Chapter 171
When the screen of the mobile phone turned on again, Mu Changxuan raised his face, and his dark eyes swept lightly. The three words on the screen made a cold heart fluctuate again. Moving with a trace of joy.He half sat on the office chair, reaching for the mobile phone on the desk, the corners of his lips raised slightly, his handsome face was sunk in the dim light, and the flickering and dimming lights made him look even more beautiful Handsome and mysterious.

"Secretary Bai, you're really annoying..." He pressed the call button, obviously a little happy in his heart, but he revealed a kind of impatience when he opened his mouth.

This time, Bai Xiaoyou ignored his emotions and went directly to the topic, "Can you do me a favor?"

Hearing her pleading voice, Mu Changxuan felt an unspeakable expectation, his lips curled slightly, and his tone was still cold, "Say it, what's the matter?"

Apart from Bai Yuchen's threats, he really couldn't think of anything else Bai Xiaoyou needed his help with. For such a stubborn and arrogant woman, asking her to beg him would be extremely urgent.

"Lin Yifei disappeared for a day, can you help me find him?" Bai Xiaoyou gritted her teeth, stated her purpose, and waited for his answer.

As the words fell, that iceberg-like face suddenly changed, and the gloomy eyes became sharper, like the prelude to a storm.what does she say?Ask him to help find Lin Yifei, find another man?The hand holding the mobile phone moved, and then exerted force, almost scrapping the mobile phone resting next to the ear.

There are so many men she misses, why has she never seen her miss him so much?
"Bai Xiaoyou!" At the end, the three words were bitten out of his thin lips. Although the voice was not loud, it was enough to shock people's hearts.

Even across the phone, Bai Xiaoyou could feel the chill on his body, she was afraid that he would hang up the phone, so she immediately explained, "Don't hang up, I beg you, my friend is looking for him, If you can't find it, it will be difficult to make a job."

Hearing this, Mu Changxuan's complexion improved slightly, and he asked lightly, "You mean the one who went shopping with you today? Is she Lin Yifei's assistant?"

It turned out that it was only for her friend, he thought she cared about Lin Yifei very much, and worried about him!Since she came to beg him, of course he had to give himself a chance to get along with each other. These days, that kind of crazy miss haunted him every night, making him unable to sleep peacefully.

"Yes, it's her. She's my friend. Can you do me a favor? I know you can find it." Seeing that he didn't hang up the phone, Bai Xiaoyou's heart finally dropped when he saw that he didn't hang up.

"You wait for me downstairs, I'll come and pick you up." He ordered on the other end of the phone, while walking out of the villa with vigorous steps, wishing he could fly to her right away.

Bai Xiaoyou didn't realize it a little bit, and said a word stupidly, "Huh?"

Didn't he let him find someone? What's the matter with letting her come down?Does he still want to drive her around the street in person?She is fine, but he has always been noble and arrogant, will he condescend to accompany her to find someone?
"You don't want to find someone anymore?" He seemed to be used to her slow response.

Bai Xiaoyou stuck out her tongue and said in a low voice, "Oh, okay, I'll wait for you!"

Since she has something to ask for, she can only obey his arrangement. Anyway, they have made their relationship clear, and he also has a fiancee, so she is not afraid of what he will do to her.

Before that, Bai Xiaoyou called Cheng Peige to reassure her that someone had already searched for her.Then she stood downstairs in the community and waited quietly.There was already a bit of chill in the early autumn night. Bai Xiaoyou casually put on a white coat, and her ink-like hair was tied with a rubber band. The whole person looked pure and natural, like a clear lake, which made people feel uncomfortable. Could not bear to destroy her share of tranquility.

(End of this chapter)

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