The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 153 How about we try to be together

Chapter 153 How about we try to be together (8)
Fortunately, she was drunk at the time, otherwise she didn't know how he would torture herself!
"No, I was the one who took you to the hotel, but he opened the room."

"Then did I say anything abnormal?" Bai Xiaoyou asked uncertainly. What happened after that day was a little blurred for her, and Mu Changxuan didn't have any abnormal reactions. Is it her illusion?

"No, you fell asleep when you got to the hotel."

"Oh! Your boss should give up on me, right?" She shifted the topic to Lin Yifei, hoping that he could get out of this inappropriate relationship.

One Mu Ziqing is already giving her a headache, if there is another Lin Yifei, she really can't stand it.Why didn't she know that she was so attractive that several excellent men in City A could fall in love with her?

"Well... since I heard the news last night, I have been drinking until dawn. I have never seen him like this. In fact, I think he is quite pitiful."

Cheng Peige felt distressed whenever she thought of Lin Yifei's drunk appearance last night. She had never seen Lin Yifei like that. Even if the company had such a big incident, he had never been so bald and useless!At that moment, she realized that he was really serious about Bai Xiaoyou.

"Yo, now I still know how much I love him, didn't I hate him so much before?" Bai Xiaoyou couldn't help teasing, this was the first time she smiled these days, it was so real.

And this scene happened to fall into the eyes of the man standing outside the door. Through the glass window, her smile was very clear. Although her complexion was not very good, but that bright smile was so real, it made his heart tremble.In an instant, he suddenly wanted to keep her smile forever. Seeing her smile, the corners of his mouth also raised a slight arc, and the mood that had been suppressed for a long time became suddenly enlightened because of her smile.

"Hehe, he really has changed a lot now..."

He wanted to look at her up close, but couldn't hold back for a moment, pushed the door open and walked in. The tall figure stood in the ward with a frenzied aura, startling the two women who were chatting.

"Your boss is here, so I'll leave first, and I'll come see you tomorrow!" Cheng Peige got up, lowering his head, not daring to look at the man in front of him.

Bai Xiaoyou didn't want to stay, she said before she left, "Well, say sorry to Lin Yifei for me."

"Okay, you can rest in peace."

When Cheng Peige left, there were only the two of them left in the ward, and the atmosphere was a little stiff.Her smile was already on the moment Mu Changxuan came in. This kind of situation made the heart of the man in front of him twitch!
Facing him, can't she laugh?Or is she blaming him?

He stepped forward, looked at her haggard face, and slightly parted his thin lips, "You're in good spirits, are you feeling better?"

"Mu Changxuan, can you stop coming to the hospital from time to time, people will find out if you continue like this." Bai Xiaoyou expressed dissatisfaction with his sudden appearance, and what he said was also a bit offensive.

Xiao Youyou didn't know that our sixth master moved the office here for her.

He was not angry, his eyes were full of tenderness, and he asked lightly, "Is it embarrassing to be with me?"


Cough cough, didn't you say you want me to be your lover? Isn't it embarrassing enough to be a lover?
Bai Xiaoyou looked at him speechlessly, she hadn't thought of how to refute his words, but his next words struck like a thunderbolt, making her wonder if she was dreaming!
"Or, how about we try to be together?" He said it seriously, with a light tone that made people think it was an illusion.

Bai Xiaoyou stared at him blankly, even wondering if her ears had heard wrong.

Didn't he want to marry another woman? Du Yujin was enough to annoy her, and Ye Min was killed halfway, would she be able to deal with it?Maybe there will be more in the future...

(End of this chapter)

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