Chapter 155 This is the last time (2)
Bear with it, she is still sick, and what she is suffering today is indeed caused by him.

"Bai Xiaoyou, I think I've tolerated you enough, don't go too far!" Mu Changxuan got up irritably, walked to the window, turned his back to her, and gritted his teeth.

Damn it, she can smile so brightly to others, why should she speak sarcasticly to him?Didn't everything he did satisfy her?

Bai Xiaoyou was born with a stubborn temper, the more he was like this, the more uncomfortable she felt.Then her next sentence put the relationship between the two of them into jeopardy.

"I don't need your tolerance, your pity, get out!" Bai Xiaoyou's voice trembled slightly, as she growled, she didn't know if the wound was affected, her lower abdomen burst into pain, and then the pain spread to her heart, making her feel sick. Her heart was as dense as a needle prick.

There is no sincerity at all, and what are you talking about together, shit!

Hearing this, the man standing in front of the window froze, his hands were tightly clenched together and turned slightly white, and he turned around slowly, his proud and upright figure was reflected in her pupils, causing her heart to twitch suddenly , he seems to have lost weight!
"Don't regret it!" Almost squeezing these words out between his teeth, the certain man slammed the door of the ward after he finished speaking, and the sound of his steady footsteps came from outside.

In the ward, since his figure disappeared, someone's heart seemed to be lost, with no thought, no soul.The short-term lack of oxygen in the brain made her already weak body even weaker at this time.

Mu Changxuan came out of the ward, and walked to the next room with a cold face. The documents on the table hadn't been signed yet. He couldn't help but want to come and see her. How could he know that he would be so angry? He was really fine. Seek guilt!Damn stupid woman, I won't bother you if I make you stubborn!

Don't think that you won't be interested in other women after I leave. Most of you want to marry him. If you give her three points, she still wants to open a dyeing workshop?
"Master Six, Mrs. Du just called and said she wanted you to come over for dinner."

Mu Changxuan originally didn't want to go, because Bai Xiaoyou was hospitalized and was in poor health, so he couldn't leave, but when he thought of her attitude just now, a certain man didn't bother to put his hot face on her cold butt, and pointed at the The man ordered in a cold voice, "Prepare the car, tell Mrs. Du, I'll be right there!"

"By the way, return this room, I don't need to work here anymore." Then, as if thinking of something, he continued to order.


Bai Xiaoyou counts you as cruel!He can't provoke her at this time, why can't he leave?He had given them a chance, he was such an indifferent person, it took a lot of courage to say what he said today, but he didn't expect to be drenched in a basin of cold water by her, and his heart was so cold at this moment!

He thought about it for two nights before making such a decision. When he learned from the doctor that her chances of giving birth in the future were slim, he worried that she would not be able to bear the pressure in his heart, so he gave this answer. Isn't he satisfied? Isn't it responsible?
Women, what strange animals!


"Is this true?" Bai Lingxuan learned of the relationship between Bai Xiaoyou and Mu Changxuan from Jiang Yiling, she was so surprised that she almost jumped up regardless of her image, her beautiful eyes flashed a gleam, as if Bai Xiaoyou had been taken care of by now. put to death.

Jiang Yiling knew that she would have this expression, and she didn't answer directly. Some things are enough to stop, "Whether it is true or not, you will know if you prove it."

She can't do anything to Bai Xiaoyou, but the woman in front of her can. As long as she uses her power, isn't it easy to bring down Bai Xiaoyou?Besides, she didn't really witness the relationship between Bai Xiaoyou and Mu Changxuan, it was all based on her own guesses, so let this idiot prove everything!
(End of this chapter)

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