Chapter 156 This is the last time (3)
"Oh, that bitch, it turned out to be a higher branch! Mu Changxuan? How could such an excellent man like a woman with no taste like Bai Xiaoyou?" Bai Lingxuan was indignant, and reflected, Turns out this isn't good news.

No, absolutely not!This news made her even more unacceptable. If she was with Mu Ziqing, wouldn't she be called Aunt Six in the future?God, how is this possible? If she called that woman Aunt Six, wouldn't that kill her?Heh, Bai Xiaoyou, I don't believe that Mu Changxuan is sincere to you. Everyone knows that he is ruthless, and it is said that he is infatuated with the young lady of the Du family. Almost everyone in City A knows about it. I don't believe Bai Xiaoyou doesn't understand.She couldn't be Mu Changxuan's underground lover, could she?
hehe!If this is the case, then things will be much more fun, the child in her womb probably belongs to whom even she doesn't know!

Bai Xiaoyou, let me see how long you can be arrogant, now I have your handle, as long as this relationship is exposed, I believe you will find it difficult to stay in City A!
Good news indeed!

"How about it, is this news enough to change the position of chairman's secretary?" Jiang Yiling strikes while the iron is hot, looking at Bai Lingxuan who is deep in thought, with a flattering expression on her face.

Bai Lingxuan came back to her senses, looked at Jiang Yiling's beautiful face, sneered, her face darkened, "Miss Jiang, our Bai family is currently facing a crisis, you are not afraid to come in at this time..."

What she said was the truth. A lot of things happened in the company these days, and she was also devastated.Bai Yuchen didn't care about her and Mu Ziqing's troubles at all, so she had to do it herself.However, no matter how many things the Bai family has, they can still stand up to a little wind and waves.Jiang Yiling is a woman who wants to be her father's secretary as soon as she enters. She really has a lot of appetite. It's a fat job, and people usually fawn on her.

This woman, the wishful thinking is really accurate!In a word, in exchange for such a position, she felt that she had lost a lot, and she had to do something to balance her mind.

When Jiang Yiling heard Bai Lingxuan's words, her complexion changed suddenly, and she said coldly, "Miss Bai, you have to be trustworthy in order to facilitate future cooperation, right?"

It's not that easy to turn one's face against someone, and she, Jiang Yiling, is not a cheap lamp!Although in her heart, she didn't reveal much useful news to Bai Lingxuan at all, but what she just said was the most shocking news.

She didn't believe that this news would be of no use to Bai Lingxuan. Whether this matter could be handled well depended on Bai Lingxuan's own ability. She was just a messenger and got what she deserved.Then just wait and see what happens, let them fight to the death, and then she will reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Seeing the cold light on her exquisite face, Bai Lingxuan no longer taunted her. After all, they are grasshoppers on the same rope now, and they have a common enemy. For the sake of sincerity, I will go to my father and let him arrange it for you, you can go home and wait for news."

"Waiting for news again?" Jiang Yiling's face remained unchanged, with a trace of uncertainty flashing in her beautiful eyes.

If this woman dared to lie to her, she would definitely not let it go. Anyway, she was desperate, and it would be bad for anyone to break the pot.

"My dad is still taking care of the company now, don't worry, I promise to satisfy you, but you must take care of my affairs." Bai Lingxuan didn't expect her to be so anxious, it seems that she was really cornered by someone .

This is the kind of person she wants, what is the icing on the cake, she will be willing to serve you only if you give her alms when you are down and down!
(End of this chapter)

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