The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 130 Mu Changxuan, You Bastard

Chapter 130 Mu Changxuan, You Bastard (2)
Li Boran made a gesture to shut up, still observing Bai Xiaoyou, seeing her getting closer to him, Li Boran didn't have the intention to move away, and stood motionless.

"I'm sorry!" Bai Xiaoyou felt her body hit an obstacle, the first thing she saw was a pair of black leather shoes, then she looked up, and a very clean man was exposed in her vision.

"You..." Li Boran finally saw her true face, said a word, but didn't know what to say next.

The last time he saw her in a doctor, all he saw was her sleeping face, and since Mu Changxuan was present, it was not easy for him to stare at her.At this time, her face was pale, and her clear eyes were full of sadness, which made people feel distressed.

Seeing him staring at her, Bai Xiaoyou asked curiously, "Do we know each other?"

Li Boran withdrew his gaze, a little embarrassed, and started talking nonsense, "Oh, no, did you come to see a doctor?"

"Doctor Li!" The nurse behind urged again.

"It's okay, let's go!" Li Boran glanced at the sickly Bai Xiaoyou, and ordered to the nurse behind him.

Bai Xiaoyou watched his back quickly disappear into the hospital hall, and felt an indescribable sense of familiarity in her heart. She always felt that this was not the first time she met this man.But in the current situation, she didn't have the heart to think about it at all.


In the president's office, the atmosphere today is unusually warm.

"Changxuan, it's time for you to think about your own lifelong affairs. You can't go on like this forever." At the end of the sentence, Su Qing finally got to the point.

After hearing this, Mu Changxuan's soft face suddenly returned to the coldness of the past, he curled his lips coldly, and smiled far-fetchedly, "It's still early, I want to get married in two years."

Su Qing looked at her daughter who was sitting next to her, her face was beaming, as if she was discussing, but she had an orderly tone, "You grew up with Jin'er, I see, find a day to send your daughter It's settled."

"Auntie, Jin'er is my younger sister." Mu Changxuan cast a cold glance at Du Yujin, although he didn't say anything to her, but that gloomy look was enough to explain everything.

He doesn't love Du Yujin anymore, the past is the past, even if he really wants to get married, it's impossible for him to be with Du Yujin.He is a person who never looks back. Only by moving forward can he see the dawn of hope.

"In fact, it's not at all. What you hated most before was the relationship between you and me. Now that your parents have agreed, why are you still awkward?" Du Yujin followed suit, taking a certain man's warning eyes as air.

Now that she has her mother's support and Mu Laozi's love, what else is she afraid of?After all, she and Mu Changxuan had a love history. If she wasn't too capricious, she would probably be Mrs. Mu now.She has always understood Mu Changxuan very well, he never cared about a person lightly, until now, she has never seen any woman beside him.

She thought, he should love her, but the pain back then was so deep that he buried his love.

"Jin'er is not young anymore, you can wait, but women can't afford to wait." How could Su Qing not know that Mu Changxuan was deliberately making excuses, so she just pretended to be stupid.

Du Yujin's daughter has been spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, so that she has an arrogant and domineering personality. Only in front of Mu Changxuan can she behave so well.The only person her daughter wants to marry, she will help her achieve her wish no matter what method she uses.What's more, the man opposite is her nephew raised since she was a child. His respect for her is unrivaled. Based on this alone, she has a good chance of winning.

(End of this chapter)

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