Chapter 170
"Oh... wait, I seem to be an employee of Mu's, and I have nothing to do with Tiansheng Group, so I can choose not to travel with you." How much courage it took for Bai Xiaoyou to say this, but now she I no longer have any fear of him.

Isn't that right to expose our sixth master's lie?Indeed, there is nothing in the Mu's Group that requires him to go on a business trip for the time being, but Liu Ye has already let the word out, so he must find something for others, otherwise let Bai Xiaoyou know that he went to her out of control , and then couldn't find any reason, so he could only prevaricate with a business trip?How embarrassing, our sixth master started talking nonsense because of a woman.

"Secretary Bai, I seem to have told you, don't question your boss's decision at any time, you just need to do your essential work well." In one sentence, without explaining her purpose, she gave her a severe reprimand.


Hearing that she was still hesitating, Mu Changxuan's expression on the other end of the phone was gloomy, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips, "Don't worry, if you are worried about the previous things, I will make you feel at ease. You're not that rascal, and don't think too highly of yourself, there are many more beautiful and better women in this world than you." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Oh, megalomaniac!" Bai Xiaoyou murmured into the phone.

In this case, why did you still come to her in the first place?It seems that he is very interested in his body, otherwise it would not be endless every time.

What about Ye Min?So beautiful and charming, wouldn't he act stronger?
Bai Xiaoyou felt that her brain had twitched again, why are you thinking about those things?As long as she thinks of the fiery and lingering scene with him, she can't help but blush and her heart beats, what kind of feeling is that.As long as his body is close to her, she will be uncontrollably tense until finally willing to sink.

"Miss Xiaoyou!" The phone rang again as his thoughts remained in Mu Changxuan's words.

Hearing the choking sound on the other end of the phone, Bai Xiaoyou also became nervous, and asked urgently, "What's the matter, Xiaoge, did something happen?"

"Boss is gone, it's over now, I can't tell Madam." Cheng Peige has been looking for the whole afternoon, but still can't contact Lin Yifei. Anyone cry.

Although he knew that Bai Xiaoyou might not have a solution, but he found someone to talk to, and he didn't feel so anxious.

"Don't worry, maybe he just went to a certain place and will come back later." Bai Xiaoyou comforted.

Cheng Peige was her only friend. The two of them hadn't been together for long, but they had a deep friendship, as if they had known each other for a long time.Therefore, if Cheng Peige has anything to do, as long as she can do it, she will definitely help her.

"But Madam is already urging, and I'm also a little worried about him. Too many things have happened in the company recently, and then your incident has hit him hard. I'm afraid he won't be able to bear it." Cheng Peige became more and more anxious when he said this .

Bai Xiaoyou was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly said, "Well, wait, I'll think of a way."

"Okay, thank you Miss You!"

After hanging up the phone, Bai Xiaoyou was still hesitating whether Mu Changxuan should help.But the matter was urgent, and she couldn't allow her to think too much.She doesn't have much friendship with Lin Yifei, but for the love he has for her, and the friendship Cheng Peige has for her, she can help with this.She has never asked Mu Changxuan for anything, so I believe she will not refuse, right?
(End of this chapter)

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