Chapter 154 This is the last time (1)
Mu Changxuan walked to the bed, and looked at her pale face affectionately, his black eyes were full of dark and obscure, as if he wanted to suck the person on the bed into his pupils.

This is the first time Bai Xiaoyou has seen such eyes, is it an illusion or a dream?Will he feel sorry for her?
"Stupid?" Mu Changxuan said two words lightly, and his cold face turned into tenderness at this moment.He couldn't help stretching out his hand, trying to cover her small face, but Bai Xiaoyou turned her head away from his extended hand.

try to be together?What does it mean?After all, he didn't mean it. What would she do if he said they were not suitable after two years and was discarded by him again?When the time comes, can she still afford to lose? Youth is gone forever, how can he say such irresponsible words?

Bai Xiaoyou turned her head awkwardly, and said indifferently, "Hurry up, my mother will be here later."

If he continues, he still can't escape the identity of a lover. What he wants has always been passion. Perhaps, he is just nostalgic for his body.In terms of beauty, there are many more beautiful, enchanting and charming women than her, why is he obsessed with her body?
Mu Changxuan felt that he was a bitch, and retracted his hands that were frozen in midair, his face was as black as ink, the veins on his forehead throbbed quietly, his forbearance was like the prelude to a storm.

When did he compromise so much?Only she has the guts to treat him like this.Ah!Women really can't be pampered, look, this is lawless!If it wasn't for the fact that she needed to rest just after the operation, he would have thought of a way to teach her a lesson.When will this woman's stubborn temper be changed!
Mu Changxuan curled his lips coldly, and looked at her with complicated emotions, "You mean you don't want to be with me?"

Even if her mother knew about their relationship, so what? Is there any problem?Is he so unpopular that she needs to hide him?Mu Changxuan felt that being with her always felt a sense of crisis. Other women wished to have a relationship with him and climb into his bed.

"Mu Changxuan, I'm not a doll, I'm not a doll you want, or you don't want it." Bai Xiaoyou's dull mood was not only relieved by his words, but became more and more depressed.

He never asks what she means, as long as he wants to do, he imposes on himself.try to be together?Who does he think he is, how precious her youth is, can he try?Damn man!
After hearing this, Mu Changxuan's frosty handsome face became even darker, a pair of cold eyes fixed on her body, and his forbearance broke out immediately.He's humbled enough, what does this woman want?
He knew that apart from his body, he and her were not suitable at all. If he played petty like her, no matter how much patience he had, she would wear him out!

What a childish woman!He was also very puzzled, why he couldn't stop falling for her?
"When did I say that I don't want you? You are stubborn and don't listen to me." His face was cold and gloomy, and there was a little impatience when he said this.

Ah?To let her be his lover is to be responsible, but not to abandon himself?How could he go so far, he had to hurt her physically and mentally until she was completely utterly damaged?

"You... Get out!" Bai Xiaoyou was powerless to refute his words, and didn't want to argue with him, so he dragged his exhausted body and yelled with all his strength.

It is better not to see each other, so as not to make trouble!
roll?This word is a bit strong, even if our sixth master has a good temper, he can't bear it!What's more, his temper is inherently cloudy and uncertain, this word has made him bear it to the limit, that bruised face is enough to show how angry he is at the moment, but when he sees her slightly frowning brows, he tried his best to hold back her anger. pressed down.

(End of this chapter)

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