for leave in the afternoon." Since he has already made him unhappy, she doesn't care a little more.

Hearing this, those dark and prey eyes flickered coldly, and the cold thin lips bit down two words: "No!"

"If you don't allow me to invite you, I just came to let you know." Bai Xiaoyou raised her eyes and met his cold eyes, her heart trembled, but her expression did not change at all, perhaps because she was used to his frequent dark eyes. Qing's mood is uncertain, although she is a little afraid in her heart, but she has been able to show no fear on her face.

"Bai Xiaoyou, you are so good. I tell you, you will regret it. Don't blame me for not reminding you." Mu Changxuan did not expect that she would dare to speak to him like this, and angrily warned in a cold voice.

After Bai Xiaoyou left the office, a certain man almost knocked over the documents on his desk, but he held back in the end.Don't you have to be calm in everything? Why can't he calm down every time he meets her?
At this time, Bai Xiaoyou really needed someone to rely on, especially after Bai Yuchen threatened her yesterday, she felt that she no longer had the confidence to compete with Bai Yuchen.She will leave in seven days, so there is no need for her to answer Mu Changxuan's question. After seven days, maybe she has left the city, and everything will be a thing of the past.

And Mu Changxuan can only become her eternal memory!
However, before leaving, she had to make sure of one thing.

"Mom, you don't even know that my cousin has really changed. He used to take good care of me in every possible way, but now..." The two women came out of the president's exclusive elevator, only to hear Du Yujin's moaning complaints .

The woman beside her was wearing an exquisite rose red dress, her full face was radiant, her temperament was elegant and calm, "Okay, okay, I'm back with you, let's go up and see him."

"Hmm!" Du Yujin beamed, and walked towards the president's office, holding the woman's arm intimately.

Bai Xiaoyou didn't know the identity of the woman, and Mu Changxuan's warning to her just now was still fresh in her ears, so she never dared to put anyone in, and asked politely: "Hi, may I ask you..."

"Hey, Bai Xiaoyou, I haven't seen you seeking power and usurping the throne for a few days, you!" Before she finished asking, Du Yujin who was beside the woman answered first, her tone was full of irony, and her contemptuous eyes caught Bai Xiaoyou's attention. Very upset.

Wasn't the former secretary Jiang Yiling? She just went to London for a few days, and this woman took the secretary's seat. It's really not easy.

Bai Xiaoyou doesn't have the mind and energy to fight with her now, and is too lazy to talk to her, but just patiently explain to the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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