The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 129 Mu Changxuan, You Bastard

Chapter 129 Mu Changxuan, You Bastard (1)
Bai Xiaoyou doesn't want to leave City A. She is familiar with everything here, and has deep feelings for it.There are only seven days, how should she tell Chen Hui?Suddenly, there was a tumbling in her stomach, which made her almost gush out. It had been like this for several days, and the delay of a week by her aunt made her even more sure of her doubts.

Is she really pregnant?If it was true, what would she do, what would the child do?
In the afternoon, Bai Xiaoyou came to the hospital with a nervous heart. After the examination, seeing that the doctor's expression was not very good, she became more and more nervous.

"Doctor, what's the matter, am I... am I really pregnant?" Bai Xiaoyou carefully observed the doctor's face, her expression was flustered, seeing the doctor's increasingly heavy face, her heart was completely empty.

Isn't it just whether a person is pregnant? Is this also difficult to diagnose?
The doctor sighed, put down the documents in his hand, and his face became more gloomy, "Your situation is quite special."

These words made Bai Xiaoyou's high-hanging heart even more flustered, her thin shoulders seemed soft and boneless at this moment, her clear eyes widened, and she asked eagerly, "What do you mean?"

"To be exact, no fertilized eggs were found in your uterine cavity. I suspect it's an ectopic pregnancy." The doctor spoke professionally and looked at her with some sympathy.

Although Bai Xiaoyou understood that it was not a good phenomenon, she was still a little ignorant when she was new to the world. Her pretty face was wrinkled into a ball, and she asked suspiciously: "Ectopic pregnancy, what do you mean?"

"It means that the fertilized egg implanted in a place other than the uterus. The initial diagnosis should be in the left fallopian tube." The doctor explained patiently. Seeing her face getting paler, he didn't go any further, for fear of giving her a hard time. The patient caused more serious psychological shadow.

"I suggest that it is best to operate immediately, otherwise I am afraid that the fallopian tube will rupture and hemorrhage will be serious, and it will be life-threatening." The doctor continued to tell her, hoping that she would make the earliest preparations.

"Is there no other way?" Meaning, the child can't be kept?
Pregnancy is already difficult for her to accept, and now it is still an ectopic pregnancy, what should she do?At this moment, she felt that she had been abandoned by the whole world, to whom should she tell the pain in her heart?

"Usually after an ectopic pregnancy, it will have an extremely adverse effect on future pregnancy. If you find it early now, you should make arrangements as soon as possible."

This news is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for her, and it will have an extremely adverse impact on her future pregnancy. That is to say, will it be difficult for her to get pregnant in the future?Or will this happen in future pregnancies?why?

"You'd better come with your boyfriend tomorrow, your situation is not very optimistic."


In the latter words, Bai Xiaoyou didn't hear what the doctor said at all, boyfriend?Heh, even if there is, it's useless. You can't keep your children, and you will face infertility in the future. Who would marry a woman who can't even have children?Coming out of the doctor's house in a daze, she was like a walking corpse, without a soul or a thought.

"The operation on bed 16 is scheduled for tomorrow morning, and it will be done in the afternoon..." Dr. Li explained to the nurse behind him as he walked, when he suddenly saw Bai Xiaoyou in the hall, stopped in his tracks, and stared at the woman who was walking towards him .

Although she lowered her head, Li Boran could still feel that she was depressed. Her heavy footsteps made him puzzled. Could it be that her psychological illness has not been resolved yet?

"Doctor Li!" The nurse behind saw that the man in front hadn't moved, and reminded him in a timely manner.

(End of this chapter)

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